# Kern classes # Version 2.7: changed T/tcommaaccent, T/tcedilla and S/scommaaccent, S/scedilla to uniXXXX names # Last update: 30 April 2019 # (c) Dutch Type Library # Currently supports: Latin # f-based ligatures: ff f_f_f fi ffi fl ffl f_b f_f_b f_h f_f_h f_j f_f_j f_k f_f_k f_r f_t f_f_t f_adieresis f_f_adieresis f_odieresis f_f_odieresis f_udieresis f_f_udieresis # longs-based ligatures: longs_b longs_f longs_h longs_i longs_longs_i longs_f_i longs_j longs_f_j longs_k longs_l longs_f_l longs_longs_l longs_t longs_longs longs_adieresis longs_odieresis longs_udieresis # discretionary ligatures: a_s e_s i_s u_s g_g g_y c_h c_h.alt c_k c_k.alt c_t s_l s_h s_k s_p s_t t_h t_t c_l # Note: 'LEFT' means right side of the letter (so, it will be placed at the left side of the other kern class/pair) and hence 'RIGHT' means that the left side is used for calculating the kerning # Note: of every base letter there are LEFT and RIGHT classes: these can be identical # Note: no classes (yet) for similar stems and curves, because that requires a uniform design approach in all fonts, irrespective of being roman or italic # Note: the 'Convert plain kern file to class kern' Applescript can be used to convert plain kerning files into class kerning # -------------------------- # Right and Left classes # A @A_LC_RIGHT = [a ae aeacute a_s aacute acircumflex adieresis agrave aring atilde abreve amacron aogonek adotbelow ahook acircumflexacute acircumflexgrave acircumflexhook acircumflextilde acircumflexdotbelow abreveacute abrevegrave abrevehook abrevetilde abrevedotbelow aringacute]; @A_LC_LEFT = [a f_adieresis f_f_adieresis longs_adieresis aacute acircumflex adieresis agrave aring atilde abreve amacron aogonek adotbelow ahook acircumflexacute acircumflexgrave acircumflexhook acircumflextilde acircumflexdotbelow abreveacute abrevegrave abrevehook abrevetilde abrevedotbelow aringacute]; @A_SC_RIGHT = [a.sc abreve.sc Abreve.sc amacron.sc Amacron.sc aogonek.sc Aogonek.sc A.sc agrave.sc Agrave.sc aacute.sc Aacute.sc acircumflex.sc Acircumflex.sc atilde.sc Atilde.sc adieresis.sc Adieresis.sc aring.sc Aring.sc adotbelow.sc ahook.sc acircumflexacute.sc acircumflexgrave.sc acircumflexhook.sc acircumflextilde.sc acircumflexdotbelow.sc abreveacute.sc abrevegrave.sc abrevehook.sc abrevetilde.sc abrevedotbelow.sc Adotbelow.sc Ahook.sc Acircumflexacute.sc Acircumflexgrave.sc Acircumflexhook.sc Acircumflextilde.sc Acircumflexdotbelow.sc Abreveacute.sc Abrevegrave.sc Abrevehook.sc Abrevedotbelow.sc Abrevetilde.sc aringacute.sc Aringacute.sc]; @A_SC_LEFT = [a.sc abreve.sc Abreve.sc amacron.sc Amacron.sc aogonek.sc Aogonek.sc A.sc agrave.sc Agrave.sc aacute.sc Aacute.sc acircumflex.sc Acircumflex.sc atilde.sc Atilde.sc adieresis.sc Adieresis.sc aring.sc Aring.sc adotbelow.sc ahook.sc acircumflexacute.sc acircumflexgrave.sc acircumflexhook.sc acircumflextilde.sc acircumflexdotbelow.sc abreveacute.sc abrevegrave.sc abrevehook.sc abrevetilde.sc abrevedotbelow.sc Adotbelow.sc Ahook.sc Acircumflexacute.sc Acircumflexgrave.sc Acircumflexhook.sc Acircumflextilde.sc Acircumflexdotbelow.sc Abreveacute.sc Abrevegrave.sc Abrevehook.sc Abrevedotbelow.sc Abrevetilde.sc aringacute.sc Aringacute.sc]; @A_UC_RIGHT = [A Aacute Acircumflex Adieresis Agrave Aring Atilde Abreve Amacron Aogonek Adotbelow Ahook Acircumflexacute Acircumflexgrave Acircumflexhook Acircumflextilde Acircumflexdotbelow Abreveacute Abrevegrave Abrevehook Abrevetilde Abrevedotbelow Aringacute]; @A_UC_LEFT = [A Aacute Acircumflex Adieresis Agrave Aring Atilde Abreve Amacron Aogonek Adotbelow Ahook Acircumflexacute Acircumflexgrave Acircumflexhook Acircumflextilde Acircumflexdotbelow Abreveacute Abrevegrave Abrevehook Abrevetilde Abrevedotbelow Aringacute]; @A_UC_RIGHT_TITLING = [A.titling Aacute.titling Acircumflex.titling Adieresis.titling Agrave.titling Aring.titling Atilde.titling Abreve.titling Amacron.titling Aogonek.titling Adotbelow.titling Ahook.titling Acircumflexacute.titling Acircumflexgrave.titling Acircumflexhook.titling Acircumflextilde.titling Acircumflexdotbelow.titling Abreveacute.titling Abrevegrave.titling Abrevehook.titling Abrevetilde.titling Abrevedotbelow.titling Aringacute.titling]; @A_UC_LEFT_TITLING = [A.titling Aacute.titling Acircumflex.titling Adieresis.titling Agrave.titling Aring.titling Atilde.titling Abreve.titling Amacron.titling Aogonek.titling Adotbelow.titling Ahook.titling Acircumflexacute.titling Acircumflexgrave.titling Acircumflexhook.titling Acircumflextilde.titling Acircumflexdotbelow.titling Abreveacute.titling Abrevegrave.titling Abrevehook.titling Abrevetilde.titling Abrevedotbelow.titling Aringacute.titling]; # AE @AE_UC_RIGHT = [AE AEacute]; @AE_UC_RIGHT_TITLING = [AE.titling AEacute.titling]; # B @B_LC_RIGHT = [b]; @B_LC_LEFT = [b f_b f_f_b longs_b]; @B_SC_RIGHT = [b.sc B.sc]; @B_SC_LEFT = [b.sc B.sc]; @B_UC_RIGHT = [B]; @B_UC_LEFT = [B]; @B_UC_RIGHT_TITLING = [B.titling]; @B_UC_LEFT_TITLING = [B.titling]; # C @C_LC_RIGHT = [c c_h c_h.alt c_k c_k.alt c_t ccedilla cacute ccaron ccircumflex cdotaccent]; @C_LC_LEFT = [c ccedilla cacute ccaron ccircumflex cdotaccent]; @C_SC_RIGHT = [c.sc cacute.sc Cacute.sc ccaron.sc Ccaron.sc ccircumflex.sc Ccircumflex.sc cdotaccent.sc Cdotaccent.sc C.sc ccedilla.sc Ccedilla.sc]; @C_SC_LEFT = [c.sc cacute.sc Cacute.sc ccaron.sc Ccaron.sc ccircumflex.sc Ccircumflex.sc cdotaccent.sc Cdotaccent.sc C.sc ccedilla.sc Ccedilla.sc]; @C_UC_RIGHT = [C Ccedilla Cacute Ccaron Ccircumflex Cdotaccent]; @C_UC_LEFT = [C Ccedilla Cacute Ccaron Ccircumflex Cdotaccent]; @C_UC_RIGHT_TITLING = [C.titling Ccedilla.titling Cacute.titling Ccaron.titling Ccircumflex.titling Cdotaccent.titling]; @C_UC_LEFT_TITLING = [C.titling Ccedilla.titling Cacute.titling Ccaron.titling Ccircumflex.titling Cdotaccent.titling]; # D @D_LC_RIGHT = [d dcaron dcroat]; @D_LC_LEFT = [d]; @D_SC_RIGHT = [d.sc dcaron.sc D.sc Dcaron.sc]; @D_SC_LEFT = [d.sc dcaron.sc dcroat.sc D.sc Dcaron.sc Dcroat.sc eth.sc Eth.sc]; @D_UC_RIGHT = [D Dcaron]; @D_UC_LEFT = [D Dcaron Dcroat Eth]; @D_UC_RIGHT_TITLING = [D.titling Dcaron.titling]; @D_UC_LEFT_TITLING = [D.titling Dcaron.titling Dcroat.titling Eth.titling]; # E @E_LC_RIGHT = [e e_s eacute ecircumflex edieresis egrave ebreve ecaron edotaccent emacron eogonek edotbelow ehook etilde ecircumflexacute ecircumflexgrave ecircumflexhook ecircumflextilde ecircumflexdotbelow]; @E_LC_LEFT = [e oe eacute ecircumflex edieresis egrave ebreve ecaron edotaccent emacron eogonek edotbelow ehook etilde ecircumflexacute ecircumflexgrave ecircumflexhook ecircumflextilde ecircumflexdotbelow]; @E_SC_RIGHT = [e.sc ebreve.sc Ebreve.sc ecaron.sc Ecaron.sc edotaccent.sc Edotaccent.sc emacron.sc Emacron.sc eogonek.sc Eogonek.sc E.sc egrave.sc Egrave.sc eacute.sc Eacute.sc ecircumflex.sc Ecircumflex.sc edieresis.sc Edieresis.sc edotbelow.sc ehook.sc etilde.sc ecircumflexacute.sc ecircumflexgrave.sc ecircumflexhook.sc ecircumflextilde.sc ecircumflexdotbelow.sc Edotbelow.sc Ehook.sc Etilde.sc Ecircumflexacute.sc Ecircumflexgrave.sc Ecircumflexhook.sc Ecircumflextilde.sc Ecircumflexdotbelow.sc]; @E_SC_LEFT = [e.sc ae.sc AE.sc oe.sc OE.sc aeacute.sc Aeacute.sc ebreve.sc Ebreve.sc ecaron.sc Ecaron.sc edotaccent.sc Edotaccent.sc emacron.sc Emacron.sc eogonek.sc Eogonek.sc E.sc egrave.sc Egrave.sc eacute.sc Eacute.sc ecircumflex.sc Ecircumflex.sc edieresis.sc Edieresis.sc edotbelow.sc ehook.sc etilde.sc ecircumflexacute.sc ecircumflexgrave.sc ecircumflexhook.sc ecircumflextilde.sc ecircumflexdotbelow.sc Edotbelow.sc Ehook.sc Etilde.sc Ecircumflexacute.sc Ecircumflexgrave.sc Ecircumflexhook.sc Ecircumflextilde.sc Ecircumflexdotbelow.sc]; @E_UC_RIGHT = [E Eacute Ecircumflex Edieresis Egrave Ebreve Ecaron Edotaccent Emacron Eogonek Edotbelow Ehook Etilde Ecircumflexacute Ecircumflexgrave Ecircumflexhook Ecircumflextilde Ecircumflexdotbelow]; @E_UC_LEFT = [E OE AE AEacute Eacute Ecircumflex Edieresis Egrave Ebreve Ecaron Edotaccent Emacron Eogonek Edotbelow Ehook Etilde Ecircumflexacute Ecircumflexgrave Ecircumflexhook Ecircumflextilde Ecircumflexdotbelow]; @E_UC_RIGHT_TITLING = [E.titling Eacute.titling Ecircumflex.titling Edieresis.titling Egrave.titling Ebreve.titling Ecaron.titling Edotaccent.titling Emacron.titling Eogonek.titling Edotbelow.titling Ehook.titling Etilde.titling Ecircumflexacute.titling Ecircumflexgrave.titling Ecircumflexhook.titling Ecircumflextilde.titling Ecircumflexdotbelow.titling]; @E_UC_LEFT_TITLING = [E.titling OE.titling AE.titling AEacute.titling Eacute.titling Ecircumflex.titling Edieresis.titling Egrave.titling Ebreve.titling Ecaron.titling Edotaccent.titling Emacron.titling Eogonek.titling Edotbelow.titling Ehook.titling Etilde.titling Ecircumflexacute.titling Ecircumflexgrave.titling Ecircumflexhook.titling Ecircumflextilde.titling Ecircumflexdotbelow.titling]; # F @F_LC_RIGHT = [f ff f_f_f fi ffi fl ffl f_b f_f_b f_h f_f_h f_j f_f_j f_k f_f_k f_r f_t f_f_t f_adieresis f_f_adieresis f_odieresis f_f_odieresis f_udieresis f_f_udieresis fdotaccent]; @F_LC_LEFT = [f ff f_f_f fdotaccent]; @F_SC_RIGHT = [f.sc F.sc Fdotaccent.sc fdotaccent.sc]; @F_SC_LEFT = [f.sc F.sc Fdotaccent.sc fdotaccent.sc]; @F_UC_RIGHT = [F Fdotaccent]; @F_UC_LEFT = [F Fdotaccent]; @F_UC_RIGHT_TITLING = [F.titling Fdotaccent.titling]; @F_UC_LEFT_TITLING = [F.titling Fdotaccent.titling]; # g @G_LC_RIGHT = [g g_g g_y gbreve gcircumflex gcommaaccent gdotaccent gtilde]; @G_LC_LEFT = [g g_g gbreve gcircumflex gcommaaccent gdotaccent gtilde]; @G_SC_RIGHT = [g.sc gbreve.sc Gbreve.sc gcircumflex.sc Gcircumflex.sc gcommaaccent.sc Gcommaaccent.sc gdotaccent.sc Gdotaccent.sc G.sc gtilde.sc Gtilde.sc]; @G_SC_LEFT = [g.sc gbreve.sc Gbreve.sc gcircumflex.sc Gcircumflex.sc gcommaaccent.sc Gcommaaccent.sc gdotaccent.sc Gdotaccent.sc G.sc gtilde.sc Gtilde.sc]; @G_UC_RIGHT = [G Gbreve Gcircumflex Gcommaaccent Gdotaccent Gtilde]; @G_UC_LEFT = [G Gbreve Gcircumflex Gcommaaccent Gdotaccent Gtilde]; @G_UC_RIGHT_TITLING = [G.titling Gbreve.titling Gcircumflex.titling Gcommaaccent.titling Gdotaccent.titling Gtilde.titling]; @G_UC_LEFT_TITLING = [G.titling Gbreve.titling Gcircumflex.titling Gcommaaccent.titling Gdotaccent.titling Gtilde.titling]; # H @H_LC_RIGHT = [h hcircumflex]; @H_LC_LEFT = [h longs_h f_h f_f_h c_h c_h.alt s_h t_h hcircumflex]; @H_SC_RIGHT = [h.sc H.sc hcircumflex.sc Hcircumflex.sc]; @H_SC_LEFT = [h.sc H.sc hcircumflex.sc Hcircumflex.sc]; @H_UC_RIGHT = [H Hcircumflex]; @H_UC_LEFT = [H Hcircumflex]; @H_UC_RIGHT_TITLING = [H.titling Hcircumflex.titling]; @H_UC_LEFT_TITLING = [H.titling Hcircumflex.titling]; # I @I_LC_RIGHT = [i ij i_s dotlessi iacute icircumflex idieresis igrave ibreve imacron iogonek itilde ihook idotbelow]; @I_LC_LEFT = [i fi ffi longs_i longs_longs_i dotlessi iacute icircumflex idieresis igrave ibreve imacron iogonek itilde ihook idotbelow]; @I_SC_RIGHT = [i.sc I.scibreve.sc Ibreve.sc idotaccent.sc Idotaccent.sc imacron.sc Imacron.sc iogonek.sc Iogonek.sc itilde.sc Itilde.sc igrave.sc Igrave.sc iacute.sc Iacute.sc icircumflex.sc Icircumflex.sc idieresis.sc Idieresis.sc dotlessi.sc ihook.sc idotbelow.sc Ihook.sc Idotbelow.sc]; @I_SC_LEFT = [i.sc I.sc ibreve.sc Ibreve.sc idotaccent.sc Idotaccent.sc imacron.sc Imacron.sc iogonek.sc Iogonek.sc itilde.sc Itilde.sc igrave.sc Igrave.sc iacute.sc Iacute.sc icircumflex.sc Icircumflex.sc idieresis.sc Idieresis.sc dotlessi.sc ihook.sc idotbelow.sc Ihook.sc Idotbelow.sc]; @I_UC_RIGHT = [I IJ Iacute Icircumflex Idieresis Igrave Ibreve Imacron Iogonek Itilde Idotaccent Ihook Idotbelow]; @I_UC_LEFT = [I Iacute Icircumflex Idieresis Igrave Ibreve Imacron Iogonek Itilde Idotaccent Ihook Idotbelow]; @I_UC_RIGHT_TITLING = [I.titling Iacute.titling Icircumflex.titling Idieresis.titling Igrave.titling Ibreve.titling Imacron.titling Iogonek.titling Itilde.titling Idotaccent.titling Ihook.titling Idotbelow.titling]; @I_UC_LEFT_TITLING = [I.titling Iacute.titling Icircumflex.titling Idieresis.titling Igrave.titling Ibreve.titling Imacron.titling Iogonek.titling Itilde.titling Idotaccent.titling Ihook.titling Idotbelow.titling]; # J @J_LC_RIGHT = [j jcircumflex]; @J_LC_LEFT = [j ij f_j f_f_j longs_j longs_f_j jcircumflex]; @J_SC_RIGHT = [j.sc J.sc jcircumflex.sc Jcircumflex.sc]; @J_SC_LEFT = [j.sc J.sc jcircumflex.sc Jcircumflex.sc]; @J_UC_RIGHT = [J Jcircumflex]; @J_UC_LEFT = [J IJ Jcircumflex]; @J_UC_RIGHT_TITLING = [J.titling Jcircumflex.titling]; @J_UC_LEFT_TITLING = [J.titling IJ.titling Jcircumflex.titling]; # K @K_LC_RIGHT = [k kcommaaccent]; @K_LC_LEFT = [k f_k f_f_k longs_k c_k c_k.alt kcommaaccent]; @K_SC_RIGHT = [k.sckcommaaccent.sc Kcommaaccent.sc K.sc]; @K_SC_LEFT = [k.sc kcommaaccent.sc Kcommaaccent.sc K.sc]; @K_UC_RIGHT = [K Kcommaaccent]; @K_UC_LEFT = [K Kcommaaccent]; @K_UC_RIGHT_TITLING = [K.titling Kcommaaccent.titling]; @K_UC_LEFT_TITLING = [K.titling Kcommaaccent.titling]; # L @L_LC_RIGHT = [l lacute lcaron lcommaaccent ldot]; @L_LC_LEFT = [l fl ffl longs_l longs_f_l longs_longs_l c_l s_l lacute lcaron ldot]; @L_SC_RIGHT = [l.sc lacute.sc Lacute.sc lcaron.sc Lcaron.sc lcommaaccent.sc Lcommaaccent.sc ldot.sc Ldot.sc L.sc]; @L_SC_LEFT = [l.sc lacute.sc Lacute.sc lcaron.sc Lcaron.sc lcommaaccent.sc Lcommaaccent.sc ldot.sc Ldot.sc L.sc]; @L_UC_RIGHT = [L Lacute Lcaron Lcommaaccent Ldot]; @L_UC_LEFT = [L Lacute Lcaron Lcommaaccent Ldot]; @L_UC_RIGHT_TITLING = [L.titling Lacute.titling Lcaron.titling Lcommaaccent.titling Ldot.titling]; @L_UC_LEFT_TITLING = [L.titling Lacute.titling Lcaron.titling Lcommaaccent.titling Ldot.titling]; # M @M_LC_RIGHT = [m mcircumflex]; @M_LC_LEFT = [m mcircumflex]; @M_SC_RIGHT = [m.sc M.sc mcircumflex.sc Mcircumflex.sc]; @M_SC_LEFT = [m.sc M.sc mcircumflex.sc Mcircumflex.sc]; @M_UC_RIGHT = [M Mcircumflex]; @M_UC_LEFT = [M Mcircumflex]; @M_UC_RIGHT_TITLING = [M.titling Mcircumflex.titling]; @M_UC_LEFT_TITLING = [M.titling Mcircumflex.titling]; # N @N_LC_RIGHT = [n ntilde nacute ncaron ncommaaccent ncircumflex]; @N_LC_LEFT = [n ntilde nacute ncaron ncommaaccent ncircumflex]; @N_SC_RIGHT = [n.sc nacute.sc Nacute.sc ncaron.sc Ncaron.sc ncommaaccent.sc Ncommaaccent.sc N.sc ntilde.sc Ntilde.sc ncircumflex.sc Ncircumflex.sc]; @N_SC_LEFT = [n.sc nacute.sc Nacute.sc ncaron.sc Ncaron.sc ncommaaccent.sc Ncommaaccent.sc N.sc ntilde.sc Ntilde.sc ncircumflex.sc Ncircumflex.sc]; @N_UC_RIGHT = [N Ntilde Nacute Ncaron Ncommaaccent Ncircumflex]; @N_UC_LEFT = [N Ntilde Nacute Ncaron Ncommaaccent Ncircumflex]; @N_UC_RIGHT_TITLING = [N.titling Ntilde.titling Nacute.titling Ncaron.titling Ncommaaccent.titling Ncircumflex.titling]; @N_UC_LEFT_TITLING = [N.titling Ntilde.titling Nacute.titling Ncaron.titling Ncommaaccent.titling Ncircumflex.titling]; # O @O_LC_RIGHT = [o oe ohorn ohornacute ohorngrave ohornhook ohorntilde ohorndotbelow oacute ocircumflex odieresis ograve otilde obreve ohungarumlaut omacron odotbelow ohook ocircumflexacute ocircumflexgrave ocircumflexhook ocircumflextilde ocircumflexdotbelow]; @O_LC_LEFT = [o oacute ocircumflex odieresis ograve otilde obreve ohungarumlaut omacron odotbelow ohook ocircumflexacute ocircumflexgrave ocircumflexhook ocircumflextilde ocircumflexdotbelow]; @O_SC_RIGHT = [o.sc oe.sc obreve.sc Obreve.sc ohungarumlaut.sc Ohungarumlaut.sc omacron.sc Omacron.sc O.sc ograve.sc Ograve.sc oacute.sc Oacute.sc ocircumflex.sc Ocircumflex.sc otilde.sc Otilde.sc odieresis.sc Odieresis.sc odotbelow.sc ohook.sc ocircumflexacute.sc ocircumflexgrave.sc ocircumflexhook.sc ocircumflextilde.sc ocircumflexdotbelow.sc Odotbelow.sc Ohook.sc Ocircumflexacute.sc Ocircumflexgrave.sc Ocircumflexhook.sc Ocircumflextilde.sc Ocircumflexdotbelow.sc]; @O_SC_LEFT = [o.sc obreve.sc Obreve.sc ohungarumlaut.sc Ohungarumlaut.sc omacron.sc Omacron.sc O.sc ograve.sc Ograve.sc oacute.sc Oacute.sc ocircumflex.sc Ocircumflex.sc otilde.sc Otilde.sc odieresis.sc Odieresis.sc odotbelow.sc ohook.sc ocircumflexacute.sc ocircumflexgrave.sc ocircumflexhook.sc ocircumflextilde.sc ocircumflexdotbelow.sc Odotbelow.sc Ohook.sc Ocircumflexacute.sc Ocircumflexgrave.sc Ocircumflexhook.sc Ocircumflextilde.sc Ocircumflexdotbelow.sc]; @O_UC_RIGHT = [O OE Ohorn Ohornacute Ohorngrave Ohornhook Ohorntilde Ohorndotbelow Oacute Ocircumflex Odieresis Ograve Otilde Obreve Ohungarumlaut Omacron Odotbelow Ohook Ocircumflexacute Ocircumflexgrave Ocircumflexhook Ocircumflextilde Ocircumflexdotbelow]; @O_UC_LEFT = [O Oacute Ocircumflex Odieresis Ograve Otilde Obreve Ohungarumlaut Omacron Odotbelow Ohook Ocircumflexacute Ocircumflexgrave Ocircumflexhook Ocircumflextilde Ocircumflexdotbelow]; @O_UC_RIGHT_TITLING = [O.titling OE.titling Ohorn.titling Ohornacute.titling Ohorngrave.titling Ohornhook.titling Ohorntilde.titling Ohorndotbelow.titling Oacute.titling Ocircumflex.titling Odieresis.titling Ograve.titling Otilde.titling Obreve.titling Ohungarumlaut.titling Omacron.titling Odotbelow.titling Ohook.titling Ocircumflexacute.titling Ocircumflexgrave.titling Ocircumflexhook.titling Ocircumflextilde.titling Ocircumflexdotbelow.titling]; @O_UC_LEFT_TITLING = [O.titling Oacute.titling Ocircumflex.titling Odieresis.titling Ograve.titling Otilde.titling Obreve.titling Ohungarumlaut.titling Omacron.titling Odotbelow.titling Ohook.titling Ocircumflexacute.titling Ocircumflexgrave.titling Ocircumflexhook.titling Ocircumflextilde.titling Ocircumflexdotbelow.titling]; # OHorn: Right side @OHORN_LC_LEFT = [ohorn ohornacute ohorngrave ohornhook ohorntilde ohorndotbelow]; @OHORN_SC_LEFT = [ohorn.sc ohornacute.sc ohorngrave.sc ohornhook.sc ohorntilde.sc ohorndotbelow.sc Ohorn.sc Ohornacute.sc Ohorngrave.sc Ohornhook.sc Ohorntilde.sc Ohorndotbelow.sc]; @OHORN_UC_LEFT = [Ohorn Ohornacute Ohorngrave Ohornhook Ohorntilde Ohorndotbelow]; @OHORN_UC_LEFT_TITLING = [Ohorn.titling Ohornacute.titling Ohorngrave.titling Ohornhook.titling Ohorntilde.titling Ohorndotbelow.titling]; # OSLash: @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT = [oslash oslashacute]; @OSLASH_LC_LEFT = [oslash oslashacute]; @OSLASH_SC_RIGHT = [oslash.sc Oslash.sc oslashacute.sc Oslashacute.sc]; @OSLASH_SC_LEFT = [oslash.sc Oslash.sc oslashacute.sc Oslashacute.sc]; @OSLASH_UC_RIGHT = [Oslash Oslashacute]; @OSLASH_UC_LEFT = [Oslash Oslashacute]; @OSLASH_UC_RIGHT_TITLING = [Oslash.titling Oslashacute.titling]; @OSLASH_UC_LEFT_TITLING = [Oslash.titling Oslashacute.titling]; # P @P_LC_RIGHT = [p]; @P_LC_LEFT = [p s_p thorn]; @P_SC_RIGHT = [p.sc P.sc]; @P_SC_LEFT = [p.sc P.sc]; @P_UC_RIGHT = [P]; @P_UC_LEFT = [P]; @P_UC_RIGHT_TITLING = [P.titling]; @P_UC_LEFT_TITLING = [P.titling]; # Q: both sides because of differences in some italics (otherwise the left side would be in the capital O group) @Q_LC_RIGHT = [q]; @Q_LC_LEFT = [q]; @Q_SC_RIGHT = [q.sc Q.sc]; @Q_SC_LEFT = [q.sc Q.sc]; @Q_UC_RIGHT = [Q]; @Q_UC_LEFT = [Q]; @Q_UC_RIGHT_TITLING = [Q.titling]; @Q_UC_LEFT_TITLING = [Q.titling]; # R @R_LC_RIGHT = [r racute rcaron rcommaaccent]; @R_LC_LEFT = [r f_r racute rcaron rcommaaccent]; @R_SC_RIGHT = [r.sc racute.sc Racute.sc rcaron.sc Rcaron.sc rcommaaccent.sc Rcommaaccent.sc R.sc]; @R_SC_LEFT = [r.sc racute.sc Racute.sc rcaron.sc Rcaron.sc rcommaaccent.sc Rcommaaccent.sc R.sc]; @R_UC_RIGHT = [R Racute Rcaron Rcommaaccent]; @R_UC_LEFT = [R Racute Rcaron Rcommaaccent]; @R_UC_RIGHT_TITLING = [R.titling R.alt.titling Racute.titling Rcaron.titling Rcommaaccent.titling]; @R_UC_LEFT_TITLING = [R.titling R.alt.titling Racute.titling Rcaron.titling Rcommaaccent.titling]; # S @S_LC_RIGHT = [s s_l s_h s_k s_p s_t scaron sacute uni015F uni0219 scircumflex]; @S_LC_LEFT = [s a_s e_s i_s u_s scaron sacute uni015F uni0219 scircumflex]; @S_SC_RIGHT = [s.sc S.sc sacute.sc Sacute.sc uni015F.sc uni015E.sc uni0219.sc uni0218.sc scaron.sc Scaron.sc scircumflex.sc Scircumflex.sc germandbls.sc]; @S_SC_LEFT = [s.sc S.sc sacute.sc Sacute.sc uni015F.sc uni015E.sc uni0219.sc uni0218.sc scaron.sc Scaron.sc scircumflex.sc Scircumflex.sc germandbls.sc]; @S_UC_RIGHT = [S Scaron Sacute uni015E uni0218 Scircumflex uni015E.dup]; @S_UC_LEFT = [S Scaron Sacute uni015E uni0218 Scircumflex uni015E.dup]; @S_UC_RIGHT_TITLING = [S.titling Scaron.titling Sacute.titling uni015E.titling uni0218.titling Scircumflex.titling uni015E.dup.titling]; @S_UC_LEFT_TITLING = [S.titling Scaron.titling Sacute.titling uni015E.titling uni0218.titling Scircumflex.titling uni015E.dup.titling]; # longs: (left side can differ from left side f, hence not in that class) @LONGS_LC_RIGHT = [longs longs_b longs_f longs_h longs_i longs_f_i longs_j longs_f_j longs_longs_i longs_k longs_l longs_f_l longs_longs_l longs_t longs_longs longs_adieresis longs_odieresis longs_udieresis]; @LONGS_LC_LEFT = [longs longs_longs]; # T @T_LC_RIGHT = [t t_h t_t tcaron uni021B uni021B]; @T_LC_LEFT = [t f_t f_f_t c_t s_t t_t tcaron uni021B uni021B]; @T_SC_RIGHT = [t.sc T.sc tcaron.sc Tcaron.sc uni021B.sc uni021A.sc]; @T_SC_LEFT = [t.sc T.sc tcaron.sc Tcaron.sc uni021B.sc uni021A.sc]; @T_UC_RIGHT = [T Tcaron uni021A uni021A]; @T_UC_LEFT = [T Tcaron uni021A uni021A]; @T_UC_RIGHT_TITLING = [T.titling Tcaron.titling uni021A.titling uni021A.titling]; @T_UC_LEFT_TITLING = [T.titling Tcaron.titling uni021A.titling uni021A.titling]; # U @U_LC_RIGHT = [u u_s uhorn uhornacute uhorngrave uhornhook uhorntilde uhorndotbelow uacute ucircumflex udieresis ugrave ubreve uhungarumlaut umacron uogonek uring utilde udotbelow uhook]; @U_LC_LEFT = [u f_udieresis longs_udieresis uacute ucircumflex udieresis ugrave ubreve uhungarumlaut umacron uogonek uring utilde udotbelow uhook]; @U_SC_RIGHT = [u.sc U.sc ubreve.sc Ubreve.sc uhungarumlaut.sc Uhungarumlaut.sc umacron.sc Umacron.sc uogonek.sc Uogonek.sc uring.sc Uring.sc utilde.sc Utilde.sc ugrave.sc Ugrave.sc uacute.sc Uacute.sc ucircumflex.sc Ucircumflex.sc udieresis.sc Udieresis.sc udotbelow.sc uhook.sc Udotbelow.sc Uhook.sc]; @U_SC_LEFT = [u.sc U.sc ubreve.sc Ubreve.sc uhungarumlaut.sc Uhungarumlaut.sc umacron.sc Umacron.sc uogonek.sc Uogonek.sc uring.sc Uring.sc utilde.sc Utilde.sc ugrave.sc Ugrave.sc uacute.sc Uacute.sc ucircumflex.sc Ucircumflex.sc udieresis.sc Udieresis.sc udotbelow.sc uhook.sc Udotbelow.sc Uhook.sc]; @U_UC_RIGHT = [U Uacute Ucircumflex Udieresis Ugrave Ubreve Uhungarumlaut Umacron Uogonek Uring Utilde Udotbelow Uhook]; @U_UC_LEFT = [U Uacute Ucircumflex Udieresis Ugrave Ubreve Uhungarumlaut Umacron Uogonek Uring Utilde Udotbelow Uhook]; @U_UC_RIGHT_TITLING = [U.titling Uacute.titling Ucircumflex.titling Udieresis.titling Ugrave.titling Ubreve.titling Uhungarumlaut.titling Umacron.titling Uogonek.titling Uring.titling Utilde.titling Udotbelow.titling Uhook.titling]; @U_UC_LEFT_TITLING = [U.titling Uacute.titling Ucircumflex.titling Udieresis.titling Ugrave.titling Ubreve.titling Uhungarumlaut.titling Umacron.titling Uogonek.titling Uring.titling Utilde.titling Udotbelow.titling Uhook.titling]; # Uhorn: Right side @UHORN_LC_LEFT = [uhorn uhornacute uhorngrave uhornhook uhorntilde uhorndotbelow]; @UHORN_SC_LEFT = [uhorn.sc uhornacute.sc uhorngrave.sc uhornhook.sc uhorntilde.sc uhorndotbelow.sc Uhorn.sc Uhornacute.sc Uhorngrave.sc Uhornhook.sc Uhorntilde.sc Uhorndotbelow.sc]; @UHORN_UC_LEFT = [Uhorn Uhornacute Uhorngrave Uhornhook Uhorntilde Uhorndotbelow]; @UHORN_UC_LEFT_TITLING = [Uhorn.titling Uhornacute.titling Uhorngrave.titling Uhornhook.titling Uhorntilde.titling Uhorndotbelow.titling]; # V @V_LC_RIGHT = [v]; @V_LC_LEFT = [v]; @V_SC_RIGHT = [v.sc V.sc]; @V_SC_LEFT = [v.sc V.sc]; @V_UC_RIGHT = [V]; @V_UC_LEFT = [V]; @V_UC_RIGHT_TITLING = [V.titling]; @V_UC_LEFT_TITLING = [V.titling]; # W @W_LC_RIGHT = [w wacute wcircumflex wdieresis wgrave]; @W_LC_LEFT = [w wacute wcircumflex wdieresis wgrave]; @W_SC_RIGHT = [w.sc W.sc wacute.sc Wacute.sc wcircumflex.sc Wcircumflex.sc wdieresis.sc Wdieresis.sc wgrave.sc Wgrave.sc]; @W_SC_LEFT = [w.sc W.sc wacute.sc Wacute.sc wcircumflex.sc Wcircumflex.sc wdieresis.sc Wdieresis.sc wgrave.sc Wgrave.sc]; @W_UC_RIGHT = [W Wacute Wcircumflex Wdieresis Wgrave]; @W_UC_LEFT = [W Wacute Wcircumflex Wdieresis Wgrave]; @W_UC_RIGHT_TITLING = [W.titling Wacute.titling Wcircumflex.titling Wdieresis.titling Wgrave.titling]; @W_UC_LEFT_TITLING = [W.titling Wacute.titling Wcircumflex.titling Wdieresis.titling Wgrave.titling]; # X @X_LC_RIGHT = [x]; @X_LC_LEFT = [x]; @X_SC_RIGHT = [x.sc X.sc]; @X_SC_LEFT = [x.sc X.sc]; @X_UC_RIGHT = [X]; @X_UC_LEFT= [X]; @X_UC_RIGHT_TITLING = [X.titling]; @X_UC_LEFT_TITLING = [X.titling]; # Y @Y_LC_RIGHT = [y yacute ydieresis ygrave ycircumflex ydotbelow yhook ytilde ymacron]; @Y_LC_LEFT = [y g_y yacute ydieresis ygrave ycircumflex ydotbelow yhook ytilde ymacron]; @Y_SC_RIGHT = [y.sc Y.sc ygrave.sc Ygrave.sc yacute.sc Yacute.sc ydieresis.sc Ydieresis.sc ycircumflex.sc Ycircumflex.sc ydotbelow.sc yhook.sc ytilde.sc Ydotbelow.sc Yhook.sc Ytilde.sc ymacron.sc Ymacron.sc]; @Y_SC_LEFT = [y.sc Y.sc ygrave.sc Ygrave.sc yacute.sc Yacute.sc ydieresis.sc Ydieresis.sc ycircumflex.sc Ycircumflex.sc ydotbelow.sc yhook.sc ytilde.sc Ydotbelow.sc Yhook.sc Ytilde.sc ymacron.sc Ymacron.sc]; @Y_UC_RIGHT = [Y Yacute Ydieresis Ygrave Ycircumflex Ydotbelow Yhook Ytilde Ymacron]; @Y_UC_LEFT = [Y Yacute Ydieresis Ygrave Ycircumflex Ydotbelow Yhook Ytilde Ymacron]; @Y_UC_RIGHT_TITLING = [Y.titling Yacute.titling Ydieresis.titling Ygrave.titling Ycircumflex.titling Ydotbelow.titling Yhook.titling Ytilde.titling Ymacron.titling]; @Y_UC_LEFT_TITLING = [Y.titling Yacute.titling Ydieresis.titling Ygrave.titling Ycircumflex.titling Ydotbelow.titling Yhook.titling Ytilde.titling Ymacron.titling]; # Z @Z_LC_RIGHT = [z zcaron zacute zdotaccent]; @Z_LC_LEFT = [z zcaron zacute zdotaccent]; @Z_SC_RIGHT = [z.sc Z.sc zacute.sc Zacute.sc zdotaccent.sc Zdotaccent.sc zcaron.sc Zcaron.sc]; @Z_SC_LEFT = [z.sc Z.sc zacute.sc Zacute.sc zdotaccent.sc Zdotaccent.sc zcaron.sc Zcaron.sc]; @Z_UC_RIGHT = [Z Zcaron Zacute Zdotaccent]; @Z_UC_LEFT = [Z Zcaron Zacute Zdotaccent]; @Z_UC_RIGHT_TITLING = [Z.titling Zcaron.titling Zacute.titling Zdotaccent.titling]; @Z_UC_LEFT_TITLING = [Z.titling Zcaron.titling Zacute.titling Zdotaccent.titling]; # Right and Left alternate classes # A @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT = [a.alt ae.alt aeacute.alt a_s.alt aacute.alt acircumflex.alt adieresis.alt agrave.alt aring.alt atilde.alt abreve.alt amacron.alt aogonek.alt adotbelow.alt ahook.alt acircumflexacute.alt acircumflexgrave.alt acircumflexhook.alt acircumflextilde.alt acircumflexdotbelow.alt abreveacute.alt abrevegrave.alt abrevehook.alt abrevetilde.alt abrevedotbelow.alt aringacute.alt]; @A_LC_LEFT_ALT = [a.alt f_adieresis.alt f_f_adieresis.alt longs_adieresis.alt aacute.alt acircumflex.alt adieresis.alt agrave.alt aring.alt atilde.alt abreve.alt amacron.alt aogonek.alt adotbelow.alt ahook.alt acircumflexacute.alt acircumflexgrave.alt acircumflexhook.alt acircumflextilde.alt acircumflexdotbelow.alt abreveacute.alt abrevegrave.alt abrevehook.alt abrevetilde.alt abrevedotbelow.alt aringacute.alt]; @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT = [a.sc.alt abreve.sc.alt Abreve.sc.alt amacron.sc.alt Amacron.sc.alt aogonek.sc.alt Aogonek.sc.alt A.sc.alt agrave.sc.alt Agrave.sc.alt aacute.sc.alt Aacute.sc.alt acircumflex.sc.alt Acircumflex.sc.alt atilde.sc.alt Atilde.sc.alt adieresis.sc.alt Adieresis.sc.alt aring.sc.alt Aring.sc.alt adotbelow.sc.alt ahook.sc.alt acircumflexacute.sc.alt acircumflexgrave.sc.alt acircumflexhook.sc.alt acircumflextilde.sc.alt acircumflexdotbelow.sc.alt abreveacute.sc.alt abrevegrave.sc.alt abrevehook.sc.alt abrevetilde.sc.alt abrevedotbelow.sc.alt Adotbelow.sc.alt Ahook.sc.alt Acircumflexacute.sc.alt Acircumflexgrave.sc.alt Acircumflexhook.sc.alt Acircumflextilde.sc.alt Acircumflexdotbelow.sc.alt Abreveacute.sc.alt Abrevegrave.sc.alt Abrevehook.sc.alt Abrevedotbelow.sc.alt Abrevetilde.sc.alt aringacute.sc.alt Aringacute.sc.alt]; @A_SC_LEFT_ALT = [a.sc.alt abreve.sc.alt Abreve.sc.alt amacron.sc.alt Amacron.sc.alt aogonek.sc.alt Aogonek.sc.alt A.sc.alt agrave.sc.alt Agrave.sc.alt aacute.sc.alt Aacute.sc.alt acircumflex.sc.alt Acircumflex.sc.alt atilde.sc.alt Atilde.sc.alt adieresis.sc.alt Adieresis.sc.alt aring.sc.alt Aring.sc.alt adotbelow.sc.alt ahook.sc.alt acircumflexacute.sc.alt acircumflexgrave.sc.alt acircumflexhook.sc.alt acircumflextilde.sc.alt acircumflexdotbelow.sc.alt abreveacute.sc.alt abrevegrave.sc.alt abrevehook.sc.alt abrevetilde.sc.alt abrevedotbelow.sc.alt Adotbelow.sc.alt Ahook.sc.alt Acircumflexacute.sc.alt Acircumflexgrave.sc.alt Acircumflexhook.sc.alt Acircumflextilde.sc.alt Acircumflexdotbelow.sc.alt Abreveacute.sc.alt Abrevegrave.sc.alt Abrevehook.sc.alt Abrevedotbelow.sc.alt Abrevetilde.sc.alt aringacute.sc.alt Aringacute.sc.alt]; @A_UC_RIGHT_ALT = [A.alt Aacute.alt Acircumflex.alt Adieresis.alt Agrave.alt Aring.alt Atilde.alt Abreve.alt Amacron.alt Aogonek.alt Adotbelow.alt Ahook.alt Acircumflexacute.alt Acircumflexgrave.alt Acircumflexhook.alt Acircumflextilde.alt Acircumflexdotbelow.alt Abreveacute.alt Abrevegrave.alt Abrevehook.alt Abrevetilde.alt Abrevedotbelow.alt Aringacute.alt]; @A_UC_LEFT_ALT = [A.alt Aacute.alt Acircumflex.alt Adieresis.alt Agrave.alt Aring.alt Atilde.alt Abreve.alt Amacron.alt Aogonek.alt Adotbelow.alt Ahook.alt Acircumflexacute.alt Acircumflexgrave.alt Acircumflexhook.alt Acircumflextilde.alt Acircumflexdotbelow.alt Abreveacute.alt Abrevegrave.alt Abrevehook.alt Abrevetilde.alt Abrevedotbelow.alt Aringacute.alt]; # AE @AE_UC_RIGHT_ALT = [AE.alt AEacute.alt]; # B @B_LC_RIGHT_ALT = [b.alt]; @B_LC_LEFT_ALT = [b.alt f_b.alt f_f_b.alt longs_b.alt]; @B_SC_RIGHT_ALT = [b.sc.alt B.sc.alt]; @B_SC_LEFT_ALT = [b.sc.alt B.sc.alt]; @B_UC_RIGHT_ALT = [B.alt]; @B_UC_LEFT_ALT = [B.alt]; # C @C_LC_RIGHT_ALT = [c.alt c_t.alt ccedilla.alt cacute.alt ccaron.alt ccircumflex.alt cdotaccent.alt]; @C_LC_LEFT_ALT = [c.alt ccedilla.alt cacute.alt ccaron.alt ccircumflex.alt cdotaccent.alt]; @C_SC_RIGHT_ALT = [c.sc.alt cacute.sc.alt Cacute.sc.alt ccaron.sc.alt Ccaron.sc.alt ccircumflex.sc.alt Ccircumflex.sc.alt cdotaccent.sc.alt Cdotaccent.sc.alt C.sc.alt ccedilla.sc.alt Ccedilla.sc.alt]; @C_SC_LEFT_ALT = [c.sc.alt cacute.sc.alt Cacute.sc.alt ccaron.sc.alt Ccaron.sc.alt ccircumflex.sc.alt Ccircumflex.sc.alt cdotaccent.sc.alt Cdotaccent.sc.alt C.sc.alt ccedilla.sc.alt Ccedilla.sc.alt]; @C_UC_RIGHT_ALT = [C.alt Ccedilla.alt Cacute.alt Ccaron.alt Ccircumflex.alt Cdotaccent.alt]; @C_UC_LEFT_ALT = [C.alt Ccedilla.alt Cacute.alt Ccaron.alt Ccircumflex.alt Cdotaccent.alt]; # D @D_LC_RIGHT_ALT = [d.alt dcaron.alt dcroat.alt]; @D_LC_LEFT_ALT = [d.alt]; @D_SC_RIGHT_ALT = [d.sc.alt dcaron.sc.alt D.sc.alt Dcaron.sc.alt]; @D_SC_LEFT_ALT = [d.sc.alt dcaron.sc.alt dcroat.sc.alt D.sc.alt Dcaron.sc.alt Dcroat.sc.alt eth.sc.alt Eth.sc.alt]; @D_UC_RIGHT_ALT = [D.alt Dcaron.alt]; @D_UC_LEFT_ALT = [D.alt Dcaron.alt Dcroat.alt Eth.alt]; # E @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT = [e.alt e_s.alt eacute.alt ecircumflex.alt edieresis.alt egrave.alt ebreve.alt ecaron.alt edotaccent.alt emacron.alt eogonek.alt edotbelow.alt ehook.alt etilde.alt ecircumflexacute.alt ecircumflexgrave.alt ecircumflexhook.alt ecircumflextilde.alt ecircumflexdotbelow.alt]; @E_LC_LEFT_ALT = [e.alt oe.alt eacute.alt ecircumflex.alt edieresis.alt egrave.alt ebreve.alt ecaron.alt edotaccent.alt emacron.alt eogonek.alt edotbelow.alt ehook.alt etilde.alt ecircumflexacute.alt ecircumflexgrave.alt ecircumflexhook.alt ecircumflextilde.alt ecircumflexdotbelow.alt]; @E_SC_RIGHT_ALT = [e.sc.alt ebreve.sc.alt Ebreve.sc.alt ecaron.sc.alt Ecaron.sc.alt edotaccent.sc.alt Edotaccent.sc.alt emacron.sc.alt Emacron.sc.alt eogonek.sc.alt Eogonek.sc.alt E.sc.alt egrave.sc.alt Egrave.sc.alt eacute.sc.alt Eacute.sc.alt ecircumflex.sc.alt Ecircumflex.sc.alt edieresis.sc.alt Edieresis.sc.alt edotbelow.sc.alt ehook.sc.alt etilde.sc.alt ecircumflexacute.sc.alt ecircumflexgrave.sc.alt ecircumflexhook.sc.alt ecircumflextilde.sc.alt ecircumflexdotbelow.sc.alt Edotbelow.sc.alt Ehook.sc.alt Etilde.sc.alt Ecircumflexacute.sc.alt Ecircumflexgrave.sc.alt Ecircumflexhook.sc.alt Ecircumflextilde.sc.alt Ecircumflexdotbelow.sc.alt]; @E_SC_LEFT_ALT = [e.sc.alt ae.sc.alt AE.sc.alt oe.sc.alt OE.sc.alt aeacute.sc.alt Aeacute.sc.alt ebreve.sc.alt Ebreve.sc.alt ecaron.sc.alt Ecaron.sc.alt edotaccent.sc.alt Edotaccent.sc.alt emacron.sc.alt Emacron.sc.alt eogonek.sc.alt Eogonek.sc.alt E.sc.alt egrave.sc.alt Egrave.sc.alt eacute.sc.alt Eacute.sc.alt ecircumflex.sc.alt Ecircumflex.sc.alt edieresis.sc.alt Edieresis.sc.alt edotbelow.sc.alt ehook.sc.alt etilde.sc.alt ecircumflexacute.sc.alt ecircumflexgrave.sc.alt ecircumflexhook.sc.alt ecircumflextilde.sc.alt ecircumflexdotbelow.sc.alt Edotbelow.sc.alt Ehook.sc.alt Etilde.sc.alt Ecircumflexacute.sc.alt Ecircumflexgrave.sc.alt Ecircumflexhook.sc.alt Ecircumflextilde.sc.alt Ecircumflexdotbelow.sc.alt]; @E_UC_RIGHT_ALT = [E.alt Eacute.alt Ecircumflex.alt Edieresis.alt Egrave.alt Ebreve.alt Ecaron.alt Edotaccent.alt Emacron.alt Eogonek.alt Edotbelow.alt Ehook.alt Etilde.alt Ecircumflexacute.alt Ecircumflexgrave.alt Ecircumflexhook.alt Ecircumflextilde.alt Ecircumflexdotbelow.alt]; @E_UC_LEFT_ALT = [E.alt OE.alt AE.alt AEacute.alt Eacute.alt Ecircumflex.alt Edieresis.alt Egrave.alt Ebreve.alt Ecaron.alt Edotaccent.alt Emacron.alt Eogonek.alt Edotbelow.alt Ehook.alt Etilde.alt Ecircumflexacute.alt Ecircumflexgrave.alt Ecircumflexhook.alt Ecircumflextilde.alt Ecircumflexdotbelow.alt]; # F @F_LC_RIGHT_ALT = [f.alt ff.alt f_f_f.alt fi.alt ffi.alt fl.alt ffl.alt f_b.alt f_f_b.alt f_h.alt f_f_h.alt f_j.alt f_f_j.alt f_k.alt f_f_k.alt f_r.alt f_t.alt f_f_t.alt f_adieresis.alt f_f_adieresis.alt f_odieresis.alt f_f_odieresis.alt f_udieresis.alt f_f_udieresis.alt fdotaccent.alt]; @F_LC_LEFT_ALT = [f.alt ff.alt f_f_f.alt fdotaccent.alt]; @F_SC_RIGHT_ALT = [f.sc.alt F.sc.alt Fdotaccent.sc.alt fdotaccent.sc.alt]; @F_SC_LEFT_ALT = [f.sc.alt F.sc.alt Fdotaccent.sc.alt fdotaccent.sc.alt]; @F_UC_RIGHT_ALT = [F.alt Fdotaccent.alt]; @F_UC_LEFT_ALT = [F.alt Fdotaccent.alt]; # g @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT = [g.alt g_g.alt g_y.alt gbreve.alt gcircumflex.alt gcommaaccent.alt gdotaccent.alt gtilde.alt]; @G_LC_LEFT_ALT = [g.alt g_g.alt gbreve.alt gcircumflex.alt gcommaaccent.alt gdotaccent.alt gtilde.alt]; @G_SC_RIGHT_ALT = [g.sc.alt gbreve.sc.alt Gbreve.sc.alt gcircumflex.sc.alt Gcircumflex.sc.alt gcommaaccent.sc.alt Gcommaaccent.sc.alt gdotaccent.sc.alt Gdotaccent.sc.alt G.sc.alt gtilde.sc.alt Gtilde.sc.alt]; @G_SC_LEFT_ALT = [g.sc.alt gbreve.sc.alt Gbreve.sc.alt gcircumflex.sc.alt Gcircumflex.sc.alt gcommaaccent.sc.alt Gcommaaccent.sc.alt gdotaccent.sc.alt Gdotaccent.sc.alt G.sc.alt gtilde.sc.alt Gtilde.sc.alt]; @G_UC_RIGHT_ALT = [G.alt Gbreve.alt Gcircumflex.alt Gcommaaccent.alt Gdotaccent.alt Gtilde.alt]; @G_UC_LEFT_ALT = [G.alt Gbreve.alt Gcircumflex.alt Gcommaaccent.alt Gdotaccent.alt Gtilde.alt]; # H @H_LC_RIGHT_ALT = [h.alt hcircumflex.alt]; @H_LC_LEFT_ALT = [h.alt longs_h.alt f_h.alt f_f_h.alt s_h.alt t_h.alt hcircumflex.alt]; @H_SC_RIGHT_ALT = [h.sc.alt H.sc.alt hcircumflex.sc.alt Hcircumflex.sc.alt]; @H_SC_LEFT_ALT = [h.sc.alt H.sc.alt hcircumflex.sc.alt Hcircumflex.sc.alt]; @H_UC_RIGHT_ALT = [H.alt Hcircumflex.alt]; @H_UC_LEFT_ALT = [H.alt Hcircumflex.alt]; # I @I_LC_RIGHT_ALT = [i.alt i_s.alt dotlessi.alt iacute.alt icircumflex.alt idieresis.alt igrave.alt ibreve.alt imacron.alt iogonek.alt itilde.alt ihook.alt idotbelow.alt]; @I_LC_LEFT_ALT = [i.alt fi.alt ffi.alt longs_i.alt longs_longs_i.alt dotlessi.alt iacute.alt icircumflex.alt idieresis.alt igrave.alt ibreve.alt imacron.alt iogonek.alt itilde.alt ihook.alt idotbelow.alt]; @I_SC_RIGHT_ALT = [i.sc.alt I.sc.alt ibreve.sc.alt Ibreve.sc.alt idotaccent.sc.alt Idotaccent.sc.alt imacron.sc.alt Imacron.sc.alt iogonek.sc.alt Iogonek.sc.alt itilde.sc.alt Itilde.sc.alt igrave.sc.alt Igrave.sc.alt iacute.sc.alt Iacute.sc.alt icircumflex.sc.alt Icircumflex.sc.alt idieresis.sc.alt Idieresis.sc.alt dotlessi.sc.alt ihook.sc.alt idotbelow.sc.alt Ihook.sc.alt Idotbelow.sc.alt]; @I_SC_LEFT_ALT = [i.sc.alt I.sc.alt ibreve.sc.alt Ibreve.sc.alt idotaccent.sc.alt Idotaccent.sc.alt imacron.sc.alt Imacron.sc.alt iogonek.sc.alt Iogonek.sc.alt itilde.sc.alt Itilde.sc.alt igrave.sc.alt Igrave.sc.alt iacute.sc.alt Iacute.sc.alt icircumflex.sc.alt Icircumflex.sc.alt idieresis.sc.alt Idieresis.sc.alt dotlessi.sc.alt ihook.sc.alt idotbelow.sc.alt Ihook.sc.alt Idotbelow.sc.alt]; @I_UC_RIGHT_ALT = [I.alt Iacute.alt Icircumflex.alt Idieresis.alt Igrave.alt Ibreve.alt Imacron.alt Iogonek.alt Itilde.alt Idotaccent.alt Ihook.alt Idotbelow.alt]; @I_UC_LEFT_ALT = [I.alt Iacute.alt Icircumflex.alt Idieresis.alt Igrave.alt Ibreve.alt Imacron.alt Iogonek.alt Itilde.alt Idotaccent.alt Ihook.alt Idotbelow.alt]; # J @J_LC_RIGHT_ALT = [j.alt jcircumflex.alt]; @J_LC_LEFT_ALT = [j.alt f_j.alt f_f_j.alt longs_j.alt longs_f_j.alt jcircumflex.alt]; @J_SC_RIGHT_ALT = [j.sc.alt J.sc.alt jcircumflex.sc.alt Jcircumflex.sc.alt]; @J_SC_LEFT_ALT = [j.sc.alt J.sc.alt jcircumflex.sc.alt Jcircumflex.sc.alt]; @J_UC_RIGHT_ALT = [J.alt Jcircumflex.alt]; @J_UC_LEFT_ALT = [J.alt Jcircumflex.alt]; # K @K_LC_RIGHT_ALT = [k.alt kcommaaccent.alt]; @K_LC_LEFT_ALT = [k.alt f_k.alt f_f_k.alt longs_k.alt kcommaaccent.alt]; @K_SC_RIGHT_ALT = [k.sc.alt kcommaaccent.sc.alt Kcommaaccent.sc.alt K.sc.alt]; @K_SC_LEFT_ALT = [k.sc.alt kcommaaccent.sc.alt Kcommaaccent.sc.alt K.sc.alt]; @K_UC_RIGHT_ALT = [K.alt Kcommaaccent.alt]; @K_UC_LEFT_ALT = [K.alt Kcommaaccent.alt]; # L @L_LC_RIGHT_ALT = [l.alt lacute.alt lcaron.alt lcommaaccent.alt ldot.alt]; @L_LC_LEFT_ALT = [l.alt fl.alt ffl.alt longs_l.alt longs_f_l.alt longs_longs_l.alt c_l.alt s_l.alt lacute.alt lcaron.alt ldot.alt]; @L_SC_RIGHT_ALT = [l.sc.alt lacute.sc.alt Lacute.sc.alt lcaron.sc.alt Lcaron.sc.alt lcommaaccent.sc.alt Lcommaaccent.sc.alt ldot.sc.alt Ldot.sc.alt L.sc.alt]; @L_SC_LEFT_ALT = [l.sc.alt lacute.sc.alt Lacute.sc.alt lcaron.sc.alt Lcaron.sc.alt lcommaaccent.sc.alt Lcommaaccent.sc.alt ldot.sc.alt Ldot.sc.alt L.sc.alt]; @L_UC_RIGHT_ALT = [L.alt Lacute.alt Lcaron.alt Lcommaaccent.alt Ldot.alt]; @L_UC_LEFT_ALT = [L.alt Lacute.alt Lcaron.alt Lcommaaccent.alt Ldot.alt]; # M @M_LC_RIGHT_ALT = [m.alt mcircumflex.alt]; @M_LC_LEFT_ALT = [m.alt mcircumflex.alt]; @M_SC_RIGHT_ALT = [m.sc.alt M.sc.alt mcircumflex.sc.alt Mcircumflex.sc.alt]; @M_SC_LEFT_ALT = [m.sc.alt M.sc.alt mcircumflex.sc.alt Mcircumflex.sc.alt]; @M_UC_RIGHT_ALT = [M.alt Mcircumflex.alt]; @M_UC_LEFT_ALT = [M.alt Mcircumflex.alt]; # N @N_LC_RIGHT_ALT = [n.alt ntilde.alt nacute.alt ncaron.alt ncommaaccent.alt ncircumflex.alt]; @N_LC_LEFT_ALT = [n.alt ntilde.alt nacute.alt ncaron.alt ncommaaccent.alt ncircumflex.alt]; @N_SC_RIGHT_ALT = [n.sc.alt nacute.sc.alt Nacute.sc.alt ncaron.sc.alt Ncaron.sc.alt ncommaaccent.sc.alt Ncommaaccent.sc.alt N.sc.alt ntilde.sc.alt Ntilde.sc.alt ncircumflex.sc.alt Ncircumflex.sc.alt]; @N_SC_LEFT_ALT = [n.sc.alt nacute.sc.alt Nacute.sc.alt ncaron.sc.alt Ncaron.sc.alt ncommaaccent.sc.alt Ncommaaccent.sc.alt N.sc.alt ntilde.sc.alt Ntilde.sc.alt ncircumflex.sc.alt Ncircumflex.sc.alt]; @N_UC_RIGHT_ALT = [N.alt Ntilde.alt Nacute.alt Ncaron.alt Ncommaaccent.alt Ncircumflex.alt]; @N_UC_LEFT_ALT = [N.alt Ntilde.alt Nacute.alt Ncaron.alt Ncommaaccent.alt Ncircumflex.alt]; # O @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT = [o.alt oe.alt ohorn.alt ohornacute.alt ohorngrave.alt ohornhook.alt ohorntilde.alt ohorndotbelow.alt oacute.alt ocircumflex.alt odieresis.alt ograve.alt otilde.alt obreve.alt ohungarumlaut.alt omacron.alt odotbelow.alt ohook.alt ocircumflexacute.alt ocircumflexgrave.alt ocircumflexhook.alt ocircumflextilde.alt ocircumflexdotbelow.alt]; @O_LC_LEFT_ALT = [o.alt oacute.alt ocircumflex.alt odieresis.alt ograve.alt otilde.alt obreve.alt ohungarumlaut.alt omacron.alt odotbelow.alt ohook.alt ocircumflexacute.alt ocircumflexgrave.alt ocircumflexhook.alt ocircumflextilde.alt ocircumflexdotbelow.alt]; @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT = [o.sc.alt oe.sc.alt obreve.sc.alt Obreve.sc.alt ohungarumlaut.sc.alt Ohungarumlaut.sc.alt omacron.sc.alt Omacron.sc.alt O.sc.alt ograve.sc.alt Ograve.sc.alt oacute.sc.alt Oacute.sc.alt ocircumflex.sc.alt Ocircumflex.sc.alt otilde.sc.alt Otilde.sc.alt odieresis.sc.alt Odieresis.sc.alt odotbelow.sc.alt ohook.sc.alt ocircumflexacute.sc.alt ocircumflexgrave.sc.alt ocircumflexhook.sc.alt ocircumflextilde.sc.alt ocircumflexdotbelow.sc.alt Odotbelow.sc.alt Ohook.sc.alt Ocircumflexacute.sc.alt Ocircumflexgrave.sc.alt Ocircumflexhook.sc.alt Ocircumflextilde.sc.alt Ocircumflexdotbelow.sc.alt]; @O_SC_LEFT_ALT = [o.sc.alt obreve.sc.alt Obreve.sc.alt ohungarumlaut.sc.alt Ohungarumlaut.sc.alt omacron.sc.alt Omacron.sc.alt O.sc.alt ograve.sc.alt Ograve.sc.alt oacute.sc.alt Oacute.sc.alt ocircumflex.sc.alt Ocircumflex.sc.alt otilde.sc.alt Otilde.sc.alt odieresis.sc.alt Odieresis.sc.alt odotbelow.sc.alt ohook.sc.alt ocircumflexacute.sc.alt ocircumflexgrave.sc.alt ocircumflexhook.sc.alt ocircumflextilde.sc.alt ocircumflexdotbelow.sc.alt Odotbelow.sc.alt Ohook.sc.alt Ocircumflexacute.sc.alt Ocircumflexgrave.sc.alt Ocircumflexhook.sc.alt Ocircumflextilde.sc.alt Ocircumflexdotbelow.sc.alt]; @O_UC_RIGHT_ALT = [O.alt OE.alt Ohorn.alt Ohornacute.alt Ohorngrave.alt Ohornhook.alt Ohorntilde.alt Ohorndotbelow.alt Oacute.alt Ocircumflex.alt Odieresis.alt Ograve.alt Otilde.alt Obreve.alt Ohungarumlaut.alt Omacron.alt Odotbelow.alt Ohook.alt Ocircumflexacute.alt Ocircumflexgrave.alt Ocircumflexhook.alt Ocircumflextilde.alt Ocircumflexdotbelow.alt]; @O_UC_LEFT_ALT = [O.alt Oacute.alt Ocircumflex.alt Odieresis.alt Ograve.alt Otilde.alt Obreve.alt Ohungarumlaut.alt Omacron.alt Odotbelow.alt Ohook.alt Ocircumflexacute.alt Ocircumflexgrave.alt Ocircumflexhook.alt Ocircumflextilde.alt Ocircumflexdotbelow.alt]; # OHorn: Right side @OHORN_LC_LEFT_ALT = [ohorn.alt ohornacute.alt ohorngrave.alt ohornhook.alt ohorntilde.alt ohorndotbelow.alt]; @OHORN_SC_LEFT_ALT = [ohorn.sc.alt ohornacute.sc.alt ohorngrave.sc.alt ohornhook.sc.alt ohorntilde.sc.alt ohorndotbelow.sc.alt Ohorn.sc.alt Ohornacute.sc.alt Ohorngrave.sc.alt Ohornhook.sc.alt Ohorntilde.sc.alt Ohorndotbelow.sc.alt]; @OHORN_UC_LEFT_ALT = [Ohorn.alt Ohornacute.alt Ohorngrave.alt Ohornhook.alt Ohorntilde.alt Ohorndotbelow.alt]; # OSLash: @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT_ALT = [oslash.alt oslashacute.alt]; @OSLASH_LC_LEFT_ALT = [oslash.alt oslashacute.alt]; @OSLASH_SC_RIGHT_ALT = [oslash.sc.alt Oslash.sc.alt oslashacute.sc.alt Oslashacute.sc.alt]; @OSLASH_SC_LEFT_ALT = [oslash.sc.alt Oslash.sc.alt oslashacute.sc.alt Oslashacute.sc.alt]; @OSLASH_UC_RIGHT_ALT = [Oslash.alt Oslashacute.alt]; @OSLASH_UC_LEFT_ALT = [Oslash.alt Oslashacute.alt]; # P @P_LC_RIGHT_ALT = [p.alt]; @P_LC_LEFT_ALT = [p.alt s_p.alt thorn.alt]; @P_SC_RIGHT_ALT = [p.sc.alt P.sc.alt]; @P_SC_LEFT_ALT = [p.sc.alt P.sc.alt]; @P_UC_RIGHT_ALT = [P.alt]; @P_UC_LEFT_ALT = [P.alt]; # Q: both sides because of differences in some italics (otherwise the left side would be in the capital O group) @Q_LC_RIGHT_ALT = [q.alt]; @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT = [q.alt]; @Q_SC_RIGHT_ALT = [q.sc.alt Q.sc.alt]; @Q_SC_LEFT_ALT = [q.sc.alt Q.sc.alt]; @Q_UC_RIGHT_ALT = [Q.alt]; @Q_UC_LEFT_ALT = [Q.alt]; # R @R_LC_RIGHT_ALT = [r.alt racute.alt rcaron.alt rcommaaccent.alt]; @R_LC_LEFT_ALT = [r.alt f_r.alt racute.alt rcaron.alt rcommaaccent.alt]; @R_SC_RIGHT_ALT = [r.sc.alt racute.sc.alt Racute.sc.alt rcaron.sc.alt Rcaron.sc.alt rcommaaccent.sc.alt Rcommaaccent.sc.alt R.sc.alt]; @R_SC_LEFT_ALT = [r.sc.alt racute.sc.alt Racute.sc.alt rcaron.sc.alt Rcaron.sc.alt rcommaaccent.sc.alt Rcommaaccent.sc.alt R.sc.alt]; @R_UC_RIGHT_ALT = [R.alt Racute.alt Rcaron.alt Rcommaaccent.alt]; @R_UC_LEFT_ALT = [R.alt Racute.alt Rcaron.alt Rcommaaccent.alt]; # S @S_LC_RIGHT_ALT = [s.alt s_l.alt s_h.alt s_k.alt s_p.alt s_t.alt scaron.alt sacute.alt uni015F.alt uni0219.alt scircumflex.alt]; @S_LC_LEFT_ALT = [s.alt a_s.alt e_s.alt i_s.alt u_s.alt scaron.alt sacute.alt uni015F.alt uni0219.alt scircumflex.alt]; @S_SC_RIGHT_ALT = [s.sc.alt S.sc.alt sacute.sc.alt Sacute.sc.alt uni015F.sc.alt uni015E.sc.alt uni0219.sc.alt uni0218.sc.alt scaron.sc.alt Scaron.sc.alt scircumflex.sc.alt Scircumflex.sc.alt germandbls.sc.alt]; @S_SC_LEFT_ALT = [s.sc.alt S.sc.alt sacute.sc.alt Sacute.sc.alt uni015F.sc.alt uni015E.sc.alt uni0219.sc.alt uni0218.sc.alt scaron.sc.alt Scaron.sc.alt scircumflex.sc.alt Scircumflex.sc.alt germandbls.sc.alt]; @S_UC_RIGHT_ALT = [S.alt Scaron.alt Sacute.alt uni015E.alt uni0218.alt Scircumflex.alt uni015E.dup.alt]; @S_UC_LEFT_ALT = [S.alt Scaron.alt Sacute.alt uni015E.alt uni0218.alt Scircumflex.alt uni015E.dup.alt]; # longs: (left side can differ from left side f, hence not in that class) @LONGS_LC_RIGHT_ALT = [longs.alt longs_b.alt longs_f.alt longs_h.alt longs_i.alt longs_f_i.alt longs_j.alt longs_f_j.alt longs_longs_i.alt longs_k.alt longs_l.alt longs_f_l.alt longs_longs_l.alt longs_t.alt longs_longs.alt longs_adieresis.alt longs_odieresis.alt longs_udieresis.alt]; @LONGS_LC_LEFT_ALT = [longs.alt longs_longs.alt]; # T @T_LC_RIGHT_ALT = [t.alt t_h.alt t_t.alt tcaron.alt uni021B.alt uni021B.alt]; @T_LC_LEFT_ALT = [t.alt f_t.alt f_f_t.alt c_t.alt s_t.alt t_t.alt tcaron.alt uni021B.alt uni021B.alt]; @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT = [t.sc.alt T.sc.alt tcaron.sc.alt Tcaron.sc.alt uni021B.sc.alt uni021A.sc.alt]; @T_SC_LEFT_ALT = [t.sc.alt T.sc.alt tcaron.sc.alt Tcaron.sc.alt uni021B.sc.alt uni021A.sc.alt]; @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT = [T.alt Tcaron.alt uni021A.alt uni021A.alt]; @T_UC_LEFT_ALT = [T.alt Tcaron.alt uni021A.alt uni021A.alt]; # U @U_LC_RIGHT_ALT = [u.alt u_s.alt uhorn.alt uhornacute.alt uhorngrave.alt uhornhook.alt uhorntilde.alt uhorndotbelow.alt uacute.alt ucircumflex.alt udieresis.alt ugrave.alt ubreve.alt uhungarumlaut.alt umacron.alt uogonek.alt uring.alt utilde.alt udotbelow.alt uhook.alt]; @U_LC_LEFT_ALT = [u.alt f_udieresis.alt longs_udieresis.alt uacute.alt ucircumflex.alt udieresis.alt ugrave.alt ubreve.alt uhungarumlaut.alt umacron.alt uogonek.alt uring.alt utilde.alt udotbelow.alt uhook.alt]; @U_SC_RIGHT_ALT = [u.sc.alt U.sc.alt ubreve.sc.alt Ubreve.sc.alt uhungarumlaut.sc.alt Uhungarumlaut.sc.alt umacron.sc.alt Umacron.sc.alt uogonek.sc.alt Uogonek.sc.alt uring.sc.alt Uring.sc.alt utilde.sc.alt Utilde.sc.alt ugrave.sc.alt Ugrave.sc.alt uacute.sc.alt Uacute.sc.alt ucircumflex.sc.alt Ucircumflex.sc.alt udieresis.sc.alt Udieresis.sc.alt udotbelow.sc.alt uhook.sc.alt Udotbelow.sc.alt Uhook.sc.alt]; @U_SC_LEFT_ALT = [u.sc.alt U.sc.alt ubreve.sc.alt Ubreve.sc.alt uhungarumlaut.sc.alt Uhungarumlaut.sc.alt umacron.sc.alt Umacron.sc.alt uogonek.sc.alt Uogonek.sc.alt uring.sc.alt Uring.sc.alt utilde.sc.alt Utilde.sc.alt ugrave.sc.alt Ugrave.sc.alt uacute.sc.alt Uacute.sc.alt ucircumflex.sc.alt Ucircumflex.sc.alt udieresis.sc.alt Udieresis.sc.alt udotbelow.sc.alt uhook.sc.alt Udotbelow.sc.alt Uhook.sc.alt]; @U_UC_RIGHT_ALT = [U.alt Uacute.alt Ucircumflex.alt Udieresis.alt Ugrave.alt Ubreve.alt Uhungarumlaut.alt Umacron.alt Uogonek.alt Uring.alt Utilde.alt Udotbelow.alt Uhook.alt]; @U_UC_LEFT_ALT = [U.alt Uacute.alt Ucircumflex.alt Udieresis.alt Ugrave.alt Ubreve.alt Uhungarumlaut.alt Umacron.alt Uogonek.alt Uring.alt Utilde.alt Udotbelow.alt Uhook.alt]; # Uhorn: Right side @UHORN_LC_LEFT_ALT = [uhorn.alt uhornacute.alt uhorngrave.alt uhornhook.alt uhorntilde.alt uhorndotbelow.alt]; @UHORN_SC_LEFT_ALT = [uhorn.sc.alt uhornacute.sc.alt uhorngrave.sc.alt uhornhook.sc.alt uhorntilde.sc.alt uhorndotbelow.sc.alt Uhorn.sc.alt Uhornacute.sc.alt Uhorngrave.sc.alt Uhornhook.sc.alt Uhorntilde.sc.alt Uhorndotbelow.sc.alt]; @UHORN_UC_LEFT_ALT = [Uhorn.alt Uhornacute.alt Uhorngrave.alt Uhornhook.alt Uhorntilde.alt Uhorndotbelow.alt]; # V @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT = [v.alt]; @V_LC_LEFT_ALT = [v.alt]; @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT = [v.sc.alt V.sc.alt]; @V_SC_LEFT_ALT = [v.sc.alt V.sc.alt]; @V_UC_RIGHT_ALT = [V.alt]; @V_UC_LEFT_ALT = [V.alt]; # W @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT = [w.alt wacute.alt wcircumflex.alt wdieresis.alt wgrave.alt]; @W_LC_LEFT_ALT = [w.alt wacute.alt wcircumflex.alt wdieresis.alt wgrave.alt]; @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT = [w.sc.alt W.sc.alt wacute.sc.alt Wacute.sc.alt wcircumflex.sc.alt Wcircumflex.sc.alt wdieresis.sc.alt Wdieresis.sc.alt wgrave.sc.alt Wgrave.sc.alt]; @W_SC_LEFT_ALT = [w.sc.alt W.sc.alt wacute.sc.alt Wacute.sc.alt wcircumflex.sc.alt Wcircumflex.sc.alt wdieresis.sc.alt Wdieresis.sc.alt wgrave.sc.alt Wgrave.sc.alt]; @W_UC_RIGHT_ALT = [W.alt Wacute.alt Wcircumflex.alt Wdieresis.alt Wgrave.alt]; @W_UC_LEFT_ALT = [W.alt Wacute.alt Wcircumflex.alt Wdieresis.alt Wgrave.alt]; # X @X_LC_RIGHT_ALT = [x.alt]; @X_LC_LEFT_ALT = [x.alt]; @X_SC_RIGHT_ALT = [x.sc.alt X.sc.alt]; @X_SC_LEFT_ALT = [x.sc.alt X.sc.alt]; @X_UC_RIGHT_ALT = [X.alt]; @X_UC_LEFT_ALT = [X.alt]; # Y @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT = [y.alt yacute.alt ydieresis.alt ygrave.alt ycircumflex.alt ydotbelow.alt yhook.alt ytilde.alt ymacron.alt]; @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT = [y.alt g_y.alt yacute.alt ydieresis.alt ygrave.alt ycircumflex.alt ydotbelow.alt yhook.alt ytilde.alt ymacron.alt]; @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT = [y.sc.alt Y.sc.alt ygrave.sc.alt Ygrave.sc.alt yacute.sc.alt Yacute.sc.alt ydieresis.sc.alt Ydieresis.sc.alt ycircumflex.sc.alt Ycircumflex.sc.alt ydotbelow.sc.alt yhook.sc.alt ytilde.sc.alt Ydotbelow.sc.alt Yhook.sc.alt Ytilde.sc.alt ymacron.sc.alt Ymacron.sc.alt]; @Y_SC_LEFT_ALT = [y.sc.alt Y.sc.alt ygrave.sc.alt Ygrave.sc.alt yacute.sc.alt Yacute.sc.alt ydieresis.sc.alt Ydieresis.sc.alt ycircumflex.sc.alt Ycircumflex.sc.alt ydotbelow.sc.alt yhook.sc.alt ytilde.sc.alt Ydotbelow.sc.alt Yhook.sc.alt Ytilde.sc.alt ymacron.sc.alt Ymacron.sc.alt]; @Y_UC_RIGHT_ALT = [Y.alt Yacute.alt Ydieresis.alt Ygrave.alt Ycircumflex.alt Ydotbelow.alt Yhook.alt Ytilde.alt Ymacron.alt]; @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT = [Y.alt Yacute.alt Ydieresis.alt Ygrave.alt Ycircumflex.alt Ydotbelow.alt Yhook.alt Ytilde.alt Ymacron.alt]; # Z @Z_LC_RIGHT_ALT = [z.alt zcaron.alt zacute.alt zdotaccent.alt]; @Z_LC_LEFT_ALT = [z.alt zcaron.alt zacute.alt zdotaccent.alt]; @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT = [z.sc.alt Z.sc.alt zacute.sc.alt Zacute.sc.alt zdotaccent.sc.alt Zdotaccent.sc.alt zcaron.sc.alt Zcaron.sc.alt]; @Z_SC_LEFT_ALT = [z.sc.alt Z.sc.alt zacute.sc.alt Zacute.sc.alt zdotaccent.sc.alt Zdotaccent.sc.alt zcaron.sc.alt Zcaron.sc.alt]; @Z_UC_RIGHT_ALT = [Z.alt Zcaron.alt Zacute.alt Zdotaccent.alt]; @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT = [Z.alt Zcaron.alt Zacute.alt Zdotaccent.alt]; # A @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [a.alt2 ae.alt2 aeacute.alt2 a_s.alt2 aacute.alt2 acircumflex.alt2 adieresis.alt2 agrave.alt2 aring.alt2 atilde.alt2 abreve.alt2 amacron.alt2 aogonek.alt2 adotbelow.alt2 ahook.alt2 acircumflexacute.alt2 acircumflexgrave.alt2 acircumflexhook.alt2 acircumflextilde.alt2 acircumflexdotbelow.alt2 abreveacute.alt2 abrevegrave.alt2 abrevehook.alt2 abrevetilde.alt2 abrevedotbelow.alt2 aringacute.alt2]; @A_LC_LEFT_ALT2 = [a.alt2 f_adieresis.alt2 f_f_adieresis.alt2 longs_adieresis.alt2 aacute.alt2 acircumflex.alt2 adieresis.alt2 agrave.alt2 aring.alt2 atilde.alt2 abreve.alt2 amacron.alt2 aogonek.alt2 adotbelow.alt2 ahook.alt2 acircumflexacute.alt2 acircumflexgrave.alt2 acircumflexhook.alt2 acircumflextilde.alt2 acircumflexdotbelow.alt2 abreveacute.alt2 abrevegrave.alt2 abrevehook.alt2 abrevetilde.alt2 abrevedotbelow.alt2 aringacute.alt2]; @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [a.sc.alt2 abreve.sc.alt2 Abreve.sc.alt2 amacron.sc.alt2 Amacron.sc.alt2 aogonek.sc.alt2 Aogonek.sc.alt2 A.sc.alt2 agrave.sc.alt2 Agrave.sc.alt2 aacute.sc.alt2 Aacute.sc.alt2 acircumflex.sc.alt2 Acircumflex.sc.alt2 atilde.sc.alt2 Atilde.sc.alt2 adieresis.sc.alt2 Adieresis.sc.alt2 aring.sc.alt2 Aring.sc.alt2 adotbelow.sc.alt2 ahook.sc.alt2 acircumflexacute.sc.alt2 acircumflexgrave.sc.alt2 acircumflexhook.sc.alt2 acircumflextilde.sc.alt2 acircumflexdotbelow.sc.alt2 abreveacute.sc.alt2 abrevegrave.sc.alt2 abrevehook.sc.alt2 abrevetilde.sc.alt2 abrevedotbelow.sc.alt2 Adotbelow.sc.alt2 Ahook.sc.alt2 Acircumflexacute.sc.alt2 Acircumflexgrave.sc.alt2 Acircumflexhook.sc.alt2 Acircumflextilde.sc.alt2 Acircumflexdotbelow.sc.alt2 Abreveacute.sc.alt2 Abrevegrave.sc.alt2 Abrevehook.sc.alt2 Abrevedotbelow.sc.alt2 Abrevetilde.sc.alt2 aringacute.sc.alt2 Aringacute.sc.alt2]; @A_SC_LEFT_ALT2 = [a.sc.alt2 abreve.sc.alt2 Abreve.sc.alt2 amacron.sc.alt2 Amacron.sc.alt2 aogonek.sc.alt2 Aogonek.sc.alt2 A.sc.alt2 agrave.sc.alt2 Agrave.sc.alt2 aacute.sc.alt2 Aacute.sc.alt2 acircumflex.sc.alt2 Acircumflex.sc.alt2 atilde.sc.alt2 Atilde.sc.alt2 adieresis.sc.alt2 Adieresis.sc.alt2 aring.sc.alt2 Aring.sc.alt2 adotbelow.sc.alt2 ahook.sc.alt2 acircumflexacute.sc.alt2 acircumflexgrave.sc.alt2 acircumflexhook.sc.alt2 acircumflextilde.sc.alt2 acircumflexdotbelow.sc.alt2 abreveacute.sc.alt2 abrevegrave.sc.alt2 abrevehook.sc.alt2 abrevetilde.sc.alt2 abrevedotbelow.sc.alt2 Adotbelow.sc.alt2 Ahook.sc.alt2 Acircumflexacute.sc.alt2 Acircumflexgrave.sc.alt2 Acircumflexhook.sc.alt2 Acircumflextilde.sc.alt2 Acircumflexdotbelow.sc.alt2 Abreveacute.sc.alt2 Abrevegrave.sc.alt2 Abrevehook.sc.alt2 Abrevedotbelow.sc.alt2 Abrevetilde.sc.alt2 aringacute.sc.alt2 Aringacute.sc.alt2]; @A_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [A.alt2 Aacute.alt2 Acircumflex.alt2 Adieresis.alt2 Agrave.alt2 Aring.alt2 Atilde.alt2 Abreve.alt2 Amacron.alt2 Aogonek.alt2 Adotbelow.alt2 Ahook.alt2 Acircumflexacute.alt2 Acircumflexgrave.alt2 Acircumflexhook.alt2 Acircumflextilde.alt2 Acircumflexdotbelow.alt2 Abreveacute.alt2 Abrevegrave.alt2 Abrevehook.alt2 Abrevetilde.alt2 Abrevedotbelow.alt2 Aringacute.alt2]; @A_UC_LEFT_ALT2 = [A.alt2 Aacute.alt2 Acircumflex.alt2 Adieresis.alt2 Agrave.alt2 Aring.alt2 Atilde.alt2 Abreve.alt2 Amacron.alt2 Aogonek.alt2 Adotbelow.alt2 Ahook.alt2 Acircumflexacute.alt2 Acircumflexgrave.alt2 Acircumflexhook.alt2 Acircumflextilde.alt2 Acircumflexdotbelow.alt2 Abreveacute.alt2 Abrevegrave.alt2 Abrevehook.alt2 Abrevetilde.alt2 Abrevedotbelow.alt2 Aringacute.alt2]; # AE @AE_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [AE.alt2 AEacute.alt2]; # B @B_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [b.alt2]; @B_LC_LEFT_ALT2 = [b.alt2 f_b.alt2 f_f_b.alt2 longs_b.alt2]; @B_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [b.sc.alt2 B.sc.alt2]; @B_SC_LEFT_ALT2 = [b.sc.alt2 B.sc.alt2]; @B_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [B.alt2]; @B_UC_LEFT_ALT2 = [B.alt2]; # C @C_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [c.alt2 c_h.alt2 c_k.alt2 c_t.alt2 ccedilla.alt2 cacute.alt2 ccaron.alt2 ccircumflex.alt2 cdotaccent.alt2]; @C_LC_LEFT_ALT2 = [c.alt2 ccedilla.alt2 cacute.alt2 ccaron.alt2 ccircumflex.alt2 cdotaccent.alt2]; @C_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [c.sc.alt2 cacute.sc.alt2 Cacute.sc.alt2 ccaron.sc.alt2 Ccaron.sc.alt2 ccircumflex.sc.alt2 Ccircumflex.sc.alt2 cdotaccent.sc.alt2 Cdotaccent.sc.alt2 C.sc.alt2 ccedilla.sc.alt2 Ccedilla.sc.alt2]; @C_SC_LEFT_ALT2 = [c.sc.alt2 cacute.sc.alt2 Cacute.sc.alt2 ccaron.sc.alt2 Ccaron.sc.alt2 ccircumflex.sc.alt2 Ccircumflex.sc.alt2 cdotaccent.sc.alt2 Cdotaccent.sc.alt2 C.sc.alt2 ccedilla.sc.alt2 Ccedilla.sc.alt2]; @C_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [C.alt2 Ccedilla.alt2 Cacute.alt2 Ccaron.alt2 Ccircumflex.alt2 Cdotaccent.alt2]; @C_UC_LEFT_ALT2 = [C.alt2 Ccedilla.alt2 Cacute.alt2 Ccaron.alt2 Ccircumflex.alt2 Cdotaccent.alt2]; # D @D_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [d.alt2 dcaron.alt2 dcroat.alt2]; @D_LC_LEFT_ALT2 = [d.alt2]; @D_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [d.sc.alt2 dcaron.sc.alt2 D.sc.alt2 Dcaron.sc.alt2]; @D_SC_LEFT_ALT2 = [d.sc.alt2 dcaron.sc.alt2 dcroat.sc.alt2 D.sc.alt2 Dcaron.sc.alt2 Dcroat.sc.alt2 eth.sc.alt2 Eth.sc.alt2]; @D_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [D.alt2 Dcaron.alt2]; @D_UC_LEFT_ALT2 = [D.alt2 Dcaron.alt2 Dcroat.alt2 Eth.alt2]; # E @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [e.alt2 e_s.alt2 eacute.alt2 ecircumflex.alt2 edieresis.alt2 egrave.alt2 ebreve.alt2 ecaron.alt2 edotaccent.alt2 emacron.alt2 eogonek.alt2 edotbelow.alt2 ehook.alt2 etilde.alt2 ecircumflexacute.alt2 ecircumflexgrave.alt2 ecircumflexhook.alt2 ecircumflextilde.alt2 ecircumflexdotbelow.alt2]; @E_LC_LEFT_ALT2 = [e.alt2 oe.alt2 eacute.alt2 ecircumflex.alt2 edieresis.alt2 egrave.alt2 ebreve.alt2 ecaron.alt2 edotaccent.alt2 emacron.alt2 eogonek.alt2 edotbelow.alt2 ehook.alt2 etilde.alt2 ecircumflexacute.alt2 ecircumflexgrave.alt2 ecircumflexhook.alt2 ecircumflextilde.alt2 ecircumflexdotbelow.alt2]; @E_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [e.sc.alt2 ebreve.sc.alt2 Ebreve.sc.alt2 ecaron.sc.alt2 Ecaron.sc.alt2 edotaccent.sc.alt2 Edotaccent.sc.alt2 emacron.sc.alt2 Emacron.sc.alt2 eogonek.sc.alt2 Eogonek.sc.alt2 E.sc.alt2 egrave.sc.alt2 Egrave.sc.alt2 eacute.sc.alt2 Eacute.sc.alt2 ecircumflex.sc.alt2 Ecircumflex.sc.alt2 edieresis.sc.alt2 Edieresis.sc.alt2 edotbelow.sc.alt2 ehook.sc.alt2 etilde.sc.alt2 ecircumflexacute.sc.alt2 ecircumflexgrave.sc.alt2 ecircumflexhook.sc.alt2 ecircumflextilde.sc.alt2 ecircumflexdotbelow.sc.alt2 Edotbelow.sc.alt2 Ehook.sc.alt2 Etilde.sc.alt2 Ecircumflexacute.sc.alt2 Ecircumflexgrave.sc.alt2 Ecircumflexhook.sc.alt2 Ecircumflextilde.sc.alt2 Ecircumflexdotbelow.sc.alt2]; @E_SC_LEFT_ALT2 = [e.sc.alt2 ae.sc.alt2 AE.sc.alt2 oe.sc.alt2 OE.sc.alt2 aeacute.sc.alt2 Aeacute.sc.alt2 ebreve.sc.alt2 Ebreve.sc.alt2 ecaron.sc.alt2 Ecaron.sc.alt2 edotaccent.sc.alt2 Edotaccent.sc.alt2 emacron.sc.alt2 Emacron.sc.alt2 eogonek.sc.alt2 Eogonek.sc.alt2 E.sc.alt2 egrave.sc.alt2 Egrave.sc.alt2 eacute.sc.alt2 Eacute.sc.alt2 ecircumflex.sc.alt2 Ecircumflex.sc.alt2 edieresis.sc.alt2 Edieresis.sc.alt2 edotbelow.sc.alt2 ehook.sc.alt2 etilde.sc.alt2 ecircumflexacute.sc.alt2 ecircumflexgrave.sc.alt2 ecircumflexhook.sc.alt2 ecircumflextilde.sc.alt2 ecircumflexdotbelow.sc.alt2 Edotbelow.sc.alt2 Ehook.sc.alt2 Etilde.sc.alt2 Ecircumflexacute.sc.alt2 Ecircumflexgrave.sc.alt2 Ecircumflexhook.sc.alt2 Ecircumflextilde.sc.alt2 Ecircumflexdotbelow.sc.alt2]; @E_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [E.alt2 Eacute.alt2 Ecircumflex.alt2 Edieresis.alt2 Egrave.alt2 Ebreve.alt2 Ecaron.alt2 Edotaccent.alt2 Emacron.alt2 Eogonek.alt2 Edotbelow.alt2 Ehook.alt2 Etilde.alt2 Ecircumflexacute.alt2 Ecircumflexgrave.alt2 Ecircumflexhook.alt2 Ecircumflextilde.alt2 Ecircumflexdotbelow.alt2]; @E_UC_LEFT_ALT2 = [E.alt2 OE.alt2 AE.alt2 AEacute.alt2 Eacute.alt2 Ecircumflex.alt2 Edieresis.alt2 Egrave.alt2 Ebreve.alt2 Ecaron.alt2 Edotaccent.alt2 Emacron.alt2 Eogonek.alt2 Edotbelow.alt2 Ehook.alt2 Etilde.alt2 Ecircumflexacute.alt2 Ecircumflexgrave.alt2 Ecircumflexhook.alt2 Ecircumflextilde.alt2 Ecircumflexdotbelow.alt2]; # F @F_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [f.alt2 ff.alt2 f_f_f.alt2 fi.alt2 ffi.alt2 fl.alt2 ffl.alt2 f_b.alt2 f_f_b.alt2 f_h.alt2 f_f_h.alt2 f_j.alt2 f_f_j.alt2 f_k.alt2 f_f_k.alt2 f_r.alt2 f_t.alt2 f_f_t.alt2 f_adieresis.alt2 f_f_adieresis.alt2 f_odieresis.alt2 f_f_odieresis.alt2 f_udieresis.alt2 f_f_udieresis.alt2 fdotaccent.alt2]; @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 = [f.alt2 ff.alt2 f_f_f.alt2 fdotaccent.alt2]; @F_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [f.sc.alt2 F.sc.alt2 Fdotaccent.sc.alt2 fdotaccent.sc.alt2]; @F_SC_LEFT_ALT2 = [f.sc.alt2 F.sc.alt2 Fdotaccent.sc.alt2 fdotaccent.sc.alt2]; @F_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [F.alt2 Fdotaccent.alt2]; @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 = [F.alt2 Fdotaccent.alt2]; # g @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [g.alt2 g_g.alt2 g_y.alt2 gbreve.alt2 gcircumflex.alt2 gcommaaccent.alt2 gdotaccent.alt2 gtilde.alt2]; @G_LC_LEFT_ALT2 = [g.alt2 g_g.alt2 gbreve.alt2 gcircumflex.alt2 gcommaaccent.alt2 gdotaccent.alt2 gtilde.alt2]; @G_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [g.sc.alt2 gbreve.sc.alt2 Gbreve.sc.alt2 gcircumflex.sc.alt2 Gcircumflex.sc.alt2 gcommaaccent.sc.alt2 Gcommaaccent.sc.alt2 gdotaccent.sc.alt2 Gdotaccent.sc.alt2 G.sc.alt2 gtilde.sc.alt2 Gtilde.sc.alt2]; @G_SC_LEFT_ALT2 = [g.sc.alt2 gbreve.sc.alt2 Gbreve.sc.alt2 gcircumflex.sc.alt2 Gcircumflex.sc.alt2 gcommaaccent.sc.alt2 Gcommaaccent.sc.alt2 gdotaccent.sc.alt2 Gdotaccent.sc.alt2 G.sc.alt2 gtilde.sc.alt2 Gtilde.sc.alt2]; @G_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [G.alt2 Gbreve.alt2 Gcircumflex.alt2 Gcommaaccent.alt2 Gdotaccent.alt2 Gtilde.alt2]; @G_UC_LEFT_ALT2 = [G.alt2 Gbreve.alt2 Gcircumflex.alt2 Gcommaaccent.alt2 Gdotaccent.alt2 Gtilde.alt2]; # H @H_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [h.alt2 hcircumflex.alt2]; @H_LC_LEFT_ALT2 = [h.alt2 longs_h.alt2 f_h.alt2 f_f_h.alt2 c_h.alt2 s_h.alt2 t_h.alt2 hcircumflex.alt2]; @H_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [h.sc.alt2 H.sc.alt2 hcircumflex.sc.alt2 Hcircumflex.sc.alt2]; @H_SC_LEFT_ALT2 = [h.sc.alt2 H.sc.alt2 hcircumflex.sc.alt2 Hcircumflex.sc.alt2]; @H_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [H.alt2 Hcircumflex.alt2]; @H_UC_LEFT_ALT2 = [H.alt2 Hcircumflex.alt2]; # I @I_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [i.alt2 i_s.alt2 dotlessi.alt2 iacute.alt2 icircumflex.alt2 idieresis.alt2 igrave.alt2 ibreve.alt2 imacron.alt2 iogonek.alt2 itilde.alt2 ihook.alt2 idotbelow.alt2]; @I_LC_LEFT_ALT2 = [i.alt2 fi.alt2 ffi.alt2 longs_i.alt2 longs_longs_i.alt2 dotlessi.alt2 iacute.alt2 icircumflex.alt2 idieresis.alt2 igrave.alt2 ibreve.alt2 imacron.alt2 iogonek.alt2 itilde.alt2 ihook.alt2 idotbelow.alt2]; @I_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [i.sc.alt2 I.sc.alt2 ibreve.sc.alt2 Ibreve.sc.alt2 idotaccent.sc.alt2 Idotaccent.sc.alt2 imacron.sc.alt2 Imacron.sc.alt2 iogonek.sc.alt2 Iogonek.sc.alt2 itilde.sc.alt2 Itilde.sc.alt2 igrave.sc.alt2 Igrave.sc.alt2 iacute.sc.alt2 Iacute.sc.alt2 icircumflex.sc.alt2 Icircumflex.sc.alt2 idieresis.sc.alt2 Idieresis.sc.alt2 dotlessi.sc.alt2 ihook.sc.alt2 idotbelow.sc.alt2 Ihook.sc.alt2 Idotbelow.sc.alt2]; @I_SC_LEFT_ALT2 = [i.sc.alt2 I.sc.alt2 ibreve.sc.alt2 Ibreve.sc.alt2 idotaccent.sc.alt2 Idotaccent.sc.alt2 imacron.sc.alt2 Imacron.sc.alt2 iogonek.sc.alt2 Iogonek.sc.alt2 itilde.sc.alt2 Itilde.sc.alt2 igrave.sc.alt2 Igrave.sc.alt2 iacute.sc.alt2 Iacute.sc.alt2 icircumflex.sc.alt2 Icircumflex.sc.alt2 idieresis.sc.alt2 Idieresis.sc.alt2 dotlessi.sc.alt2 ihook.sc.alt2 idotbelow.sc.alt2 Ihook.sc.alt2 Idotbelow.sc.alt2]; @I_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [I.alt2 Iacute.alt2 Icircumflex.alt2 Idieresis.alt2 Igrave.alt2 Ibreve.alt2 Imacron.alt2 Iogonek.alt2 Itilde.alt2 Idotaccent.alt2 Ihook.alt2 Idotbelow.alt2]; @I_UC_LEFT_ALT2 = [I.alt2 Iacute.alt2 Icircumflex.alt2 Idieresis.alt2 Igrave.alt2 Ibreve.alt2 Imacron.alt2 Iogonek.alt2 Itilde.alt2 Idotaccent.alt2 Ihook.alt2 Idotbelow.alt2]; # J @J_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [j.alt2 jcircumflex.alt2]; @J_LC_LEFT_ALT2 = [j.alt2 f_j.alt2 f_f_j.alt2 longs_j.alt2 longs_f_j.alt2 jcircumflex.alt2]; @J_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [j.sc.alt2 J.sc.alt2 jcircumflex.sc.alt2 Jcircumflex.sc.alt2]; @J_SC_LEFT_ALT2 = [j.sc.alt2 J.sc.alt2 jcircumflex.sc.alt2 Jcircumflex.sc.alt2]; @J_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [J.alt2 Jcircumflex.alt2]; @J_UC_LEFT_ALT2 = [J.alt2 Jcircumflex.alt2]; # K @K_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [k.alt2 kcommaaccent.alt2]; @K_LC_LEFT_ALT2 = [k.alt2 f_k.alt2 f_f_k.alt2 longs_k.alt2 c_k.alt2 kcommaaccent.alt2]; @K_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [k.sc.alt2 kcommaaccent.sc.alt2 Kcommaaccent.sc.alt2 K.sc.alt2]; @K_SC_LEFT_ALT2 = [k.sc.alt2 kcommaaccent.sc.alt2 Kcommaaccent.sc.alt2 K.sc.alt2]; @K_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [K.alt2 Kcommaaccent.alt2]; @K_UC_LEFT_ALT2 = [K.alt2 Kcommaaccent.alt2]; # L @L_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [l.alt2 lacute.alt2 lcaron.alt2 lcommaaccent.alt2 ldot.alt2]; @L_LC_LEFT_ALT2 = [l.alt2 fl.alt2 ffl.alt2 longs_l.alt2 longs_f_l.alt2 longs_longs_l.alt2 c_l.alt2 s_l.alt2 lacute.alt2 lcaron.alt2 ldot.alt2]; @L_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [l.sc.alt2 lacute.sc.alt2 Lacute.sc.alt2 lcaron.sc.alt2 Lcaron.sc.alt2 lcommaaccent.sc.alt2 Lcommaaccent.sc.alt2 ldot.sc.alt2 Ldot.sc.alt2 L.sc.alt2]; @L_SC_LEFT_ALT2 = [l.sc.alt2 lacute.sc.alt2 Lacute.sc.alt2 lcaron.sc.alt2 Lcaron.sc.alt2 lcommaaccent.sc.alt2 Lcommaaccent.sc.alt2 ldot.sc.alt2 Ldot.sc.alt2 L.sc.alt2]; @L_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [L.alt2 Lacute.alt2 Lcaron.alt2 Lcommaaccent.alt2 Ldot.alt2]; @L_UC_LEFT_ALT2 = [L.alt2 Lacute.alt2 Lcaron.alt2 Lcommaaccent.alt2 Ldot.alt2]; # M @M_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [m.alt2 mcircumflex.alt2]; @M_LC_LEFT_ALT2 = [m.alt2 mcircumflex.alt2]; @M_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [m.sc.alt2 M.sc.alt2 mcircumflex.sc.alt2 Mcircumflex.sc.alt2]; @M_SC_LEFT_ALT2 = [m.sc.alt2 M.sc.alt2 mcircumflex.sc.alt2 Mcircumflex.sc.alt2]; @M_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [M.alt2 Mcircumflex.alt2]; @M_UC_LEFT_ALT2 = [M.alt2 Mcircumflex.alt2]; # N @N_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [n.alt2 ntilde.alt2 nacute.alt2 ncaron.alt2 ncommaaccent.alt2 ncircumflex.alt2]; @N_LC_LEFT_ALT2 = [n.alt2 ntilde.alt2 nacute.alt2 ncaron.alt2 ncommaaccent.alt2 ncircumflex.alt2]; @N_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [n.sc.alt2 nacute.sc.alt2 Nacute.sc.alt2 ncaron.sc.alt2 Ncaron.sc.alt2 ncommaaccent.sc.alt2 Ncommaaccent.sc.alt2 N.sc.alt2 ntilde.sc.alt2 Ntilde.sc.alt2 ncircumflex.sc.alt2 Ncircumflex.sc.alt2]; @N_SC_LEFT_ALT2 = [n.sc.alt2 nacute.sc.alt2 Nacute.sc.alt2 ncaron.sc.alt2 Ncaron.sc.alt2 ncommaaccent.sc.alt2 Ncommaaccent.sc.alt2 N.sc.alt2 ntilde.sc.alt2 Ntilde.sc.alt2 ncircumflex.sc.alt2 Ncircumflex.sc.alt2]; @N_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [N.alt2 Ntilde.alt2 Nacute.alt2 Ncaron.alt2 Ncommaaccent.alt2 Ncircumflex.alt2]; @N_UC_LEFT_ALT2 = [N.alt2 Ntilde.alt2 Nacute.alt2 Ncaron.alt2 Ncommaaccent.alt2 Ncircumflex.alt2]; # O @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [o.alt2 oe.alt2 ohorn.alt2 ohornacute.alt2 ohorngrave.alt2 ohornhook.alt2 ohorntilde.alt2 ohorndotbelow.alt2 oacute.alt2 ocircumflex.alt2 odieresis.alt2 ograve.alt2 otilde.alt2 obreve.alt2 ohungarumlaut.alt2 omacron.alt2 odotbelow.alt2 ohook.alt2 ocircumflexacute.alt2 ocircumflexgrave.alt2 ocircumflexhook.alt2 ocircumflextilde.alt2 ocircumflexdotbelow.alt2]; @O_LC_LEFT_ALT2 = [o.alt2 oacute.alt2 ocircumflex.alt2 odieresis.alt2 ograve.alt2 otilde.alt2 obreve.alt2 ohungarumlaut.alt2 omacron.alt2 odotbelow.alt2 ohook.alt2 ocircumflexacute.alt2 ocircumflexgrave.alt2 ocircumflexhook.alt2 ocircumflextilde.alt2 ocircumflexdotbelow.alt2]; @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [o.sc.alt2 oe.sc.alt2 obreve.sc.alt2 Obreve.sc.alt2 ohungarumlaut.sc.alt2 Ohungarumlaut.sc.alt2 omacron.sc.alt2 Omacron.sc.alt2 O.sc.alt2 ograve.sc.alt2 Ograve.sc.alt2 oacute.sc.alt2 Oacute.sc.alt2 ocircumflex.sc.alt2 Ocircumflex.sc.alt2 otilde.sc.alt2 Otilde.sc.alt2 odieresis.sc.alt2 Odieresis.sc.alt2 odotbelow.sc.alt2 ohook.sc.alt2 ocircumflexacute.sc.alt2 ocircumflexgrave.sc.alt2 ocircumflexhook.sc.alt2 ocircumflextilde.sc.alt2 ocircumflexdotbelow.sc.alt2 Odotbelow.sc.alt2 Ohook.sc.alt2 Ocircumflexacute.sc.alt2 Ocircumflexgrave.sc.alt2 Ocircumflexhook.sc.alt2 Ocircumflextilde.sc.alt2 Ocircumflexdotbelow.sc.alt2]; @O_SC_LEFT_ALT2 = [o.sc.alt2 obreve.sc.alt2 Obreve.sc.alt2 ohungarumlaut.sc.alt2 Ohungarumlaut.sc.alt2 omacron.sc.alt2 Omacron.sc.alt2 O.sc.alt2 ograve.sc.alt2 Ograve.sc.alt2 oacute.sc.alt2 Oacute.sc.alt2 ocircumflex.sc.alt2 Ocircumflex.sc.alt2 otilde.sc.alt2 Otilde.sc.alt2 odieresis.sc.alt2 Odieresis.sc.alt2 odotbelow.sc.alt2 ohook.sc.alt2 ocircumflexacute.sc.alt2 ocircumflexgrave.sc.alt2 ocircumflexhook.sc.alt2 ocircumflextilde.sc.alt2 ocircumflexdotbelow.sc.alt2 Odotbelow.sc.alt2 Ohook.sc.alt2 Ocircumflexacute.sc.alt2 Ocircumflexgrave.sc.alt2 Ocircumflexhook.sc.alt2 Ocircumflextilde.sc.alt2 Ocircumflexdotbelow.sc.alt2]; @O_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [O.alt2 OE.alt2 Ohorn.alt2 Ohornacute.alt2 Ohorngrave.alt2 Ohornhook.alt2 Ohorntilde.alt2 Ohorndotbelow.alt2 Oacute.alt2 Ocircumflex.alt2 Odieresis.alt2 Ograve.alt2 Otilde.alt2 Obreve.alt2 Ohungarumlaut.alt2 Omacron.alt2 Odotbelow.alt2 Ohook.alt2 Ocircumflexacute.alt2 Ocircumflexgrave.alt2 Ocircumflexhook.alt2 Ocircumflextilde.alt2 Ocircumflexdotbelow.alt2]; @O_UC_LEFT_ALT2 = [O.alt2 Oacute.alt2 Ocircumflex.alt2 Odieresis.alt2 Ograve.alt2 Otilde.alt2 Obreve.alt2 Ohungarumlaut.alt2 Omacron.alt2 Odotbelow.alt2 Ohook.alt2 Ocircumflexacute.alt2 Ocircumflexgrave.alt2 Ocircumflexhook.alt2 Ocircumflextilde.alt2 Ocircumflexdotbelow.alt2]; # OHorn: Right side @OHORN_LC_LEFT_ALT2 = [ohorn.alt2 ohornacute.alt2 ohorngrave.alt2 ohornhook.alt2 ohorntilde.alt2 ohorndotbelow.alt2]; @OHORN_SC_LEFT_ALT2 = [ohorn.sc.alt2 ohornacute.sc.alt2 ohorngrave.sc.alt2 ohornhook.sc.alt2 ohorntilde.sc.alt2 ohorndotbelow.sc.alt2 Ohorn.sc.alt2 Ohornacute.sc.alt2 Ohorngrave.sc.alt2 Ohornhook.sc.alt2 Ohorntilde.sc.alt2 Ohorndotbelow.sc.alt2]; @OHORN_UC_LEFT_ALT2 = [Ohorn.alt2 Ohornacute.alt2 Ohorngrave.alt2 Ohornhook.alt2 Ohorntilde.alt2 Ohorndotbelow.alt2]; # OSLash: @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [oslash.alt2 oslashacute.alt2]; @OSLASH_LC_LEFT_ALT2 = [oslash.alt2 oslashacute.alt2]; @OSLASH_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [oslash.sc.alt2 Oslash.sc.alt2 oslashacute.sc.alt2 Oslashacute.sc.alt2]; @OSLASH_SC_LEFT_ALT2 = [oslash.sc.alt2 Oslash.sc.alt2 oslashacute.sc.alt2 Oslashacute.sc.alt2]; @OSLASH_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [Oslash.alt2 Oslashacute.alt2]; @OSLASH_UC_LEFT_ALT2 = [Oslash.alt2 Oslashacute.alt2]; # P @P_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [p.alt2]; @P_LC_LEFT_ALT2 = [p.alt2 s_p.alt2 thorn.alt2]; @P_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [p.sc.alt2 P.sc.alt2]; @P_SC_LEFT_ALT2 = [p.sc.alt2 P.sc.alt2]; @P_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [P.alt2]; @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 = [P.alt2]; # Q: both sides because of differences in some italics (otherwise the left side would be in the capital O group) @Q_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [q.alt2]; @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT2 = [q.alt2]; @Q_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [q.sc.alt2 Q.sc.alt2]; @Q_SC_LEFT_ALT2 = [q.sc.alt2 Q.sc.alt2]; @Q_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [Q.alt2]; @Q_UC_LEFT_ALT2 = [Q.alt2]; # R @R_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [r.alt2 racute.alt2 rcaron.alt2 rcommaaccent.alt2]; @R_LC_LEFT_ALT2 = [r.alt2 f_r.alt2 racute.alt2 rcaron.alt2 rcommaaccent.alt2]; @R_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [r.sc.alt2 racute.sc.alt2 Racute.sc.alt2 rcaron.sc.alt2 Rcaron.sc.alt2 rcommaaccent.sc.alt2 Rcommaaccent.sc.alt2 R.sc.alt2]; @R_SC_LEFT_ALT2 = [r.sc.alt2 racute.sc.alt2 Racute.sc.alt2 rcaron.sc.alt2 Rcaron.sc.alt2 rcommaaccent.sc.alt2 Rcommaaccent.sc.alt2 R.sc.alt2]; @R_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [R.alt2 Racute.alt2 Rcaron.alt2 Rcommaaccent.alt2]; @R_UC_LEFT_ALT2 = [R.alt2 Racute.alt2 Rcaron.alt2 Rcommaaccent.alt2]; # S @S_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [s.alt2 s_l.alt2 s_h.alt2 s_k.alt2 s_p.alt2 s_t.alt2 scaron.alt2 sacute.alt2 uni015F.alt2 uni0219.alt2 scircumflex.alt2]; @S_LC_LEFT_ALT2 = [s.alt2 a_s.alt2 e_s.alt2 i_s.alt2 u_s.alt2 scaron.alt2 sacute.alt2 uni015F.alt2 uni0219.alt2 scircumflex.alt2]; @S_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [s.sc.alt2 S.sc.alt2 sacute.sc.alt2 Sacute.sc.alt2 uni015F.sc.alt2 uni015E.sc.alt2 uni0219.sc.alt2 uni0218.sc.alt2 scaron.sc.alt2 Scaron.sc.alt2 scircumflex.sc.alt2 Scircumflex.sc.alt2 germandbls.sc.alt2]; @S_SC_LEFT_ALT2 = [s.sc.alt2 S.sc.alt2 sacute.sc.alt2 Sacute.sc.alt2 uni015F.sc.alt2 uni015E.sc.alt2 uni0219.sc.alt2 uni0218.sc.alt2 scaron.sc.alt2 Scaron.sc.alt2 scircumflex.sc.alt2 Scircumflex.sc.alt2 germandbls.sc.alt2]; @S_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [S.alt2 Scaron.alt2 Sacute.alt2 uni015E.alt2 uni0218.alt2 Scircumflex.alt2 uni015E.dup.alt2]; @S_UC_LEFT_ALT2 = [S.alt2 Scaron.alt2 Sacute.alt2 uni015E.alt2 uni0218.alt2 Scircumflex.alt2 uni015E.dup.alt2]; # longs: (left side can differ from left side f, hence not in that class) @LONGS_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [longs.alt2 longs_b.alt2 longs_f.alt2 longs_h.alt2 longs_i.alt2 longs_f_i.alt2 longs_j.alt2 longs_f_j.alt2 longs_longs_i.alt2 longs_k.alt2 longs_l.alt2 longs_f_l.alt2 longs_longs_l.alt2 longs_t.alt2 longs_longs.alt2 longs_adieresis.alt2 longs_odieresis.alt2 longs_udieresis.alt2]; @LONGS_LC_LEFT_ALT2 = [longs.alt2 longs_longs.alt2]; # T @T_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [t.alt2 t_h.alt2 t_t.alt2 tcaron.alt2 uni021B.alt2 uni021B.alt2]; @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 = [t.alt2 f_t.alt2 f_f_t.alt2 c_t.alt2 s_t.alt2 t_t.alt2 tcaron.alt2 uni021B.alt2 uni021B.alt2]; @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [t.sc.alt2 T.sc.alt2 tcaron.sc.alt2 Tcaron.sc.alt2 uni021B.sc.alt2 uni021A.sc.alt2]; @T_SC_LEFT_ALT2 = [t.sc.alt2 T.sc.alt2 tcaron.sc.alt2 Tcaron.sc.alt2 uni021B.sc.alt2 uni021A.sc.alt2]; @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [T.alt2 Tcaron.alt2 uni021A.alt2 uni021A.alt2]; @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 = [T.alt2 Tcaron.alt2 uni021A.alt2 uni021A.alt2]; # U @U_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [u.alt2 u_s.alt2 uhorn.alt2 uhornacute.alt2 uhorngrave.alt2 uhornhook.alt2 uhorntilde.alt2 uhorndotbelow.alt2 uacute.alt2 ucircumflex.alt2 udieresis.alt2 ugrave.alt2 ubreve.alt2 uhungarumlaut.alt2 umacron.alt2 uogonek.alt2 uring.alt2 utilde.alt2 udotbelow.alt2 uhook.alt2]; @U_LC_LEFT_ALT2 = [u.alt2 f_udieresis.alt2 longs_udieresis.alt2 uacute.alt2 ucircumflex.alt2 udieresis.alt2 ugrave.alt2 ubreve.alt2 uhungarumlaut.alt2 umacron.alt2 uogonek.alt2 uring.alt2 utilde.alt2 udotbelow.alt2 uhook.alt2]; @U_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [u.sc.alt2 U.sc.alt2 ubreve.sc.alt2 Ubreve.sc.alt2 uhungarumlaut.sc.alt2 Uhungarumlaut.sc.alt2 umacron.sc.alt2 Umacron.sc.alt2 uogonek.sc.alt2 Uogonek.sc.alt2 uring.sc.alt2 Uring.sc.alt2 utilde.sc.alt2 Utilde.sc.alt2 ugrave.sc.alt2 Ugrave.sc.alt2 uacute.sc.alt2 Uacute.sc.alt2 ucircumflex.sc.alt2 Ucircumflex.sc.alt2 udieresis.sc.alt2 Udieresis.sc.alt2 udotbelow.sc.alt2 uhook.sc.alt2 Udotbelow.sc.alt2 Uhook.sc.alt2]; @U_SC_LEFT_ALT2 = [u.sc.alt2 U.sc.alt2 ubreve.sc.alt2 Ubreve.sc.alt2 uhungarumlaut.sc.alt2 Uhungarumlaut.sc.alt2 umacron.sc.alt2 Umacron.sc.alt2 uogonek.sc.alt2 Uogonek.sc.alt2 uring.sc.alt2 Uring.sc.alt2 utilde.sc.alt2 Utilde.sc.alt2 ugrave.sc.alt2 Ugrave.sc.alt2 uacute.sc.alt2 Uacute.sc.alt2 ucircumflex.sc.alt2 Ucircumflex.sc.alt2 udieresis.sc.alt2 Udieresis.sc.alt2 udotbelow.sc.alt2 uhook.sc.alt2 Udotbelow.sc.alt2 Uhook.sc.alt2]; @U_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [U.alt2 Uacute.alt2 Ucircumflex.alt2 Udieresis.alt2 Ugrave.alt2 Ubreve.alt2 Uhungarumlaut.alt2 Umacron.alt2 Uogonek.alt2 Uring.alt2 Utilde.alt2 Udotbelow.alt2 Uhook.alt2]; @U_UC_LEFT_ALT2 = [U.alt2 Uacute.alt2 Ucircumflex.alt2 Udieresis.alt2 Ugrave.alt2 Ubreve.alt2 Uhungarumlaut.alt2 Umacron.alt2 Uogonek.alt2 Uring.alt2 Utilde.alt2 Udotbelow.alt2 Uhook.alt2]; # Uhorn: Right side @UHORN_LC_LEFT_ALT2 = [uhorn.alt2 uhornacute.alt2 uhorngrave.alt2 uhornhook.alt2 uhorntilde.alt2 uhorndotbelow.alt2]; @UHORN_SC_LEFT_ALT2 = [uhorn.sc.alt2 uhornacute.sc.alt2 uhorngrave.sc.alt2 uhornhook.sc.alt2 uhorntilde.sc.alt2 uhorndotbelow.sc.alt2 Uhorn.sc.alt2 Uhornacute.sc.alt2 Uhorngrave.sc.alt2 Uhornhook.sc.alt2 Uhorntilde.sc.alt2 Uhorndotbelow.sc.alt2]; @UHORN_UC_LEFT_ALT2 = [Uhorn.alt2 Uhornacute.alt2 Uhorngrave.alt2 Uhornhook.alt2 Uhorntilde.alt2 Uhorndotbelow.alt2]; # V @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [v.alt2]; @V_LC_LEFT_ALT2 = [v.alt2]; @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [v.sc.alt2 V.sc.alt2]; @V_SC_LEFT_ALT2 = [v.sc.alt2 V.sc.alt2]; @V_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [V.alt2]; @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 = [V.alt2]; # W @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [w.alt2 wacute.alt2 wcircumflex.alt2 wdieresis.alt2 wgrave.alt2]; @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 = [w.alt2 wacute.alt2 wcircumflex.alt2 wdieresis.alt2 wgrave.alt2]; @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [w.sc.alt2 W.sc.alt2 wacute.sc.alt2 Wacute.sc.alt2 wcircumflex.sc.alt2 Wcircumflex.sc.alt2 wdieresis.sc.alt2 Wdieresis.sc.alt2 wgrave.sc.alt2 Wgrave.sc.alt2]; @W_SC_LEFT_ALT2 = [w.sc.alt2 W.sc.alt2 wacute.sc.alt2 Wacute.sc.alt2 wcircumflex.sc.alt2 Wcircumflex.sc.alt2 wdieresis.sc.alt2 Wdieresis.sc.alt2 wgrave.sc.alt2 Wgrave.sc.alt2]; @W_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [W.alt2 Wacute.alt2 Wcircumflex.alt2 Wdieresis.alt2 Wgrave.alt2]; @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 = [W.alt2 Wacute.alt2 Wcircumflex.alt2 Wdieresis.alt2 Wgrave.alt2]; # X @X_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [x.alt2]; @X_LC_LEFT_ALT2 = [x.alt2]; @X_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [x.sc.alt2 X.sc.alt2]; @X_SC_LEFT_ALT2 = [x.sc.alt2 X.sc.alt2]; @X_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [X.alt2]; @X_UC_LEFT_ALT2 = [X.alt2]; # Y @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [y.alt2 yacute.alt2 ydieresis.alt2 ygrave.alt2 ycircumflex.alt2 ydotbelow.alt2 yhook.alt2 ytilde.alt2 ymacron.alt2]; @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT2 = [y.alt2 g_y.alt2 yacute.alt2 ydieresis.alt2 ygrave.alt2 ycircumflex.alt2 ydotbelow.alt2 yhook.alt2 ytilde.alt2 ymacron.alt2]; @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [y.sc.alt2 Y.sc.alt2 ygrave.sc.alt2 Ygrave.sc.alt2 yacute.sc.alt2 Yacute.sc.alt2 ydieresis.sc.alt2 Ydieresis.sc.alt2 ycircumflex.sc.alt2 Ycircumflex.sc.alt2 ydotbelow.sc.alt2 yhook.sc.alt2 ytilde.sc.alt2 Ydotbelow.sc.alt2 Yhook.sc.alt2 Ytilde.sc.alt2 ymacron.sc.alt2 Ymacron.sc.alt2]; @Y_SC_LEFT_ALT2 = [y.sc.alt2 Y.sc.alt2 ygrave.sc.alt2 Ygrave.sc.alt2 yacute.sc.alt2 Yacute.sc.alt2 ydieresis.sc.alt2 Ydieresis.sc.alt2 ycircumflex.sc.alt2 Ycircumflex.sc.alt2 ydotbelow.sc.alt2 yhook.sc.alt2 ytilde.sc.alt2 Ydotbelow.sc.alt2 Yhook.sc.alt2 Ytilde.sc.alt2 ymacron.sc.alt2 Ymacron.sc.alt2]; @Y_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [Y.alt2 Yacute.alt2 Ydieresis.alt2 Ygrave.alt2 Ycircumflex.alt2 Ydotbelow.alt2 Yhook.alt2 Ytilde.alt2 Ymacron.alt2]; @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 = [Y.alt2 Yacute.alt2 Ydieresis.alt2 Ygrave.alt2 Ycircumflex.alt2 Ydotbelow.alt2 Yhook.alt2 Ytilde.alt2 Ymacron.alt2]; # Z @Z_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [z.alt2 zcaron.alt2 zacute.alt2 zdotaccent.alt2]; @Z_LC_LEFT_ALT2 = [z.alt2 zcaron.alt2 zacute.alt2 zdotaccent.alt2]; @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [z.sc.alt2 Z.sc.alt2 zacute.sc.alt2 Zacute.sc.alt2 zdotaccent.sc.alt2 Zdotaccent.sc.alt2 zcaron.sc.alt2 Zcaron.sc.alt2]; @Z_SC_LEFT_ALT2 = [z.sc.alt2 Z.sc.alt2 zacute.sc.alt2 Zacute.sc.alt2 zdotaccent.sc.alt2 Zdotaccent.sc.alt2 zcaron.sc.alt2 Zcaron.sc.alt2]; @Z_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 = [Z.alt2 Zcaron.alt2 Zacute.alt2 Zdotaccent.alt2]; @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT2 = [Z.alt2 Zcaron.alt2 Zacute.alt2 Zdotaccent.alt2]; # A @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [a.alt3 ae.alt3 aeacute.alt3 a_s.alt3 aacute.alt3 acircumflex.alt3 adieresis.alt3 agrave.alt3 aring.alt3 atilde.alt3 abreve.alt3 amacron.alt3 aogonek.alt3 adotbelow.alt3 ahook.alt3 acircumflexacute.alt3 acircumflexgrave.alt3 acircumflexhook.alt3 acircumflextilde.alt3 acircumflexdotbelow.alt3 abreveacute.alt3 abrevegrave.alt3 abrevehook.alt3 abrevetilde.alt3 abrevedotbelow.alt3 aringacute.alt3]; @A_LC_LEFT_ALT3 = [a.alt3 f_adieresis.alt3 f_f_adieresis.alt3 longs_adieresis.alt3 aacute.alt3 acircumflex.alt3 adieresis.alt3 agrave.alt3 aring.alt3 atilde.alt3 abreve.alt3 amacron.alt3 aogonek.alt3 adotbelow.alt3 ahook.alt3 acircumflexacute.alt3 acircumflexgrave.alt3 acircumflexhook.alt3 acircumflextilde.alt3 acircumflexdotbelow.alt3 abreveacute.alt3 abrevegrave.alt3 abrevehook.alt3 abrevetilde.alt3 abrevedotbelow.alt3 aringacute.alt3]; @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [a.sc.alt3 abreve.sc.alt3 Abreve.sc.alt3 amacron.sc.alt3 Amacron.sc.alt3 aogonek.sc.alt3 Aogonek.sc.alt3 A.sc.alt3 agrave.sc.alt3 Agrave.sc.alt3 aacute.sc.alt3 Aacute.sc.alt3 acircumflex.sc.alt3 Acircumflex.sc.alt3 atilde.sc.alt3 Atilde.sc.alt3 adieresis.sc.alt3 Adieresis.sc.alt3 aring.sc.alt3 Aring.sc.alt3 adotbelow.sc.alt3 ahook.sc.alt3 acircumflexacute.sc.alt3 acircumflexgrave.sc.alt3 acircumflexhook.sc.alt3 acircumflextilde.sc.alt3 acircumflexdotbelow.sc.alt3 abreveacute.sc.alt3 abrevegrave.sc.alt3 abrevehook.sc.alt3 abrevetilde.sc.alt3 abrevedotbelow.sc.alt3 Adotbelow.sc.alt3 Ahook.sc.alt3 Acircumflexacute.sc.alt3 Acircumflexgrave.sc.alt3 Acircumflexhook.sc.alt3 Acircumflextilde.sc.alt3 Acircumflexdotbelow.sc.alt3 Abreveacute.sc.alt3 Abrevegrave.sc.alt3 Abrevehook.sc.alt3 Abrevedotbelow.sc.alt3 Abrevetilde.sc.alt3 aringacute.sc.alt3 Aringacute.sc.alt3]; @A_SC_LEFT_ALT3 = [a.sc.alt3 abreve.sc.alt3 Abreve.sc.alt3 amacron.sc.alt3 Amacron.sc.alt3 aogonek.sc.alt3 Aogonek.sc.alt3 A.sc.alt3 agrave.sc.alt3 Agrave.sc.alt3 aacute.sc.alt3 Aacute.sc.alt3 acircumflex.sc.alt3 Acircumflex.sc.alt3 atilde.sc.alt3 Atilde.sc.alt3 adieresis.sc.alt3 Adieresis.sc.alt3 aring.sc.alt3 Aring.sc.alt3 adotbelow.sc.alt3 ahook.sc.alt3 acircumflexacute.sc.alt3 acircumflexgrave.sc.alt3 acircumflexhook.sc.alt3 acircumflextilde.sc.alt3 acircumflexdotbelow.sc.alt3 abreveacute.sc.alt3 abrevegrave.sc.alt3 abrevehook.sc.alt3 abrevetilde.sc.alt3 abrevedotbelow.sc.alt3 Adotbelow.sc.alt3 Ahook.sc.alt3 Acircumflexacute.sc.alt3 Acircumflexgrave.sc.alt3 Acircumflexhook.sc.alt3 Acircumflextilde.sc.alt3 Acircumflexdotbelow.sc.alt3 Abreveacute.sc.alt3 Abrevegrave.sc.alt3 Abrevehook.sc.alt3 Abrevedotbelow.sc.alt3 Abrevetilde.sc.alt3 aringacute.sc.alt3 Aringacute.sc.alt3]; @A_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [A.alt3 Aacute.alt3 Acircumflex.alt3 Adieresis.alt3 Agrave.alt3 Aring.alt3 Atilde.alt3 Abreve.alt3 Amacron.alt3 Aogonek.alt3 Adotbelow.alt3 Ahook.alt3 Acircumflexacute.alt3 Acircumflexgrave.alt3 Acircumflexhook.alt3 Acircumflextilde.alt3 Acircumflexdotbelow.alt3 Abreveacute.alt3 Abrevegrave.alt3 Abrevehook.alt3 Abrevetilde.alt3 Abrevedotbelow.alt3 Aringacute.alt3]; @A_UC_LEFT_ALT3 = [A.alt3 Aacute.alt3 Acircumflex.alt3 Adieresis.alt3 Agrave.alt3 Aring.alt3 Atilde.alt3 Abreve.alt3 Amacron.alt3 Aogonek.alt3 Adotbelow.alt3 Ahook.alt3 Acircumflexacute.alt3 Acircumflexgrave.alt3 Acircumflexhook.alt3 Acircumflextilde.alt3 Acircumflexdotbelow.alt3 Abreveacute.alt3 Abrevegrave.alt3 Abrevehook.alt3 Abrevetilde.alt3 Abrevedotbelow.alt3 Aringacute.alt3]; # AE @AE_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [AE.alt3 AEacute.alt3]; # B @B_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [b.alt3]; @B_LC_LEFT_ALT3 = [b.alt3 f_b.alt3 f_f_b.alt3 longs_b.alt3]; @B_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [b.sc.alt3 B.sc.alt3]; @B_SC_LEFT_ALT3 = [b.sc.alt3 B.sc.alt3]; @B_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [B.alt3]; @B_UC_LEFT_ALT3 = [B.alt3]; # C @C_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [c.alt3 c_h.alt3 c_k.alt3 c_t.alt3 ccedilla.alt3 cacute.alt3 ccaron.alt3 ccircumflex.alt3 cdotaccent.alt3]; @C_LC_LEFT_ALT3 = [c.alt3 ccedilla.alt3 cacute.alt3 ccaron.alt3 ccircumflex.alt3 cdotaccent.alt3]; @C_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [c.sc.alt3 cacute.sc.alt3 Cacute.sc.alt3 ccaron.sc.alt3 Ccaron.sc.alt3 ccircumflex.sc.alt3 Ccircumflex.sc.alt3 cdotaccent.sc.alt3 Cdotaccent.sc.alt3 C.sc.alt3 ccedilla.sc.alt3 Ccedilla.sc.alt3]; @C_SC_LEFT_ALT3 = [c.sc.alt3 cacute.sc.alt3 Cacute.sc.alt3 ccaron.sc.alt3 Ccaron.sc.alt3 ccircumflex.sc.alt3 Ccircumflex.sc.alt3 cdotaccent.sc.alt3 Cdotaccent.sc.alt3 C.sc.alt3 ccedilla.sc.alt3 Ccedilla.sc.alt3]; @C_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [C.alt3 Ccedilla.alt3 Cacute.alt3 Ccaron.alt3 Ccircumflex.alt3 Cdotaccent.alt3]; @C_UC_LEFT_ALT3 = [C.alt3 Ccedilla.alt3 Cacute.alt3 Ccaron.alt3 Ccircumflex.alt3 Cdotaccent.alt3]; # D @D_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [d.alt3 dcaron.alt3 dcroat.alt3]; @D_LC_LEFT_ALT3 = [d.alt3]; @D_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [d.sc.alt3 dcaron.sc.alt3 D.sc.alt3 Dcaron.sc.alt3]; @D_SC_LEFT_ALT3 = [d.sc.alt3 dcaron.sc.alt3 dcroat.sc.alt3 D.sc.alt3 Dcaron.sc.alt3 Dcroat.sc.alt3 eth.sc.alt3 Eth.sc.alt3]; @D_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [D.alt3 Dcaron.alt3]; @D_UC_LEFT_ALT3 = [D.alt3 Dcaron.alt3 Dcroat.alt3 Eth.alt3]; # E @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [e.alt3 e_s.alt3 eacute.alt3 ecircumflex.alt3 edieresis.alt3 egrave.alt3 ebreve.alt3 ecaron.alt3 edotaccent.alt3 emacron.alt3 eogonek.alt3 edotbelow.alt3 ehook.alt3 etilde.alt3 ecircumflexacute.alt3 ecircumflexgrave.alt3 ecircumflexhook.alt3 ecircumflextilde.alt3 ecircumflexdotbelow.alt3]; @E_LC_LEFT_ALT3 = [e.alt3 oe.alt3 eacute.alt3 ecircumflex.alt3 edieresis.alt3 egrave.alt3 ebreve.alt3 ecaron.alt3 edotaccent.alt3 emacron.alt3 eogonek.alt3 edotbelow.alt3 ehook.alt3 etilde.alt3 ecircumflexacute.alt3 ecircumflexgrave.alt3 ecircumflexhook.alt3 ecircumflextilde.alt3 ecircumflexdotbelow.alt3]; @E_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [e.sc.alt3 ebreve.sc.alt3 Ebreve.sc.alt3 ecaron.sc.alt3 Ecaron.sc.alt3 edotaccent.sc.alt3 Edotaccent.sc.alt3 emacron.sc.alt3 Emacron.sc.alt3 eogonek.sc.alt3 Eogonek.sc.alt3 E.sc.alt3 egrave.sc.alt3 Egrave.sc.alt3 eacute.sc.alt3 Eacute.sc.alt3 ecircumflex.sc.alt3 Ecircumflex.sc.alt3 edieresis.sc.alt3 Edieresis.sc.alt3 edotbelow.sc.alt3 ehook.sc.alt3 etilde.sc.alt3 ecircumflexacute.sc.alt3 ecircumflexgrave.sc.alt3 ecircumflexhook.sc.alt3 ecircumflextilde.sc.alt3 ecircumflexdotbelow.sc.alt3 Edotbelow.sc.alt3 Ehook.sc.alt3 Etilde.sc.alt3 Ecircumflexacute.sc.alt3 Ecircumflexgrave.sc.alt3 Ecircumflexhook.sc.alt3 Ecircumflextilde.sc.alt3 Ecircumflexdotbelow.sc.alt3]; @E_SC_LEFT_ALT3 = [e.sc.alt3 ae.sc.alt3 AE.sc.alt3 oe.sc.alt3 OE.sc.alt3 aeacute.sc.alt3 Aeacute.sc.alt3 ebreve.sc.alt3 Ebreve.sc.alt3 ecaron.sc.alt3 Ecaron.sc.alt3 edotaccent.sc.alt3 Edotaccent.sc.alt3 emacron.sc.alt3 Emacron.sc.alt3 eogonek.sc.alt3 Eogonek.sc.alt3 E.sc.alt3 egrave.sc.alt3 Egrave.sc.alt3 eacute.sc.alt3 Eacute.sc.alt3 ecircumflex.sc.alt3 Ecircumflex.sc.alt3 edieresis.sc.alt3 Edieresis.sc.alt3 edotbelow.sc.alt3 ehook.sc.alt3 etilde.sc.alt3 ecircumflexacute.sc.alt3 ecircumflexgrave.sc.alt3 ecircumflexhook.sc.alt3 ecircumflextilde.sc.alt3 ecircumflexdotbelow.sc.alt3 Edotbelow.sc.alt3 Ehook.sc.alt3 Etilde.sc.alt3 Ecircumflexacute.sc.alt3 Ecircumflexgrave.sc.alt3 Ecircumflexhook.sc.alt3 Ecircumflextilde.sc.alt3 Ecircumflexdotbelow.sc.alt3]; @E_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [E.alt3 Eacute.alt3 Ecircumflex.alt3 Edieresis.alt3 Egrave.alt3 Ebreve.alt3 Ecaron.alt3 Edotaccent.alt3 Emacron.alt3 Eogonek.alt3 Edotbelow.alt3 Ehook.alt3 Etilde.alt3 Ecircumflexacute.alt3 Ecircumflexgrave.alt3 Ecircumflexhook.alt3 Ecircumflextilde.alt3 Ecircumflexdotbelow.alt3]; @E_UC_LEFT_ALT3 = [E.alt3 OE.alt3 AE.alt3 AEacute.alt3 Eacute.alt3 Ecircumflex.alt3 Edieresis.alt3 Egrave.alt3 Ebreve.alt3 Ecaron.alt3 Edotaccent.alt3 Emacron.alt3 Eogonek.alt3 Edotbelow.alt3 Ehook.alt3 Etilde.alt3 Ecircumflexacute.alt3 Ecircumflexgrave.alt3 Ecircumflexhook.alt3 Ecircumflextilde.alt3 Ecircumflexdotbelow.alt3]; # F @F_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [f.alt3 ff.alt3 f_f_f.alt3 fi.alt3 ffi.alt3 fl.alt3 ffl.alt3 f_b.alt3 f_f_b.alt3 f_h.alt3 f_f_h.alt3 f_j.alt3 f_f_j.alt3 f_k.alt3 f_f_k.alt3 f_r.alt3 f_t.alt3 f_f_t.alt3 f_adieresis.alt3 f_f_adieresis.alt3 f_odieresis.alt3 f_f_odieresis.alt3 f_udieresis.alt3 f_f_udieresis.alt3 fdotaccent.alt3]; @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 = [f.alt3 ff.alt3 f_f_f.alt3 fdotaccent.alt3]; @F_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [f.sc.alt3 F.sc.alt3 Fdotaccent.sc.alt3 fdotaccent.sc.alt3]; @F_SC_LEFT_ALT3 = [f.sc.alt3 F.sc.alt3 Fdotaccent.sc.alt3 fdotaccent.sc.alt3]; @F_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [F.alt3 Fdotaccent.alt3]; @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 = [F.alt3 Fdotaccent.alt3]; # g @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [g.alt3 g_g.alt3 g_y.alt3 gbreve.alt3 gcircumflex.alt3 gcommaaccent.alt3 gdotaccent.alt3 gtilde.alt3]; @G_LC_LEFT_ALT3 = [g.alt3 g_g.alt3 gbreve.alt3 gcircumflex.alt3 gcommaaccent.alt3 gdotaccent.alt3 gtilde.alt3]; @G_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [g.sc.alt3 gbreve.sc.alt3 Gbreve.sc.alt3 gcircumflex.sc.alt3 Gcircumflex.sc.alt3 gcommaaccent.sc.alt3 Gcommaaccent.sc.alt3 gdotaccent.sc.alt3 Gdotaccent.sc.alt3 G.sc.alt3 gtilde.sc.alt3 Gtilde.sc.alt3]; @G_SC_LEFT_ALT3 = [g.sc.alt3 gbreve.sc.alt3 Gbreve.sc.alt3 gcircumflex.sc.alt3 Gcircumflex.sc.alt3 gcommaaccent.sc.alt3 Gcommaaccent.sc.alt3 gdotaccent.sc.alt3 Gdotaccent.sc.alt3 G.sc.alt3 gtilde.sc.alt3 Gtilde.sc.alt3]; @G_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [G.alt3 Gbreve.alt3 Gcircumflex.alt3 Gcommaaccent.alt3 Gdotaccent.alt3 Gtilde.alt3]; @G_UC_LEFT_ALT3 = [G.alt3 Gbreve.alt3 Gcircumflex.alt3 Gcommaaccent.alt3 Gdotaccent.alt3 Gtilde.alt3]; # H @H_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [h.alt3 hcircumflex.alt3]; @H_LC_LEFT_ALT3 = [h.alt3 longs_h.alt3 f_h.alt3 f_f_h.alt3 c_h.alt3 s_h.alt3 t_h.alt3 hcircumflex.alt3]; @H_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [h.sc.alt3 H.sc.alt3 hcircumflex.sc.alt3 Hcircumflex.sc.alt3]; @H_SC_LEFT_ALT3 = [h.sc.alt3 H.sc.alt3 hcircumflex.sc.alt3 Hcircumflex.sc.alt3]; @H_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [H.alt3 Hcircumflex.alt3]; @H_UC_LEFT_ALT3 = [H.alt3 Hcircumflex.alt3]; # I @I_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [i.alt3 i_s.alt3 dotlessi.alt3 iacute.alt3 icircumflex.alt3 idieresis.alt3 igrave.alt3 ibreve.alt3 imacron.alt3 iogonek.alt3 itilde.alt3 ihook.alt3 idotbelow.alt3]; @I_LC_LEFT_ALT3 = [i.alt3 fi.alt3 ffi.alt3 longs_i.alt3 longs_longs_i.alt3 dotlessi.alt3 iacute.alt3 icircumflex.alt3 idieresis.alt3 igrave.alt3 ibreve.alt3 imacron.alt3 iogonek.alt3 itilde.alt3 ihook.alt3 idotbelow.alt3]; @I_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [i.sc.alt3 I.sc.alt3 ibreve.sc.alt3 Ibreve.sc.alt3 idotaccent.sc.alt3 Idotaccent.sc.alt3 imacron.sc.alt3 Imacron.sc.alt3 iogonek.sc.alt3 Iogonek.sc.alt3 itilde.sc.alt3 Itilde.sc.alt3 igrave.sc.alt3 Igrave.sc.alt3 iacute.sc.alt3 Iacute.sc.alt3 icircumflex.sc.alt3 Icircumflex.sc.alt3 idieresis.sc.alt3 Idieresis.sc.alt3 dotlessi.sc.alt3 ihook.sc.alt3 idotbelow.sc.alt3 Ihook.sc.alt3 Idotbelow.sc.alt3]; @I_SC_LEFT_ALT3 = [i.sc.alt3 I.sc.alt3 ibreve.sc.alt3 Ibreve.sc.alt3 idotaccent.sc.alt3 Idotaccent.sc.alt3 imacron.sc.alt3 Imacron.sc.alt3 iogonek.sc.alt3 Iogonek.sc.alt3 itilde.sc.alt3 Itilde.sc.alt3 igrave.sc.alt3 Igrave.sc.alt3 iacute.sc.alt3 Iacute.sc.alt3 icircumflex.sc.alt3 Icircumflex.sc.alt3 idieresis.sc.alt3 Idieresis.sc.alt3 dotlessi.sc.alt3 ihook.sc.alt3 idotbelow.sc.alt3 Ihook.sc.alt3 Idotbelow.sc.alt3]; @I_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [I.alt3 Iacute.alt3 Icircumflex.alt3 Idieresis.alt3 Igrave.alt3 Ibreve.alt3 Imacron.alt3 Iogonek.alt3 Itilde.alt3 Idotaccent.alt3 Ihook.alt3 Idotbelow.alt3]; @I_UC_LEFT_ALT3 = [I.alt3 Iacute.alt3 Icircumflex.alt3 Idieresis.alt3 Igrave.alt3 Ibreve.alt3 Imacron.alt3 Iogonek.alt3 Itilde.alt3 Idotaccent.alt3 Ihook.alt3 Idotbelow.alt3]; # J @J_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [j.alt3 jcircumflex.alt3]; @J_LC_LEFT_ALT3 = [j.alt3 f_j.alt3 f_f_j.alt3 longs_j.alt3 longs_f_j.alt3 jcircumflex.alt3]; @J_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [j.sc.alt3 J.sc.alt3 jcircumflex.sc.alt3 Jcircumflex.sc.alt3]; @J_SC_LEFT_ALT3 = [j.sc.alt3 J.sc.alt3 jcircumflex.sc.alt3 Jcircumflex.sc.alt3]; @J_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [J.alt3 Jcircumflex.alt3]; @J_UC_LEFT_ALT3 = [J.alt3 Jcircumflex.alt3]; # K @K_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [k.alt3 kcommaaccent.alt3]; @K_LC_LEFT_ALT3 = [k.alt3 f_k.alt3 f_f_k.alt3 longs_k.alt3 c_k.alt3 kcommaaccent.alt3]; @K_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [k.sc.alt3 kcommaaccent.sc.alt3 Kcommaaccent.sc.alt3 K.sc.alt3]; @K_SC_LEFT_ALT3 = [k.sc.alt3 kcommaaccent.sc.alt3 Kcommaaccent.sc.alt3 K.sc.alt3]; @K_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [K.alt3 Kcommaaccent.alt3]; @K_UC_LEFT_ALT3 = [K.alt3 Kcommaaccent.alt3]; # L @L_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [l.alt3 lacute.alt3 lcaron.alt3 lcommaaccent.alt3 ldot.alt3]; @L_LC_LEFT_ALT3 = [l.alt3 fl.alt3 ffl.alt3 longs_l.alt3 longs_f_l.alt3 longs_longs_l.alt3 c_l.alt3 s_l.alt3 lacute.alt3 lcaron.alt3 ldot.alt3]; @L_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [l.sc.alt3 lacute.sc.alt3 Lacute.sc.alt3 lcaron.sc.alt3 Lcaron.sc.alt3 lcommaaccent.sc.alt3 Lcommaaccent.sc.alt3 ldot.sc.alt3 Ldot.sc.alt3 L.sc.alt3]; @L_SC_LEFT_ALT3 = [l.sc.alt3 lacute.sc.alt3 Lacute.sc.alt3 lcaron.sc.alt3 Lcaron.sc.alt3 lcommaaccent.sc.alt3 Lcommaaccent.sc.alt3 ldot.sc.alt3 Ldot.sc.alt3 L.sc.alt3]; @L_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [L.alt3 Lacute.alt3 Lcaron.alt3 Lcommaaccent.alt3 Ldot.alt3]; @L_UC_LEFT_ALT3 = [L.alt3 Lacute.alt3 Lcaron.alt3 Lcommaaccent.alt3 Ldot.alt3]; # M @M_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [m.alt3 mcircumflex.alt3]; @M_LC_LEFT_ALT3 = [m.alt3 mcircumflex.alt3]; @M_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [m.sc.alt3 M.sc.alt3 mcircumflex.sc.alt3 Mcircumflex.sc.alt3]; @M_SC_LEFT_ALT3 = [m.sc.alt3 M.sc.alt3 mcircumflex.sc.alt3 Mcircumflex.sc.alt3]; @M_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [M.alt3 Mcircumflex.alt3]; @M_UC_LEFT_ALT3 = [M.alt3 Mcircumflex.alt3]; # N @N_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [n.alt3 ntilde.alt3 nacute.alt3 ncaron.alt3 ncommaaccent.alt3 ncircumflex.alt3]; @N_LC_LEFT_ALT3 = [n.alt3 ntilde.alt3 nacute.alt3 ncaron.alt3 ncommaaccent.alt3 ncircumflex.alt3]; @N_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [n.sc.alt3 nacute.sc.alt3 Nacute.sc.alt3 ncaron.sc.alt3 Ncaron.sc.alt3 ncommaaccent.sc.alt3 Ncommaaccent.sc.alt3 N.sc.alt3 ntilde.sc.alt3 Ntilde.sc.alt3 ncircumflex.sc.alt3 Ncircumflex.sc.alt3]; @N_SC_LEFT_ALT3 = [n.sc.alt3 nacute.sc.alt3 Nacute.sc.alt3 ncaron.sc.alt3 Ncaron.sc.alt3 ncommaaccent.sc.alt3 Ncommaaccent.sc.alt3 N.sc.alt3 ntilde.sc.alt3 Ntilde.sc.alt3 ncircumflex.sc.alt3 Ncircumflex.sc.alt3]; @N_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [N.alt3 Ntilde.alt3 Nacute.alt3 Ncaron.alt3 Ncommaaccent.alt3 Ncircumflex.alt3]; @N_UC_LEFT_ALT3 = [N.alt3 Ntilde.alt3 Nacute.alt3 Ncaron.alt3 Ncommaaccent.alt3 Ncircumflex.alt3]; # O @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [o.alt3 oe.alt3 ohorn.alt3 ohornacute.alt3 ohorngrave.alt3 ohornhook.alt3 ohorntilde.alt3 ohorndotbelow.alt3 oacute.alt3 ocircumflex.alt3 odieresis.alt3 ograve.alt3 otilde.alt3 obreve.alt3 ohungarumlaut.alt3 omacron.alt3 odotbelow.alt3 ohook.alt3 ocircumflexacute.alt3 ocircumflexgrave.alt3 ocircumflexhook.alt3 ocircumflextilde.alt3 ocircumflexdotbelow.alt3]; @O_LC_LEFT_ALT3 = [o.alt3 oacute.alt3 ocircumflex.alt3 odieresis.alt3 ograve.alt3 otilde.alt3 obreve.alt3 ohungarumlaut.alt3 omacron.alt3 odotbelow.alt3 ohook.alt3 ocircumflexacute.alt3 ocircumflexgrave.alt3 ocircumflexhook.alt3 ocircumflextilde.alt3 ocircumflexdotbelow.alt3]; @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [o.sc.alt3 oe.sc.alt3 obreve.sc.alt3 Obreve.sc.alt3 ohungarumlaut.sc.alt3 Ohungarumlaut.sc.alt3 omacron.sc.alt3 Omacron.sc.alt3 O.sc.alt3 ograve.sc.alt3 Ograve.sc.alt3 oacute.sc.alt3 Oacute.sc.alt3 ocircumflex.sc.alt3 Ocircumflex.sc.alt3 otilde.sc.alt3 Otilde.sc.alt3 odieresis.sc.alt3 Odieresis.sc.alt3 odotbelow.sc.alt3 ohook.sc.alt3 ocircumflexacute.sc.alt3 ocircumflexgrave.sc.alt3 ocircumflexhook.sc.alt3 ocircumflextilde.sc.alt3 ocircumflexdotbelow.sc.alt3 Odotbelow.sc.alt3 Ohook.sc.alt3 Ocircumflexacute.sc.alt3 Ocircumflexgrave.sc.alt3 Ocircumflexhook.sc.alt3 Ocircumflextilde.sc.alt3 Ocircumflexdotbelow.sc.alt3]; @O_SC_LEFT_ALT3 = [o.sc.alt3 obreve.sc.alt3 Obreve.sc.alt3 ohungarumlaut.sc.alt3 Ohungarumlaut.sc.alt3 omacron.sc.alt3 Omacron.sc.alt3 O.sc.alt3 ograve.sc.alt3 Ograve.sc.alt3 oacute.sc.alt3 Oacute.sc.alt3 ocircumflex.sc.alt3 Ocircumflex.sc.alt3 otilde.sc.alt3 Otilde.sc.alt3 odieresis.sc.alt3 Odieresis.sc.alt3 odotbelow.sc.alt3 ohook.sc.alt3 ocircumflexacute.sc.alt3 ocircumflexgrave.sc.alt3 ocircumflexhook.sc.alt3 ocircumflextilde.sc.alt3 ocircumflexdotbelow.sc.alt3 Odotbelow.sc.alt3 Ohook.sc.alt3 Ocircumflexacute.sc.alt3 Ocircumflexgrave.sc.alt3 Ocircumflexhook.sc.alt3 Ocircumflextilde.sc.alt3 Ocircumflexdotbelow.sc.alt3]; @O_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [O.alt3 OE.alt3 Ohorn.alt3 Ohornacute.alt3 Ohorngrave.alt3 Ohornhook.alt3 Ohorntilde.alt3 Ohorndotbelow.alt3 Oacute.alt3 Ocircumflex.alt3 Odieresis.alt3 Ograve.alt3 Otilde.alt3 Obreve.alt3 Ohungarumlaut.alt3 Omacron.alt3 Odotbelow.alt3 Ohook.alt3 Ocircumflexacute.alt3 Ocircumflexgrave.alt3 Ocircumflexhook.alt3 Ocircumflextilde.alt3 Ocircumflexdotbelow.alt3]; @O_UC_LEFT_ALT3 = [O.alt3 Oacute.alt3 Ocircumflex.alt3 Odieresis.alt3 Ograve.alt3 Otilde.alt3 Obreve.alt3 Ohungarumlaut.alt3 Omacron.alt3 Odotbelow.alt3 Ohook.alt3 Ocircumflexacute.alt3 Ocircumflexgrave.alt3 Ocircumflexhook.alt3 Ocircumflextilde.alt3 Ocircumflexdotbelow.alt3]; # OHorn: Right side @OHORN_LC_LEFT_ALT3 = [ohorn.alt3 ohornacute.alt3 ohorngrave.alt3 ohornhook.alt3 ohorntilde.alt3 ohorndotbelow.alt3]; @OHORN_SC_LEFT_ALT3 = [ohorn.sc.alt3 ohornacute.sc.alt3 ohorngrave.sc.alt3 ohornhook.sc.alt3 ohorntilde.sc.alt3 ohorndotbelow.sc.alt3 Ohorn.sc.alt3 Ohornacute.sc.alt3 Ohorngrave.sc.alt3 Ohornhook.sc.alt3 Ohorntilde.sc.alt3 Ohorndotbelow.sc.alt3]; @OHORN_UC_LEFT_ALT3 = [Ohorn.alt3 Ohornacute.alt3 Ohorngrave.alt3 Ohornhook.alt3 Ohorntilde.alt3 Ohorndotbelow.alt3]; # OSLash: @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [oslash.alt3 oslashacute.alt3]; @OSLASH_LC_LEFT_ALT3 = [oslash.alt3 oslashacute.alt3]; @OSLASH_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [oslash.sc.alt3 Oslash.sc.alt3 oslashacute.sc.alt3 Oslashacute.sc.alt3]; @OSLASH_SC_LEFT_ALT3 = [oslash.sc.alt3 Oslash.sc.alt3 oslashacute.sc.alt3 Oslashacute.sc.alt3]; @OSLASH_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [Oslash.alt3 Oslashacute.alt3]; @OSLASH_UC_LEFT_ALT3 = [Oslash.alt3 Oslashacute.alt3]; # P @P_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [p.alt3]; @P_LC_LEFT_ALT3 = [p.alt3 s_p.alt3 thorn.alt3]; @P_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [p.sc.alt3 P.sc.alt3]; @P_SC_LEFT_ALT3 = [p.sc.alt3 P.sc.alt3]; @P_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [P.alt3]; @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 = [P.alt3]; # Q: both sides because of differences in some italics (otherwise the left side would be in the capital O group) @Q_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [q.alt3]; @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT3 = [q.alt3]; @Q_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [q.sc.alt3 Q.sc.alt3]; @Q_SC_LEFT_ALT3 = [q.sc.alt3 Q.sc.alt3]; @Q_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [Q.alt3]; @Q_UC_LEFT_ALT3 = [Q.alt3]; # R @R_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [r.alt3 racute.alt3 rcaron.alt3 rcommaaccent.alt3]; @R_LC_LEFT_ALT3 = [r.alt3 f_r.alt3 racute.alt3 rcaron.alt3 rcommaaccent.alt3]; @R_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [r.sc.alt3 racute.sc.alt3 Racute.sc.alt3 rcaron.sc.alt3 Rcaron.sc.alt3 rcommaaccent.sc.alt3 Rcommaaccent.sc.alt3 R.sc.alt3]; @R_SC_LEFT_ALT3 = [r.sc.alt3 racute.sc.alt3 Racute.sc.alt3 rcaron.sc.alt3 Rcaron.sc.alt3 rcommaaccent.sc.alt3 Rcommaaccent.sc.alt3 R.sc.alt3]; @R_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [R.alt3 Racute.alt3 Rcaron.alt3 Rcommaaccent.alt3]; @R_UC_LEFT_ALT3 = [R.alt3 Racute.alt3 Rcaron.alt3 Rcommaaccent.alt3]; # S @S_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [s.alt3 s_l.alt3 s_h.alt3 s_k.alt3 s_p.alt3 s_t.alt3 scaron.alt3 sacute.alt3 uni015F.alt3 uni0219.alt3 scircumflex.alt3]; @S_LC_LEFT_ALT3 = [s.alt3 a_s.alt3 e_s.alt3 i_s.alt3 u_s.alt3 scaron.alt3 sacute.alt3 uni015F.alt3 uni0219.alt3 scircumflex.alt3]; @S_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [s.sc.alt3 S.sc.alt3 sacute.sc.alt3 Sacute.sc.alt3 uni015F.sc.alt3 uni015E.sc.alt3 uni0219.sc.alt3 uni0218.sc.alt3 scaron.sc.alt3 Scaron.sc.alt3 scircumflex.sc.alt3 Scircumflex.sc.alt3 germandbls.sc.alt3]; @S_SC_LEFT_ALT3 = [s.sc.alt3 S.sc.alt3 sacute.sc.alt3 Sacute.sc.alt3 uni015F.sc.alt3 uni015E.sc.alt3 uni0219.sc.alt3 uni0218.sc.alt3 scaron.sc.alt3 Scaron.sc.alt3 scircumflex.sc.alt3 Scircumflex.sc.alt3 germandbls.sc.alt3]; @S_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [S.alt3 Scaron.alt3 Sacute.alt3 uni015E.alt3 uni0218.alt3 Scircumflex.alt3 uni015E.dup.alt3]; @S_UC_LEFT_ALT3 = [S.alt3 Scaron.alt3 Sacute.alt3 uni015E.alt3 uni0218.alt3 Scircumflex.alt3 uni015E.dup.alt3]; # longs: (left side can differ from left side f, hence not in that class) @LONGS_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [longs.alt3 longs_b.alt3 longs_f.alt3 longs_h.alt3 longs_i.alt3 longs_f_i.alt3 longs_j.alt3 longs_f_j.alt3 longs_longs_i.alt3 longs_k.alt3 longs_l.alt3 longs_f_l.alt3 longs_longs_l.alt3 longs_t.alt3 longs_longs.alt3 longs_adieresis.alt3 longs_odieresis.alt3 longs_udieresis.alt3]; @LONGS_LC_LEFT_ALT3 = [longs.alt3 longs_longs.alt3]; # T @T_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [t.alt3 t_h.alt3 t_t.alt3 tcaron.alt3 uni021B.alt3 uni021B.alt3]; @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 = [t.alt3 f_t.alt3 f_f_t.alt3 c_t.alt3 s_t.alt3 t_t.alt3 tcaron.alt3 uni021B.alt3 uni021B.alt3]; @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [t.sc.alt3 T.sc.alt3 tcaron.sc.alt3 Tcaron.sc.alt3 uni021B.sc.alt3 uni021A.sc.alt3]; @T_SC_LEFT_ALT3 = [t.sc.alt3 T.sc.alt3 tcaron.sc.alt3 Tcaron.sc.alt3 uni021B.sc.alt3 uni021A.sc.alt3]; @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [T.alt3 Tcaron.alt3 uni021A.alt3 uni021A.alt3]; @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 = [T.alt3 Tcaron.alt3 uni021A.alt3 uni021A.alt3]; # U @U_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [u.alt3 u_s.alt3 uhorn.alt3 uhornacute.alt3 uhorngrave.alt3 uhornhook.alt3 uhorntilde.alt3 uhorndotbelow.alt3 uacute.alt3 ucircumflex.alt3 udieresis.alt3 ugrave.alt3 ubreve.alt3 uhungarumlaut.alt3 umacron.alt3 uogonek.alt3 uring.alt3 utilde.alt3 udotbelow.alt3 uhook.alt3]; @U_LC_LEFT_ALT3 = [u.alt3 f_udieresis.alt3 longs_udieresis.alt3 uacute.alt3 ucircumflex.alt3 udieresis.alt3 ugrave.alt3 ubreve.alt3 uhungarumlaut.alt3 umacron.alt3 uogonek.alt3 uring.alt3 utilde.alt3 udotbelow.alt3 uhook.alt3]; @U_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [u.sc.alt3 U.sc.alt3 ubreve.sc.alt3 Ubreve.sc.alt3 uhungarumlaut.sc.alt3 Uhungarumlaut.sc.alt3 umacron.sc.alt3 Umacron.sc.alt3 uogonek.sc.alt3 Uogonek.sc.alt3 uring.sc.alt3 Uring.sc.alt3 utilde.sc.alt3 Utilde.sc.alt3 ugrave.sc.alt3 Ugrave.sc.alt3 uacute.sc.alt3 Uacute.sc.alt3 ucircumflex.sc.alt3 Ucircumflex.sc.alt3 udieresis.sc.alt3 Udieresis.sc.alt3 udotbelow.sc.alt3 uhook.sc.alt3 Udotbelow.sc.alt3 Uhook.sc.alt3]; @U_SC_LEFT_ALT3 = [u.sc.alt3 U.sc.alt3 ubreve.sc.alt3 Ubreve.sc.alt3 uhungarumlaut.sc.alt3 Uhungarumlaut.sc.alt3 umacron.sc.alt3 Umacron.sc.alt3 uogonek.sc.alt3 Uogonek.sc.alt3 uring.sc.alt3 Uring.sc.alt3 utilde.sc.alt3 Utilde.sc.alt3 ugrave.sc.alt3 Ugrave.sc.alt3 uacute.sc.alt3 Uacute.sc.alt3 ucircumflex.sc.alt3 Ucircumflex.sc.alt3 udieresis.sc.alt3 Udieresis.sc.alt3 udotbelow.sc.alt3 uhook.sc.alt3 Udotbelow.sc.alt3 Uhook.sc.alt3]; @U_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [U.alt3 Uacute.alt3 Ucircumflex.alt3 Udieresis.alt3 Ugrave.alt3 Ubreve.alt3 Uhungarumlaut.alt3 Umacron.alt3 Uogonek.alt3 Uring.alt3 Utilde.alt3 Udotbelow.alt3 Uhook.alt3]; @U_UC_LEFT_ALT3 = [U.alt3 Uacute.alt3 Ucircumflex.alt3 Udieresis.alt3 Ugrave.alt3 Ubreve.alt3 Uhungarumlaut.alt3 Umacron.alt3 Uogonek.alt3 Uring.alt3 Utilde.alt3 Udotbelow.alt3 Uhook.alt3]; # Uhorn: Right side @UHORN_LC_LEFT_ALT3 = [uhorn.alt3 uhornacute.alt3 uhorngrave.alt3 uhornhook.alt3 uhorntilde.alt3 uhorndotbelow.alt3]; @UHORN_SC_LEFT_ALT3 = [uhorn.sc.alt3 uhornacute.sc.alt3 uhorngrave.sc.alt3 uhornhook.sc.alt3 uhorntilde.sc.alt3 uhorndotbelow.sc.alt3 Uhorn.sc.alt3 Uhornacute.sc.alt3 Uhorngrave.sc.alt3 Uhornhook.sc.alt3 Uhorntilde.sc.alt3 Uhorndotbelow.sc.alt3]; @UHORN_UC_LEFT_ALT3 = [Uhorn.alt3 Uhornacute.alt3 Uhorngrave.alt3 Uhornhook.alt3 Uhorntilde.alt3 Uhorndotbelow.alt3]; # V @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [v.alt3]; @V_LC_LEFT_ALT3 = [v.alt3]; @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [v.sc.alt3 V.sc.alt3]; @V_SC_LEFT_ALT3 = [v.sc.alt3 V.sc.alt3]; @V_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [V.alt3]; @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 = [V.alt3]; # W @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [w.alt3 wacute.alt3 wcircumflex.alt3 wdieresis.alt3 wgrave.alt3]; @W_LC_LEFT_ALT3 = [w.alt3 wacute.alt3 wcircumflex.alt3 wdieresis.alt3 wgrave.alt3]; @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [w.sc.alt3 W.sc.alt3 wacute.sc.alt3 Wacute.sc.alt3 wcircumflex.sc.alt3 Wcircumflex.sc.alt3 wdieresis.sc.alt3 Wdieresis.sc.alt3 wgrave.sc.alt3 Wgrave.sc.alt3]; @W_SC_LEFT_ALT3 = [w.sc.alt3 W.sc.alt3 wacute.sc.alt3 Wacute.sc.alt3 wcircumflex.sc.alt3 Wcircumflex.sc.alt3 wdieresis.sc.alt3 Wdieresis.sc.alt3 wgrave.sc.alt3 Wgrave.sc.alt3]; @W_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [W.alt3 Wacute.alt3 Wcircumflex.alt3 Wdieresis.alt3 Wgrave.alt3]; @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 = [W.alt3 Wacute.alt3 Wcircumflex.alt3 Wdieresis.alt3 Wgrave.alt3]; # X @X_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [x.alt3]; @X_LC_LEFT_ALT3 = [x.alt3]; @X_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [x.sc.alt3 X.sc.alt3]; @X_SC_LEFT_ALT3 = [x.sc.alt3 X.sc.alt3]; @X_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [X.alt3]; @X_UC_LEFT_ALT3 = [X.alt3]; # Y @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [y.alt3 yacute.alt3 ydieresis.alt3 ygrave.alt3 ycircumflex.alt3 ydotbelow.alt3 yhook.alt3 ytilde.alt3 ymacron.alt3]; @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 = [y.alt3 g_y.alt3 yacute.alt3 ydieresis.alt3 ygrave.alt3 ycircumflex.alt3 ydotbelow.alt3 yhook.alt3 ytilde.alt3 ymacron.alt3]; @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [y.sc.alt3 Y.sc.alt3 ygrave.sc.alt3 Ygrave.sc.alt3 yacute.sc.alt3 Yacute.sc.alt3 ydieresis.sc.alt3 Ydieresis.sc.alt3 ycircumflex.sc.alt3 Ycircumflex.sc.alt3 ydotbelow.sc.alt3 yhook.sc.alt3 ytilde.sc.alt3 Ydotbelow.sc.alt3 Yhook.sc.alt3 Ytilde.sc.alt3 ymacron.sc.alt3 Ymacron.sc.alt3]; @Y_SC_LEFT_ALT3 = [y.sc.alt3 Y.sc.alt3 ygrave.sc.alt3 Ygrave.sc.alt3 yacute.sc.alt3 Yacute.sc.alt3 ydieresis.sc.alt3 Ydieresis.sc.alt3 ycircumflex.sc.alt3 Ycircumflex.sc.alt3 ydotbelow.sc.alt3 yhook.sc.alt3 ytilde.sc.alt3 Ydotbelow.sc.alt3 Yhook.sc.alt3 Ytilde.sc.alt3 ymacron.sc.alt3 Ymacron.sc.alt3]; @Y_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [Y.alt3 Yacute.alt3 Ydieresis.alt3 Ygrave.alt3 Ycircumflex.alt3 Ydotbelow.alt3 Yhook.alt3 Ytilde.alt3 Ymacron.alt3]; @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 = [Y.alt3 Yacute.alt3 Ydieresis.alt3 Ygrave.alt3 Ycircumflex.alt3 Ydotbelow.alt3 Yhook.alt3 Ytilde.alt3 Ymacron.alt3]; # Z @Z_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [z.alt3 zcaron.alt3 zacute.alt3 zdotaccent.alt3]; @Z_LC_LEFT_ALT3 = [z.alt3 zcaron.alt3 zacute.alt3 zdotaccent.alt3]; @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [z.sc.alt3 Z.sc.alt3 zacute.sc.alt3 Zacute.sc.alt3 zdotaccent.sc.alt3 Zdotaccent.sc.alt3 zcaron.sc.alt3 Zcaron.sc.alt3]; @Z_SC_LEFT_ALT3 = [z.sc.alt3 Z.sc.alt3 zacute.sc.alt3 Zacute.sc.alt3 zdotaccent.sc.alt3 Zdotaccent.sc.alt3 zcaron.sc.alt3 Zcaron.sc.alt3]; @Z_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 = [Z.alt3 Zcaron.alt3 Zacute.alt3 Zdotaccent.alt3]; @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT3 = [Z.alt3 Zcaron.alt3 Zacute.alt3 Zdotaccent.alt3]; # A @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [a.alt4 ae.alt4 aeacute.alt4 a_s.alt4 aacute.alt4 acircumflex.alt4 adieresis.alt4 agrave.alt4 aring.alt4 atilde.alt4 abreve.alt4 amacron.alt4 aogonek.alt4 adotbelow.alt4 ahook.alt4 acircumflexacute.alt4 acircumflexgrave.alt4 acircumflexhook.alt4 acircumflextilde.alt4 acircumflexdotbelow.alt4 abreveacute.alt4 abrevegrave.alt4 abrevehook.alt4 abrevetilde.alt4 abrevedotbelow.alt4 aringacute.alt4]; @A_LC_LEFT_ALT4 = [a.alt4 f_adieresis.alt4 f_f_adieresis.alt4 longs_adieresis.alt4 aacute.alt4 acircumflex.alt4 adieresis.alt4 agrave.alt4 aring.alt4 atilde.alt4 abreve.alt4 amacron.alt4 aogonek.alt4 adotbelow.alt4 ahook.alt4 acircumflexacute.alt4 acircumflexgrave.alt4 acircumflexhook.alt4 acircumflextilde.alt4 acircumflexdotbelow.alt4 abreveacute.alt4 abrevegrave.alt4 abrevehook.alt4 abrevetilde.alt4 abrevedotbelow.alt4 aringacute.alt4]; @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [a.sc.alt4 abreve.sc.alt4 Abreve.sc.alt4 amacron.sc.alt4 Amacron.sc.alt4 aogonek.sc.alt4 Aogonek.sc.alt4 A.sc.alt4 agrave.sc.alt4 Agrave.sc.alt4 aacute.sc.alt4 Aacute.sc.alt4 acircumflex.sc.alt4 Acircumflex.sc.alt4 atilde.sc.alt4 Atilde.sc.alt4 adieresis.sc.alt4 Adieresis.sc.alt4 aring.sc.alt4 Aring.sc.alt4 adotbelow.sc.alt4 ahook.sc.alt4 acircumflexacute.sc.alt4 acircumflexgrave.sc.alt4 acircumflexhook.sc.alt4 acircumflextilde.sc.alt4 acircumflexdotbelow.sc.alt4 abreveacute.sc.alt4 abrevegrave.sc.alt4 abrevehook.sc.alt4 abrevetilde.sc.alt4 abrevedotbelow.sc.alt4 Adotbelow.sc.alt4 Ahook.sc.alt4 Acircumflexacute.sc.alt4 Acircumflexgrave.sc.alt4 Acircumflexhook.sc.alt4 Acircumflextilde.sc.alt4 Acircumflexdotbelow.sc.alt4 Abreveacute.sc.alt4 Abrevegrave.sc.alt4 Abrevehook.sc.alt4 Abrevedotbelow.sc.alt4 Abrevetilde.sc.alt4 aringacute.sc.alt4 Aringacute.sc.alt4]; @A_SC_LEFT_ALT4 = [a.sc.alt4 abreve.sc.alt4 Abreve.sc.alt4 amacron.sc.alt4 Amacron.sc.alt4 aogonek.sc.alt4 Aogonek.sc.alt4 A.sc.alt4 agrave.sc.alt4 Agrave.sc.alt4 aacute.sc.alt4 Aacute.sc.alt4 acircumflex.sc.alt4 Acircumflex.sc.alt4 atilde.sc.alt4 Atilde.sc.alt4 adieresis.sc.alt4 Adieresis.sc.alt4 aring.sc.alt4 Aring.sc.alt4 adotbelow.sc.alt4 ahook.sc.alt4 acircumflexacute.sc.alt4 acircumflexgrave.sc.alt4 acircumflexhook.sc.alt4 acircumflextilde.sc.alt4 acircumflexdotbelow.sc.alt4 abreveacute.sc.alt4 abrevegrave.sc.alt4 abrevehook.sc.alt4 abrevetilde.sc.alt4 abrevedotbelow.sc.alt4 Adotbelow.sc.alt4 Ahook.sc.alt4 Acircumflexacute.sc.alt4 Acircumflexgrave.sc.alt4 Acircumflexhook.sc.alt4 Acircumflextilde.sc.alt4 Acircumflexdotbelow.sc.alt4 Abreveacute.sc.alt4 Abrevegrave.sc.alt4 Abrevehook.sc.alt4 Abrevedotbelow.sc.alt4 Abrevetilde.sc.alt4 aringacute.sc.alt4 Aringacute.sc.alt4]; @A_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [A.alt4 Aacute.alt4 Acircumflex.alt4 Adieresis.alt4 Agrave.alt4 Aring.alt4 Atilde.alt4 Abreve.alt4 Amacron.alt4 Aogonek.alt4 Adotbelow.alt4 Ahook.alt4 Acircumflexacute.alt4 Acircumflexgrave.alt4 Acircumflexhook.alt4 Acircumflextilde.alt4 Acircumflexdotbelow.alt4 Abreveacute.alt4 Abrevegrave.alt4 Abrevehook.alt4 Abrevetilde.alt4 Abrevedotbelow.alt4 Aringacute.alt4]; @A_UC_LEFT_ALT4 = [A.alt4 Aacute.alt4 Acircumflex.alt4 Adieresis.alt4 Agrave.alt4 Aring.alt4 Atilde.alt4 Abreve.alt4 Amacron.alt4 Aogonek.alt4 Adotbelow.alt4 Ahook.alt4 Acircumflexacute.alt4 Acircumflexgrave.alt4 Acircumflexhook.alt4 Acircumflextilde.alt4 Acircumflexdotbelow.alt4 Abreveacute.alt4 Abrevegrave.alt4 Abrevehook.alt4 Abrevetilde.alt4 Abrevedotbelow.alt4 Aringacute.alt4]; # AE @AE_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [AE.alt4 AEacute.alt4]; # B @B_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [b.alt4]; @B_LC_LEFT_ALT4 = [b.alt4 f_b.alt4 f_f_b.alt4 longs_b.alt4]; @B_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [b.sc.alt4 B.sc.alt4]; @B_SC_LEFT_ALT4 = [b.sc.alt4 B.sc.alt4]; @B_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [B.alt4]; @B_UC_LEFT_ALT4 = [B.alt4]; # C @C_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [c.alt4 c_h.alt4 c_k.alt4 c_t.alt4 ccedilla.alt4 cacute.alt4 ccaron.alt4 ccircumflex.alt4 cdotaccent.alt4]; @C_LC_LEFT_ALT4 = [c.alt4 ccedilla.alt4 cacute.alt4 ccaron.alt4 ccircumflex.alt4 cdotaccent.alt4]; @C_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [c.sc.alt4 cacute.sc.alt4 Cacute.sc.alt4 ccaron.sc.alt4 Ccaron.sc.alt4 ccircumflex.sc.alt4 Ccircumflex.sc.alt4 cdotaccent.sc.alt4 Cdotaccent.sc.alt4 C.sc.alt4 ccedilla.sc.alt4 Ccedilla.sc.alt4]; @C_SC_LEFT_ALT4 = [c.sc.alt4 cacute.sc.alt4 Cacute.sc.alt4 ccaron.sc.alt4 Ccaron.sc.alt4 ccircumflex.sc.alt4 Ccircumflex.sc.alt4 cdotaccent.sc.alt4 Cdotaccent.sc.alt4 C.sc.alt4 ccedilla.sc.alt4 Ccedilla.sc.alt4]; @C_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [C.alt4 Ccedilla.alt4 Cacute.alt4 Ccaron.alt4 Ccircumflex.alt4 Cdotaccent.alt4]; @C_UC_LEFT_ALT4 = [C.alt4 Ccedilla.alt4 Cacute.alt4 Ccaron.alt4 Ccircumflex.alt4 Cdotaccent.alt4]; # D @D_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [d.alt4 dcaron.alt4 dcroat.alt4]; @D_LC_LEFT_ALT4 = [d.alt4]; @D_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [d.sc.alt4 dcaron.sc.alt4 D.sc.alt4 Dcaron.sc.alt4]; @D_SC_LEFT_ALT4 = [d.sc.alt4 dcaron.sc.alt4 dcroat.sc.alt4 D.sc.alt4 Dcaron.sc.alt4 Dcroat.sc.alt4 eth.sc.alt4 Eth.sc.alt4]; @D_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [D.alt4 Dcaron.alt4]; @D_UC_LEFT_ALT4 = [D.alt4 Dcaron.alt4 Dcroat.alt4 Eth.alt4]; # E @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [e.alt4 e_s.alt4 eacute.alt4 ecircumflex.alt4 edieresis.alt4 egrave.alt4 ebreve.alt4 ecaron.alt4 edotaccent.alt4 emacron.alt4 eogonek.alt4 edotbelow.alt4 ehook.alt4 etilde.alt4 ecircumflexacute.alt4 ecircumflexgrave.alt4 ecircumflexhook.alt4 ecircumflextilde.alt4 ecircumflexdotbelow.alt4]; @E_LC_LEFT_ALT4 = [e.alt4 oe.alt4 eacute.alt4 ecircumflex.alt4 edieresis.alt4 egrave.alt4 ebreve.alt4 ecaron.alt4 edotaccent.alt4 emacron.alt4 eogonek.alt4 edotbelow.alt4 ehook.alt4 etilde.alt4 ecircumflexacute.alt4 ecircumflexgrave.alt4 ecircumflexhook.alt4 ecircumflextilde.alt4 ecircumflexdotbelow.alt4]; @E_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [e.sc.alt4 ebreve.sc.alt4 Ebreve.sc.alt4 ecaron.sc.alt4 Ecaron.sc.alt4 edotaccent.sc.alt4 Edotaccent.sc.alt4 emacron.sc.alt4 Emacron.sc.alt4 eogonek.sc.alt4 Eogonek.sc.alt4 E.sc.alt4 egrave.sc.alt4 Egrave.sc.alt4 eacute.sc.alt4 Eacute.sc.alt4 ecircumflex.sc.alt4 Ecircumflex.sc.alt4 edieresis.sc.alt4 Edieresis.sc.alt4 edotbelow.sc.alt4 ehook.sc.alt4 etilde.sc.alt4 ecircumflexacute.sc.alt4 ecircumflexgrave.sc.alt4 ecircumflexhook.sc.alt4 ecircumflextilde.sc.alt4 ecircumflexdotbelow.sc.alt4 Edotbelow.sc.alt4 Ehook.sc.alt4 Etilde.sc.alt4 Ecircumflexacute.sc.alt4 Ecircumflexgrave.sc.alt4 Ecircumflexhook.sc.alt4 Ecircumflextilde.sc.alt4 Ecircumflexdotbelow.sc.alt4]; @E_SC_LEFT_ALT4 = [e.sc.alt4 ae.sc.alt4 AE.sc.alt4 oe.sc.alt4 OE.sc.alt4 aeacute.sc.alt4 Aeacute.sc.alt4 ebreve.sc.alt4 Ebreve.sc.alt4 ecaron.sc.alt4 Ecaron.sc.alt4 edotaccent.sc.alt4 Edotaccent.sc.alt4 emacron.sc.alt4 Emacron.sc.alt4 eogonek.sc.alt4 Eogonek.sc.alt4 E.sc.alt4 egrave.sc.alt4 Egrave.sc.alt4 eacute.sc.alt4 Eacute.sc.alt4 ecircumflex.sc.alt4 Ecircumflex.sc.alt4 edieresis.sc.alt4 Edieresis.sc.alt4 edotbelow.sc.alt4 ehook.sc.alt4 etilde.sc.alt4 ecircumflexacute.sc.alt4 ecircumflexgrave.sc.alt4 ecircumflexhook.sc.alt4 ecircumflextilde.sc.alt4 ecircumflexdotbelow.sc.alt4 Edotbelow.sc.alt4 Ehook.sc.alt4 Etilde.sc.alt4 Ecircumflexacute.sc.alt4 Ecircumflexgrave.sc.alt4 Ecircumflexhook.sc.alt4 Ecircumflextilde.sc.alt4 Ecircumflexdotbelow.sc.alt4]; @E_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [E.alt4 Eacute.alt4 Ecircumflex.alt4 Edieresis.alt4 Egrave.alt4 Ebreve.alt4 Ecaron.alt4 Edotaccent.alt4 Emacron.alt4 Eogonek.alt4 Edotbelow.alt4 Ehook.alt4 Etilde.alt4 Ecircumflexacute.alt4 Ecircumflexgrave.alt4 Ecircumflexhook.alt4 Ecircumflextilde.alt4 Ecircumflexdotbelow.alt4]; @E_UC_LEFT_ALT4 = [E.alt4 OE.alt4 AE.alt4 AEacute.alt4 Eacute.alt4 Ecircumflex.alt4 Edieresis.alt4 Egrave.alt4 Ebreve.alt4 Ecaron.alt4 Edotaccent.alt4 Emacron.alt4 Eogonek.alt4 Edotbelow.alt4 Ehook.alt4 Etilde.alt4 Ecircumflexacute.alt4 Ecircumflexgrave.alt4 Ecircumflexhook.alt4 Ecircumflextilde.alt4 Ecircumflexdotbelow.alt4]; # F @F_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [f.alt4 ff.alt4 f_f_f.alt4 fi.alt4 ffi.alt4 fl.alt4 ffl.alt4 f_b.alt4 f_f_b.alt4 f_h.alt4 f_f_h.alt4 f_j.alt4 f_f_j.alt4 f_k.alt4 f_f_k.alt4 f_r.alt4 f_t.alt4 f_f_t.alt4 f_adieresis.alt4 f_f_adieresis.alt4 f_odieresis.alt4 f_f_odieresis.alt4 f_udieresis.alt4 f_f_udieresis.alt4 fdotaccent.alt4]; @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 = [f.alt4 ff.alt4 f_f_f.alt4 fdotaccent.alt4]; @F_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [f.sc.alt4 F.sc.alt4 Fdotaccent.sc.alt4 fdotaccent.sc.alt4]; @F_SC_LEFT_ALT4 = [f.sc.alt4 F.sc.alt4 Fdotaccent.sc.alt4 fdotaccent.sc.alt4]; @F_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [F.alt4 Fdotaccent.alt4]; @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 = [F.alt4 Fdotaccent.alt4]; # g @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [g.alt4 g_g.alt4 g_y.alt4 gbreve.alt4 gcircumflex.alt4 gcommaaccent.alt4 gdotaccent.alt4 gtilde.alt4]; @G_LC_LEFT_ALT4 = [g.alt4 g_g.alt4 gbreve.alt4 gcircumflex.alt4 gcommaaccent.alt4 gdotaccent.alt4 gtilde.alt4]; @G_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [g.sc.alt4 gbreve.sc.alt4 Gbreve.sc.alt4 gcircumflex.sc.alt4 Gcircumflex.sc.alt4 gcommaaccent.sc.alt4 Gcommaaccent.sc.alt4 gdotaccent.sc.alt4 Gdotaccent.sc.alt4 G.sc.alt4 gtilde.sc.alt4 Gtilde.sc.alt4]; @G_SC_LEFT_ALT4 = [g.sc.alt4 gbreve.sc.alt4 Gbreve.sc.alt4 gcircumflex.sc.alt4 Gcircumflex.sc.alt4 gcommaaccent.sc.alt4 Gcommaaccent.sc.alt4 gdotaccent.sc.alt4 Gdotaccent.sc.alt4 G.sc.alt4 gtilde.sc.alt4 Gtilde.sc.alt4]; @G_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [G.alt4 Gbreve.alt4 Gcircumflex.alt4 Gcommaaccent.alt4 Gdotaccent.alt4 Gtilde.alt4]; @G_UC_LEFT_ALT4 = [G.alt4 Gbreve.alt4 Gcircumflex.alt4 Gcommaaccent.alt4 Gdotaccent.alt4 Gtilde.alt4]; # H @H_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [h.alt4 hcircumflex.alt4]; @H_LC_LEFT_ALT4 = [h.alt4 longs_h.alt4 f_h.alt4 f_f_h.alt4 c_h.alt4 s_h.alt4 t_h.alt4 hcircumflex.alt4]; @H_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [h.sc.alt4 H.sc.alt4 hcircumflex.sc.alt4 Hcircumflex.sc.alt4]; @H_SC_LEFT_ALT4 = [h.sc.alt4 H.sc.alt4 hcircumflex.sc.alt4 Hcircumflex.sc.alt4]; @H_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [H.alt4 Hcircumflex.alt4]; @H_UC_LEFT_ALT4 = [H.alt4 Hcircumflex.alt4]; # I @I_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [i.alt4 i_s.alt4 dotlessi.alt4 iacute.alt4 icircumflex.alt4 idieresis.alt4 igrave.alt4 ibreve.alt4 imacron.alt4 iogonek.alt4 itilde.alt4 ihook.alt4 idotbelow.alt4]; @I_LC_LEFT_ALT4 = [i.alt4 fi.alt4 ffi.alt4 longs_i.alt4 longs_longs_i.alt4 dotlessi.alt4 iacute.alt4 icircumflex.alt4 idieresis.alt4 igrave.alt4 ibreve.alt4 imacron.alt4 iogonek.alt4 itilde.alt4 ihook.alt4 idotbelow.alt4]; @I_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [i.sc.alt4 I.sc.alt4 ibreve.sc.alt4 Ibreve.sc.alt4 idotaccent.sc.alt4 Idotaccent.sc.alt4 imacron.sc.alt4 Imacron.sc.alt4 iogonek.sc.alt4 Iogonek.sc.alt4 itilde.sc.alt4 Itilde.sc.alt4 igrave.sc.alt4 Igrave.sc.alt4 iacute.sc.alt4 Iacute.sc.alt4 icircumflex.sc.alt4 Icircumflex.sc.alt4 idieresis.sc.alt4 Idieresis.sc.alt4 dotlessi.sc.alt4 ihook.sc.alt4 idotbelow.sc.alt4 Ihook.sc.alt4 Idotbelow.sc.alt4]; @I_SC_LEFT_ALT4 = [i.sc.alt4 I.sc.alt4 ibreve.sc.alt4 Ibreve.sc.alt4 idotaccent.sc.alt4 Idotaccent.sc.alt4 imacron.sc.alt4 Imacron.sc.alt4 iogonek.sc.alt4 Iogonek.sc.alt4 itilde.sc.alt4 Itilde.sc.alt4 igrave.sc.alt4 Igrave.sc.alt4 iacute.sc.alt4 Iacute.sc.alt4 icircumflex.sc.alt4 Icircumflex.sc.alt4 idieresis.sc.alt4 Idieresis.sc.alt4 dotlessi.sc.alt4 ihook.sc.alt4 idotbelow.sc.alt4 Ihook.sc.alt4 Idotbelow.sc.alt4]; @I_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [I.alt4 Iacute.alt4 Icircumflex.alt4 Idieresis.alt4 Igrave.alt4 Ibreve.alt4 Imacron.alt4 Iogonek.alt4 Itilde.alt4 Idotaccent.alt4 Ihook.alt4 Idotbelow.alt4]; @I_UC_LEFT_ALT4 = [I.alt4 Iacute.alt4 Icircumflex.alt4 Idieresis.alt4 Igrave.alt4 Ibreve.alt4 Imacron.alt4 Iogonek.alt4 Itilde.alt4 Idotaccent.alt4 Ihook.alt4 Idotbelow.alt4]; # J @J_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [j.alt4 jcircumflex.alt4]; @J_LC_LEFT_ALT4 = [j.alt4 f_j.alt4 f_f_j.alt4 longs_j.alt4 longs_f_j.alt4 jcircumflex.alt4]; @J_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [j.sc.alt4 J.sc.alt4 jcircumflex.sc.alt4 Jcircumflex.sc.alt4]; @J_SC_LEFT_ALT4 = [j.sc.alt4 J.sc.alt4 jcircumflex.sc.alt4 Jcircumflex.sc.alt4]; @J_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [J.alt4 Jcircumflex.alt4]; @J_UC_LEFT_ALT4 = [J.alt4 Jcircumflex.alt4]; # K @K_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [k.alt4 kcommaaccent.alt4]; @K_LC_LEFT_ALT4 = [k.alt4 f_k.alt4 f_f_k.alt4 longs_k.alt4 c_k.alt4 kcommaaccent.alt4]; @K_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [k.sc.alt4 kcommaaccent.sc.alt4 Kcommaaccent.sc.alt4 K.sc.alt4]; @K_SC_LEFT_ALT4 = [k.sc.alt4 kcommaaccent.sc.alt4 Kcommaaccent.sc.alt4 K.sc.alt4]; @K_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [K.alt4 Kcommaaccent.alt4]; @K_UC_LEFT_ALT4 = [K.alt4 Kcommaaccent.alt4]; # L @L_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [l.alt4 lacute.alt4 lcaron.alt4 lcommaaccent.alt4 ldot.alt4]; @L_LC_LEFT_ALT4 = [l.alt4 fl.alt4 ffl.alt4 longs_l.alt4 longs_f_l.alt4 longs_longs_l.alt4 c_l.alt4 s_l.alt4 lacute.alt4 lcaron.alt4 ldot.alt4]; @L_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [l.sc.alt4 lacute.sc.alt4 Lacute.sc.alt4 lcaron.sc.alt4 Lcaron.sc.alt4 lcommaaccent.sc.alt4 Lcommaaccent.sc.alt4 ldot.sc.alt4 Ldot.sc.alt4 L.sc.alt4]; @L_SC_LEFT_ALT4 = [l.sc.alt4 lacute.sc.alt4 Lacute.sc.alt4 lcaron.sc.alt4 Lcaron.sc.alt4 lcommaaccent.sc.alt4 Lcommaaccent.sc.alt4 ldot.sc.alt4 Ldot.sc.alt4 L.sc.alt4]; @L_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [L.alt4 Lacute.alt4 Lcaron.alt4 Lcommaaccent.alt4 Ldot.alt4]; @L_UC_LEFT_ALT4 = [L.alt4 Lacute.alt4 Lcaron.alt4 Lcommaaccent.alt4 Ldot.alt4]; # M @M_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [m.alt4 mcircumflex.alt4]; @M_LC_LEFT_ALT4 = [m.alt4 mcircumflex.alt4]; @M_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [m.sc.alt4 M.sc.alt4 mcircumflex.sc.alt4 Mcircumflex.sc.alt4]; @M_SC_LEFT_ALT4 = [m.sc.alt4 M.sc.alt4 mcircumflex.sc.alt4 Mcircumflex.sc.alt4]; @M_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [M.alt4 Mcircumflex.alt4]; @M_UC_LEFT_ALT4 = [M.alt4 Mcircumflex.alt4]; # N @N_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [n.alt4 ntilde.alt4 nacute.alt4 ncaron.alt4 ncommaaccent.alt4 ncircumflex.alt4]; @N_LC_LEFT_ALT4 = [n.alt4 ntilde.alt4 nacute.alt4 ncaron.alt4 ncommaaccent.alt4 ncircumflex.alt4]; @N_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [n.sc.alt4 nacute.sc.alt4 Nacute.sc.alt4 ncaron.sc.alt4 Ncaron.sc.alt4 ncommaaccent.sc.alt4 Ncommaaccent.sc.alt4 N.sc.alt4 ntilde.sc.alt4 Ntilde.sc.alt4 ncircumflex.sc.alt4 Ncircumflex.sc.alt4]; @N_SC_LEFT_ALT4 = [n.sc.alt4 nacute.sc.alt4 Nacute.sc.alt4 ncaron.sc.alt4 Ncaron.sc.alt4 ncommaaccent.sc.alt4 Ncommaaccent.sc.alt4 N.sc.alt4 ntilde.sc.alt4 Ntilde.sc.alt4 ncircumflex.sc.alt4 Ncircumflex.sc.alt4]; @N_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [N.alt4 Ntilde.alt4 Nacute.alt4 Ncaron.alt4 Ncommaaccent.alt4 Ncircumflex.alt4]; @N_UC_LEFT_ALT4 = [N.alt4 Ntilde.alt4 Nacute.alt4 Ncaron.alt4 Ncommaaccent.alt4 Ncircumflex.alt4]; # O @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [o.alt4 oe.alt4 ohorn.alt4 ohornacute.alt4 ohorngrave.alt4 ohornhook.alt4 ohorntilde.alt4 ohorndotbelow.alt4 oacute.alt4 ocircumflex.alt4 odieresis.alt4 ograve.alt4 otilde.alt4 obreve.alt4 ohungarumlaut.alt4 omacron.alt4 odotbelow.alt4 ohook.alt4 ocircumflexacute.alt4 ocircumflexgrave.alt4 ocircumflexhook.alt4 ocircumflextilde.alt4 ocircumflexdotbelow.alt4]; @O_LC_LEFT_ALT4 = [o.alt4 oacute.alt4 ocircumflex.alt4 odieresis.alt4 ograve.alt4 otilde.alt4 obreve.alt4 ohungarumlaut.alt4 omacron.alt4 odotbelow.alt4 ohook.alt4 ocircumflexacute.alt4 ocircumflexgrave.alt4 ocircumflexhook.alt4 ocircumflextilde.alt4 ocircumflexdotbelow.alt4]; @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [o.sc.alt4 oe.sc.alt4 obreve.sc.alt4 Obreve.sc.alt4 ohungarumlaut.sc.alt4 Ohungarumlaut.sc.alt4 omacron.sc.alt4 Omacron.sc.alt4 O.sc.alt4 ograve.sc.alt4 Ograve.sc.alt4 oacute.sc.alt4 Oacute.sc.alt4 ocircumflex.sc.alt4 Ocircumflex.sc.alt4 otilde.sc.alt4 Otilde.sc.alt4 odieresis.sc.alt4 Odieresis.sc.alt4 odotbelow.sc.alt4 ohook.sc.alt4 ocircumflexacute.sc.alt4 ocircumflexgrave.sc.alt4 ocircumflexhook.sc.alt4 ocircumflextilde.sc.alt4 ocircumflexdotbelow.sc.alt4 Odotbelow.sc.alt4 Ohook.sc.alt4 Ocircumflexacute.sc.alt4 Ocircumflexgrave.sc.alt4 Ocircumflexhook.sc.alt4 Ocircumflextilde.sc.alt4 Ocircumflexdotbelow.sc.alt4]; @O_SC_LEFT_ALT4 = [o.sc.alt4 obreve.sc.alt4 Obreve.sc.alt4 ohungarumlaut.sc.alt4 Ohungarumlaut.sc.alt4 omacron.sc.alt4 Omacron.sc.alt4 O.sc.alt4 ograve.sc.alt4 Ograve.sc.alt4 oacute.sc.alt4 Oacute.sc.alt4 ocircumflex.sc.alt4 Ocircumflex.sc.alt4 otilde.sc.alt4 Otilde.sc.alt4 odieresis.sc.alt4 Odieresis.sc.alt4 odotbelow.sc.alt4 ohook.sc.alt4 ocircumflexacute.sc.alt4 ocircumflexgrave.sc.alt4 ocircumflexhook.sc.alt4 ocircumflextilde.sc.alt4 ocircumflexdotbelow.sc.alt4 Odotbelow.sc.alt4 Ohook.sc.alt4 Ocircumflexacute.sc.alt4 Ocircumflexgrave.sc.alt4 Ocircumflexhook.sc.alt4 Ocircumflextilde.sc.alt4 Ocircumflexdotbelow.sc.alt4]; @O_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [O.alt4 OE.alt4 Ohorn.alt4 Ohornacute.alt4 Ohorngrave.alt4 Ohornhook.alt4 Ohorntilde.alt4 Ohorndotbelow.alt4 Oacute.alt4 Ocircumflex.alt4 Odieresis.alt4 Ograve.alt4 Otilde.alt4 Obreve.alt4 Ohungarumlaut.alt4 Omacron.alt4 Odotbelow.alt4 Ohook.alt4 Ocircumflexacute.alt4 Ocircumflexgrave.alt4 Ocircumflexhook.alt4 Ocircumflextilde.alt4 Ocircumflexdotbelow.alt4]; @O_UC_LEFT_ALT4 = [O.alt4 Oacute.alt4 Ocircumflex.alt4 Odieresis.alt4 Ograve.alt4 Otilde.alt4 Obreve.alt4 Ohungarumlaut.alt4 Omacron.alt4 Odotbelow.alt4 Ohook.alt4 Ocircumflexacute.alt4 Ocircumflexgrave.alt4 Ocircumflexhook.alt4 Ocircumflextilde.alt4 Ocircumflexdotbelow.alt4]; # OHorn: Right side @OHORN_LC_LEFT_ALT4 = [ohorn.alt4 ohornacute.alt4 ohorngrave.alt4 ohornhook.alt4 ohorntilde.alt4 ohorndotbelow.alt4]; @OHORN_SC_LEFT_ALT4 = [ohorn.sc.alt4 ohornacute.sc.alt4 ohorngrave.sc.alt4 ohornhook.sc.alt4 ohorntilde.sc.alt4 ohorndotbelow.sc.alt4 Ohorn.sc.alt4 Ohornacute.sc.alt4 Ohorngrave.sc.alt4 Ohornhook.sc.alt4 Ohorntilde.sc.alt4 Ohorndotbelow.sc.alt4]; @OHORN_UC_LEFT_ALT4 = [Ohorn.alt4 Ohornacute.alt4 Ohorngrave.alt4 Ohornhook.alt4 Ohorntilde.alt4 Ohorndotbelow.alt4]; # OSLash: @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [oslash.alt4 oslashacute.alt4]; @OSLASH_LC_LEFT_ALT4 = [oslash.alt4 oslashacute.alt4]; @OSLASH_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [oslash.sc.alt4 Oslash.sc.alt4 oslashacute.sc.alt4 Oslashacute.sc.alt4]; @OSLASH_SC_LEFT_ALT4 = [oslash.sc.alt4 Oslash.sc.alt4 oslashacute.sc.alt4 Oslashacute.sc.alt4]; @OSLASH_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [Oslash.alt4 Oslashacute.alt4]; @OSLASH_UC_LEFT_ALT4 = [Oslash.alt4 Oslashacute.alt4]; # P @P_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [p.alt4]; @P_LC_LEFT_ALT4 = [p.alt4 s_p.alt4 thorn.alt4]; @P_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [p.sc.alt4 P.sc.alt4]; @P_SC_LEFT_ALT4 = [p.sc.alt4 P.sc.alt4]; @P_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [P.alt4]; @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 = [P.alt4]; # Q: both sides because of differences in some italics (otherwise the left side would be in the capital O group) @Q_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [q.alt4]; @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT4 = [q.alt4]; @Q_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [q.sc.alt4 Q.sc.alt4]; @Q_SC_LEFT_ALT4 = [q.sc.alt4 Q.sc.alt4]; @Q_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [Q.alt4]; @Q_UC_LEFT_ALT4 = [Q.alt4]; # R @R_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [r.alt4 racute.alt4 rcaron.alt4 rcommaaccent.alt4]; @R_LC_LEFT_ALT4 = [r.alt4 f_r.alt4 racute.alt4 rcaron.alt4 rcommaaccent.alt4]; @R_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [r.sc.alt4 racute.sc.alt4 Racute.sc.alt4 rcaron.sc.alt4 Rcaron.sc.alt4 rcommaaccent.sc.alt4 Rcommaaccent.sc.alt4 R.sc.alt4]; @R_SC_LEFT_ALT4 = [r.sc.alt4 racute.sc.alt4 Racute.sc.alt4 rcaron.sc.alt4 Rcaron.sc.alt4 rcommaaccent.sc.alt4 Rcommaaccent.sc.alt4 R.sc.alt4]; @R_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [R.alt4 Racute.alt4 Rcaron.alt4 Rcommaaccent.alt4]; @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 = [R.alt4 Racute.alt4 Rcaron.alt4 Rcommaaccent.alt4]; # S @S_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [s.alt4 s_l.alt4 s_h.alt4 s_k.alt4 s_p.alt4 s_t.alt4 scaron.alt4 sacute.alt4 uni015F.alt4 uni0219.alt4 scircumflex.alt4]; @S_LC_LEFT_ALT4 = [s.alt4 a_s.alt4 e_s.alt4 i_s.alt4 u_s.alt4 scaron.alt4 sacute.alt4 uni015F.alt4 uni0219.alt4 scircumflex.alt4]; @S_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [s.sc.alt4 S.sc.alt4 sacute.sc.alt4 Sacute.sc.alt4 uni015F.sc.alt4 uni015E.sc.alt4 uni0219.sc.alt4 uni0218.sc.alt4 scaron.sc.alt4 Scaron.sc.alt4 scircumflex.sc.alt4 Scircumflex.sc.alt4 germandbls.sc.alt4]; @S_SC_LEFT_ALT4 = [s.sc.alt4 S.sc.alt4 sacute.sc.alt4 Sacute.sc.alt4 uni015F.sc.alt4 uni015E.sc.alt4 uni0219.sc.alt4 uni0218.sc.alt4 scaron.sc.alt4 Scaron.sc.alt4 scircumflex.sc.alt4 Scircumflex.sc.alt4 germandbls.sc.alt4]; @S_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [S.alt4 Scaron.alt4 Sacute.alt4 uni015E.alt4 uni0218.alt4 Scircumflex.alt4 uni015E.dup.alt4]; @S_UC_LEFT_ALT4 = [S.alt4 Scaron.alt4 Sacute.alt4 uni015E.alt4 uni0218.alt4 Scircumflex.alt4 uni015E.dup.alt4]; # longs: (left side can differ from left side f, hence not in that class) @LONGS_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [longs.alt4 longs_b.alt4 longs_f.alt4 longs_h.alt4 longs_i.alt4 longs_f_i.alt4 longs_j.alt4 longs_f_j.alt4 longs_longs_i.alt4 longs_k.alt4 longs_l.alt4 longs_f_l.alt4 longs_longs_l.alt4 longs_t.alt4 longs_longs.alt4 longs_adieresis.alt4 longs_odieresis.alt4 longs_udieresis.alt4]; @LONGS_LC_LEFT_ALT4 = [longs.alt4 longs_longs.alt4]; # T @T_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [t.alt4 t_h.alt4 t_t.alt4 tcaron.alt4 uni021B.alt4 uni021B.alt4]; @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 = [t.alt4 f_t.alt4 f_f_t.alt4 c_t.alt4 s_t.alt4 t_t.alt4 tcaron.alt4 uni021B.alt4 uni021B.alt4]; @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [t.sc.alt4 T.sc.alt4 tcaron.sc.alt4 Tcaron.sc.alt4 uni021B.sc.alt4 uni021A.sc.alt4]; @T_SC_LEFT_ALT4 = [t.sc.alt4 T.sc.alt4 tcaron.sc.alt4 Tcaron.sc.alt4 uni021B.sc.alt4 uni021A.sc.alt4]; @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [T.alt4 Tcaron.alt4 uni021A.alt4 uni021A.alt4]; @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 = [T.alt4 Tcaron.alt4 uni021A.alt4 uni021A.alt4]; # U @U_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [u.alt4 u_s.alt4 uhorn.alt4 uhornacute.alt4 uhorngrave.alt4 uhornhook.alt4 uhorntilde.alt4 uhorndotbelow.alt4 uacute.alt4 ucircumflex.alt4 udieresis.alt4 ugrave.alt4 ubreve.alt4 uhungarumlaut.alt4 umacron.alt4 uogonek.alt4 uring.alt4 utilde.alt4 udotbelow.alt4 uhook.alt4]; @U_LC_LEFT_ALT4 = [u.alt4 f_udieresis.alt4 longs_udieresis.alt4 uacute.alt4 ucircumflex.alt4 udieresis.alt4 ugrave.alt4 ubreve.alt4 uhungarumlaut.alt4 umacron.alt4 uogonek.alt4 uring.alt4 utilde.alt4 udotbelow.alt4 uhook.alt4]; @U_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [u.sc.alt4 U.sc.alt4 ubreve.sc.alt4 Ubreve.sc.alt4 uhungarumlaut.sc.alt4 Uhungarumlaut.sc.alt4 umacron.sc.alt4 Umacron.sc.alt4 uogonek.sc.alt4 Uogonek.sc.alt4 uring.sc.alt4 Uring.sc.alt4 utilde.sc.alt4 Utilde.sc.alt4 ugrave.sc.alt4 Ugrave.sc.alt4 uacute.sc.alt4 Uacute.sc.alt4 ucircumflex.sc.alt4 Ucircumflex.sc.alt4 udieresis.sc.alt4 Udieresis.sc.alt4 udotbelow.sc.alt4 uhook.sc.alt4 Udotbelow.sc.alt4 Uhook.sc.alt4]; @U_SC_LEFT_ALT4 = [u.sc.alt4 U.sc.alt4 ubreve.sc.alt4 Ubreve.sc.alt4 uhungarumlaut.sc.alt4 Uhungarumlaut.sc.alt4 umacron.sc.alt4 Umacron.sc.alt4 uogonek.sc.alt4 Uogonek.sc.alt4 uring.sc.alt4 Uring.sc.alt4 utilde.sc.alt4 Utilde.sc.alt4 ugrave.sc.alt4 Ugrave.sc.alt4 uacute.sc.alt4 Uacute.sc.alt4 ucircumflex.sc.alt4 Ucircumflex.sc.alt4 udieresis.sc.alt4 Udieresis.sc.alt4 udotbelow.sc.alt4 uhook.sc.alt4 Udotbelow.sc.alt4 Uhook.sc.alt4]; @U_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [U.alt4 Uacute.alt4 Ucircumflex.alt4 Udieresis.alt4 Ugrave.alt4 Ubreve.alt4 Uhungarumlaut.alt4 Umacron.alt4 Uogonek.alt4 Uring.alt4 Utilde.alt4 Udotbelow.alt4 Uhook.alt4]; @U_UC_LEFT_ALT4 = [U.alt4 Uacute.alt4 Ucircumflex.alt4 Udieresis.alt4 Ugrave.alt4 Ubreve.alt4 Uhungarumlaut.alt4 Umacron.alt4 Uogonek.alt4 Uring.alt4 Utilde.alt4 Udotbelow.alt4 Uhook.alt4]; # Uhorn: Right side @UHORN_LC_LEFT_ALT4 = [uhorn.alt4 uhornacute.alt4 uhorngrave.alt4 uhornhook.alt4 uhorntilde.alt4 uhorndotbelow.alt4]; @UHORN_SC_LEFT_ALT4 = [uhorn.sc.alt4 uhornacute.sc.alt4 uhorngrave.sc.alt4 uhornhook.sc.alt4 uhorntilde.sc.alt4 uhorndotbelow.sc.alt4 Uhorn.sc.alt4 Uhornacute.sc.alt4 Uhorngrave.sc.alt4 Uhornhook.sc.alt4 Uhorntilde.sc.alt4 Uhorndotbelow.sc.alt4]; @UHORN_UC_LEFT_ALT4 = [Uhorn.alt4 Uhornacute.alt4 Uhorngrave.alt4 Uhornhook.alt4 Uhorntilde.alt4 Uhorndotbelow.alt4]; # V @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [v.alt4]; @V_LC_LEFT_ALT4 = [v.alt4]; @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [v.sc.alt4 V.sc.alt4]; @V_SC_LEFT_ALT4 = [v.sc.alt4 V.sc.alt4]; @V_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [V.alt4]; @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 = [V.alt4]; # W @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [w.alt4 wacute.alt4 wcircumflex.alt4 wdieresis.alt4 wgrave.alt4]; @W_LC_LEFT_ALT4 = [w.alt4 wacute.alt4 wcircumflex.alt4 wdieresis.alt4 wgrave.alt4]; @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [w.sc.alt4 W.sc.alt4 wacute.sc.alt4 Wacute.sc.alt4 wcircumflex.sc.alt4 Wcircumflex.sc.alt4 wdieresis.sc.alt4 Wdieresis.sc.alt4 wgrave.sc.alt4 Wgrave.sc.alt4]; @W_SC_LEFT_ALT4 = [w.sc.alt4 W.sc.alt4 wacute.sc.alt4 Wacute.sc.alt4 wcircumflex.sc.alt4 Wcircumflex.sc.alt4 wdieresis.sc.alt4 Wdieresis.sc.alt4 wgrave.sc.alt4 Wgrave.sc.alt4]; @W_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [W.alt4 Wacute.alt4 Wcircumflex.alt4 Wdieresis.alt4 Wgrave.alt4]; @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 = [W.alt4 Wacute.alt4 Wcircumflex.alt4 Wdieresis.alt4 Wgrave.alt4]; # X @X_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [x.alt4]; @X_LC_LEFT_ALT4 = [x.alt4]; @X_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [x.sc.alt4 X.sc.alt4]; @X_SC_LEFT_ALT4 = [x.sc.alt4 X.sc.alt4]; @X_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [X.alt4]; @X_UC_LEFT_ALT4 = [X.alt4]; # Y @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [y.alt4 yacute.alt4 ydieresis.alt4 ygrave.alt4 ycircumflex.alt4 ydotbelow.alt4 yhook.alt4 ytilde.alt4 ymacron.alt4]; @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 = [y.alt4 g_y.alt4 yacute.alt4 ydieresis.alt4 ygrave.alt4 ycircumflex.alt4 ydotbelow.alt4 yhook.alt4 ytilde.alt4 ymacron.alt4]; @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [y.sc.alt4 Y.sc.alt4 ygrave.sc.alt4 Ygrave.sc.alt4 yacute.sc.alt4 Yacute.sc.alt4 ydieresis.sc.alt4 Ydieresis.sc.alt4 ycircumflex.sc.alt4 Ycircumflex.sc.alt4 ydotbelow.sc.alt4 yhook.sc.alt4 ytilde.sc.alt4 Ydotbelow.sc.alt4 Yhook.sc.alt4 Ytilde.sc.alt4 ymacron.sc.alt4 Ymacron.sc.alt4]; @Y_SC_LEFT_ALT4 = [y.sc.alt4 Y.sc.alt4 ygrave.sc.alt4 Ygrave.sc.alt4 yacute.sc.alt4 Yacute.sc.alt4 ydieresis.sc.alt4 Ydieresis.sc.alt4 ycircumflex.sc.alt4 Ycircumflex.sc.alt4 ydotbelow.sc.alt4 yhook.sc.alt4 ytilde.sc.alt4 Ydotbelow.sc.alt4 Yhook.sc.alt4 Ytilde.sc.alt4 ymacron.sc.alt4 Ymacron.sc.alt4]; @Y_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [Y.alt4 Yacute.alt4 Ydieresis.alt4 Ygrave.alt4 Ycircumflex.alt4 Ydotbelow.alt4 Yhook.alt4 Ytilde.alt4 Ymacron.alt4]; @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT4 = [Y.alt4 Yacute.alt4 Ydieresis.alt4 Ygrave.alt4 Ycircumflex.alt4 Ydotbelow.alt4 Yhook.alt4 Ytilde.alt4 Ymacron.alt4]; # Z @Z_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [z.alt4 zcaron.alt4 zacute.alt4 zdotaccent.alt4]; @Z_LC_LEFT_ALT4 = [z.alt4 zcaron.alt4 zacute.alt4 zdotaccent.alt4]; @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [z.sc.alt4 Z.sc.alt4 zacute.sc.alt4 Zacute.sc.alt4 zdotaccent.sc.alt4 Zdotaccent.sc.alt4 zcaron.sc.alt4 Zcaron.sc.alt4]; @Z_SC_LEFT_ALT4 = [z.sc.alt4 Z.sc.alt4 zacute.sc.alt4 Zacute.sc.alt4 zdotaccent.sc.alt4 Zdotaccent.sc.alt4 zcaron.sc.alt4 Zcaron.sc.alt4]; @Z_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 = [Z.alt4 Zcaron.alt4 Zacute.alt4 Zdotaccent.alt4]; @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT4 = [Z.alt4 Zcaron.alt4 Zacute.alt4 Zdotaccent.alt4]; # Punctuation: standard @SPACE = [space nbspace]; @HYPHEN = [hyphen sfthyphen]; @HYPHEN_SC = [hyphen.sc sfthyphen.sc]; @HYPHEN_UC = [hyphen.uc sfthyphen.uc]; @HYPHEN_TITLING = [hyphen.titling]; @DASH = [endash emdash threequartersemdash figuredash afii00208]; @DASH_TITLING = [endash.titling emdash.titling threequartersemdash.titling figuredash.titling afii00208.titling]; @DASH_SC = [emdash.sc endash.sc threequartersemdash.sc figuredash.sc afii00208.sc]; @DASH_UC = [emdash.uc endash.uc threequartersemdash.uc figuredash.uc afii00208.uc]; @GUILRIGHT = [guilsinglright guillemotright]; @GUILRIGHT_TITLING = [guilsinglright.titling guillemotright.titling]; @GUILRIGHT_SC = [guilsinglright.sc guillemotright.sc]; @GUILLEFT = [guilsinglleft guillemotleft]; @GUILLEFT_TITLING = [guilsinglleft.titling guillemotleft.titling]; @GUILLEFT_SC = [guilsinglleft.sc guillemotleft.sc]; @PERCENT = [percent perthousand]; @PERCENT_TITLING = [percent.titling perthousand.titling]; @QUOTE = [quotesingle quotedbl]; @QUOTE_TITLING = [quotesingle.titling quotedbl.titling]; @QUOTE_SC = [quotesingle.sc quotedbl.sc]; @QUOTEBASE = [quotesinglbase quotedblbase]; @QUOTEBASE_TITLING = [quotesinglbase.titling quotedblbase.titling]; @QUOTEBASE_SC = [quotesinglbase.sc quotedblbase.sc]; @QUOTERIGHT = [quoteright quotedblright]; @QUOTERIGHT_TITLING = [quoteright.titling quotedblright.titling]; @QUOTERIGHT_SC = [quoteright.sc quotedblright.sc]; @QUOTELEFT = [quoteleft quotedblleft]; @QUOTELEFT_TITLING = [quoteleft.titling quotedblleft.titling]; @QUOTELEFT_SC = [quoteleft.sc quotedblleft.sc]; # Punctuation: for alternates @HYPHEN_ALT = [hyphen.alt sfthyphen.alt]; @DASH_ALT = [endash.alt emdash.alt threequartersemdash.alt figuredash.alt afii00208.alt]; @DASH_SC_ALT = [emdash.sc.alt endash.sc.alt threequartersemdash.sc.alt figuredash.sc.alt afii00208.sc.alt]; @DASH_UC_ALT = [emdash.uc.alt endash.uc.alt threequartersemdash.uc.alt figuredash.uc.alt afii00208.uc.alt]; @GUILRIGHT_ALT = [guilsinglright.alt guillemotright.alt]; @GUILRIGHT_SC_ALT = [guilsinglright.sc.alt guillemotright.sc.alt]; @GUILLEFT_ALT = [guilsinglleft.alt guillemotleft.alt]; @GUILLEFT_SC_ALT = [guilsinglleft.sc.alt guillemotleft.sc.alt]; @PERCENT_ALT = [percent.alt perthousand.alt]; @QUOTE_ALT = [quotesingle.alt quotedbl.alt]; @QUOTE_SC_ALT = [quotesingle.sc.alt quotedbl.sc.alt]; @QUOTEBASE_ALT = [quotesinglbase.alt quotedblbase.alt]; @QUOTEBASE_SC_ALT = [quotesinglbase.sc.alt quotedblbase.sc.alt]; @QUOTERIGHT_ALT = [quoteright.alt quotedblright.alt]; @QUOTERIGHT_SC_ALT = [quoteright.sc.alt quotedblright.sc.alt]; @QUOTELEFT_ALT = [quoteleft.alt quotedblleft.alt]; @QUOTELEFT_SC_ALT = [quoteleft.sc.alt quotedblleft.sc.alt]; @HYPHEN_ALT2 = [hyphen.alt2 sfthyphen.alt2]; @DASH_ALT2 = [endash.alt2 emdash.alt2 threequartersemdash.alt2 figuredash.alt2 afii00208.alt2]; @DASH_SC_ALT2 = [emdash.sc.alt2 endash.sc.alt2 threequartersemdash.sc.alt2 figuredash.sc.alt2 afii00208.sc.alt2]; @DASH_UC_ALT2 = [emdash.uc.alt2 endash.uc.alt2 threequartersemdash.uc.alt2 figuredash.uc.alt2 afii00208.uc.alt2]; @GUILRIGHT_ALT2 = [guilsinglright.alt2 guillemotright.alt2]; @GUILRIGHT_SC_ALT2 = [guilsinglright.sc.alt2 guillemotright.sc.alt2]; @GUILLEFT_ALT2 = [guilsinglleft.alt2 guillemotleft.alt2]; @GUILLEFT_SC_ALT2 = [guilsinglleft.sc.alt2 guillemotleft.sc.alt2]; @PERCENT_ALT2 = [percent.alt2 perthousand.alt2]; @QUOTE_ALT2 = [quotesingle.alt2 quotedbl.alt2]; @QUOTE_SC_ALT2 = [quotesingle.sc.alt2 quotedbl.sc.alt2]; @QUOTEBASE_ALT2 = [quotesinglbase.alt2 quotedblbase.alt2]; @QUOTEBASE_SC_ALT2 = [quotesinglbase.sc.alt2 quotedblbase.sc.alt2]; @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 = [quoteright.alt2 quotedblright.alt2]; @QUOTERIGHT_SC_ALT2 = [quoteright.sc.alt2 quotedblright.sc.alt2]; @QUOTELEFT_ALT2 = [quoteleft.alt2 quotedblleft.alt2]; @QUOTELEFT_SC_ALT2 = [quoteleft.sc.alt2 quotedblleft.sc.alt2]; @HYPHEN_ALT3 = [hyphen.alt3 sfthyphen.alt3]; @DASH_ALT3 = [endash.alt3 emdash.alt3 threequartersemdash.alt3 figuredash.alt3 afii00208.alt3]; @DASH_SC_ALT3 = [emdash.sc.alt3 endash.sc.alt3 threequartersemdash.sc.alt3 figuredash.sc.alt3 afii00208.sc.alt3]; @DASH_UC_ALT3 = [emdash.uc.alt3 endash.uc.alt3 threequartersemdash.uc.alt3 figuredash.uc.alt3 afii00208.uc.alt3]; @GUILRIGHT_ALT3 = [guilsinglright.alt3 guillemotright.alt3]; @GUILRIGHT_SC_ALT3 = [guilsinglright.sc.alt3 guillemotright.sc.alt3]; @GUILLEFT_ALT3 = [guilsinglleft.alt3 guillemotleft.alt3]; @GUILLEFT_SC_ALT3 = [guilsinglleft.sc.alt3 guillemotleft.sc.alt3]; @PERCENT_ALT3 = [percent.alt3 perthousand.alt3]; @QUOTE_ALT3 = [quotesingle.alt3 quotedbl.alt3]; @QUOTE_SC_ALT3 = [quotesingle.sc.alt3 quotedbl.sc.alt3]; @QUOTEBASE_ALT3 = [quotesinglbase.alt3 quotedblbase.alt3]; @QUOTEBASE_SC_ALT3 = [quotesinglbase.sc.alt3 quotedblbase.sc.alt3]; @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 = [quoteright.alt3 quotedblright.alt3]; @QUOTERIGHT_SC_ALT3 = [quoteright.sc.alt3 quotedblright.sc.alt3]; @QUOTELEFT_ALT3 = [quoteleft.alt3 quotedblleft.alt3]; @QUOTELEFT_SC_ALT3 = [quoteleft.sc.alt3 quotedblleft.sc.alt3]; @HYPHEN_ALT4 = [hyphen.alt4 sfthyphen.alt4]; @DASH_ALT4 = [endash.alt4 emdash.alt4 threequartersemdash.alt4 figuredash.alt4 afii00208.alt4]; @DASH_SC_ALT4 = [emdash.sc.alt4 endash.sc.alt4 threequartersemdash.sc.alt4 figuredash.sc.alt4 afii00208.sc.alt4]; @DASH_UC_ALT4 = [emdash.uc.alt4 endash.uc.alt4 threequartersemdash.uc.alt4 figuredash.uc.alt4 afii00208.uc.alt4]; @GUILRIGHT_ALT4 = [guilsinglright.alt4 guillemotright.alt4]; @GUILRIGHT_SC_ALT4 = [guilsinglright.sc.alt4 guillemotright.sc.alt4]; @GUILLEFT_ALT4 = [guilsinglleft.alt4 guillemotleft.alt4]; @GUILLEFT_SC_ALT4 = [guilsinglleft.sc.alt4 guillemotleft.sc.alt4]; @PERCENT_ALT4 = [percent.alt4 perthousand.alt4]; @QUOTE_ALT4 = [quotesingle.alt4 quotedbl.alt4]; @QUOTE_SC_ALT4 = [quotesingle.sc.alt4 quotedbl.sc.alt4]; @QUOTEBASE_ALT4 = [quotesinglbase.alt4 quotedblbase.alt4]; @QUOTEBASE_SC_ALT4 = [quotesinglbase.sc.alt4 quotedblbase.sc.alt4]; @QUOTERIGHT_ALT4 = [quoteright.alt4 quotedblright.alt4]; @QUOTERIGHT_SC_ALT4 = [quoteright.sc.alt4 quotedblright.sc.alt4]; @QUOTELEFT_ALT4 = [quoteleft.alt4 quotedblleft.alt4]; @QUOTELEFT_SC_ALT4 = [quoteleft.sc.alt4 quotedblleft.sc.alt4]; ### end class file lookup feature_kern_run0 { lookupflag 0; pos A afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Aacute afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Abreve afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Acircumflex afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Adieresis afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos ae afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos aeacute afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 A <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 Aacute <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 Abreve <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 Acircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 Adieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 AE <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 AEacute <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 afii10017 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 afii10021 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 afii10024 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 afii10029 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 afii10032 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 afii10035 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 afii10036 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 afii10037 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 afii10038 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 afii10039 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 afii10041 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 afii10044 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 afii10049 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 afii10051 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 afii10053 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 afii10058 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 afii10060 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 afii10062 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 afii10069 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 afii10070 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 afii10071 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 afii10072 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 afii10077 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 afii10080 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 afii10083 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 afii10085 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 afii10086 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 afii10087 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 afii10097 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 afii10101 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 afii10106 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 afii10110 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 afii10147 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 afii10148 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 afii10195 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 afii10196 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 Agrave <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 alpha <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 Alpha <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 alphatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 Amacron <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 Aring <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 Aringacute <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 Atilde <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 beta <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 c <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 C <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 cacute <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 Cacute <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 ccaron <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 Ccaron <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 ccedilla <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 Ccedilla <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 ccircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 Ccircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 cdotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 Cdotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 chi <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 Chi <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 d <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 dcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 delta <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 Delta <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 dmacron <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 e <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 eacute <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 ebreve <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 ecaron <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 ecircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 edieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 edotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 egrave <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 emacron <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 eth <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 g <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 G <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 gamma <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 gbreve <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 Gbreve <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 gcircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 Gcircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 gcommaaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 Gcommaaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 gdotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 Gdotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 J <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 Jcircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 lambda <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 Lambda <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 nu <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 o <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 O <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 oacute <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 Oacute <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 obreve <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 Obreve <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 ocircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 Ocircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 odieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 Odieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 oe <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 OE <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 ograve <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 Ograve <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 ohungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 Ohungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 omacron <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 Omacron <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 omega <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 Omega <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 omegatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 omicron <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 Omicron <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 omicrontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 oslash <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 Oslash <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 oslashacute <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 Oslashacute <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 otilde <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 Otilde <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 phi <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 Phi <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 pi <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 Psi <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 q <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 Q <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 s <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 sacute <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 scaron <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 scircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 uni0219 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 sigma <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 Sigma <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 sigma1 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 T <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 tau <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 Tau <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 Tcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 uni021A <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 theta <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 Theta <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 uni0450 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 upsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 Upsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 upsilondieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 Upsilondieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 upsilondieresistonos <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 upsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 v <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 V <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 w <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 W <0 0 0 0>; pos afii00208 wacute <0 0 0 0>; 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pos afii10110 afii10080 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10110 afii10083 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10110 afii10084 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10110 afii10085 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10110 afii10086 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10110 afii10087 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10110 afii10089 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10110 afii10092 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10110 afii10097 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10110 afii10101 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10110 afii10106 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10110 afii10110 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10110 afii10195 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10110 afii10196 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10110 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10110 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10110 emdash <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10110 endash <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10110 guillemotleft <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10110 guilsinglleft <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10110 hyphen <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10110 period <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10110 quotedblright <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10110 quoteright <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10110 uni0450 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10145 afii10066 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10145 afii10070 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10145 afii10071 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10145 afii10080 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10145 afii10082 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10145 afii10083 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10145 afii10084 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10145 afii10085 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10145 afii10086 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10145 afii10089 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10145 afii10092 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10145 afii10097 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10145 afii10101 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10145 afii10110 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10145 afii10195 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10145 afii10196 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10145 uni0450 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10146 afii10017 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10146 afii10024 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10146 afii10036 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10146 afii10037 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10146 afii10041 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10146 afii10049 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10146 afii10051 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10146 afii10060 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10146 afii10062 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10146 afii10148 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10147 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10147 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10147 afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10147 afii10017 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10147 afii10021 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10147 afii10024 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10147 afii10025 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10147 afii10029 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10147 afii10036 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10147 afii10037 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10147 afii10038 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10147 afii10039 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10147 afii10041 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10147 afii10047 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10147 afii10049 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10147 afii10051 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10147 afii10058 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10147 afii10060 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10147 afii10062 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10147 afii10069 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10147 afii10077 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10147 afii10106 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10147 afii10148 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10147 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10147 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10147 emdash <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10147 endash <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10147 hyphen <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10147 period <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 @GUILLEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 afii10017 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 afii10021 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 afii10029 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 afii10032 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 afii10035 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 afii10036 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 afii10038 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 afii10049 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 afii10051 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 afii10053 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 afii10058 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 afii10060 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 afii10066 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 afii10067 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 afii10068 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 afii10069 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 afii10070 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 afii10071 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 afii10072 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 afii10073 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 afii10075 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 afii10076 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 afii10077 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 afii10078 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 afii10079 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 afii10081 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 afii10082 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 afii10083 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 afii10084 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 afii10087 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 afii10088 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 afii10089 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 afii10090 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 afii10091 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 afii10096 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 afii10098 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 afii10100 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 afii10101 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 afii10106 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 afii10107 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 afii10109 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 afii10147 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 afii10193 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 emdash <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 endash <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 guillemotleft <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 guillemotright <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 guilsinglleft <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 guilsinglright <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 hyphen <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 period <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 quotedblright <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 quoteright <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10148 uni0450 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10195 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10195 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10195 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10195 afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10195 afii10069 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10195 afii10072 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10195 afii10073 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10195 afii10077 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10195 afii10085 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10195 afii10087 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10195 afii10089 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10195 afii10095 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10195 afii10097 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10195 afii10106 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10195 afii10110 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10195 afii10196 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10195 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10195 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10195 emdash <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10195 endash <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10195 hyphen <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10195 period <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10195 quotedblright <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10195 quoteright <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10196 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10196 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10196 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10196 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10196 afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10196 afii10065 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10196 afii10069 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10196 afii10070 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10196 afii10071 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10196 afii10072 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10196 afii10077 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10196 afii10080 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10196 afii10083 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10196 afii10084 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10196 afii10085 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10196 afii10086 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10196 afii10087 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10196 afii10092 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10196 afii10097 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10196 afii10101 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10196 afii10106 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10196 afii10110 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10196 afii10195 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10196 afii10196 <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10196 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10196 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10196 emdash <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10196 endash <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10196 guillemotleft <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10196 guilsinglleft <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10196 hyphen <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10196 period <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10196 quotedblright <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10196 quoteright <0 0 0 0>; pos afii10196 uni0450 <0 0 0 0>; pos Agrave afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos alpha @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos alpha @GUILLEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos alpha @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos alpha @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos alpha @O_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos Alpha @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos Alpha @T_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos Alpha @Y_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos alpha afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Alpha afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos alpha alpha <0 0 0 0>; pos alpha alphatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos Alpha asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos Alpha chi <0 0 0 0>; pos alpha colon <0 0 0 0>; pos alpha comma <0 0 0 0>; pos alpha delta <0 0 0 0>; pos alpha epsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos alpha epsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos alpha exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos alpha gamma <0 0 0 0>; pos Alpha nu <0 0 0 0>; pos alpha omicron <0 0 0 0>; pos alpha omicrontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos alpha period <0 0 0 0>; pos alpha phi <0 0 0 0>; pos alpha pi <0 0 0 0>; pos Alpha psi <0 0 0 0>; pos Alpha question <0 0 0 0>; pos alpha rho <0 0 0 0>; pos alpha semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos alpha sigma <0 0 0 0>; pos alpha sigma1 <0 0 0 0>; pos alpha tau <0 0 0 0>; pos alpha theta <0 0 0 0>; pos Alpha upsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos alpha upsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos alpha xi <0 0 0 0>; pos alpha zeta <0 0 0 0>; pos alphatonos @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos alphatonos @GUILLEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos alphatonos @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos alphatonos @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos alphatonos @O_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos Alphatonos @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos alphatonos afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Alphatonos afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos alphatonos alpha <0 0 0 0>; pos alphatonos alphatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos Alphatonos asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos Alphatonos chi <0 0 0 0>; pos alphatonos colon <0 0 0 0>; pos alphatonos comma <0 0 0 0>; pos alphatonos delta <0 0 0 0>; pos alphatonos epsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos alphatonos epsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos alphatonos gamma <0 0 0 0>; pos Alphatonos nu <0 0 0 0>; pos alphatonos omega <0 0 0 0>; pos alphatonos omicron <0 0 0 0>; pos alphatonos omicrontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos alphatonos period <0 0 0 0>; pos alphatonos phi <0 0 0 0>; pos Alphatonos pi <0 0 0 0>; pos Alphatonos psi <0 0 0 0>; pos Alphatonos question <0 0 0 0>; pos alphatonos rho <0 0 0 0>; pos alphatonos semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos alphatonos sigma <0 0 0 0>; pos alphatonos sigma1 <0 0 0 0>; pos Alphatonos tau <0 0 0 0>; pos alphatonos theta <0 0 0 0>; pos Alphatonos upsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos Alphatonos upsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos alphatonos xi <0 0 0 0>; pos alphatonos zeta <0 0 0 0>; pos Amacron afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos ampersand @A_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos ampersand @T_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos Aring afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Aringacute afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos asterisk period <0 0 0 0>; pos Atilde afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos b afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos B afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos backslash @A_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos backslash @A_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos backslash @B_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos backslash @C_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos backslash @D_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos backslash @F_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos backslash @G_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos backslash @H_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos backslash @I_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos backslash @J_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos backslash @K_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos backslash @L_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos backslash @M_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos backslash @N_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos backslash @O_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos backslash @P_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos backslash @Q_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos backslash @R_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos backslash @S_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos backslash @T_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos backslash @U_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos backslash @V_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos backslash @W_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos backslash @X_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos backslash @Y_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos backslash @Z_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos Beta @A_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos beta @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos beta @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos beta afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Beta afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Beta Alpha <0 0 0 0>; pos beta anoteleia <0 0 0 0>; pos beta beta <0 0 0 0>; pos beta comma <0 0 0 0>; pos Beta Delta <0 0 0 0>; pos beta ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos beta epsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos beta epsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos beta eta <0 0 0 0>; pos beta etatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos beta gamma <0 0 0 0>; pos beta iota <0 0 0 0>; pos beta iotatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos beta lambda <0 0 0 0>; pos beta period <0 0 0 0>; pos beta rho <0 0 0 0>; pos beta upsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos beta upsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos braceleft @A_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos braceleft @AE_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos braceleft @B_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos braceleft @F_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos braceleft @G_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos braceleft @H_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos braceleft @I_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos braceleft @J_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos braceleft @K_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos braceleft @L_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos braceleft @P_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos braceleft @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos braceleft @T_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos braceleft @V_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos braceleft @W_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos braceleft @X_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos braceleft @Y_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos braceleft @Z_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos braceleft afii10021 <0 0 0 0>; pos braceleft nine.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos braceleft seven.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos braceleft three.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos braceleft.sc @J_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos bracketleft @A_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos bracketleft @AE_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos bracketleft @B_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos bracketleft @F_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos bracketleft @G_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos bracketleft @H_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos bracketleft @I_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos bracketleft @J_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos bracketleft @K_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos bracketleft @L_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos bracketleft @P_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos bracketleft @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos bracketleft @T_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos bracketleft @V_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos bracketleft @W_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos bracketleft @X_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos bracketleft @Y_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos bracketleft @Z_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos bracketleft afii10021 <0 0 0 0>; pos bracketleft nine.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos bracketleft seven.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos bracketleft three.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos bracketleft.sc @J_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos C afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Cacute afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Ccaron afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Ccedilla afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Ccircumflex afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Cdotaccent afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos cent eight.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos cent four.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos cent nine.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos cent one.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos cent seven.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos cent six.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos cent three.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos cent two.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos cent zero.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos chi @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos chi @GUILLEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos chi @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos chi @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos chi @O_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos chi afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Chi afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos chi alpha <0 0 0 0>; pos chi alphatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos chi ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos chi epsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos chi epsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos chi iota <0 0 0 0>; pos chi iotatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos chi lambda <0 0 0 0>; pos chi omega <0 0 0 0>; pos chi omegatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos chi omicron <0 0 0 0>; pos chi omicrontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos chi period <0 0 0 0>; pos chi rho <0 0 0 0>; pos Chi tau <0 0 0 0>; pos chi theta <0 0 0 0>; pos chi upsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos comma @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos comma @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos comma @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos comma @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos comma four.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos comma seven.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos comma two.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos D afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Dcaron afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos delta @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos delta @GUILLEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos Delta @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos delta @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos Delta @O_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos Delta @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos Delta @Y_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos delta afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Delta afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Delta alpha <0 0 0 0>; pos Delta alphatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos delta anoteleia <0 0 0 0>; pos Delta asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos delta comma <0 0 0 0>; pos Delta Delta <0 0 0 0>; pos delta ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos Delta epsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos Delta epsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos Delta eta <0 0 0 0>; pos Delta etatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos delta iota <0 0 0 0>; pos delta iotatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos delta mu <0 0 0 0>; pos delta nu <0 0 0 0>; pos Delta omega <0 0 0 0>; pos Delta omegatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos Delta omicron <0 0 0 0>; pos Delta omicrontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos delta period <0 0 0 0>; pos delta rho <0 0 0 0>; pos Delta upsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos Delta upsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos Dmacron afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos dollar eight.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos dollar four.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos dollar nine.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos dollar one.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos dollar seven.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos dollar six.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos dollar three.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos dollar two.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos dollar zero.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos e afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos eacute afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos ebreve afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos ecaron afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos ecircumflex afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos edieresis afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos edotaccent afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos egrave afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos eight.oldstyle @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos eight.oldstyle braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos eight.oldstyle bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos eight.oldstyle equal.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos eight.oldstyle four.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos eight.oldstyle minus.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos eight.oldstyle multiply.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos eight.oldstyle ordfeminine <0 0 0 0>; pos eight.oldstyle ordmasculine <0 0 0 0>; pos eight.oldstyle parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos eight.oldstyle plus.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos eight.oldstyle seven.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos eight.oldstyle two.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos ellipsis @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos ellipsis @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos emacron afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos emdash afii10017 <0 0 0 0>; pos emdash afii10021 <0 0 0 0>; pos emdash afii10024 <0 0 0 0>; pos emdash afii10029 <0 0 0 0>; pos emdash afii10032 <0 0 0 0>; pos emdash afii10035 <0 0 0 0>; pos emdash afii10036 <0 0 0 0>; pos emdash afii10037 <0 0 0 0>; pos emdash afii10038 <0 0 0 0>; pos emdash afii10039 <0 0 0 0>; pos emdash afii10041 <0 0 0 0>; pos emdash afii10044 <0 0 0 0>; pos emdash afii10049 <0 0 0 0>; pos emdash afii10051 <0 0 0 0>; pos emdash afii10053 <0 0 0 0>; pos emdash afii10058 <0 0 0 0>; pos emdash afii10060 <0 0 0 0>; pos emdash afii10062 <0 0 0 0>; pos emdash afii10069 <0 0 0 0>; pos emdash afii10070 <0 0 0 0>; pos emdash afii10071 <0 0 0 0>; pos emdash afii10072 <0 0 0 0>; pos emdash afii10077 <0 0 0 0>; pos emdash afii10080 <0 0 0 0>; pos emdash afii10083 <0 0 0 0>; pos emdash afii10085 <0 0 0 0>; pos emdash afii10086 <0 0 0 0>; pos emdash afii10087 <0 0 0 0>; pos emdash afii10097 <0 0 0 0>; pos emdash afii10101 <0 0 0 0>; pos emdash afii10106 <0 0 0 0>; pos emdash afii10110 <0 0 0 0>; pos emdash afii10147 <0 0 0 0>; pos emdash afii10148 <0 0 0 0>; pos emdash afii10195 <0 0 0 0>; pos emdash afii10196 <0 0 0 0>; pos endash afii10017 <0 0 0 0>; pos endash afii10021 <0 0 0 0>; pos endash afii10024 <0 0 0 0>; pos endash afii10029 <0 0 0 0>; pos endash afii10032 <0 0 0 0>; pos endash afii10035 <0 0 0 0>; pos endash afii10036 <0 0 0 0>; pos endash afii10037 <0 0 0 0>; pos endash afii10038 <0 0 0 0>; pos endash afii10039 <0 0 0 0>; pos endash afii10041 <0 0 0 0>; pos endash afii10044 <0 0 0 0>; pos endash afii10049 <0 0 0 0>; pos endash afii10051 <0 0 0 0>; pos endash afii10053 <0 0 0 0>; pos endash afii10058 <0 0 0 0>; pos endash afii10060 <0 0 0 0>; pos endash afii10062 <0 0 0 0>; pos endash afii10069 <0 0 0 0>; pos endash afii10070 <0 0 0 0>; pos endash afii10071 <0 0 0 0>; pos endash afii10072 <0 0 0 0>; pos endash afii10077 <0 0 0 0>; pos endash afii10080 <0 0 0 0>; pos endash afii10083 <0 0 0 0>; pos endash afii10085 <0 0 0 0>; pos endash afii10086 <0 0 0 0>; pos endash afii10087 <0 0 0 0>; pos endash afii10097 <0 0 0 0>; pos endash afii10101 <0 0 0 0>; pos endash afii10106 <0 0 0 0>; pos endash afii10110 <0 0 0 0>; pos endash afii10147 <0 0 0 0>; pos endash afii10148 <0 0 0 0>; pos endash afii10195 <0 0 0 0>; pos endash afii10196 <0 0 0 0>; pos Eng @A_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos Eng @E_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos Eng @G_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos Eng @O_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos Eng @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos Eng @U_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos Eng comma <0 0 0 0>; pos Eng ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos Eng period <0 0 0 0>; pos epsilon @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos epsilon @O_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos epsilon alpha <0 0 0 0>; pos epsilon alphatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos epsilon beta <0 0 0 0>; pos epsilon chi <0 0 0 0>; pos epsilon comma <0 0 0 0>; pos epsilon delta <0 0 0 0>; pos epsilon ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos epsilon epsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos epsilon epsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos epsilon gamma <0 0 0 0>; pos epsilon iota <0 0 0 0>; pos epsilon iotatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos Epsilon kappa <0 0 0 0>; pos epsilon lambda <0 0 0 0>; pos epsilon mu <0 0 0 0>; pos epsilon nu <0 0 0 0>; pos epsilon omega <0 0 0 0>; pos epsilon omegatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos epsilon omicron <0 0 0 0>; pos epsilon omicrontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos epsilon period <0 0 0 0>; pos epsilon phi <0 0 0 0>; pos Epsilon pi <0 0 0 0>; pos Epsilon psi <0 0 0 0>; pos epsilon rho <0 0 0 0>; pos epsilon sigma <0 0 0 0>; pos epsilon sigma1 <0 0 0 0>; pos epsilon tau <0 0 0 0>; pos epsilon theta <0 0 0 0>; pos epsilon upsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos epsilon upsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos epsilon xi <0 0 0 0>; pos epsilon zeta <0 0 0 0>; pos epsilontonos @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos epsilontonos @O_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos epsilontonos alpha <0 0 0 0>; pos epsilontonos alphatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos epsilontonos beta <0 0 0 0>; pos epsilontonos chi <0 0 0 0>; pos epsilontonos comma <0 0 0 0>; pos epsilontonos delta <0 0 0 0>; pos epsilontonos ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos epsilontonos epsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos epsilontonos epsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos epsilontonos gamma <0 0 0 0>; pos epsilontonos iota <0 0 0 0>; pos epsilontonos iotatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos Epsilontonos kappa <0 0 0 0>; pos epsilontonos lambda <0 0 0 0>; pos epsilontonos mu <0 0 0 0>; pos epsilontonos nu <0 0 0 0>; pos epsilontonos omega <0 0 0 0>; pos epsilontonos omegatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos epsilontonos omicron <0 0 0 0>; pos epsilontonos omicrontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos epsilontonos period <0 0 0 0>; pos epsilontonos phi <0 0 0 0>; pos Epsilontonos pi <0 0 0 0>; pos Epsilontonos psi <0 0 0 0>; pos epsilontonos rho <0 0 0 0>; pos epsilontonos semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos epsilontonos sigma <0 0 0 0>; pos epsilontonos sigma1 <0 0 0 0>; pos epsilontonos tau <0 0 0 0>; pos epsilontonos theta <0 0 0 0>; pos Epsilontonos upsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos Epsilontonos upsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos epsilontonos zeta <0 0 0 0>; pos equal.oldstyle eight.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos equal.oldstyle four.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos equal.oldstyle nine.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos equal.oldstyle one.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos equal.oldstyle seven.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos equal.oldstyle six.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos equal.oldstyle three.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos equal.oldstyle two.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos equal.oldstyle zero.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos eta @GUILLEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos eta @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos eta @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos eta anoteleia <0 0 0 0>; pos Eta chi <0 0 0 0>; pos eta comma <0 0 0 0>; pos Eta delta <0 0 0 0>; pos eta ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos eta epsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos eta epsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos eta gamma <0 0 0 0>; pos eta iota <0 0 0 0>; pos eta iotatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos eta kappa <0 0 0 0>; pos eta lambda <0 0 0 0>; pos eta mu <0 0 0 0>; pos eta nu <0 0 0 0>; pos eta period <0 0 0 0>; pos eta phi <0 0 0 0>; pos eta pi <0 0 0 0>; pos eta psi <0 0 0 0>; pos eta rho <0 0 0 0>; pos eta sigma <0 0 0 0>; pos eta tau <0 0 0 0>; pos eta theta <0 0 0 0>; pos eta upsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos eta upsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos eta xi <0 0 0 0>; pos etatonos @GUILLEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos etatonos @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos etatonos anoteleia <0 0 0 0>; pos Etatonos chi <0 0 0 0>; pos etatonos comma <0 0 0 0>; pos Etatonos delta <0 0 0 0>; pos etatonos ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos etatonos epsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos etatonos epsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos etatonos gamma <0 0 0 0>; pos etatonos iota <0 0 0 0>; pos etatonos iotatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos etatonos kappa <0 0 0 0>; pos etatonos lambda <0 0 0 0>; pos etatonos mu <0 0 0 0>; pos etatonos nu <0 0 0 0>; pos etatonos period <0 0 0 0>; pos etatonos phi <0 0 0 0>; pos etatonos pi <0 0 0 0>; pos etatonos psi <0 0 0 0>; pos etatonos rho <0 0 0 0>; pos etatonos sigma <0 0 0 0>; pos etatonos tau <0 0 0 0>; pos etatonos theta <0 0 0 0>; pos etatonos upsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos etatonos upsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos etatonos xi <0 0 0 0>; pos Eth afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Euro eight.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos Euro four.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos Euro nine.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos Euro one.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos Euro seven.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos Euro six.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos Euro three.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos Euro two.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos Euro zero.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos exclam @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos exclamdown @G_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos exclamdown @J_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos exclamdown @P_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos exclamdown @T_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos exclamdown @V_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos exclamdown @W_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos exclamdown @Y_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos exclamdown Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos f afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos F afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos f_b afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos f_k afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos f_r afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos f_t afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos f.question @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos f.question @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos f.question @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos f.question aacute <0 0 0 0>; pos f.question acircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos f.question adieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos f.question agrave <0 0 0 0>; pos f.question aring <0 0 0 0>; pos f.question asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos f.question atilde <0 0 0 0>; pos f.question braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos f.question bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos f.question eth <0 0 0 0>; pos f.question exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos f.question iacute <0 0 0 0>; pos f.question icircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos f.question idieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos f.question igrave <0 0 0 0>; pos f.question odieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos f.question ordmasculine <0 0 0 0>; pos f.question parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos f.question question <0 0 0 0>; pos f.question scaron <0 0 0 0>; pos f.question trademark <0 0 0 0>; pos f.question ucircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos f.question udiresis <0 0 0 0>; pos f.question ugrave <0 0 0 0>; pos f.question ydieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos f.question zcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos ff afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos four.oldstyle @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos four.oldstyle comma <0 0 0 0>; pos four.oldstyle equal.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos four.oldstyle four.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos four.oldstyle minus.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos four.oldstyle multiply.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos four.oldstyle nine.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos four.oldstyle one.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos four.oldstyle ordfeminine <0 0 0 0>; pos four.oldstyle ordmasculine <0 0 0 0>; pos four.oldstyle period <0 0 0 0>; pos four.oldstyle plus.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos four.oldstyle seven.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos four.oldstyle three.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos four.oldstyle two.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos fraction eight.denominator <0 0 0 0>; pos fraction four.denominator <0 0 0 0>; pos fraction nine.denominator <0 0 0 0>; pos fraction one.denominator <0 0 0 0>; pos fraction seven.denominator <0 0 0 0>; pos fraction six.denominator <0 0 0 0>; pos fraction three.denominator <0 0 0 0>; pos fraction two.denominator <0 0 0 0>; pos fraction zero.denominator <0 0 0 0>; pos G afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Gamma @A_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos gamma @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos Gamma @GUILLEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos gamma @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos gamma @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos gamma @O_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos Gamma @Y_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos gamma afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Gamma afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos gamma alpha <0 0 0 0>; pos gamma alphatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos gamma anoteleia <0 0 0 0>; pos gamma chi <0 0 0 0>; pos Gamma colon <0 0 0 0>; pos gamma comma <0 0 0 0>; pos gamma delta <0 0 0 0>; pos gamma ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos gamma epsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos gamma epsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos Gamma eta <0 0 0 0>; pos Gamma etatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos Gamma exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos gamma gamma <0 0 0 0>; pos gamma iota <0 0 0 0>; pos gamma iotatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos Gamma kappa <0 0 0 0>; pos gamma lambda <0 0 0 0>; pos gamma nu <0 0 0 0>; pos gamma omega <0 0 0 0>; pos gamma omegatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos gamma omicron <0 0 0 0>; pos gamma omicrontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos gamma period <0 0 0 0>; pos Gamma question <0 0 0 0>; pos gamma rho <0 0 0 0>; pos Gamma semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos Gamma upsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos gamma upsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos gamma xi <0 0 0 0>; pos Gbreve afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Gcircumflex afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Gcommaaccent afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Gdotaccent afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos germandbls @B_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos germandbls @E_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos germandbls @F_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos germandbls @G_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos germandbls @GUILLEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos germandbls @H_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos germandbls @K_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos germandbls @L_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos germandbls @P_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos germandbls @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos germandbls @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos germandbls @T_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos germandbls @V_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos germandbls @W_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos germandbls @Z_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos germandbls comma <0 0 0 0>; pos germandbls ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos germandbls germandbls <0 0 0 0>; pos germandbls hbar <0 0 0 0>; pos germandbls LONGS_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos germandbls lslash <0 0 0 0>; pos germandbls period <0 0 0 0>; pos germandbls thorn <0 0 0 0>; pos guillemotleft afii10017 <0 0 0 0>; pos guillemotleft afii10029 <0 0 0 0>; pos guillemotleft afii10036 <0 0 0 0>; pos guillemotleft afii10037 <0 0 0 0>; pos guillemotleft afii10041 <0 0 0 0>; pos guillemotleft afii10044 <0 0 0 0>; pos guillemotleft afii10049 <0 0 0 0>; pos guillemotleft afii10051 <0 0 0 0>; pos guillemotleft afii10060 <0 0 0 0>; pos guillemotleft afii10062 <0 0 0 0>; pos guillemotleft afii10077 <0 0 0 0>; pos guillemotleft afii10084 <0 0 0 0>; pos guillemotleft afii10085 <0 0 0 0>; pos guillemotleft afii10089 <0 0 0 0>; pos guillemotleft afii10148 <0 0 0 0>; pos guillemotright afii10017 <0 0 0 0>; pos guillemotright afii10021 <0 0 0 0>; pos guillemotright afii10024 <0 0 0 0>; pos guillemotright afii10029 <0 0 0 0>; pos guillemotright afii10036 <0 0 0 0>; pos guillemotright afii10037 <0 0 0 0>; pos guillemotright afii10038 <0 0 0 0>; pos guillemotright afii10039 <0 0 0 0>; pos guillemotright afii10041 <0 0 0 0>; pos guillemotright afii10044 <0 0 0 0>; pos guillemotright afii10049 <0 0 0 0>; pos guillemotright afii10051 <0 0 0 0>; pos guillemotright afii10058 <0 0 0 0>; pos guillemotright afii10060 <0 0 0 0>; pos guillemotright afii10062 <0 0 0 0>; pos guillemotright afii10065 <0 0 0 0>; pos guillemotright afii10069 <0 0 0 0>; pos guillemotright afii10077 <0 0 0 0>; pos guillemotright afii10085 <0 0 0 0>; pos guillemotright afii10087 <0 0 0 0>; pos guillemotright afii10097 <0 0 0 0>; pos guillemotright afii10106 <0 0 0 0>; pos guillemotright afii10110 <0 0 0 0>; pos guillemotright afii10148 <0 0 0 0>; pos guillemotright afii10196 <0 0 0 0>; pos guilsinglleft afii10036 <0 0 0 0>; pos guilsinglleft afii10037 <0 0 0 0>; pos guilsinglleft afii10041 <0 0 0 0>; pos guilsinglleft afii10044 <0 0 0 0>; pos guilsinglleft afii10051 <0 0 0 0>; pos guilsinglleft afii10060 <0 0 0 0>; pos guilsinglleft afii10062 <0 0 0 0>; pos guilsinglleft afii10148 <0 0 0 0>; pos guilsinglright afii10017 <0 0 0 0>; pos guilsinglright afii10021 <0 0 0 0>; pos guilsinglright afii10024 <0 0 0 0>; pos guilsinglright afii10029 <0 0 0 0>; pos guilsinglright afii10036 <0 0 0 0>; pos guilsinglright afii10037 <0 0 0 0>; pos guilsinglright afii10038 <0 0 0 0>; pos guilsinglright afii10039 <0 0 0 0>; pos guilsinglright afii10041 <0 0 0 0>; pos guilsinglright afii10044 <0 0 0 0>; pos guilsinglright afii10049 <0 0 0 0>; pos guilsinglright afii10051 <0 0 0 0>; pos guilsinglright afii10058 <0 0 0 0>; pos guilsinglright afii10060 <0 0 0 0>; pos guilsinglright afii10062 <0 0 0 0>; pos guilsinglright afii10065 <0 0 0 0>; pos guilsinglright afii10069 <0 0 0 0>; pos guilsinglright afii10077 <0 0 0 0>; pos guilsinglright afii10085 <0 0 0 0>; pos guilsinglright afii10087 <0 0 0 0>; pos guilsinglright afii10097 <0 0 0 0>; pos guilsinglright afii10106 <0 0 0 0>; pos guilsinglright afii10110 <0 0 0 0>; pos guilsinglright afii10148 <0 0 0 0>; pos guilsinglright afii10196 <0 0 0 0>; pos Hbar @A_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos Hbar @E_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos Hbar @O_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos Hbar @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos hbar @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos hbar @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos Hbar @U_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos hbar @V_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos hbar @W_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos hbar @Y_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos hbar.sc @A_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos hbar.sc @T_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos hbar.sc @Y_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos hyphen afii10017 <0 0 0 0>; pos hyphen afii10021 <0 0 0 0>; pos hyphen afii10024 <0 0 0 0>; pos hyphen afii10029 <0 0 0 0>; pos hyphen afii10032 <0 0 0 0>; pos hyphen afii10035 <0 0 0 0>; pos hyphen afii10036 <0 0 0 0>; pos hyphen afii10037 <0 0 0 0>; pos hyphen afii10038 <0 0 0 0>; pos hyphen afii10039 <0 0 0 0>; pos hyphen afii10041 <0 0 0 0>; pos hyphen afii10044 <0 0 0 0>; pos hyphen afii10049 <0 0 0 0>; pos hyphen afii10051 <0 0 0 0>; pos hyphen afii10053 <0 0 0 0>; pos hyphen afii10058 <0 0 0 0>; pos hyphen afii10060 <0 0 0 0>; pos hyphen afii10062 <0 0 0 0>; pos hyphen afii10069 <0 0 0 0>; pos hyphen afii10070 <0 0 0 0>; pos hyphen afii10071 <0 0 0 0>; pos hyphen afii10072 <0 0 0 0>; pos hyphen afii10077 <0 0 0 0>; pos hyphen afii10080 <0 0 0 0>; pos hyphen afii10083 <0 0 0 0>; pos hyphen afii10084 <0 0 0 0>; pos hyphen afii10085 <0 0 0 0>; pos hyphen afii10086 <0 0 0 0>; pos hyphen afii10087 <0 0 0 0>; pos hyphen afii10097 <0 0 0 0>; pos hyphen afii10101 <0 0 0 0>; pos hyphen afii10106 <0 0 0 0>; pos hyphen afii10110 <0 0 0 0>; pos hyphen afii10147 <0 0 0 0>; pos hyphen afii10148 <0 0 0 0>; pos hyphen afii10195 <0 0 0 0>; pos hyphen afii10196 <0 0 0 0>; pos Icyril afii10066 <0 0 0 0>; pos Icyril afii10070 <0 0 0 0>; pos Icyril afii10071 <0 0 0 0>; pos Icyril afii10080 <0 0 0 0>; pos Icyril afii10082 <0 0 0 0>; pos Icyril afii10083 <0 0 0 0>; pos Icyril afii10084 <0 0 0 0>; pos Icyril afii10085 <0 0 0 0>; pos Icyril afii10086 <0 0 0 0>; pos Icyril afii10089 <0 0 0 0>; pos Icyril afii10092 <0 0 0 0>; pos Icyril afii10097 <0 0 0 0>; pos Icyril afii10101 <0 0 0 0>; pos Icyril afii10110 <0 0 0 0>; pos Icyril afii10195 <0 0 0 0>; pos Icyril afii10196 <0 0 0 0>; pos Iota alpha <0 0 0 0>; pos Iota alphatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos iota anoteleia <0 0 0 0>; pos iota chi <0 0 0 0>; pos Iota delta <0 0 0 0>; pos Iota epsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos Iota epsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos Iota eta <0 0 0 0>; pos Iota etatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos Iota gamma <0 0 0 0>; pos Iota iota <0 0 0 0>; pos Iota iotatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos Iota kappa <0 0 0 0>; pos Iota lambda <0 0 0 0>; pos Iota mu <0 0 0 0>; pos iota nu <0 0 0 0>; pos Iota omega <0 0 0 0>; pos Iota omegatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos Iota omicron <0 0 0 0>; pos Iota omicrontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos iota pi <0 0 0 0>; pos iota psi <0 0 0 0>; pos iota rho <0 0 0 0>; pos Iota sigma <0 0 0 0>; pos iota tau <0 0 0 0>; pos Iota theta <0 0 0 0>; pos iota upsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos iota upsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos Iota xi <0 0 0 0>; pos Iotatonos alpha <0 0 0 0>; pos Iotatonos alphatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos iotatonos anoteleia <0 0 0 0>; pos iotatonos chi <0 0 0 0>; pos iotatonos delta <0 0 0 0>; pos Iotatonos epsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos Iotatonos epsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos Iotatonos eta <0 0 0 0>; pos Iotatonos etatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos Iotatonos gamma <0 0 0 0>; pos Iotatonos iota <0 0 0 0>; pos Iotatonos iotatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos Iotatonos kappa <0 0 0 0>; pos Iotatonos lambda <0 0 0 0>; pos Iotatonos mu <0 0 0 0>; pos iotatonos nu <0 0 0 0>; pos Iotatonos omega <0 0 0 0>; pos Iotatonos omegatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos Iotatonos omicron <0 0 0 0>; pos Iotatonos omicrontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos iotatonos pi <0 0 0 0>; pos iotatonos psi <0 0 0 0>; pos iotatonos rho <0 0 0 0>; pos Iotatonos sigma <0 0 0 0>; pos iotatonos tau <0 0 0 0>; pos Iotatonos theta <0 0 0 0>; pos iotatonos upsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos iotatonos upsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos Iotatonos xi <0 0 0 0>; pos k afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos K afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos kappa @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos kappa @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos kappa @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos kappa @O_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos Kappa @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos kappa afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Kappa afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos kappa alpha <0 0 0 0>; pos kappa alphatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos kappa beta <0 0 0 0>; pos kappa chi <0 0 0 0>; pos Kappa colon <0 0 0 0>; pos kappa comma <0 0 0 0>; pos kappa delta <0 0 0 0>; pos kappa epsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos kappa epsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos Kappa eta <0 0 0 0>; pos Kappa etatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos kappa gamma <0 0 0 0>; pos Kappa iota <0 0 0 0>; pos Kappa iotatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos Kappa nu <0 0 0 0>; pos kappa omega <0 0 0 0>; pos kappa omegatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos kappa omicron <0 0 0 0>; pos kappa omicrontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos kappa period <0 0 0 0>; pos kappa phi <0 0 0 0>; pos kappa rho <0 0 0 0>; pos Kappa semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos kappa sigma <0 0 0 0>; pos Kappa tau <0 0 0 0>; pos kappa theta <0 0 0 0>; pos Kappa upsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos kappa upsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos kappa zeta <0 0 0 0>; pos kcommaaccent afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Kcommaaccent afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos kgreenlandic @C_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos kgreenlandic @D_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos kgreenlandic @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos kgreenlandic @E_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos kgreenlandic @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos kgreenlandic @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos kgreenlandic @O_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos kgreenlandic @Q_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos kgreenlandic afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos kgreenlandic eth <0 0 0 0>; pos kgreenlandic oslash <0 0 0 0>; pos lambda @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos lambda @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos lambda @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos lambda @O_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos lambda @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos Lambda @T_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos Lambda @Y_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos lambda afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Lambda afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos lambda alpha <0 0 0 0>; pos lambda alphatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos lambda anoteleia <0 0 0 0>; pos lambda asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos lambda beta <0 0 0 0>; pos lambda chi <0 0 0 0>; pos lambda comma <0 0 0 0>; pos lambda delta <0 0 0 0>; pos lambda epsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos lambda epsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos lambda gamma <0 0 0 0>; pos lambda nu <0 0 0 0>; pos lambda omega <0 0 0 0>; pos lambda omegatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos lambda omicron <0 0 0 0>; pos lambda omicrontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos lambda period <0 0 0 0>; pos lambda phi <0 0 0 0>; pos lambda pi <0 0 0 0>; pos Lambda psi <0 0 0 0>; pos lambda sigma <0 0 0 0>; pos lambda sigma1 <0 0 0 0>; pos lambda tau <0 0 0 0>; pos lambda theta <0 0 0 0>; pos lambda upsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos lambda upsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos lambda xi <0 0 0 0>; pos lambda zeta <0 0 0 0>; pos LONGS_LC_LEFT @B_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos LONGS_LC_LEFT @H_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos LONGS_LC_LEFT @I_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos LONGS_LC_LEFT @J_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos LONGS_LC_LEFT @K_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos LONGS_LC_LEFT @L_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos LONGS_LC_LEFT @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos LONGS_LC_LEFT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos LONGS_LC_LEFT eth <0 0 0 0>; pos LONGS_LC_LEFT hbar <0 0 0 0>; pos LONGS_LC_LEFT lslash <0 0 0 0>; pos LONGS_LC_LEFT n.superior <0 0 0 0>; pos LONGS_LC_LEFT thorn <0 0 0 0>; pos Lslash @A_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos Lslash @C_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos Lslash @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos Lslash @E_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos Lslash @G_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos lslash @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos Lslash @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos Lslash @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos Lslash @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos Lslash @O_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos Lslash @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos Lslash @Q_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos Lslash @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos lslash @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos Lslash @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos Lslash @T_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos Lslash @U_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos lslash @V_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos lslash @W_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos lslash @Y_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos Lslash asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos Lslash colon <0 0 0 0>; pos Lslash comma <0 0 0 0>; pos Lslash period <0 0 0 0>; pos Lslash registered <0 0 0 0>; pos Lslash semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos Lslash Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos Lslash trademark <0 0 0 0>; pos lslash.sc @O_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos lslash.sc @OSLASH_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos lslash.sc @T_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos lslash.sc @V_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos lslash.sc @W_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos lslash.sc @Y_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos lslash.sc colon <0 0 0 0>; pos lslash.sc comma <0 0 0 0>; pos lslash.sc period <0 0 0 0>; pos lslash.sc semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos minus.oldstyle eight.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos minus.oldstyle four.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos minus.oldstyle nine.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos minus.oldstyle one.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos minus.oldstyle seven.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos minus.oldstyle six.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos minus.oldstyle three.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos minus.oldstyle two.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos minus.oldstyle zero.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos Mu alpha <0 0 0 0>; pos Mu alphatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos mu anoteleia <0 0 0 0>; pos mu chi <0 0 0 0>; pos Mu delta <0 0 0 0>; pos Mu epsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos Mu epsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos Mu eta <0 0 0 0>; pos Mu etatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos Mu gamma <0 0 0 0>; pos Mu iota <0 0 0 0>; pos Mu iotatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos Mu kappa <0 0 0 0>; pos Mu lambda <0 0 0 0>; pos Mu mu <0 0 0 0>; pos mu nu <0 0 0 0>; pos Mu omega <0 0 0 0>; pos Mu omegatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos Mu omicron <0 0 0 0>; pos Mu omicrontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos mu pi <0 0 0 0>; pos mu psi <0 0 0 0>; pos mu rho <0 0 0 0>; pos Mu sigma <0 0 0 0>; pos mu tau <0 0 0 0>; pos Mu theta <0 0 0 0>; pos mu upsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos mu upsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos Mu xi <0 0 0 0>; pos multiply.oldstyle eight.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos multiply.oldstyle four.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos multiply.oldstyle nine.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos multiply.oldstyle one.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos multiply.oldstyle seven.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos multiply.oldstyle six.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos multiply.oldstyle three.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos multiply.oldstyle two.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos multiply.oldstyle zero.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos nine.numerator fraction <0 0 0 0>; pos nine.oldstyle @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos nine.oldstyle equal.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos nine.oldstyle four.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos nine.oldstyle minus.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos nine.oldstyle multiply.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos nine.oldstyle nine.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos nine.oldstyle ordfeminine <0 0 0 0>; pos nine.oldstyle ordmasculine <0 0 0 0>; pos nine.oldstyle plus.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos nine.oldstyle seven.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos nine.oldstyle three.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos nine.oldstyle two.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos Nu @A_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos nu @GUILLEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos nu @O_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos nu @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos nu alpha <0 0 0 0>; pos nu alphatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos nu beta <0 0 0 0>; pos nu chi <0 0 0 0>; pos nu colon <0 0 0 0>; pos nu comma <0 0 0 0>; pos nu delta <0 0 0 0>; pos nu ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos nu epsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos nu epsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos Nu eta <0 0 0 0>; pos Nu etatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos nu gamma <0 0 0 0>; pos nu iota <0 0 0 0>; pos nu iotatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos nu lambda <0 0 0 0>; pos nu mu <0 0 0 0>; pos nu omega <0 0 0 0>; pos nu omegatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos nu omicron <0 0 0 0>; pos nu omicrontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos nu period <0 0 0 0>; pos nu phi <0 0 0 0>; pos nu rho <0 0 0 0>; pos nu semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos nu sigma <0 0 0 0>; pos nu sigma1 <0 0 0 0>; pos Nu upsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos nu upsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos o afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos O afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos oacute afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Oacute afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos obreve afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Obreve afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos ocircumflex afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Ocircumflex afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos odieresis afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Odieresis afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos oe afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos ograve afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Ograve afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos ohungarumlaut afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Ohungarumlaut afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos omacron afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Omacron afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos omega @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos omega @GUILLEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos omega @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos omega @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos omega afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Omega afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos omega anoteleia <0 0 0 0>; pos omega beta <0 0 0 0>; pos omega chi <0 0 0 0>; pos omega comma <0 0 0 0>; pos omega ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos omega gamma <0 0 0 0>; pos omega iota <0 0 0 0>; pos omega iotatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos omega lambda <0 0 0 0>; pos omega mu <0 0 0 0>; pos omega nu <0 0 0 0>; pos Omega Omega <0 0 0 0>; pos omega period <0 0 0 0>; pos omega pi <0 0 0 0>; pos omega rho <0 0 0 0>; pos omega tau <0 0 0 0>; pos Omega Upsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos omegatonos @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos omegatonos @GUILLEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos omegatonos @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos omegatonos @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos omegatonos afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Omegatonos afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos omegatonos anoteleia <0 0 0 0>; pos omegatonos beta <0 0 0 0>; pos omegatonos chi <0 0 0 0>; pos omegatonos comma <0 0 0 0>; pos omegatonos ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos omegatonos gamma <0 0 0 0>; pos omegatonos iota <0 0 0 0>; pos omegatonos iotatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos omegatonos lambda <0 0 0 0>; pos omegatonos mu <0 0 0 0>; pos omegatonos nu <0 0 0 0>; pos Omegatonos Omega <0 0 0 0>; pos omegatonos period <0 0 0 0>; pos omegatonos pi <0 0 0 0>; pos omegatonos rho <0 0 0 0>; pos omegatonos tau <0 0 0 0>; pos Omegatonos Upsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos Omicron @A_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos omicron @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos omicron @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos omicron @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos Omicron @Y_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos omicron afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Omicron afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos omicron alpha <0 0 0 0>; pos omicron anoteleia <0 0 0 0>; pos omicron beta <0 0 0 0>; pos omicron chi <0 0 0 0>; pos omicron comma <0 0 0 0>; pos Omicron delta <0 0 0 0>; pos omicron ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos omicron gamma <0 0 0 0>; pos omicron iota <0 0 0 0>; pos omicron iotatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos omicron lambda <0 0 0 0>; pos omicron mu <0 0 0 0>; pos omicron nu <0 0 0 0>; pos omicron period <0 0 0 0>; pos Omicron Phi <0 0 0 0>; pos omicron pi <0 0 0 0>; pos Omicron Psi <0 0 0 0>; pos omicron rho <0 0 0 0>; pos Omicron Sigma <0 0 0 0>; pos omicron tau <0 0 0 0>; pos omicron upsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos omicron xi <0 0 0 0>; pos Omicron Zeta <0 0 0 0>; pos omicrontonos @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos omicrontonos @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos omicrontonos @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos omicrontonos afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Omicrontonos afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Omicrontonos Alpha <0 0 0 0>; pos omicrontonos anoteleia <0 0 0 0>; pos omicrontonos beta <0 0 0 0>; pos omicrontonos chi <0 0 0 0>; pos omicrontonos comma <0 0 0 0>; pos Omicrontonos delta <0 0 0 0>; pos omicrontonos ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos omicrontonos gamma <0 0 0 0>; pos omicrontonos iota <0 0 0 0>; pos omicrontonos iotatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos omicrontonos lambda <0 0 0 0>; pos omicrontonos mu <0 0 0 0>; pos omicrontonos nu <0 0 0 0>; pos omicrontonos period <0 0 0 0>; pos Omicrontonos Phi <0 0 0 0>; pos omicrontonos pi <0 0 0 0>; pos Omicrontonos Psi <0 0 0 0>; pos omicrontonos rho <0 0 0 0>; pos Omicrontonos Sigma <0 0 0 0>; pos omicrontonos tau <0 0 0 0>; pos Omicrontonos Upsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos omicrontonos xi <0 0 0 0>; pos Omicrontonos Zeta <0 0 0 0>; pos one.numerator fraction <0 0 0 0>; pos one.oldstyle @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos one.oldstyle equal.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos one.oldstyle four.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos one.oldstyle minus.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos one.oldstyle multiply.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos one.oldstyle ordfeminine <0 0 0 0>; pos one.oldstyle ordmasculine <0 0 0 0>; pos one.oldstyle plus.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos one.oldstyle seven.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos oslash afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Oslash afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos oslashacute afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Oslashacute afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos otilde afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Otilde afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos p afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos P afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos paragraph eight.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos paragraph four.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos paragraph nine.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos paragraph one.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos paragraph seven.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos paragraph six.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos paragraph three.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos paragraph two.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos paragraph zero.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos parenleft @A_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos parenleft @AE_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos parenleft @B_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos parenleft @F_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos parenleft @G_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos parenleft @H_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos parenleft @I_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos parenleft @J_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos parenleft @K_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos parenleft @L_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos parenleft @P_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos parenleft @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos parenleft @T_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos parenleft @V_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos parenleft @W_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos parenleft @X_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos parenleft @Y_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos parenleft @Z_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos parenleft afii10021 <0 0 0 0>; pos parenleft nine.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos parenleft seven.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos parenleft three.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos parenleft.sc @J_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos period @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos period @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos period @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos period @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos period @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos period asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos period four.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos period one.superior <0 0 0 0>; pos period seven.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos period three.superior <0 0 0 0>; pos period two.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos period two.superior <0 0 0 0>; pos Phi @A_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos phi @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos Phi @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos phi @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos Phi @O_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos phi @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos Phi @T_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos Phi @Y_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos phi afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Phi afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Phi Alpha <0 0 0 0>; pos phi anoteleia <0 0 0 0>; pos phi beta <0 0 0 0>; pos phi chi <0 0 0 0>; pos phi comma <0 0 0 0>; pos phi ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos phi gamma <0 0 0 0>; pos phi iota <0 0 0 0>; pos phi iotatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos phi lambda <0 0 0 0>; pos phi mu <0 0 0 0>; pos phi nu <0 0 0 0>; pos Phi omega <0 0 0 0>; pos Phi omegatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos Phi omicron <0 0 0 0>; pos Phi omicrontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos phi period <0 0 0 0>; pos Phi Phi <0 0 0 0>; pos phi pi <0 0 0 0>; pos phi rho <0 0 0 0>; pos phi tau <0 0 0 0>; pos Phi Theta <0 0 0 0>; pos phi upsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos phi upsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos phi xi <0 0 0 0>; pos pi @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos pi @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos pi @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos pi @O_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos pi @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos pi afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos pi alpha <0 0 0 0>; pos pi alphatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos Pi chi <0 0 0 0>; pos Pi delta <0 0 0 0>; pos Pi epsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos Pi epsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos Pi eta <0 0 0 0>; pos Pi etatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos Pi gamma <0 0 0 0>; pos Pi iota <0 0 0 0>; pos Pi iotatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos Pi kappa <0 0 0 0>; pos pi lambda <0 0 0 0>; pos Pi mu <0 0 0 0>; pos pi nu <0 0 0 0>; pos pi omega <0 0 0 0>; pos pi omegatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos pi omicron <0 0 0 0>; pos pi omicrontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos pi phi <0 0 0 0>; pos Pi pi <0 0 0 0>; pos Pi psi <0 0 0 0>; pos pi rho <0 0 0 0>; pos Pi sigma <0 0 0 0>; pos Pi tau <0 0 0 0>; pos Pi theta <0 0 0 0>; pos Pi upsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos pi upsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos Pi xi <0 0 0 0>; pos plus.oldstyle eight.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos plus.oldstyle four.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos plus.oldstyle nine.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos plus.oldstyle one.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos plus.oldstyle seven.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos plus.oldstyle six.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos plus.oldstyle three.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos plus.oldstyle two.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos plus.oldstyle zero.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos Psi @A_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos psi @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos Psi @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos psi @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos psi afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Psi afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Psi alpha <0 0 0 0>; pos Psi alphatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos psi comma <0 0 0 0>; pos psi ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos Psi epsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos Psi epsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos Psi eta <0 0 0 0>; pos Psi etatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos Psi iota <0 0 0 0>; pos Psi iotatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos Psi omega <0 0 0 0>; pos Psi omegatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos Psi Omicron <0 0 0 0>; pos psi period <0 0 0 0>; pos Psi upsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos Psi upsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos Q afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos question @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos question @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos questiondown @C_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos questiondown @G_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos questiondown @J_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos questiondown @O_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos questiondown @P_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos questiondown @Q_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos questiondown @T_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos questiondown @U_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos questiondown @V_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos questiondown @W_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos questiondown @Y_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos questiondown Oslash <0 0 0 0>; pos questiondown Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos quotedblleft afii10017 <0 0 0 0>; pos quotedblleft afii10021 <0 0 0 0>; pos quotedblleft afii10029 <0 0 0 0>; pos quotedblleft afii10032 <0 0 0 0>; pos quotedblleft afii10035 <0 0 0 0>; pos quotedblleft afii10036 <0 0 0 0>; pos quotedblleft afii10037 <0 0 0 0>; pos quotedblleft afii10038 <0 0 0 0>; pos quotedblleft afii10044 <0 0 0 0>; pos quotedblleft afii10049 <0 0 0 0>; pos quotedblleft afii10051 <0 0 0 0>; pos quotedblleft afii10053 <0 0 0 0>; pos quotedblleft afii10058 <0 0 0 0>; pos quotedblleft afii10060 <0 0 0 0>; pos quotedblleft afii10062 <0 0 0 0>; pos quotedblleft afii10065 <0 0 0 0>; pos quotedblleft afii10069 <0 0 0 0>; pos quotedblleft afii10070 <0 0 0 0>; pos quotedblleft afii10071 <0 0 0 0>; pos quotedblleft afii10077 <0 0 0 0>; pos quotedblleft afii10080 <0 0 0 0>; pos quotedblleft afii10083 <0 0 0 0>; pos quotedblleft afii10085 <0 0 0 0>; pos quotedblleft afii10086 <0 0 0 0>; pos quotedblleft afii10097 <0 0 0 0>; pos quotedblleft afii10101 <0 0 0 0>; pos quotedblleft afii10106 <0 0 0 0>; pos quotedblleft afii10110 <0 0 0 0>; pos quotedblleft afii10147 <0 0 0 0>; pos quotedblleft afii10148 <0 0 0 0>; pos quotedblleft afii10195 <0 0 0 0>; pos quotedblleft afii10196 <0 0 0 0>; pos quoteleft afii10017 <0 0 0 0>; pos quoteleft afii10021 <0 0 0 0>; pos quoteleft afii10024 <0 0 0 0>; pos quoteleft afii10029 <0 0 0 0>; pos quoteleft afii10032 <0 0 0 0>; pos quoteleft afii10035 <0 0 0 0>; pos quoteleft afii10036 <0 0 0 0>; pos quoteleft afii10037 <0 0 0 0>; pos quoteleft afii10038 <0 0 0 0>; pos quoteleft afii10044 <0 0 0 0>; pos quoteleft afii10049 <0 0 0 0>; pos quoteleft afii10051 <0 0 0 0>; pos quoteleft afii10053 <0 0 0 0>; pos quoteleft afii10058 <0 0 0 0>; pos quoteleft afii10060 <0 0 0 0>; pos quoteleft afii10062 <0 0 0 0>; pos quoteleft afii10065 <0 0 0 0>; pos quoteleft afii10069 <0 0 0 0>; pos quoteleft afii10070 <0 0 0 0>; pos quoteleft afii10071 <0 0 0 0>; pos quoteleft afii10077 <0 0 0 0>; pos quoteleft afii10080 <0 0 0 0>; pos quoteleft afii10083 <0 0 0 0>; pos quoteleft afii10085 <0 0 0 0>; pos quoteleft afii10086 <0 0 0 0>; pos quoteleft afii10097 <0 0 0 0>; pos quoteleft afii10099 <0 0 0 0>; pos quoteleft afii10101 <0 0 0 0>; pos quoteleft afii10106 <0 0 0 0>; pos quoteleft afii10108 <0 0 0 0>; pos quoteleft afii10110 <0 0 0 0>; pos quoteleft afii10147 <0 0 0 0>; pos quoteleft afii10148 <0 0 0 0>; pos quoteleft afii10195 <0 0 0 0>; pos quoteleft afii10196 <0 0 0 0>; pos quotesinglbase @A_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos quotesinglbase @A_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos quotesinglbase @AE_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos quotesinglbase @B_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos quotesinglbase @C_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos quotesinglbase @D_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos quotesinglbase @E_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos quotesinglbase @G_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos quotesinglbase @J_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos quotesinglbase @O_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos quotesinglbase @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos quotesinglbase @P_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos quotesinglbase @Q_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos quotesinglbase @S_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos quotesinglbase @T_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos quotesinglbase @T_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos quotesinglbase @U_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos quotesinglbase @V_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos quotesinglbase @V_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos quotesinglbase @W_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos quotesinglbase @W_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos quotesinglbase @X_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos quotesinglbase @Y_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos quotesinglbase @Y_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos quotesinglbase @Z_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos quotesinglbase @Z_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos quotesinglbase eth <0 0 0 0>; pos quotesinglbase tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos quotesinglbase thorn <0 0 0 0>; pos r afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos R afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos racute afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Racute afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos rcaron afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Rcaron afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos rcommaaccent afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Rcommaaccent afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Rho @A_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos rho @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos Rho @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos rho @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos Rho @O_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos rho @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos Rho @Y_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos rho afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Rho afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Rho alpha <0 0 0 0>; pos Rho alphatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos rho anoteleia <0 0 0 0>; pos rho beta <0 0 0 0>; pos rho chi <0 0 0 0>; pos Rho colon <0 0 0 0>; pos rho comma <0 0 0 0>; pos Rho Delta <0 0 0 0>; pos rho ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos Rho epsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos Rho epsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos Rho Eta <0 0 0 0>; pos rho exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos rho gamma <0 0 0 0>; pos rho iota <0 0 0 0>; pos rho iotatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos Rho Kappa <0 0 0 0>; pos rho lambda <0 0 0 0>; pos rho mu <0 0 0 0>; pos rho nu <0 0 0 0>; pos Rho omega <0 0 0 0>; pos Rho omegatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos Rho omicron <0 0 0 0>; pos Rho omicrontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos rho period <0 0 0 0>; pos Rho Phi <0 0 0 0>; pos rho pi <0 0 0 0>; pos rho rho <0 0 0 0>; pos Rho Sigma <0 0 0 0>; pos rho sigma1 <0 0 0 0>; pos rho tau <0 0 0 0>; pos Rho Theta <0 0 0 0>; pos Rho Upsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos rho xi <0 0 0 0>; pos s afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos S afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos sacute afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Sacute afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos scaron afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Scaron afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos scircumflex afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Scircumflex afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos uni0219 afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos uni0218 afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos seven.numerator fraction <0 0 0 0>; pos seven.oldstyle @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos seven.oldstyle comma <0 0 0 0>; pos seven.oldstyle equal.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos seven.oldstyle four.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos seven.oldstyle minus.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos seven.oldstyle multiply.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos seven.oldstyle ordfeminine <0 0 0 0>; pos seven.oldstyle ordmasculine <0 0 0 0>; pos seven.oldstyle period <0 0 0 0>; pos seven.oldstyle plus.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos seven.oldstyle seven.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos seven.oldstyle three.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos seven.oldstyle two.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos sigma @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos Sigma alpha <0 0 0 0>; pos Sigma alphatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos sigma beta <0 0 0 0>; pos sigma chi <0 0 0 0>; pos sigma comma <0 0 0 0>; pos sigma delta <0 0 0 0>; pos sigma ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos sigma epsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos sigma epsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos Sigma eta <0 0 0 0>; pos Sigma etatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos sigma gamma <0 0 0 0>; pos sigma iota <0 0 0 0>; pos sigma iotatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos Sigma kappa <0 0 0 0>; pos sigma lambda <0 0 0 0>; pos sigma mu <0 0 0 0>; pos sigma nu <0 0 0 0>; pos sigma omega <0 0 0 0>; pos sigma omegatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos Sigma omicron <0 0 0 0>; pos Sigma omicrontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos sigma period <0 0 0 0>; pos sigma phi <0 0 0 0>; pos Sigma pi <0 0 0 0>; pos Sigma psi <0 0 0 0>; pos sigma rho <0 0 0 0>; pos sigma sigma <0 0 0 0>; pos sigma tau <0 0 0 0>; pos Sigma theta <0 0 0 0>; pos sigma upsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos sigma upsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos six.oldstyle @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos six.oldstyle braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos six.oldstyle bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos six.oldstyle equal.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos six.oldstyle four.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos six.oldstyle minus.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos six.oldstyle multiply.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos six.oldstyle ordfeminine <0 0 0 0>; pos six.oldstyle ordmasculine <0 0 0 0>; pos six.oldstyle parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos six.oldstyle plus.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos six.oldstyle seven.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos slash @A_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos slash @B_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos slash @D_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos slash @E_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos slash @F_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos slash @G_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos slash @H_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos slash @I_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos slash @J_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos slash @K_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos slash @L_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos slash @M_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos slash @N_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos slash @R_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos slash @T_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos slash @U_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos slash @V_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos slash @W_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos slash @X_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos slash @Y_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos slash @Z_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos slash slash <0 0 0 0>; pos sterling eight.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos sterling four.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos sterling nine.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos sterling one.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos sterling seven.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos sterling six.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos sterling three.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos sterling two.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos sterling zero.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos t afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos T afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos tau @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos Tau @GUILLEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos tau @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos tau @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos tau @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos tau afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Tau afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos tau alpha <0 0 0 0>; pos tau alphatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos Tau asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos tau colon <0 0 0 0>; pos tau comma <0 0 0 0>; pos tau ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos tau epsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos tau epsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos Tau eta <0 0 0 0>; pos Tau etatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos tau iota <0 0 0 0>; pos tau iotatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos tau lambda <0 0 0 0>; pos tau mu <0 0 0 0>; pos tau nu <0 0 0 0>; pos tau omega <0 0 0 0>; pos tau omegatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos tau omicron <0 0 0 0>; pos tau omicrontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos tau period <0 0 0 0>; pos tau phi <0 0 0 0>; pos tau rho <0 0 0 0>; pos tau semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos tau sigma <0 0 0 0>; pos tau sigma1 <0 0 0 0>; pos tau tau <0 0 0 0>; pos Tau Theta <0 0 0 0>; pos Tau upsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos tau upsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos Tau zeta <0 0 0 0>; pos Tbar @A_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos tbar @B_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos tbar @C_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos tbar @D_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos tbar @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos tbar @E_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos Tbar @G_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos Tbar @GUILLEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos tbar @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos tbar @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos tbar @O_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos tbar @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos tbar @Q_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos Tbar @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos Tbar @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos Tbar @R_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos Tbar @S_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos tbar @T_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos Tbar @U_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos Tbar @V_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos Tbar @W_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos Tbar @Y_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos Tbar @Z_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos tbar afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Tbar afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Tbar asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos Tbar colon <0 0 0 0>; pos Tbar comma <0 0 0 0>; pos Tbar ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos tbar eth <0 0 0 0>; pos Tbar period <0 0 0 0>; pos Tbar registered <0 0 0 0>; pos Tbar semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos tbar tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos tbar thorn <0 0 0 0>; pos Tbar trademark <0 0 0 0>; pos tbar.sc @Y_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos tcaron afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Tcaron afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos uni021B afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos uni021A afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Theta @A_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos theta @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos theta @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos Theta @Y_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos theta afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Theta afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos theta alpha <0 0 0 0>; pos theta alphatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos theta comma <0 0 0 0>; pos theta ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos theta epsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos theta epsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos theta iota <0 0 0 0>; pos theta iotatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos theta lambda <0 0 0 0>; pos theta mu <0 0 0 0>; pos theta period <0 0 0 0>; pos Theta Phi <0 0 0 0>; pos theta rho <0 0 0 0>; pos Theta Sigma <0 0 0 0>; pos theta theta <0 0 0 0>; pos Theta Upsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos theta zeta <0 0 0 0>; pos thorn @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos Thorn @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos Thorn @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos Thorn @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos thorn @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos Thorn @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos thorn @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos thorn @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos Thorn @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos thorn @V_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos thorn @W_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos thorn @X_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos thorn @Y_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos thorn @Z_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos thorn afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Thorn asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos thorn comma <0 0 0 0>; pos Thorn comma <0 0 0 0>; pos thorn ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos Thorn ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos thorn period <0 0 0 0>; pos Thorn period <0 0 0 0>; pos Thorn.alt comma <0 0 0 0>; pos Thorn.alt ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos Thorn.alt period <0 0 0 0>; pos Thorn.alt2 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos Thorn.alt2 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos Thorn.alt2 period <0 0 0 0>; pos Thorn.alt3 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos Thorn.alt3 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos Thorn.alt3 period <0 0 0 0>; pos Thorn.alt4 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos Thorn.alt4 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos Thorn.alt4 period <0 0 0 0>; pos thorn.sc @OSLASH_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos three.oldstyle @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos three.oldstyle equal.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos three.oldstyle four.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos three.oldstyle minus.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos three.oldstyle multiply.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos three.oldstyle ordfeminine <0 0 0 0>; pos three.oldstyle ordmasculine <0 0 0 0>; pos three.oldstyle plus.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos three.oldstyle seven.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos three.oldstyle three.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos two.oldstyle @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos two.oldstyle comma <0 0 0 0>; pos two.oldstyle equal.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos two.oldstyle four.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos two.oldstyle minus.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos two.oldstyle multiply.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos two.oldstyle ordfeminine <0 0 0 0>; pos two.oldstyle ordmasculine <0 0 0 0>; pos two.oldstyle period <0 0 0 0>; pos two.oldstyle plus.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos two.oldstyle seven.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos two.oldstyle three.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos two.oldstyle two.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos uni040D afii10066 <0 0 0 0>; pos uni040D afii10070 <0 0 0 0>; pos uni040D afii10071 <0 0 0 0>; pos uni040D afii10080 <0 0 0 0>; pos uni040D afii10082 <0 0 0 0>; pos uni040D afii10083 <0 0 0 0>; pos uni040D afii10084 <0 0 0 0>; pos uni040D afii10085 <0 0 0 0>; pos uni040D afii10086 <0 0 0 0>; pos uni040D afii10089 <0 0 0 0>; pos uni040D afii10092 <0 0 0 0>; pos uni040D afii10097 <0 0 0 0>; pos uni040D afii10101 <0 0 0 0>; pos uni040D afii10110 <0 0 0 0>; pos uni040D afii10195 <0 0 0 0>; pos uni040D afii10196 <0 0 0 0>; pos uni0400 afii10025 <0 0 0 0>; pos uni0400 afii10032 <0 0 0 0>; pos uni0400 afii10035 <0 0 0 0>; pos uni0400 afii10037 <0 0 0 0>; pos uni0400 afii10041 <0 0 0 0>; pos uni0400 afii10047 <0 0 0 0>; pos uni0400 afii10053 <0 0 0 0>; pos uni0400 afii10062 <0 0 0 0>; pos uni0400 afii10147 <0 0 0 0>; pos uni0400 afii10148 <0 0 0 0>; pos uni0450 afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos uni0450 afii10077 <0 0 0 0>; pos uni0450 afii10106 <0 0 0 0>; pos Upsilon @A_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos upsilon @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos Upsilon @GUILLEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos Upsilon @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos upsilon @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos Upsilon @O_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos Upsilon @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos Upsilon @T_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos upsilon afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Upsilon afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Upsilon alpha <0 0 0 0>; pos Upsilon alphatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos Upsilon asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos upsilon beta <0 0 0 0>; pos upsilon chi <0 0 0 0>; pos Upsilon colon <0 0 0 0>; pos upsilon comma <0 0 0 0>; pos Upsilon delta <0 0 0 0>; pos upsilon ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos upsilon epsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos upsilon epsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos upsilon gamma <0 0 0 0>; pos upsilon iota <0 0 0 0>; pos upsilon iotatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos upsilon lambda <0 0 0 0>; pos upsilon mu <0 0 0 0>; pos Upsilon Omega <0 0 0 0>; pos Upsilon Omicron <0 0 0 0>; pos Upsilon omicrontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos upsilon period <0 0 0 0>; pos Upsilon phi <0 0 0 0>; pos upsilon pi <0 0 0 0>; pos Upsilon psi <0 0 0 0>; pos upsilon rho <0 0 0 0>; pos Upsilon semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos Upsilon sigma <0 0 0 0>; pos upsilon tau <0 0 0 0>; pos Upsilon Theta <0 0 0 0>; pos upsilon xi <0 0 0 0>; pos upsilondieresis afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Upsilondieresis afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos upsilondieresistonos afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos upsilontonos @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos Upsilontonos @GUILLEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos Upsilontonos @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos upsilontonos @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos Upsilontonos @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos upsilontonos afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Upsilontonos afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Upsilontonos alpha <0 0 0 0>; pos Upsilontonos alphatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos Upsilontonos asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos upsilontonos beta <0 0 0 0>; pos upsilontonos chi <0 0 0 0>; pos Upsilontonos colon <0 0 0 0>; pos upsilontonos comma <0 0 0 0>; pos Upsilontonos delta <0 0 0 0>; pos upsilontonos ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos upsilontonos epsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos upsilontonos epsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos upsilontonos gamma <0 0 0 0>; pos upsilontonos iota <0 0 0 0>; pos upsilontonos iotatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos upsilontonos lambda <0 0 0 0>; pos upsilontonos mu <0 0 0 0>; pos upsilontonos nu <0 0 0 0>; pos Upsilontonos Omega <0 0 0 0>; pos Upsilontonos Omicron <0 0 0 0>; pos upsilontonos period <0 0 0 0>; pos Upsilontonos phi <0 0 0 0>; pos upsilontonos pi <0 0 0 0>; pos Upsilontonos psi <0 0 0 0>; pos upsilontonos rho <0 0 0 0>; pos Upsilontonos semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos Upsilontonos sigma <0 0 0 0>; pos upsilontonos tau <0 0 0 0>; pos Upsilontonos Theta <0 0 0 0>; pos upsilontonos xi <0 0 0 0>; pos v afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos V afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos w afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos W afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos wacute afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Wacute afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos wcircumflex afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Wcircumflex afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos wdieresis afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Wdieresis afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos wgrave afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Wgrave afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos x afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos X afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos xi @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos xi @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos xi @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos xi @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos xi afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos xi alpha <0 0 0 0>; pos xi alphatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos xi braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos xi bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos xi comma <0 0 0 0>; pos xi epsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos xi epsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos Xi eta <0 0 0 0>; pos Xi etatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos xi iota <0 0 0 0>; pos xi iotatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos xi omega <0 0 0 0>; pos xi omegatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos xi omicron <0 0 0 0>; pos xi omicrontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos xi parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos Xi upsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos xi upsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos y afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Y afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos yacute afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Yacute afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos ycircumflex afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Ycircumflex afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos ydieresis afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Ydieresis afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos yen eight.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos yen four.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos yen nine.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos yen one.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos yen seven.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos yen six.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos yen three.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos yen two.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos yen zero.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos ygrave afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos Ygrave afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos z afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos zacute afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos zcaron afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos zdotaccent afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos zero.oldstyle @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos zero.oldstyle equal.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos zero.oldstyle four.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos zero.oldstyle minus.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos zero.oldstyle multiply.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos zero.oldstyle ordfeminine <0 0 0 0>; pos zero.oldstyle ordmasculine <0 0 0 0>; pos zero.oldstyle plus.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos zero.oldstyle seven.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos zero.oldstyle three.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos zero.oldstyle two.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos zeta @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos zeta @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos zeta @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos zeta @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos zeta afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos zeta alpha <0 0 0 0>; pos zeta alphatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos zeta anoteleia <0 0 0 0>; pos zeta braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos zeta bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos zeta comma <0 0 0 0>; pos zeta epsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos zeta epsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos zeta eta <0 0 0 0>; pos zeta etatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos zeta iota <0 0 0 0>; pos zeta iotatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos zeta omega <0 0 0 0>; pos zeta omegatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos zeta omicron <0 0 0 0>; pos zeta omicrontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos zeta parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos zeta upsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos zeta upsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; subtable; pos @A_LC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_LC_LEFT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_LC_LEFT germandbls <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_LC_LEFT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_LC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_LC_LEFT_ALT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_LC_LEFT_ALT germandbls <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_LC_LEFT_ALT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_LC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_LC_LEFT_ALT2 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_LC_LEFT_ALT2 germandbls <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_LC_LEFT_ALT2 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_LC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_LC_LEFT_ALT3 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_LC_LEFT_ALT3 germandbls <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_LC_LEFT_ALT3 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_LC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_LC_LEFT_ALT4 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_LC_LEFT_ALT4 germandbls <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_LC_LEFT_ALT4 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT ampersand <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT question <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT trademark <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT_ALT ampersand <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT_ALT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT_ALT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT_ALT exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT_ALT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT_ALT question <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT_ALT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT_ALT trademark <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT_ALT2 ampersand <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT_ALT2 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT_ALT2 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT_ALT2 exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT_ALT2 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT_ALT2 question <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT_ALT2 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT_ALT2 trademark <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT_ALT3 ampersand <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT_ALT3 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT_ALT3 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT_ALT3 exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT_ALT3 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT_ALT3 question <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT_ALT3 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT_ALT3 trademark <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT_ALT4 ampersand <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT_ALT4 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT_ALT4 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT_ALT4 exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT_ALT4 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT_ALT4 question <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT_ALT4 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT_ALT4 trademark <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT question <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT registered <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT trademark <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT_ALT braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT_ALT bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT_ALT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT_ALT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT_ALT eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT_ALT parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT_ALT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT_ALT question <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT_ALT registered <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT_ALT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT_ALT Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT_ALT trademark <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT_ALT2 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT_ALT2 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT_ALT2 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT_ALT2 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT_ALT2 eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT_ALT2 parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT_ALT2 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT_ALT2 question <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT_ALT2 registered <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT_ALT2 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT_ALT2 Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT_ALT2 trademark <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT_ALT3 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT_ALT3 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT_ALT3 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT_ALT3 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT_ALT3 eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT_ALT3 parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT_ALT3 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT_ALT3 question <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT_ALT3 registered <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT_ALT3 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT_ALT3 Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT_ALT3 trademark <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT_ALT4 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT_ALT4 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT_ALT4 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT_ALT4 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT_ALT4 eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT_ALT4 parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT_ALT4 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT_ALT4 question <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT_ALT4 registered <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT_ALT4 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT_ALT4 Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_UC_LEFT_ALT4 trademark <0 0 0 0>; subtable; pos @B_LC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT2 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT2 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT2 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT2 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT3 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT3 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT3 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT3 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT4 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT4 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT4 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT4 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT_ALT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT_ALT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT_ALT2 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT_ALT2 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT_ALT3 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT_ALT3 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT_ALT4 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT_ALT4 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT lslash <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT lslash <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT2 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT2 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT2 lslash <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT2 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT2 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT2 Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT3 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT3 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT3 lslash <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT3 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT3 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT3 Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT4 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT4 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT4 lslash <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT4 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT4 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT4 Tbar <0 0 0 0>; subtable; pos @C_LC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT question <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT question <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT2 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT2 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT2 eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT2 exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT2 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT2 question <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT2 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT3 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT3 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT3 eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT3 exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT3 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT3 question <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT3 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT4 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT4 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT4 eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT4 exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT4 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT4 question <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT4 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT_ALT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT_ALT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT_ALT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT_ALT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT_ALT2 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT_ALT2 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT_ALT2 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT_ALT2 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT_ALT3 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT_ALT3 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT_ALT3 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT_ALT3 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT_ALT4 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT_ALT4 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT_ALT4 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT_ALT4 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT_ALT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT_ALT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT_ALT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT_ALT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT_ALT tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT_ALT2 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT_ALT2 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT_ALT2 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT_ALT2 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT_ALT2 tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT_ALT3 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT_ALT3 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT_ALT3 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT_ALT3 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT_ALT3 tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT_ALT4 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT_ALT4 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT_ALT4 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT_ALT4 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT_ALT4 tbar <0 0 0 0>; subtable; pos @D_LC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT2 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT2 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT2 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT2 parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT2 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT3 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT3 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT3 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT3 parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT3 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_SC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_SC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_SC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_SC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT_ALT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT_ALT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT_ALT ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT_ALT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT_ALT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT_ALT Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT_ALT2 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT_ALT2 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT_ALT2 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT_ALT2 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT_ALT2 Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT_ALT3 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT_ALT3 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT_ALT3 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT_ALT3 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT_ALT3 Tbar <0 0 0 0>; subtable; pos @DASH afii10017 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH afii10021 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH afii10024 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH afii10029 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH afii10032 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH afii10035 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH afii10036 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH afii10037 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH afii10038 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH afii10039 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH afii10041 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH afii10044 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH afii10049 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH afii10051 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH afii10053 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH afii10058 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH afii10060 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH afii10062 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH afii10069 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH afii10070 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH afii10071 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH afii10072 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH afii10077 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH afii10080 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH afii10083 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH afii10085 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH afii10086 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH afii10087 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH afii10097 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH afii10101 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH afii10106 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH afii10110 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH afii10147 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH afii10148 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH afii10195 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH afii10196 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH alpha <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH alphatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH beta <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH chi <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH delta <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH eight.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH four.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH gamma <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH lambda <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH nine.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH nu <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH omega <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH omegatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH omicron <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH omicrontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH one.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH phi <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH pi <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH Psi <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH seven.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH sigma <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH six.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH tau <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH theta <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH three.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH two.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH upsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH upsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH zero.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT alpha <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT alphatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT beta <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT chi <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT delta <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT eight.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT four.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT gamma <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT lambda <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT nine.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT nu <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT omega <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT omegatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT omicron <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT omicrontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT one.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT phi <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT pi <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT Psi <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT seven.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT sigma <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT six.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT tau <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT theta <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT three.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT two.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT upsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT upsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT zero.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 alpha <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 alphatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 beta <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 chi <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 delta <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 eight.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 four.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 gamma <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 lambda <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 nine.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 nu <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 omega <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 omegatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 omicron <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 omicrontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 one.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 phi <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 pi <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 Psi <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 seven.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 sigma <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 six.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 tau <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 theta <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 three.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 two.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 upsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 upsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 zero.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 alpha <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 alphatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 beta <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 chi <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 delta <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 eight.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 four.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 gamma <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 lambda <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 nine.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 nu <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 omega <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 omegatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 omicron <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 omicrontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 one.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 phi <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 pi <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 Psi <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 seven.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 sigma <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 six.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 tau <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 theta <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 three.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 two.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 upsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 upsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 zero.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 alpha <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 alphatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 beta <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 chi <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 delta <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 eight.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 four.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 gamma <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 lambda <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 nine.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 nu <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 omega <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 omegatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 omicron <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 omicrontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 one.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 phi <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 pi <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 Psi <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 seven.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 sigma <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 six.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 tau <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 theta <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 three.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 two.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 upsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 upsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 zero.oldstyle <0 0 0 0>; subtable; pos @E_LC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT germandbls <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT question <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT T_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT germandbls <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT question <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT T_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT2 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT2 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT2 exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT2 germandbls <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT2 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT2 question <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT2 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT2 T_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT3 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT3 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT3 exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT3 germandbls <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT3 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT3 question <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT3 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT3 T_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT4 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT4 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT4 exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT4 germandbls <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT4 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT4 question <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT4 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT4 T_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT2 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT2 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT2 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT2 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT2 tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT3 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT3 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT3 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT3 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT3 tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT4 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT4 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT4 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT4 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT4 tbar <0 0 0 0>; subtable; pos @F_LC_LEFT a <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT aacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT abreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT acircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT adieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT ae <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT agrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT amacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT aogonek <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT aring <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT aringacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT atilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT c <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT cacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT ccaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT ccedilla <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT ccircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT cdotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT d <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT dagger <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT daggerdbl <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT dcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT dmacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT e <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT eacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT ebreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT ecaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT edieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT edotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT emacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT g <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT iacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT ibreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT icircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT idieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT igrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT imacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT itilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT jcircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT n.superior <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT napostrophe <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT o <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT oacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT obreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT ocircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT odieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT oe <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT ograve <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT omacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT ordmasculine <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT oslash <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT oslashacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT otilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT q <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT question <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT racute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT rcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT registered <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT s <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT scaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT scircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT trademark <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT ubreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT ucircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT udieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT ugrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT uhungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT umacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT uring <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT utilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT v <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT w <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT wacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT wcircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT wdieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT wgrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT y <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT yacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT ycircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT ydieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT ygrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT z <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT zcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT a <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT aacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT abreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT acircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT adieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT ae <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT agrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT amacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT aogonek <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT aring <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT aringacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT atilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT c <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT cacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT ccaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT ccedilla <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT ccircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT cdotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT d <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT dagger <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT daggerdbl <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT dcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT dmacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT e <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT eacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT ebreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT ecaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT edieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT edotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT emacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT g <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT iacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT ibreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT icircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT idieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT igrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT imacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT itilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT jcircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT n.superior <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT napostrophe <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT o <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT oacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT obreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT ocircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT odieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT oe <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT ograve <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT omacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT ordmasculine <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT oslash <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT oslashacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT otilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT q <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT question <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT racute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT rcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT registered <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT s <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT scaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT scircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT trademark <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT ubreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT ucircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT udieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT ugrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT uhungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT umacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT uring <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT utilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT v <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT w <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT wacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT wcircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT wdieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT wgrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT y <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT yacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT ycircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT ydieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT ygrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT z <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT zcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 a <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 aacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 abreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 acircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 adieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ae <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 agrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 amacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 aogonek <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 aring <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 aringacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 atilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 c <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 cacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ccaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ccedilla <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ccircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 cdotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 d <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 dagger <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 daggerdbl <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 dcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 dmacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 e <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 eacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ebreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ecaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 edieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 edotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 emacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 g <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 iacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ibreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 icircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 idieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 igrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 imacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 itilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 jcircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 n.superior <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 napostrophe <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 o <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 oacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 obreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ocircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 odieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 oe <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ograve <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 omacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ordmasculine <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 oslash <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 oslashacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 otilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 q <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 question <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 racute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 rcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 registered <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 s <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 scaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 scircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 trademark <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ubreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ucircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 udieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ugrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 uhungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 umacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 uring <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 utilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 v <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 w <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 wacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 wcircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 wdieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 wgrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 y <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 yacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ycircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ydieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ygrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 z <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 zcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 a <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 aacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 abreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 acircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 adieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ae <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 agrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 amacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 aogonek <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 aring <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 aringacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 atilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 c <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 cacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ccaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ccedilla <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ccircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 cdotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 d <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 dagger <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 daggerdbl <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 dcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 dmacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 e <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 eacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ebreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ecaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 edieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 edotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 emacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 g <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 iacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ibreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 icircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 idieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 igrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 imacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 itilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 jcircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 n.superior <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 napostrophe <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 o <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 oacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 obreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ocircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 odieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 oe <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ograve <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 omacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ordmasculine <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 oslash <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 oslashacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 otilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 q <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 question <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 racute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 rcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 registered <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 s <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 scaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 scircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 thorn <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 trademark <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ubreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ucircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 udieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ugrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 uhungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 umacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 uring <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 utilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 v <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 w <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 wacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 wcircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 wdieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 wgrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 y <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 yacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ycircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ydieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ygrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 z <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 zcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 a <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 aacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 abreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 acircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 adieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ae <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 agrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 amacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 aogonek <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 aring <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 aringacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 atilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 c <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 cacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ccaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ccedilla <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ccircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 cdotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 d <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 dagger <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 daggerdbl <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 dcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 dmacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 e <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 eacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ebreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ecaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 edieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 edotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 emacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 g <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 iacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ibreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 icircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 idieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 igrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 imacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 itilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 jcircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 n.superior <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 napostrophe <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 o <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 oacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 obreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ocircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 odieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 oe <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ograve <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 omacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ordmasculine <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 oslash <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 oslashacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 otilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 q <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 question <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 racute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 rcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 registered <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 s <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 scaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 scircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 trademark <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ubreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ucircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 udieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ugrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 uhungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 umacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 uring <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 utilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 v <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 w <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 wacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 wcircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 wdieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 wgrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 y <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 yacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ycircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ydieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ygrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 z <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 zcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT ordmasculine <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT_ALT braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT_ALT bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT_ALT ordmasculine <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT_ALT2 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT_ALT2 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT_ALT2 ordmasculine <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT_ALT3 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT_ALT3 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT_ALT3 ordmasculine <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT_ALT4 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT_ALT4 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT_ALT4 ordmasculine <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT a <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT aacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT abreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT acircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT adieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT adieresis.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT ae <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT agrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT amacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT aring <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT aringacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT atilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT dotlessi <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT e <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT eacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT ebreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT ecaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT ecircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT edieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT edotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT egrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT emacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT germandbls <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT h <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT i <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT iacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT ibreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT icircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT idieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT igrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT imacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT itilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT kgreenlandic <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT l <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT longs <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT napostrophe <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT o <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT o.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT oacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT obreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT ocircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT odieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT odieresis.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT oe <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT oe.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT ograve <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT ohungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT omacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT oslash <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT oslashacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT otilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT r <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT racute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT rcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT rcommaaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT u <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT uacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT ubreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT ucircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT udieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT ugrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT uhungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT umacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT uring <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT utilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT y <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT y.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT a <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT aacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT abreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT acircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT adieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT adieresis.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT ae <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT agrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT amacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT aring <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT aringacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT atilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT dotlessi <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT e <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT eacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT ebreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT ecaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT ecircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT edieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT edotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT egrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT emacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT germandbls <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT h <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT i <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT iacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT ibreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT icircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT idieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT igrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT imacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT itilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT kgreenlandic <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT l <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT longs <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT napostrophe <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT o <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT o.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT oacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT obreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT ocircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT odieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT odieresis.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT oe <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT oe.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT ograve <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT ohungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT omacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT oslash <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT oslashacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT otilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT r <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT racute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT rcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT rcommaaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT u <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT uacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT ubreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT ucircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT udieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT ugrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT uhungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT umacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT uring <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT utilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT y <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT y.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 a <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 aacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 abreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 acircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 adieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 adieresis.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ae <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 agrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 amacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 aring <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 aringacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 atilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 dotlessi <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 e <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 eacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ebreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ecaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ecircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 edieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 edotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 egrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 emacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 germandbls <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 h <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 i <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 iacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ibreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 icircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 idieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 igrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 imacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 itilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 kgreenlandic <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 l <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 longs <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 napostrophe <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 o <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 o.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 oacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 obreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ocircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 odieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 odieresis.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 oe <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 oe.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ograve <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ohungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 omacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 oslash <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 oslashacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 otilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 r <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 racute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 rcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 rcommaaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 u <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 uacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ubreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ucircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 udieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ugrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 uhungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 umacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 uring <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 utilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 y <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 y.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 a <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 aacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 abreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 acircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 adieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 adieresis.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ae <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 agrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 amacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 aring <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 aringacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 atilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 dotlessi <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 e <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 eacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ebreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ecaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ecircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 edieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 edotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 egrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 emacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 germandbls <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 h <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 i <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 iacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ibreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 icircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 idieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 igrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 imacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 itilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 kgreenlandic <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 l <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 longs <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 napostrophe <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 o <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 o.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 oacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 obreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ocircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 odieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 odieresis.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 oe <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 oe.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ograve <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ohungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 omacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 oslash <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 oslashacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 otilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 r <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 racute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 rcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 rcommaaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 u <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 uacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ubreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ucircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 udieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ugrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 uhungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 umacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 uring <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 utilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 y <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 y.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 a <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 aacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 abreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 acircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 adieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 adieresis.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ae <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 agrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 amacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 aring <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 aringacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 atilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 dotlessi <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 e <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 eacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ebreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ecaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ecircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 edieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 edotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 egrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 emacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 germandbls <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 h <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 i <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 iacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ibreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 icircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 idieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 igrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 imacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 itilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 kgreenlandic <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 l <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 longs <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 napostrophe <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 o <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 o.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 oacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 obreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ocircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 odieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 odieresis.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 oe <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 oe.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ograve <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ohungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 omacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 oslash <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 oslashacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 otilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 r <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 racute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 rcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 rcommaaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 u <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 uacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ubreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ucircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 udieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ugrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 uhungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 umacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 uring <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 utilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 y <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 y.sc <0 0 0 0>; subtable; pos @G_LC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT hbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT lslash <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT question <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT thorn <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT hbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT lslash <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT question <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT thorn <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT2 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT2 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT2 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT2 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT2 eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT2 exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT2 hbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT2 lslash <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT2 parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT2 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT2 question <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT2 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT2 thorn <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT3 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT3 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT3 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT3 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT3 eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT3 exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT3 hbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT3 lslash <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT3 parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT3 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT3 question <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT3 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT3 thorn <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT4 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT4 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT4 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT4 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT4 eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT4 exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT4 hbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT4 lslash <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT4 parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT4 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT4 question <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT4 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT4 thorn <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT2 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT2 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT2 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT2 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT3 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT3 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT3 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT3 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT4 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT4 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT4 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT4 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT_ALT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT_ALT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT_ALT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT_ALT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT_ALT tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT_ALT2 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT_ALT2 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT_ALT2 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT_ALT2 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT_ALT2 tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT_ALT3 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT_ALT3 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT_ALT3 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT_ALT3 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT_ALT3 tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT_ALT4 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT_ALT4 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT_ALT4 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT_ALT4 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT_ALT4 tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT afii10017 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT afii10021 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT afii10024 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT afii10029 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT afii10032 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT afii10035 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT afii10036 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT afii10037 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT afii10038 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT afii10039 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT afii10041 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT afii10044 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT afii10049 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT afii10051 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT afii10053 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT afii10058 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT afii10060 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT afii10062 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT afii10069 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT afii10070 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT afii10071 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT afii10072 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT afii10077 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT afii10080 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT afii10083 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT afii10084 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT afii10085 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT afii10086 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT afii10087 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT afii10097 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT afii10101 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT afii10106 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT afii10110 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT afii10147 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT afii10148 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT afii10195 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT afii10196 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT Alpha <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT beta <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT chi <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT Delta <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT gamma <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT germandbls <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT hbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT lambda <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT LONGS_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT lslash <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT nu <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT Phi <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT pi <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT psi <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT rho <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT Sigma <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT tau <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT thorn <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT upsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT upsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT Alpha <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT beta <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT chi <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT Delta <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT gamma <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT germandbls <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT hbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT lambda <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT LONGS_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT lslash <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT nu <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT Phi <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT pi <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT psi <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT rho <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT Sigma <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT tau <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT thorn <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT upsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT upsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT2 Alpha <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT2 beta <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT2 chi <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT2 Delta <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT2 gamma <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT2 germandbls <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT2 hbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT2 lambda <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT2 LONGS_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT2 lslash <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT2 nu <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT2 Phi <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT2 pi <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT2 psi <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT2 rho <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT2 Sigma <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT2 tau <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT2 Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT2 thorn <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT2 upsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT2 upsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT3 Alpha <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT3 beta <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT3 chi <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT3 Delta <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT3 gamma <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT3 germandbls <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT3 hbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT3 lambda <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT3 LONGS_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT3 lslash <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT3 nu <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT3 Phi <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT3 pi <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT3 psi <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT3 rho <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT3 Sigma <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT3 tau <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT3 Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT3 thorn <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT3 upsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT3 upsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT4 Alpha <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT4 beta <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT4 chi <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT4 Delta <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT4 gamma <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT4 germandbls <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT4 hbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT4 lambda <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT4 LONGS_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT4 lslash <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT4 nu <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT4 Phi <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT4 pi <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT4 psi <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT4 rho <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT4 Sigma <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT4 tau <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT4 Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT4 thorn <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT4 upsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT4 upsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT beta <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT chi <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT gamma <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT iota <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT iotatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT lambda <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT mu <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT rho <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT Tau <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT thorn <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT Upsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT beta <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT chi <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT gamma <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT iota <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT iotatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT lambda <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT mu <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT rho <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT Tau <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT thorn <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT Upsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT2 beta <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT2 chi <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT2 gamma <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT2 iota <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT2 iotatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT2 lambda <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT2 mu <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT2 rho <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT2 Tau <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT2 Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT2 thorn <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT2 Upsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT3 beta <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT3 chi <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT3 gamma <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT3 iota <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT3 iotatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT3 lambda <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT3 mu <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT3 rho <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT3 Tau <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT3 Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT3 thorn <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT3 Upsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT4 beta <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT4 chi <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT4 gamma <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT4 iota <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT4 iotatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT4 lambda <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT4 mu <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT4 rho <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT4 Tau <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT4 Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT4 thorn <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT4 Upsilon <0 0 0 0>; subtable; pos @H_LC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_SC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_SC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_SC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_SC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_SC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_UC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_UC_LEFT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_UC_LEFT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_UC_LEFT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_UC_LEFT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_UC_LEFT tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_UC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_UC_LEFT_ALT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_UC_LEFT_ALT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_UC_LEFT_ALT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_UC_LEFT_ALT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_UC_LEFT_ALT tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_UC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_UC_LEFT_ALT2 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_UC_LEFT_ALT2 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_UC_LEFT_ALT2 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_UC_LEFT_ALT2 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_UC_LEFT_ALT2 tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_UC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_UC_LEFT_ALT3 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_UC_LEFT_ALT3 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_UC_LEFT_ALT3 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_UC_LEFT_ALT3 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_UC_LEFT_ALT3 tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_UC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_UC_LEFT_ALT4 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_UC_LEFT_ALT4 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_UC_LEFT_ALT4 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_UC_LEFT_ALT4 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_UC_LEFT_ALT4 tbar <0 0 0 0>; subtable; pos @HYPHEN afii10017 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN afii10021 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN afii10024 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN afii10029 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN afii10032 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN afii10035 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN afii10036 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN afii10037 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN afii10038 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN afii10039 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN afii10041 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN afii10044 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN afii10049 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN afii10051 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN afii10053 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN afii10058 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN afii10060 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN afii10062 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN afii10069 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN afii10070 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN afii10071 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN afii10072 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN afii10077 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN afii10080 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN afii10083 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN afii10084 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN afii10085 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN afii10086 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN afii10087 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN afii10097 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN afii10101 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN afii10106 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN afii10110 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN afii10147 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN afii10148 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN afii10195 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN afii10196 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN alpha <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN alphatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN beta <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN chi <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN delta <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN gamma <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN lambda <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN nu <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN omega <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN omegatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN omicron <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN omicrontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN phi <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN pi <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN psi <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN sigma <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN tau <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN theta <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN upsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN upsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT alpha <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT alphatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT beta <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT chi <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT delta <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT gamma <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT lambda <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT nu <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT omega <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT omegatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT omicron <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT omicrontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT phi <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT pi <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT psi <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT sigma <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT tau <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT theta <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT upsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT upsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT2 alpha <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT2 alphatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT2 beta <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT2 chi <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT2 delta <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT2 eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT2 gamma <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT2 lambda <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT2 nu <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT2 omega <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT2 omegatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT2 omicron <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT2 omicrontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT2 phi <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT2 pi <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT2 psi <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT2 sigma <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT2 tau <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT2 Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT2 theta <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT2 upsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT2 upsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT3 alpha <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT3 alphatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT3 beta <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT3 chi <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT3 delta <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT3 eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT3 gamma <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT3 lambda <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT3 nu <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT3 omega <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT3 omegatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT3 omicron <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT3 omicrontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT3 phi <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT3 pi <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT3 psi <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT3 sigma <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT3 tau <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT3 Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT3 theta <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT3 upsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT3 upsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT4 alpha <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT4 alphatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT4 beta <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT4 chi <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT4 delta <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT4 eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT4 gamma <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT4 lambda <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT4 nu <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT4 omega <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT4 omegatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT4 omicron <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT4 omicrontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT4 phi <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT4 pi <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT4 psi <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT4 sigma <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT4 tau <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT4 Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT4 theta <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT4 upsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT4 upsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; subtable; pos @I_LC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT_ALT braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT_ALT bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT_ALT parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT_ALT2 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT_ALT2 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT_ALT2 parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT_ALT3 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT_ALT3 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT_ALT3 parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT_ALT4 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT_ALT4 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT_ALT4 parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_SC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_SC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_SC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_SC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_SC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_UC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_UC_LEFT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_UC_LEFT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_UC_LEFT eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_UC_LEFT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_UC_LEFT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_UC_LEFT tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_UC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_UC_LEFT_ALT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_UC_LEFT_ALT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_UC_LEFT_ALT eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_UC_LEFT_ALT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_UC_LEFT_ALT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_UC_LEFT_ALT tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_UC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_UC_LEFT_ALT2 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_UC_LEFT_ALT2 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_UC_LEFT_ALT2 eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_UC_LEFT_ALT2 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_UC_LEFT_ALT2 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_UC_LEFT_ALT2 tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_UC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_UC_LEFT_ALT3 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_UC_LEFT_ALT3 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_UC_LEFT_ALT3 eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_UC_LEFT_ALT3 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_UC_LEFT_ALT3 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_UC_LEFT_ALT3 tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_UC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_UC_LEFT_ALT4 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_UC_LEFT_ALT4 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_UC_LEFT_ALT4 eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_UC_LEFT_ALT4 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_UC_LEFT_ALT4 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_UC_LEFT_ALT4 tbar <0 0 0 0>; subtable; pos @J_LC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_LC_LEFT braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_LC_LEFT bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_LC_LEFT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_LC_LEFT ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_LC_LEFT parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_LC_LEFT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_LC_LEFT thorn <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_LC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_LC_LEFT_ALT braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_LC_LEFT_ALT bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_LC_LEFT_ALT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_LC_LEFT_ALT ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_LC_LEFT_ALT parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_LC_LEFT_ALT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_LC_LEFT_ALT thorn <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_LC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_LC_LEFT_ALT2 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_LC_LEFT_ALT2 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_LC_LEFT_ALT2 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_LC_LEFT_ALT2 parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_LC_LEFT_ALT2 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_LC_LEFT_ALT2 thorn <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_LC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_LC_LEFT_ALT3 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_LC_LEFT_ALT3 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_LC_LEFT_ALT3 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_LC_LEFT_ALT3 parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_LC_LEFT_ALT3 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_LC_LEFT_ALT3 thorn <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_LC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_LC_LEFT_ALT4 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_LC_LEFT_ALT4 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_LC_LEFT_ALT4 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_LC_LEFT_ALT4 parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_LC_LEFT_ALT4 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_LC_LEFT_ALT4 thorn <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_SC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_SC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_SC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_SC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_SC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT kgreenlandic <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT kgreenlandic <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT2 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT2 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT2 kgreenlandic <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT2 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT2 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT2 tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT3 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT3 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT3 kgreenlandic <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT3 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT3 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT3 tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT4 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT4 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT4 kgreenlandic <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT4 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT4 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT4 tbar <0 0 0 0>; subtable; pos @K_LC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT question <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT question <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT2 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT2 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT2 eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT2 exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT2 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT2 question <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT2 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT3 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT3 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT3 eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT3 exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT3 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT3 question <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT3 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT4 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT4 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT4 eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT4 exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT4 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT4 question <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT4 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT2 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT2 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT2 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT2 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT3 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT3 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT3 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT3 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT4 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT4 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT4 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT4 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT2 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT2 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT2 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT2 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT2 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT2 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT2 tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT3 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT3 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT3 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT3 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT3 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT3 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT3 tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT4 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT4 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT4 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT4 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT4 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT4 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT4 tbar <0 0 0 0>; subtable; pos @L_LC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT_ALT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT_ALT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT_ALT2 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT_ALT2 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT_ALT3 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT_ALT3 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT_ALT4 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT_ALT4 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT trademark <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT trademark <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT2 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT2 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT2 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT2 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT2 trademark <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT3 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT3 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT3 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT3 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT3 trademark <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT4 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT4 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT4 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT4 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT4 trademark <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT registered <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT trademark <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT registered <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT trademark <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT2 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT2 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT2 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT2 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT2 parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT2 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT2 registered <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT2 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT2 tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT2 Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT2 trademark <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT3 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT3 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT3 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT3 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT3 parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT3 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT3 registered <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT3 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT3 tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT3 Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT3 trademark <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT4 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT4 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT4 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT4 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT4 parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT4 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT4 registered <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT4 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT4 tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT4 Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT4 trademark <0 0 0 0>; subtable; pos @M_LC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_SC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_SC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_SC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_SC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_SC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT2 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT2 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT2 eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT2 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT2 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT2 tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT3 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT3 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT3 eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT3 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT3 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT3 tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT4 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT4 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT4 eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT4 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT4 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT4 tbar <0 0 0 0>; subtable; pos @N_LC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_LC_LEFT T_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_LC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_LC_LEFT_ALT T_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_LC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_LC_LEFT_ALT2 T_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_LC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_LC_LEFT_ALT3 T_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_LC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_LC_LEFT_ALT4 T_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_SC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_SC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_SC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_SC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_SC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_UC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_UC_LEFT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_UC_LEFT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_UC_LEFT ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_UC_LEFT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_UC_LEFT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_UC_LEFT tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_UC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_UC_LEFT_ALT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_UC_LEFT_ALT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_UC_LEFT_ALT ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_UC_LEFT_ALT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_UC_LEFT_ALT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_UC_LEFT_ALT tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_UC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_UC_LEFT_ALT2 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_UC_LEFT_ALT2 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_UC_LEFT_ALT2 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_UC_LEFT_ALT2 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_UC_LEFT_ALT2 tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_UC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_UC_LEFT_ALT3 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_UC_LEFT_ALT3 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_UC_LEFT_ALT3 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_UC_LEFT_ALT3 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_UC_LEFT_ALT3 tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_UC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_UC_LEFT_ALT4 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_UC_LEFT_ALT4 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_UC_LEFT_ALT4 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_UC_LEFT_ALT4 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_UC_LEFT_ALT4 tbar <0 0 0 0>; subtable; pos @O_LC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_LC_LEFT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_LC_LEFT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_LC_LEFT ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_LC_LEFT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_LC_LEFT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_LC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_LC_LEFT_ALT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_LC_LEFT_ALT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_LC_LEFT_ALT ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_LC_LEFT_ALT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_LC_LEFT_ALT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_LC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_LC_LEFT_ALT2 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_LC_LEFT_ALT2 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_LC_LEFT_ALT2 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_LC_LEFT_ALT2 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_LC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_LC_LEFT_ALT3 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_LC_LEFT_ALT3 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_LC_LEFT_ALT3 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_LC_LEFT_ALT3 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_LC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_LC_LEFT_ALT4 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_LC_LEFT_ALT4 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_LC_LEFT_ALT4 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_LC_LEFT_ALT4 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_SC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_SC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_SC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_SC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_SC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_UC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_UC_LEFT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_UC_LEFT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_UC_LEFT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_UC_LEFT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_UC_LEFT tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_UC_LEFT Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_UC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_UC_LEFT_ALT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_UC_LEFT_ALT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_UC_LEFT_ALT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_UC_LEFT_ALT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_UC_LEFT_ALT tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_UC_LEFT_ALT Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_UC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_UC_LEFT_ALT2 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_UC_LEFT_ALT2 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_UC_LEFT_ALT2 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_UC_LEFT_ALT2 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_UC_LEFT_ALT2 tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_UC_LEFT_ALT2 Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_UC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_UC_LEFT_ALT3 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_UC_LEFT_ALT3 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_UC_LEFT_ALT3 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_UC_LEFT_ALT3 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_UC_LEFT_ALT3 tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_UC_LEFT_ALT3 Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_UC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_UC_LEFT_ALT4 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_UC_LEFT_ALT4 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_UC_LEFT_ALT4 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_UC_LEFT_ALT4 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_UC_LEFT_ALT4 tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @O_UC_LEFT_ALT4 Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @OSLASH_LC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @OSLASH_LC_LEFT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @OSLASH_LC_LEFT ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @OSLASH_LC_LEFT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @OSLASH_LC_LEFT Tbar <0 0 0 0>; subtable; pos @P_LC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT dagger <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT daggerdbl <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT lslash <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT n.superior <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT ordmasculine <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT question <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT registered <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT trademark <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT dagger <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT daggerdbl <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT lslash <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT n.superior <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT ordmasculine <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT question <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT registered <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT trademark <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT2 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT2 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT2 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT2 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT2 dagger <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT2 daggerdbl <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT2 eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT2 exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT2 lslash <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT2 n.superior <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ordmasculine <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT2 parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT2 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT2 question <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT2 registered <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT2 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT2 trademark <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT3 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT3 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT3 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT3 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT3 dagger <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT3 daggerdbl <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT3 eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT3 exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT3 lslash <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT3 n.superior <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ordmasculine <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT3 parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT3 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT3 question <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT3 registered <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT3 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT3 trademark <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT4 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT4 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT4 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT4 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT4 dagger <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT4 daggerdbl <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT4 eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT4 exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT4 lslash <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT4 n.superior <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ordmasculine <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT4 parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT4 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT4 question <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT4 registered <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT4 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT4 trademark <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT_ALT braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT_ALT bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT_ALT ordmasculine <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT_ALT2 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT_ALT2 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT_ALT2 ordmasculine <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT_ALT3 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT_ALT3 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT_ALT3 ordmasculine <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT_ALT4 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT_ALT4 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT_ALT4 ordmasculine <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT a <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT aacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT abreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT acircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT adieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT adieresis.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT ae <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT agrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT amacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT aring <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT aringacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT atilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT dotlessi <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT e <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT eacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT ebreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT ecaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT ecircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT edieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT edotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT egrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT emacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT germandbls <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT h <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT i <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT iacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT ibreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT icircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT idieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT igrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT imacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT itilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT kgreenlandic <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT l <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT longs <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT napostrophe <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT o <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT o.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT oacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT obreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT ocircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT odieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT odieresis.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT oe <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT oe.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT ograve <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT ohungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT omacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT otilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT r <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT racute <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT rcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT rcommaaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT u <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT uacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT ubreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT ucircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT udieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT ugrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT uhungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT umacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT uring <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT utilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT y <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT y.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT a <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT aacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT abreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT acircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT adieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT adieresis.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT ae <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT agrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT amacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT aring <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT aringacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT atilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT dotlessi <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT e <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT eacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT ebreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT ecaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT ecircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT edieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT edotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT egrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT emacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT germandbls <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT h <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT i <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT iacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT ibreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT icircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT idieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT igrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT imacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT itilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT kgreenlandic <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT l <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT longs <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT napostrophe <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT o <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT o.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT oacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT obreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT ocircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT odieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT odieresis.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT oe <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT oe.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT ograve <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT ohungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT omacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT otilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT r <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT racute <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT rcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT rcommaaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT u <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT uacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT ubreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT ucircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT udieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT ugrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT uhungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT umacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT uring <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT utilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT y <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT y.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 a <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 aacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 abreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 acircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 adieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 adieresis.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ae <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 agrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 amacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 aring <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 aringacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 atilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 dotlessi <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 e <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 eacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ebreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ecaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ecircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 edieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 edotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 egrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 emacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 germandbls <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 h <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 i <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 iacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ibreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 icircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 idieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 igrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 imacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 itilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 kgreenlandic <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 l <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 longs <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 napostrophe <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 o <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 o.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 oacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 obreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ocircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 odieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 odieresis.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 oe <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 oe.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ograve <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ohungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 omacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 otilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 r <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 racute <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 rcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 rcommaaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 u <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 uacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ubreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ucircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 udieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ugrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 uhungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 umacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 uring <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 utilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 y <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 y.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 a <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 aacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 abreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 acircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 adieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 adieresis.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ae <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 agrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 amacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 aring <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 aringacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 atilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 dotlessi <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 e <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 eacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ebreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ecaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ecircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 edieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 edotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 egrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 emacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 germandbls <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 h <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 i <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 iacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ibreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 icircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 idieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 igrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 imacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 itilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 kgreenlandic <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 l <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 longs <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 napostrophe <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 o <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 o.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 oacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 obreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ocircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 odieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 odieresis.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 oe <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 oe.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ograve <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ohungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 omacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 otilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 r <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 racute <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 rcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 rcommaaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 u <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 uacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ubreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ucircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 udieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ugrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 uhungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 umacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 uring <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 utilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 y <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 y.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 a <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 aacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 abreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 acircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 adieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 adieresis.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ae <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 agrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 amacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 aring <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 aringacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 atilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 dotlessi <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 e <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 eacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ebreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ecaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ecircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 edieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 edotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 egrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 emacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 germandbls <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 h <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 i <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 iacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ibreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 icircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 idieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 igrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 imacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 itilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 kgreenlandic <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 l <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 longs <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 napostrophe <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 o <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 o.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 oacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 obreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ocircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 odieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 odieresis.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 oe <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 oe.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ograve <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ohungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 omacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 otilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 r <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 racute <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 rcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 rcommaaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 u <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 uacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ubreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ucircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 udieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ugrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 uhungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 umacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 uring <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 utilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 y <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 y.sc <0 0 0 0>; subtable; pos @Q_LC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT2 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT2 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT2 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT2 parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT2 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT3 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT3 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT3 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT3 parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT3 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT4 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT4 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT4 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT4 parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT4 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_SC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_SC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_SC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_SC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_SC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_UC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_UC_LEFT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_UC_LEFT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_UC_LEFT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_UC_LEFT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_UC_LEFT tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_UC_LEFT Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_UC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_UC_LEFT_ALT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_UC_LEFT_ALT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_UC_LEFT_ALT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_UC_LEFT_ALT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_UC_LEFT_ALT tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_UC_LEFT_ALT Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_UC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_UC_LEFT_ALT2 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_UC_LEFT_ALT2 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_UC_LEFT_ALT2 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_UC_LEFT_ALT2 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_UC_LEFT_ALT2 tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_UC_LEFT_ALT2 Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_UC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_UC_LEFT_ALT3 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_UC_LEFT_ALT3 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_UC_LEFT_ALT3 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_UC_LEFT_ALT3 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_UC_LEFT_ALT3 tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_UC_LEFT_ALT3 Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_UC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_UC_LEFT_ALT4 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_UC_LEFT_ALT4 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_UC_LEFT_ALT4 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_UC_LEFT_ALT4 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_UC_LEFT_ALT4 tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_UC_LEFT_ALT4 Tbar <0 0 0 0>; subtable; pos @QUOTE Eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE Lslash <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE Oslash <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT Eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT Lslash <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT Oslash <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT2 Eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT2 Lslash <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT2 Oslash <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT3 Eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT3 Lslash <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT3 Oslash <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT4 Eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT4 Lslash <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT4 Oslash <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC Eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC Lslash <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC Oslash <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT Eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT Lslash <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT Oslash <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT2 Eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT2 Lslash <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT2 Oslash <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT3 Eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT3 Lslash <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT3 Oslash <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT4 Eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT4 Lslash <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT4 Oslash <0 0 0 0>; subtable; pos @QUOTELEFT afii10017 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT afii10021 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT afii10024 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT afii10029 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT afii10032 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT afii10035 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT afii10036 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT afii10037 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT afii10038 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT afii10039 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT afii10041 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT afii10044 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT afii10049 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT afii10051 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT afii10053 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT afii10058 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT afii10060 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT afii10062 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT afii10065 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT afii10069 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT afii10070 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT afii10071 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT afii10072 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT afii10077 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT afii10080 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT afii10083 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT afii10084 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT afii10085 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT afii10086 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT afii10087 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT afii10097 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT afii10099 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT afii10101 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT afii10106 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT afii10108 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT afii10110 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT afii10147 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT afii10148 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT afii10195 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT afii10196 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT alpha <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT eng <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT germandbls <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT LONGS_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT question <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT alpha <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT eng <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT germandbls <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT LONGS_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT question <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT2 alpha <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT2 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT2 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT2 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT2 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT2 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT2 eng <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT2 eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT2 exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT2 germandbls <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT2 LONGS_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT2 parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT2 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT2 question <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT2 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT2 tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT3 alpha <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT3 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT3 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT3 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT3 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT3 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT3 eng <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT3 eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT3 exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT3 germandbls <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT3 LONGS_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT3 parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT3 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT3 question <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT3 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT3 tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT4 alpha <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT4 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT4 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT4 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT4 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT4 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT4 eng <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT4 eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT4 exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT4 germandbls <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT4 LONGS_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT4 parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT4 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT4 question <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT4 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT4 tbar <0 0 0 0>; subtable; pos @QUOTERIGHT alpha <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT alphatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT delta <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT eng <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT epsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT epsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT germandbls <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT lambda <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT LONGS_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT omega <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT omegatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT omicron <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT omicrontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT phi <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT pi <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT question <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT questiondown <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT rho <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT sigma <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT tau <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT Theta <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT Upsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT xi <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT zeta <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT alpha <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT alphatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT delta <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT eng <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT epsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT epsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT germandbls <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT lambda <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT LONGS_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT omega <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT omegatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT omicron <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT omicrontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT phi <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT pi <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT question <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT questiondown <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT rho <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT sigma <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT tau <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT Theta <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT Upsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT xi <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT zeta <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 alpha <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 alphatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 delta <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 eng <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 epsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 epsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 germandbls <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 lambda <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 LONGS_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 omega <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 omegatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 omicron <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 omicrontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 phi <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 pi <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 question <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 questiondown <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 rho <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 sigma <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 tau <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 Theta <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 Upsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 xi <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 zeta <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 alpha <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 alphatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 delta <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 eng <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 epsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 epsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 germandbls <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 lambda <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 LONGS_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 omega <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 omegatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 omicron <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 omicrontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 phi <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 pi <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 question <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 questiondown <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 rho <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 sigma <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 tau <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 Theta <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 Upsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 xi <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 zeta <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT4 alpha <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT4 alphatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT4 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT4 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT4 delta <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT4 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT4 eng <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT4 epsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT4 epsilontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT4 eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT4 exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT4 germandbls <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT4 lambda <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT4 LONGS_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT4 omega <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT4 omegatonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT4 omicron <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT4 omicrontonos <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT4 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT4 phi <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT4 pi <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT4 question <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT4 questiondown <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT4 rho <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT4 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT4 sigma <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT4 tau <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT4 Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT4 Theta <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT4 Upsilon <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT4 xi <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT4 zeta <0 0 0 0>; subtable; pos @R_LC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_LC_LEFT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_LC_LEFT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_LC_LEFT ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_LC_LEFT eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_LC_LEFT exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_LC_LEFT hbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_LC_LEFT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_LC_LEFT question <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_LC_LEFT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_LC_LEFT thorn <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_LC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_LC_LEFT_ALT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_LC_LEFT_ALT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_LC_LEFT_ALT ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_LC_LEFT_ALT eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_LC_LEFT_ALT exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_LC_LEFT_ALT hbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_LC_LEFT_ALT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_LC_LEFT_ALT question <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_LC_LEFT_ALT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_LC_LEFT_ALT thorn <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_LC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_LC_LEFT_ALT2 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_LC_LEFT_ALT2 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_LC_LEFT_ALT2 eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_LC_LEFT_ALT2 exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_LC_LEFT_ALT2 hbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_LC_LEFT_ALT2 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_LC_LEFT_ALT2 question <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_LC_LEFT_ALT2 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_LC_LEFT_ALT2 thorn <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_LC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_LC_LEFT_ALT3 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_LC_LEFT_ALT3 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_LC_LEFT_ALT3 eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_LC_LEFT_ALT3 exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_LC_LEFT_ALT3 hbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_LC_LEFT_ALT3 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_LC_LEFT_ALT3 question <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_LC_LEFT_ALT3 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_LC_LEFT_ALT3 thorn <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_LC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_LC_LEFT_ALT4 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_LC_LEFT_ALT4 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_LC_LEFT_ALT4 eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_LC_LEFT_ALT4 exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_LC_LEFT_ALT4 hbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_LC_LEFT_ALT4 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_LC_LEFT_ALT4 question <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_LC_LEFT_ALT4 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_LC_LEFT_ALT4 thorn <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_SC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_SC_LEFT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_SC_LEFT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_SC_LEFT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_SC_LEFT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_SC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_SC_LEFT_ALT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_SC_LEFT_ALT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_SC_LEFT_ALT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_SC_LEFT_ALT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_SC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_SC_LEFT_ALT2 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_SC_LEFT_ALT2 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_SC_LEFT_ALT2 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_SC_LEFT_ALT2 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_SC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_SC_LEFT_ALT3 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_SC_LEFT_ALT3 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_SC_LEFT_ALT3 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_SC_LEFT_ALT3 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_SC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_SC_LEFT_ALT4 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_SC_LEFT_ALT4 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_SC_LEFT_ALT4 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_SC_LEFT_ALT4 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT AE <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT registered <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT trademark <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT AE <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT registered <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT trademark <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT2 AE <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT2 afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT2 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT2 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT2 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT2 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT2 eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT2 parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT2 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT2 registered <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT2 tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT2 Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT2 trademark <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT3 AE <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT3 afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT3 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT3 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT3 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT3 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT3 eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT3 parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT3 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT3 registered <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT3 tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT3 Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT3 trademark <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 AE <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 afii00208 <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 registered <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 trademark <0 0 0 0>; subtable; pos @S_LC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT question <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT W_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT question <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT W_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT2 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT2 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT2 exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT2 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT2 question <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT2 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT2 W_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT3 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT3 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT3 exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT3 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT3 question <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT3 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT3 W_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT4 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT4 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT4 exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT4 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT4 question <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT4 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT4 W_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT_ALT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT_ALT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT_ALT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT_ALT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT_ALT2 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT_ALT2 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT_ALT2 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT_ALT2 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT_ALT3 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT_ALT3 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT_ALT3 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT_ALT3 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT_ALT4 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT_ALT4 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT_ALT4 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT_ALT4 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT germandbls <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT LONGS_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT germandbls <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT LONGS_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT2 germandbls <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT2 LONGS_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT2 Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT3 germandbls <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT3 LONGS_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT3 Tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT4 germandbls <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT4 LONGS_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT4 Tbar <0 0 0 0>; subtable; pos @T_LC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT dagger <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT daggerdbl <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT lslash <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT n.superior <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT ordmasculine <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT question <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT registered <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT thorn <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT trademark <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT a <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT aacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT abreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT acircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT adieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT ae <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT agrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT amacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT aogonek <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT aring <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT aringacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT atilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT b <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT c <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT cacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT ccaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT ccedilla <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT ccircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT cdotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT d <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT dagger <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT daggerdbl <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT dcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT dmacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT e <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT eacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT ebreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT ecaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT edieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT edotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT emacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT g <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT iacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT ibreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT icircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT idieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT igrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT imacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT itilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT jcircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT kcommaaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT lacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT lcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT lcommaaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT ldot <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT lslash <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT n.superior <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT napostrophe <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT o <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT oacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT obreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT ocircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT odieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT oe <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT ograve <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT omacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT ordmasculine <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT otilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT q <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT question <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT racute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT rcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT registered <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT s <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT scaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT scircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT thorn <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT trademark <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT ubreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT ucircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT udieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT ugrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT uhungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT umacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT uring <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT utilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT v <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT w <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT wacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT wcircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT wdieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT wgrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT y <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT yacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT ycircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT ydieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT ygrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT z <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT zcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 a <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 aacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 abreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 acircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 adieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ae <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 agrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 amacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 aogonek <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 aring <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 aringacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 atilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 b <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 c <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 cacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ccaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ccedilla <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ccircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 cdotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 d <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 dagger <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 daggerdbl <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 dcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 dmacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 e <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 eacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ebreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ecaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 edieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 edotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 emacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 g <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 iacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ibreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 icircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 idieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 igrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 imacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 itilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 jcircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 kcommaaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 lacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 lcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 lcommaaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ldot <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 lslash <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 n.superior <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 napostrophe <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 o <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 oacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 obreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ocircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 odieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 oe <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ograve <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 omacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ordmasculine <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 otilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 q <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 question <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 racute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 rcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 registered <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 s <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 scaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 scircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 thorn <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 trademark <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ubreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ucircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 udieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ugrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 uhungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 umacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 uring <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 utilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 v <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 w <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 wacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 wcircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 wdieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 wgrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 y <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 yacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ycircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ydieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ygrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 z <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 zcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 a <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 aacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 abreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 acircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 adieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ae <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 agrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 amacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 aogonek <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 aring <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 aringacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 atilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 b <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 c <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 cacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ccaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ccedilla <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ccircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 cdotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 d <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 dagger <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 daggerdbl <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 dcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 dmacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 e <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 eacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ebreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ecaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 edieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 edotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 emacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 g <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 iacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ibreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 icircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 idieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 igrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 imacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 itilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 jcircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 kcommaaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 lacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 lcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 lcommaaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ldot <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 lslash <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 n.superior <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 napostrophe <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 o <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 oacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 obreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ocircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 odieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 oe <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ograve <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 omacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ordmasculine <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 otilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 q <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 question <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 racute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 rcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 registered <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 s <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 scaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 scircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 thorn <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 trademark <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ubreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ucircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 udieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ugrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 uhungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 umacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 uring <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 utilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 v <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 w <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 wacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 wcircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 wdieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 wgrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 y <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 yacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ycircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ydieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ygrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 z <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 zcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 a <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 aacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 abreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 acircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 adieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ae <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 agrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 amacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 aogonek <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 aring <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 aringacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 atilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 b <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 c <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 cacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ccaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ccedilla <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ccircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 cdotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 d <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 dagger <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 daggerdbl <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 dcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 dmacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 e <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 eacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ebreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ecaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 edieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 edotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 emacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 g <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 iacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ibreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 icircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 idieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 igrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 imacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 itilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 jcircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 kcommaaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 lacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 lcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 lcommaaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ldot <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 lslash <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 n.superior <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 napostrophe <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 o <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 oacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 obreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ocircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 odieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 oe <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ograve <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 omacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ordmasculine <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 otilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 q <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 question <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 racute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 rcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 registered <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 s <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 scaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 scircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 thorn <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 trademark <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ubreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ucircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 udieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ugrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 uhungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 umacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 uring <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 utilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 v <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 w <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 wacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 wcircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 wdieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 wgrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 y <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 yacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ycircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ydieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ygrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 z <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 zcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_SC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_SC_LEFT braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_SC_LEFT bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_SC_LEFT ordmasculine <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_SC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_SC_LEFT_ALT braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_SC_LEFT_ALT bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_SC_LEFT_ALT ordmasculine <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_SC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_SC_LEFT_ALT2 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_SC_LEFT_ALT2 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_SC_LEFT_ALT2 ordmasculine <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_SC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_SC_LEFT_ALT3 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_SC_LEFT_ALT3 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_SC_LEFT_ALT3 ordmasculine <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_SC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_SC_LEFT_ALT4 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_SC_LEFT_ALT4 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_SC_LEFT_ALT4 ordmasculine <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT a <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT aacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT abreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT acircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT adieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT adieresis.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT ae <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT agrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT amacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT aring <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT aringacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT atilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT dotlessi <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT e <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT eacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT ebreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT ecaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT ecircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT edieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT edotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT egrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT emacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT germandbls <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT h <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT i <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT iacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT ibreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT icircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT idieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT igrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT imacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT itilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT kgreenlandic <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT l <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT longs <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT napostrophe <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT o <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT o.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT oacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT obreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT ocircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT odieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT odieresis.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT oe <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT oe.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT ograve <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT ohungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT omacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT otilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT r <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT racute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT rcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT rcommaaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT s <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT sacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT scaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT uni015F <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT scircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT uni0219 <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT u <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT uacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT ubreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT ucircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT udieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT ugrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT uhungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT umacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT uring <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT utilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT y <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT y.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT yacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT ycircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT ydieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT ydotbelow <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT ygrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT ymacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT ytilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT a <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT aacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT abreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT acircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT adieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT adieresis.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT ae <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT agrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT amacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT aring <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT aringacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT atilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT dotlessi <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT e <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT eacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT ebreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT ecaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT ecircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT edieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT edotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT egrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT emacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT germandbls <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT h <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT i <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT iacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT ibreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT icircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT idieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT igrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT imacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT itilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT kgreenlandic <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT l <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT longs <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT napostrophe <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT o <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT o.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT oacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT obreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT ocircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT odieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT odieresis.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT oe <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT oe.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT ograve <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT ohungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT omacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT otilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT r <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT racute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT rcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT rcommaaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT s <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT sacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT scaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT uni015F <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT scircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT uni0219 <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT u <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT uacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT ubreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT ucircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT udieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT ugrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT uhungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT umacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT uring <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT utilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT y <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT y.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT yacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT ycircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT ydieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT ydotbelow <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT ygrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT ymacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT ytilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 a <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 aacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 abreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 acircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 adieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 adieresis.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ae <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 agrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 amacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 aring <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 aringacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 atilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 dotlessi <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 e <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 eacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ebreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ecaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ecircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 edieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 edotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 egrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 emacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 germandbls <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 h <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 i <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 iacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ibreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 icircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 idieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 igrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 imacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 itilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 kgreenlandic <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 l <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 longs <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 napostrophe <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 o <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 o.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 oacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 obreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ocircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 odieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 odieresis.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 oe <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 oe.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ograve <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ohungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 omacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 otilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 r <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 racute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 rcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 rcommaaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 s <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 sacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 scaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 uni015F <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 scircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 uni0219 <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 u <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 uacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ubreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ucircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 udieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ugrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 uhungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 umacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 uring <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 utilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 y <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 y.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 yacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ycircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ydieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ydotbelow <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ygrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ymacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ytilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 a <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 aacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 abreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 acircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 adieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 adieresis.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ae <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 agrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 amacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 aring <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 aringacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 atilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 dotlessi <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 e <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 eacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ebreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ecaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ecircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 edieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 edotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 egrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 emacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 germandbls <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 h <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 i <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 iacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ibreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 icircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 idieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 igrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 imacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 itilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 kgreenlandic <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 l <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 longs <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 napostrophe <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 o <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 o.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 oacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 obreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ocircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 odieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 odieresis.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 oe <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 oe.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ograve <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ohungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 omacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 otilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 r <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 racute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 rcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 rcommaaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 s <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 sacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 scaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 uni015F <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 scircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 uni0219 <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 u <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 uacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ubreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ucircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 udieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ugrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 uhungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 umacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 uring <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 utilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 y <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 y.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 yacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ycircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ydieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ydotbelow <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ygrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ymacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ytilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 a <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 aacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 abreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 acircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 adieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 adieresis.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ae <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 agrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 amacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 aring <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 aringacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 atilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 dotlessi <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 e <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 eacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ebreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ecaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ecircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 edieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 edotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 egrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 emacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 germandbls <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 h <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 i <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 iacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ibreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 icircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 idieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 igrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 imacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 itilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 kgreenlandic <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 l <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 longs <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 napostrophe <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 o <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 o.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 oacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 obreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ocircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 odieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 odieresis.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 oe <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 oe.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ograve <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ohungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 omacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 otilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 r <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 racute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 rcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 rcommaaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 s <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 sacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 scaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 uni015F <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 scircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 uni0219 <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 u <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 uacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ubreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ucircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 udieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ugrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 uhungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 umacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 uring <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 utilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 y <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 y.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 yacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ycircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ydieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ydotbelow <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ygrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ymacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ytilde <0 0 0 0>; subtable; pos @U_LC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT2 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT2 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT3 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT3 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT4 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT4 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_SC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_SC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_SC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_SC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_SC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT eng <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT kgreenlandic <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT_ALT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT_ALT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT_ALT ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT_ALT eng <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT_ALT eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT_ALT kgreenlandic <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT_ALT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT_ALT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT_ALT tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT_ALT2 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT_ALT2 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT_ALT2 eng <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT_ALT2 eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT_ALT2 kgreenlandic <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT_ALT2 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT_ALT2 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT_ALT2 tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT_ALT3 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT_ALT3 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT_ALT3 eng <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT_ALT3 eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT_ALT3 kgreenlandic <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT_ALT3 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT_ALT3 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT_ALT3 tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT_ALT4 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT_ALT4 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT_ALT4 eng <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT_ALT4 eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT_ALT4 kgreenlandic <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT_ALT4 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT_ALT4 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT_ALT4 tbar <0 0 0 0>; subtable; pos @V_LC_LEFT a <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT aacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT abreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT acircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT adieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT ae <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT agrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT amacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT aogonek <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT aring <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT aringacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT atilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT b <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT c <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT cacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT ccaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT ccedilla <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT ccircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT cdotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT d <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT dagger <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT daggerdbl <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT dcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT dmacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT e <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT eacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT ebreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT ecaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT edieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT edotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT emacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT g <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT iacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT ibreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT icircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT idieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT igrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT imacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT itilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT jcircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT kcommaaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT lacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT lcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT lcommaaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT ldot <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT lslash <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT n.superior <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT napostrophe <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT o <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT oacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT obreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT ocircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT odieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT oe <0 0 0 0>; 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pos @V_LC_LEFT wgrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT y <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT yacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT ycircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT ydieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT ygrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT z <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT zcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT a <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT aacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT abreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT acircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT adieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT ae <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT agrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT amacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT aogonek <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT aring <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT aringacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT atilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT b <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT c <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT cacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT ccaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT ccedilla <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT ccircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT cdotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT d <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT dagger <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT daggerdbl <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT dcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT dmacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT e <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT eacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT ebreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT ecaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT edieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT edotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT emacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT g <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT iacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT ibreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT icircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT idieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT igrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT imacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT itilde <0 0 0 0>; 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pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT scaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT scircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT thorn <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT trademark <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT ubreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT ucircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT udieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT ugrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT uhungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT umacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT uring <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT utilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT v <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT w <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT wacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT wcircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT wdieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT wgrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT y <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT yacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT ycircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT ydieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT ygrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT z <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT zcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT2 a <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT2 aacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT2 abreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT2 acircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT2 adieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ae <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT2 agrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT2 amacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT2 aogonek <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT2 aring <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT2 aringacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT2 atilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT2 b <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT2 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT2 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT2 c <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT2 cacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ccaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ccedilla <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ccircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT2 cdotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT2 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT2 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT2 d <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT2 dagger <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT2 daggerdbl <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT2 dcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT2 dmacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT2 e <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT2 eacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ebreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ecaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT2 edieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT2 edotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT2 emacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT2 eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT2 exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT2 g <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT2 iacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ibreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT2 icircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT2 idieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT2 igrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT2 imacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT2 itilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT2 jcircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT2 kcommaaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT2 lacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT2 lcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT2 lcommaaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ldot <0 0 0 0>; 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pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ae <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT3 agrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT3 amacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT3 aogonek <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT3 aring <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT3 aringacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT3 atilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT3 b <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT3 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT3 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT3 c <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT3 cacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ccaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ccedilla <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ccircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT3 cdotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT3 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT3 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT3 d <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT3 dagger <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT3 daggerdbl <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT3 dcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT3 dmacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT3 e <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT3 eacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ebreve <0 0 0 0>; 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pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT3 obreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ocircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT3 odieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT3 oe <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ograve <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT3 omacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ordmasculine <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT3 otilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT3 parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT3 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT3 q <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT3 question <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT3 racute <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT3 rcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT3 registered <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT3 s <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT3 scaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT3 scircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT3 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT3 thorn <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT3 trademark <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ubreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ucircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT3 udieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ugrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT3 uhungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; 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pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT4 atilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT4 b <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT4 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT4 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT4 c <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT4 cacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ccaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ccedilla <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ccircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT4 cdotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT4 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT4 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT4 d <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT4 dagger <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT4 daggerdbl <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT4 dcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT4 dmacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT4 e <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT4 eacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ebreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ecaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT4 edieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT4 edotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT4 emacron <0 0 0 0>; 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pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT4 wacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT4 wcircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT4 wdieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT4 wgrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT4 y <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT4 yacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ycircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ydieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ygrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT4 z <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT4 zcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_SC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_SC_LEFT braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_SC_LEFT bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_SC_LEFT ordmasculine <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_SC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_SC_LEFT_ALT braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_SC_LEFT_ALT bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_SC_LEFT_ALT ordmasculine <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_SC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_SC_LEFT_ALT2 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_SC_LEFT_ALT2 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_SC_LEFT_ALT2 ordmasculine <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_SC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_SC_LEFT_ALT3 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_SC_LEFT_ALT3 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_SC_LEFT_ALT3 ordmasculine <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_SC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_SC_LEFT_ALT4 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_SC_LEFT_ALT4 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_SC_LEFT_ALT4 ordmasculine <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT a <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT aacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT abreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT acircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT adieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT adieresis.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT ae <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT agrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT amacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT aring <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT aringacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT atilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT dotlessi <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT e <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT eacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT ebreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT ecaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT ecircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT edieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT edotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT egrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT emacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT germandbls <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT h <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT i <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT iacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT ibreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT icircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT idieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT igrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT imacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT itilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT kgreenlandic <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT l <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT longs <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT napostrophe <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT o <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT o.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT oacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT obreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT ocircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT odieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT odieresis.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT oe <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT oe.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT ograve <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT ohungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT omacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT otilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT r <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT racute <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT rcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT rcommaaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT u <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT uacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT ubreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT ucircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT udieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT ugrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT uhungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT umacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT uring <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT utilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT y <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT y.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT a <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT aacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT abreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT acircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT adieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT adieresis.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT ae <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT agrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT amacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT aring <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT aringacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT atilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT dotlessi <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT e <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT eacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT ebreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT ecaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT ecircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT edieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT edotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT egrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT emacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT germandbls <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT h <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT i <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT iacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT ibreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT icircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT idieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT igrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT imacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT itilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT kgreenlandic <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT l <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT longs <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT napostrophe <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT o <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT o.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT oacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT obreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT ocircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT odieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT odieresis.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT oe <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT oe.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT ograve <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT ohungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT omacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT otilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT r <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT racute <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT rcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT rcommaaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT u <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT uacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT ubreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT ucircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT udieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT ugrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT uhungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT umacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT uring <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT utilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT y <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT y.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 a <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 aacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 abreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 acircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 adieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 adieresis.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ae <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 agrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 amacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 aring <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 aringacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 atilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 dotlessi <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 e <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 eacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ebreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ecaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ecircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 edieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 edotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 egrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 emacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 germandbls <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 h <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 i <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 iacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ibreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 icircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 idieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 igrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 imacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 itilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 kgreenlandic <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 l <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 longs <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 napostrophe <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 o <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 o.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 oacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 obreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ocircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 odieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 odieresis.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 oe <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 oe.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ograve <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ohungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 omacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 otilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 r <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 racute <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 rcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 rcommaaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 u <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 uacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ubreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ucircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 udieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ugrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 uhungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 umacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 uring <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 utilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 y <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT2 y.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 a <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 aacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 abreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 acircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 adieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 adieresis.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ae <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 agrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 amacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 aring <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 aringacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 atilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 dotlessi <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 e <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 eacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ebreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ecaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ecircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 edieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 edotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 egrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 emacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 germandbls <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 h <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 i <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 iacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ibreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 icircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 idieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 igrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 imacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 itilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 kgreenlandic <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 l <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 longs <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 napostrophe <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 o <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 o.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 oacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 obreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ocircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 odieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 odieresis.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 oe <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 oe.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ograve <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ohungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 omacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 otilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 r <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 racute <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 rcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 rcommaaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 u <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 uacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ubreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ucircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 udieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ugrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 uhungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 umacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 uring <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 utilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 y <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT3 y.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 a <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 aacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 abreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 acircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 adieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 adieresis.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ae <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 agrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 amacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 aring <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 aringacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 atilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 dotlessi <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 e <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 eacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ebreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ecaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ecircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 edieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 edotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 egrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 emacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 germandbls <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 h <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 i <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 iacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ibreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 icircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 idieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 igrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 imacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 itilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 kgreenlandic <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 l <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 longs <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 napostrophe <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 o <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 o.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 oacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 obreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ocircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 odieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 odieresis.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 oe <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 oe.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ograve <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ohungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 omacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 otilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 r <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 racute <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 rcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 rcommaaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 u <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 uacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ubreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ucircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 udieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ugrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 uhungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 umacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 uring <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 utilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 y <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_UC_LEFT_ALT4 y.sc <0 0 0 0>; subtable; pos @W_LC_LEFT a <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT aacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT abreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT acircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT adieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT ae <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT agrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT amacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT aogonek <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT aring <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT aringacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT atilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT b <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT c <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT cacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT ccaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT ccedilla <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT ccircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT cdotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT d <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT dagger <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT daggerdbl <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT dcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT dmacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT e <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT eacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT ebreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT ecaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT edieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT edotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT emacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT g <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT iacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT ibreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT icircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT idieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT igrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT imacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT itilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT jcircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT kcommaaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT lacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT lcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT lcommaaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT ldot <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT lslash <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT n.superior <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT napostrophe <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT o <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT oacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT obreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT ocircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT odieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT oe <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT ograve <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT omacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT ordmasculine <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT otilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT q <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT question <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT racute <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT rcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT registered <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT s <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT scaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT scircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT thorn <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT trademark <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT ubreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT ucircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT udieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT ugrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT uhungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT umacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT uring <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT utilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT v <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT w <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT wacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT wcircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT wdieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT wgrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT y <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT yacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT ycircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT ydieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT ygrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT z <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT zcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT a <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT aacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT abreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT acircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT adieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT ae <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT agrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT amacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT aogonek <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT aring <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT aringacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT atilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT b <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT c <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT cacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT ccaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT ccedilla <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT ccircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT cdotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT d <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT dagger <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT daggerdbl <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT dcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT dmacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT e <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT eacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT ebreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT ecaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT edieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT edotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT emacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT g <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT iacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT ibreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT icircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT idieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT igrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT imacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT itilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT jcircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT kcommaaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT lacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT lcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT lcommaaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT ldot <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT lslash <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT n.superior <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT napostrophe <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT o <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT oacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT obreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT ocircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT odieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT oe <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT ograve <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT omacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT ordmasculine <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT otilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT q <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT question <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT racute <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT rcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT registered <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT s <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT scaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT scircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT thorn <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT trademark <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT ubreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT ucircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT udieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT ugrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT uhungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT umacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT uring <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT utilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT v <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT w <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT wacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT wcircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT wdieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT wgrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT y <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT yacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT ycircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT ydieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT ygrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT z <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT zcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 a <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 aacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 abreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 acircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 adieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ae <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 agrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 amacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 aogonek <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 aring <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 aringacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 atilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 b <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 c <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 cacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ccaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ccedilla <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ccircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 cdotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 d <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 dagger <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 daggerdbl <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 dcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 dmacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 e <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 eacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ebreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ecaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 edieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 edotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 emacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 g <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 iacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ibreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 icircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 idieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 igrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 imacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 itilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 jcircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 kcommaaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 lacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 lcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 lcommaaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ldot <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 lslash <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 n.superior <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 napostrophe <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 o <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 oacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 obreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ocircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 odieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 oe <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ograve <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 omacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ordmasculine <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 otilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 q <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 question <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 racute <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 rcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 registered <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 s <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 scaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 scircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 thorn <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 trademark <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ubreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ucircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 udieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ugrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 uhungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 umacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 uring <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 utilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 v <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 w <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 wacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 wcircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 wdieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 wgrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 y <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 yacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ycircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ydieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ygrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 z <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT2 zcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT3 a <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT3 aacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT3 abreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT3 acircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT3 adieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ae <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT3 agrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT3 amacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT3 aogonek <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT3 aring <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT3 aringacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT3 atilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT3 b <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT3 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT3 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT3 c <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_LC_LEFT_ALT3 cacute <0 0 0 0>; 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pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT edotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT egrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT emacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT germandbls <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT h <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT i <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT iacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT ibreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT icircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT idieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT igrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT imacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT itilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT kgreenlandic <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT l <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT longs <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT napostrophe <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT o <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT o.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT oacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT obreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT ocircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT odieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT odieresis.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT oe <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT oe.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT ograve <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT ohungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT omacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT otilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT r <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT racute <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT rcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT rcommaaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT u <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT uacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT ubreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT ucircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT udieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT ugrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT uhungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT umacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT uring <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT utilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT y <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT y.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 a <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 aacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 abreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 acircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 adieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 adieresis.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ae <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 agrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 amacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 aring <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 aringacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 atilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 dotlessi <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 e <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 eacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ebreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ecaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ecircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 edieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 edotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 egrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 emacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 germandbls <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 h <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 i <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 iacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ibreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 icircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 idieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 igrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 imacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 itilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 kgreenlandic <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 l <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 longs <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 napostrophe <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 o <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 o.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 oacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 obreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ocircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 odieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 odieresis.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 oe <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 oe.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ograve <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ohungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 omacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 otilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 r <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 racute <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 rcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 rcommaaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 u <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 uacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ubreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ucircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 udieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ugrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 uhungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 umacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 uring <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 utilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 y <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT2 y.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 a <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 aacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 abreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 acircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 adieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 adieresis.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ae <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 agrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 amacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 aring <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 aringacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 atilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 dotlessi <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 e <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 eacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ebreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ecaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ecircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 edieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 edotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 egrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 emacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 germandbls <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 h <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 i <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 iacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ibreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 icircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 idieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 igrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 imacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 itilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 kgreenlandic <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 l <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 longs <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 napostrophe <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 o <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 o.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 oacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 obreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ocircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 odieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 odieresis.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 oe <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 oe.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ograve <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ohungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 omacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 otilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 r <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 racute <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 rcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 rcommaaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 u <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 uacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ubreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ucircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 udieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ugrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 uhungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 umacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 uring <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 utilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 y <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT3 y.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 a <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 aacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 abreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 acircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 adieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 adieresis.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ae <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 agrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 amacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 aring <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 aringacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 atilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 dotlessi <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 e <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 eacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ebreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ecaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ecircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 edieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 edotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 egrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 emacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 germandbls <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 h <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 i <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 iacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ibreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 icircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 idieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 igrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 imacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 itilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 kgreenlandic <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 l <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 longs <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 napostrophe <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 o <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 o.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 oacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 obreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ocircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 odieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 odieresis.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 oe <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 oe.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ograve <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ohungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 omacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 otilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 r <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 racute <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 rcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 rcommaaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 u <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 uacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ubreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ucircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 udieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ugrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 uhungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 umacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 uring <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 utilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 y <0 0 0 0>; pos @W_UC_LEFT_ALT4 y.sc <0 0 0 0>; subtable; pos @X_LC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_LC_LEFT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_LC_LEFT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_LC_LEFT eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_LC_LEFT exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_LC_LEFT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_LC_LEFT question <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_LC_LEFT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_LC_LEFT thorn <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_LC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_LC_LEFT_ALT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_LC_LEFT_ALT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_LC_LEFT_ALT eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_LC_LEFT_ALT exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_LC_LEFT_ALT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_LC_LEFT_ALT question <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_LC_LEFT_ALT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_LC_LEFT_ALT thorn <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_LC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_LC_LEFT_ALT2 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_LC_LEFT_ALT2 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_LC_LEFT_ALT2 eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_LC_LEFT_ALT2 exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_LC_LEFT_ALT2 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_LC_LEFT_ALT2 question <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_LC_LEFT_ALT2 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_LC_LEFT_ALT2 thorn <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_LC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_LC_LEFT_ALT3 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_LC_LEFT_ALT3 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_LC_LEFT_ALT3 eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_LC_LEFT_ALT3 exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_LC_LEFT_ALT3 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_LC_LEFT_ALT3 question <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_LC_LEFT_ALT3 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_LC_LEFT_ALT3 thorn <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_LC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_LC_LEFT_ALT4 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_LC_LEFT_ALT4 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_LC_LEFT_ALT4 eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_LC_LEFT_ALT4 exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_LC_LEFT_ALT4 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_LC_LEFT_ALT4 question <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_LC_LEFT_ALT4 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_LC_LEFT_ALT4 thorn <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_SC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_SC_LEFT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_SC_LEFT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_SC_LEFT exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_SC_LEFT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_SC_LEFT question <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_SC_LEFT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_SC_LEFT trademark <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_SC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_SC_LEFT_ALT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_SC_LEFT_ALT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_SC_LEFT_ALT exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_SC_LEFT_ALT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_SC_LEFT_ALT question <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_SC_LEFT_ALT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_SC_LEFT_ALT trademark <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_SC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_SC_LEFT_ALT2 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_SC_LEFT_ALT2 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_SC_LEFT_ALT2 exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_SC_LEFT_ALT2 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_SC_LEFT_ALT2 question <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_SC_LEFT_ALT2 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_SC_LEFT_ALT2 trademark <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_SC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_SC_LEFT_ALT3 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_SC_LEFT_ALT3 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_SC_LEFT_ALT3 exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_SC_LEFT_ALT3 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_SC_LEFT_ALT3 question <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_SC_LEFT_ALT3 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_SC_LEFT_ALT3 trademark <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_SC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_SC_LEFT_ALT4 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_SC_LEFT_ALT4 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_SC_LEFT_ALT4 exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_SC_LEFT_ALT4 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_SC_LEFT_ALT4 question <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_SC_LEFT_ALT4 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_SC_LEFT_ALT4 trademark <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_UC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_UC_LEFT braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_UC_LEFT bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_UC_LEFT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_UC_LEFT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_UC_LEFT parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_UC_LEFT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_UC_LEFT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_UC_LEFT tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_UC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_UC_LEFT_ALT braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_UC_LEFT_ALT bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_UC_LEFT_ALT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_UC_LEFT_ALT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_UC_LEFT_ALT parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_UC_LEFT_ALT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_UC_LEFT_ALT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_UC_LEFT_ALT tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_UC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_UC_LEFT_ALT2 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_UC_LEFT_ALT2 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_UC_LEFT_ALT2 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_UC_LEFT_ALT2 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_UC_LEFT_ALT2 parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_UC_LEFT_ALT2 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_UC_LEFT_ALT2 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_UC_LEFT_ALT2 tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_UC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_UC_LEFT_ALT3 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_UC_LEFT_ALT3 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_UC_LEFT_ALT3 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_UC_LEFT_ALT3 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_UC_LEFT_ALT3 parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_UC_LEFT_ALT3 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_UC_LEFT_ALT3 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_UC_LEFT_ALT3 tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_UC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_UC_LEFT_ALT4 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_UC_LEFT_ALT4 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_UC_LEFT_ALT4 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_UC_LEFT_ALT4 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_UC_LEFT_ALT4 parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_UC_LEFT_ALT4 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_UC_LEFT_ALT4 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_UC_LEFT_ALT4 tbar <0 0 0 0>; subtable; pos @Y_LC_LEFT a <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT aacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT abreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT acircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT adieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT ae <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT agrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT amacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT aogonek <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT aring <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT aringacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT atilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT b <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT c <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT cacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT ccaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT ccedilla <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT ccircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT cdotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT d <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT dagger <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT daggerdbl <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT dcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT dmacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT e <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT eacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT ebreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT ecaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT edieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT edotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT emacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT g <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT iacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT ibreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT icircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT idieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT igrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT imacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT itilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT jcircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT kcommaaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT lacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT lcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT lcommaaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT ldot <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT lslash <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT n.superior <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT napostrophe <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT o <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT oacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT obreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT ocircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT odieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT oe <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT ograve <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT omacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT ordmasculine <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT otilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT q <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT question <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT racute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT rcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT registered <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT s <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT scaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT scircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT thorn <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT trademark <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT ubreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT ucircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT udieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT ugrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT uhungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT umacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT uring <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT utilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT v <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT w <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT wacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT wcircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT wdieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT wgrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT y <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT yacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT ycircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT ydieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT ygrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT z <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT zcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT a <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT aacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT abreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT acircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT adieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT ae <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT agrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT amacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT aogonek <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT aring <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT aringacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT atilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT b <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT c <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT cacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT ccaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT ccedilla <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT ccircumflex <0 0 0 0>; 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pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT scircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT thorn <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT trademark <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT ubreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT ucircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT udieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT ugrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT uhungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT umacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT uring <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT utilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT v <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT w <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT wacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT wcircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT wdieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT wgrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT y <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT yacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT ycircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT ydieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT ygrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT z <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT zcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT2 a <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT2 aacute <0 0 0 0>; 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pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT2 n.superior <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT2 napostrophe <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT2 o <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT2 oacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT2 obreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ocircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT2 odieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT2 oe <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ograve <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT2 omacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ordmasculine <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT2 otilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT2 parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT2 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT2 q <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT2 question <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT2 racute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT2 rcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT2 registered <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT2 s <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT2 scaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT2 scircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT2 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT2 thorn <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT2 trademark <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT2 ubreve <0 0 0 0>; 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pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 amacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 aogonek <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 aring <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 aringacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 atilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 b <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 c <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 cacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ccaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ccedilla <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ccircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 cdotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 d <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 dagger <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 daggerdbl <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 dcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 dmacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 e <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 eacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ebreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ecaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 edieresis <0 0 0 0>; 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pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 odieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 oe <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ograve <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 omacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ordmasculine <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 otilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 q <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 question <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 racute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 rcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 registered <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 s <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 scaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 scircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 thorn <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 trademark <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ubreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ucircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 udieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ugrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 uhungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 umacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 uring <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 utilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 v <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 w <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 wacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 wcircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 wdieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 wgrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 y <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 yacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ycircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ydieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 ygrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 z <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 zcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 a <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 aacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 abreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 acircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 adieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ae <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 agrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 amacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 aogonek <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 aring <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 aringacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 atilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 b <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 c <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 cacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ccaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ccedilla <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ccircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 cdotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 d <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 dagger <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 daggerdbl <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 dcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 dmacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 e <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 eacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ebreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ecaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 edieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 edotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 emacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 g <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 iacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ibreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 icircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 idieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 igrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 imacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 itilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 jcircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 kcommaaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 lacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 lcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 lcommaaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ldot <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 lslash <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 n.superior <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 napostrophe <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 o <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 oacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 obreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ocircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 odieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 oe <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ograve <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 omacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ordmasculine <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 otilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 q <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 question <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 racute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 rcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 registered <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 s <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 scaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 scircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 thorn <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 trademark <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ubreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ucircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 udieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ugrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 uhungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 umacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 uring <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 utilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 v <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 w <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 wacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 wcircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 wdieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 wgrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 y <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 yacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ycircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ydieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 ygrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 z <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 zcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_SC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_SC_LEFT braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_SC_LEFT bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_SC_LEFT ordmasculine <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_SC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_SC_LEFT_ALT braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_SC_LEFT_ALT bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_SC_LEFT_ALT ordmasculine <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_SC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_SC_LEFT_ALT2 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_SC_LEFT_ALT2 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_SC_LEFT_ALT2 ordmasculine <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_SC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_SC_LEFT_ALT3 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_SC_LEFT_ALT3 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_SC_LEFT_ALT3 ordmasculine <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_SC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_SC_LEFT_ALT4 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_SC_LEFT_ALT4 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_SC_LEFT_ALT4 ordmasculine <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT a <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT aacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT abreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT acircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT adieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT adieresis.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT ae <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT agrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT amacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT aring <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT aringacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT atilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT dotlessi <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT e <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT eacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT ebreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT ecaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT ecircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT edieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT edotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT egrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT emacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT germandbls <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT h <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT i <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT iacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT ibreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT icircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT idieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT igrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT imacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT itilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT kgreenlandic <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT l <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT longs <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT napostrophe <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT o <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT o.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT oacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT obreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT ocircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT odieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT odieresis.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT oe <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT oe.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT ograve <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT ohungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT omacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT otilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT r <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT racute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT rcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT rcommaaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT u <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT uacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT ubreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT ucircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT udieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT ugrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT uhungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT umacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT uring <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT utilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT y <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT y.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT a <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT aacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT abreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT acircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT adieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT adieresis.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT ae <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT agrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT amacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT aring <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT aringacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT atilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT dotlessi <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT e <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT eacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT ebreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT ecaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT ecircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT edieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT edotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT egrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT emacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT germandbls <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT h <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT i <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT iacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT ibreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT icircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT idieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT igrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT imacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT itilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT kgreenlandic <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT l <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT longs <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT napostrophe <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT o <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT o.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT oacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT obreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT ocircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT odieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT odieresis.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT oe <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT oe.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT ograve <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT ohungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT omacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT otilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT r <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT racute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT rcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT rcommaaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT u <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT uacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT ubreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT ucircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT udieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT ugrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT uhungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT umacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT uring <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT utilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT y <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT y.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 a <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 aacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 abreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 acircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 adieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 adieresis.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ae <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 agrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 amacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 aring <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 aringacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 atilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 dotlessi <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 e <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 eacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ebreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ecaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ecircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 edieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 edotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 egrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 emacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 germandbls <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 h <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 i <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 iacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ibreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 icircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 idieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 igrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 imacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 itilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 kgreenlandic <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 l <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 longs <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 napostrophe <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 o <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 o.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 oacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 obreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ocircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 odieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 odieresis.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 oe <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 oe.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ograve <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ohungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 omacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 otilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 r <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 racute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 rcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 rcommaaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 u <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 uacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ubreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ucircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 udieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 ugrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 uhungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 umacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 uring <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 utilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 y <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT2 y.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 a <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 aacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 abreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 acircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 adieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 adieresis.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ae <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 agrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 amacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 aring <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 aringacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 atilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 dotlessi <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 e <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 eacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ebreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ecaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ecircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 edieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 edotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 egrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 emacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 germandbls <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 h <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 i <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 iacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ibreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 icircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 idieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 igrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 imacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 itilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 kgreenlandic <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 l <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 longs <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 napostrophe <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 o <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 o.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 oacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 obreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ocircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 odieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 odieresis.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 oe <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 oe.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ograve <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ohungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 omacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 otilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 r <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 racute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 rcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 rcommaaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 u <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 uacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ubreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ucircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 udieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 ugrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 uhungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 umacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 uring <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 utilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 y <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT3 y.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT4 a <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT4 aacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT4 abreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT4 acircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT4 adieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT4 adieresis.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ae <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT4 agrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT4 amacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT4 aring <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT4 aringacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT4 atilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT4 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT4 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT4 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT4 dotlessi <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT4 e <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT4 eacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ebreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ecaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ecircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT4 edieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT4 edotaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT4 egrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ellipsis <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT4 emacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT4 germandbls <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT4 h <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT4 i <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT4 iacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ibreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT4 icircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT4 idieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT4 igrave <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT4 imacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT4 itilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT4 kgreenlandic <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT4 l <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT4 longs <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT4 napostrophe <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT4 o <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT4 o.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT4 oacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT4 obreve <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ocircumflex <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT4 odieresis <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT4 odieresis.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT4 oe <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT4 oe.sc <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ograve <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ohungarumlaut <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT4 omacron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT4 otilde <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT4 parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT4 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT4 r <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT4 racute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT4 rcaron <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT4 rcommaaccent <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT4 u <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT4 uacute <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_UC_LEFT_ALT4 ubreve <0 0 0 0>; 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pos @Z_LC_LEFT_ALT2 eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_LC_LEFT_ALT2 exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_LC_LEFT_ALT2 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_LC_LEFT_ALT2 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_LC_LEFT_ALT2 thorn <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_LC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_LC_LEFT_ALT3 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_LC_LEFT_ALT3 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_LC_LEFT_ALT3 eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_LC_LEFT_ALT3 exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_LC_LEFT_ALT3 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_LC_LEFT_ALT3 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_LC_LEFT_ALT3 thorn <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_LC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_LC_LEFT_ALT4 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_LC_LEFT_ALT4 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_LC_LEFT_ALT4 eth <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_LC_LEFT_ALT4 exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_LC_LEFT_ALT4 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_LC_LEFT_ALT4 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_LC_LEFT_ALT4 thorn <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_SC_LEFT asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_SC_LEFT colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_SC_LEFT comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_SC_LEFT exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_SC_LEFT period <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_SC_LEFT question <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_SC_LEFT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; 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pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT2 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT2 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT2 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT2 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT2 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT2 exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT2 parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT2 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT2 question <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT2 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT2 tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT3 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT3 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT3 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT3 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT3 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT3 exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT3 parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT3 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT3 question <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT3 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT3 tbar <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT4 asterisk <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT4 braceright <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT4 bracketright <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT4 colon <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT4 comma <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT4 exclam <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT4 parenright <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT4 period <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT4 question <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT4 semicolon <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT4 tbar <0 0 0 0>; subtable; pos @A_LC_LEFT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_LC_LEFT @G_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_LC_LEFT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_LC_LEFT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_LC_LEFT @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_LC_LEFT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_LC_LEFT @S_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_LC_LEFT @T_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_LC_LEFT @V_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_LC_LEFT @V_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_LC_LEFT @W_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_LC_LEFT @W_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_LC_LEFT @X_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_LC_LEFT @Y_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_LC_LEFT @Y_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_LC_LEFT @Z_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_LC_LEFT_ALT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_LC_LEFT_ALT @DASH_ALT <0 0 0 0>; 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pos @A_SC_LEFT_ALT @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT_ALT @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT_ALT @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT_ALT @X_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT_ALT @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT_ALT @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @C_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @G_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @Q_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @S_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @A_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @X_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; 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pos @A_UC_LEFT_TITLING @Y_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; subtable; pos @B_LC_LEFT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT @G_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT @S_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT @V_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT @W_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT @X_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT @Y_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT @Z_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT @DASH_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT @GUILRIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT @HYPHEN_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTELEFT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTERIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT @S_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT @X_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT @Z_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @DASH_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILRIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @HYPHEN_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTELEFT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @S_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @X_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @Z_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @DASH_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @GUILRIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @HYPHEN_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTELEFT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @S_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @X_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @Z_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @DASH_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @GUILRIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @HYPHEN_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTELEFT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTERIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @S_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @X_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @Z_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT @A_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT @OSLASH_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT @S_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT @V_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT @W_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT @Y_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT @Z_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT_ALT @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT_ALT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT_ALT @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT_ALT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT_ALT @OSLASH_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT_ALT @S_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT_ALT @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT_ALT @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT_ALT @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT_ALT @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @OSLASH_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @S_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @OSLASH_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @S_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @OSLASH_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @S_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT @A_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT @A_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT @AE_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT @B_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT @B_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT @C_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT @H_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT @H_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT @T_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT @Y_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT @A_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT @AE_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT @B_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT @B_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT @C_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT @H_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT @H_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @A_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @AE_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @B_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @B_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @C_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @H_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @H_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @A_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @AE_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @B_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @B_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @C_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @H_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @H_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @A_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @AE_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @B_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @B_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @C_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @H_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @H_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @B_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; subtable; pos @C_LC_LEFT @A_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT @C_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT @D_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT @E_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT @H_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT @K_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT @L_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT @O_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT @Q_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT @S_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT @T_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT @T_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT @U_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT @V_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT @V_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT @W_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT @W_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT @Y_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT @Y_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT @C_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT @D_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT @DASH_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT @GUILRIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT @H_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT @K_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT @L_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT @Q_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTELEFT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTERIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT @S_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT @T_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT @U_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT @V_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT @W_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT @Y_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @C_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @D_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @DASH_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILRIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @H_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @K_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @L_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @Q_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTELEFT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @S_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @T_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @U_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @V_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @W_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @Y_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @C_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @D_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @DASH_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @GUILRIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @H_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @K_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @L_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @Q_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTELEFT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @S_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @T_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @U_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @V_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @W_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @Y_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @C_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @D_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; 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pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @W_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @Y_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT @A_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT @C_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT @O_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT @OSLASH_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT @S_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT @T_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT @Y_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT_ALT @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT_ALT @C_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT_ALT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT_ALT @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT_ALT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT_ALT @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT_ALT @OSLASH_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT_ALT @S_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT_ALT @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT_ALT @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @C_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @OSLASH_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @S_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @C_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @OSLASH_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @S_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @C_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @OSLASH_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @S_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT @A_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT @G_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT @O_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT @Y_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT_ALT @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT_ALT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT_ALT @G_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT_ALT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT_ALT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT_ALT @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT_ALT @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @G_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @G_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @G_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT_TITLING @C_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT_TITLING @G_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT_TITLING @O_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; pos @C_UC_LEFT_TITLING @Q_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; subtable; pos @D_LC_LEFT @A_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT @G_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT @V_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT @W_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT @Y_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT @Z_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT @DASH_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT @GUILRIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT @HYPHEN_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTELEFT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTERIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT @Z_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @DASH_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILRIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @HYPHEN_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTELEFT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @Z_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @DASH_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @GUILRIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @HYPHEN_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTELEFT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @Z_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_SC_LEFT @A_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_SC_LEFT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_SC_LEFT @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_SC_LEFT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_SC_LEFT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_SC_LEFT @T_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_SC_LEFT @V_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_SC_LEFT @W_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_SC_LEFT @Y_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_SC_LEFT @Z_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_SC_LEFT_ALT @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_SC_LEFT_ALT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_SC_LEFT_ALT @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_SC_LEFT_ALT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_SC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_SC_LEFT_ALT @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_SC_LEFT_ALT @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_SC_LEFT_ALT @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_SC_LEFT_ALT @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_SC_LEFT_ALT @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT @A_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT @E_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT @O_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT @O_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT @T_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT @U_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT @X_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT @Y_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT_ALT @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT_ALT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT_ALT @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT_ALT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT_ALT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT_ALT @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT_ALT @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT_ALT @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT_ALT @U_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT_ALT @X_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT_ALT @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @U_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @X_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @U_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @X_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @D_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; subtable; pos @DASH @A_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH @A_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH @AE_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH @B_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH @B_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH @C_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH @C_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH @D_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH @D_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH @E_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH @E_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH @F_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH @F_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH @G_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH @G_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH @H_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH @H_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH @I_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH @I_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH @J_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH @J_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH @K_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH @K_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH @L_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH @L_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH @M_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH @M_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH @N_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH @N_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH @O_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH @O_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH @P_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH @P_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH @Q_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH @Q_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH @Q_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH @R_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH @R_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH @S_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH @S_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH @T_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH @T_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH @U_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH @U_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH @V_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH @V_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH @W_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH @W_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH @X_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH @X_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH @Y_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH @Y_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH @Z_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH @Z_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT @AE_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT @B_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT @B_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT @C_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT @C_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT @D_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT @D_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT @E_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT @F_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT @F_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT @G_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT @H_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT @H_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT @I_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT @I_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT @J_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT @J_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT @K_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT @K_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT @L_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT @L_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT @M_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT @M_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT @N_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT @N_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT @P_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT @P_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT @Q_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT @Q_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT @Q_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT @R_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT @R_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT @S_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT @S_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT @T_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT @U_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT @U_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT @X_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT @X_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT @Z_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 @AE_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 @B_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 @B_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 @C_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 @C_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 @D_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 @D_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 @E_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 @F_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 @F_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 @G_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 @H_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 @H_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 @I_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 @I_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 @J_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 @J_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 @K_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 @K_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 @L_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 @L_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 @M_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 @M_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 @N_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 @N_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 @P_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 @P_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 @Q_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 @Q_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 @Q_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 @R_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 @R_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 @S_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 @S_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 @T_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 @U_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 @U_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 @X_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 @X_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 @Z_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT2 @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 @AE_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 @B_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 @B_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 @C_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 @C_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 @D_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 @D_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 @E_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 @F_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 @F_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 @G_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 @H_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 @H_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 @I_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 @I_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 @J_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 @J_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 @K_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 @K_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 @L_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 @L_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 @M_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 @M_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 @N_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 @N_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 @P_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 @P_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 @Q_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 @Q_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 @Q_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 @R_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 @R_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 @S_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 @S_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 @T_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 @U_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 @U_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 @X_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 @X_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 @Z_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT3 @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 @AE_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 @B_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 @B_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 @C_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 @C_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 @D_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 @D_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 @E_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 @F_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 @F_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 @G_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 @H_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 @H_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 @I_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 @I_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 @J_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 @J_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 @K_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 @K_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 @L_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 @L_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 @M_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 @M_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 @N_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 @N_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 @P_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 @P_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 @Q_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 @Q_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 @Q_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 @R_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 @R_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 @S_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 @S_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 @T_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 @U_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 @U_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 @X_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 @X_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 @Z_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @DASH_ALT4 @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; subtable; pos @E_LC_LEFT @A_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT @B_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT @F_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT @G_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT @H_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT @K_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT @L_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT @S_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT @T_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT @T_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT @V_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT @V_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT @W_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT @W_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT @X_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT @Y_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT @Y_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT @Z_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT @B_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT @DASH_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT @F_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT @GUILRIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT @H_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT @HYPHEN_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT @K_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT @L_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTELEFT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTERIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT @S_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT @T_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT @V_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT @W_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT @X_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT @Y_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT @Z_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @B_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @DASH_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @F_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILRIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @H_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @HYPHEN_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @K_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @L_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTELEFT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @S_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @T_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @V_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @W_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @X_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @Y_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @Z_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @B_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @DASH_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @F_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @GUILRIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @H_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @HYPHEN_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @K_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @L_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTELEFT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @S_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @T_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @V_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @W_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @X_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @Y_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @Z_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @B_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @DASH_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @F_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @GUILRIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @H_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @HYPHEN_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @K_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @L_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTELEFT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTERIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @S_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @T_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @V_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @W_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @X_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @Y_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @Z_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT @A_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT @C_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT @OSLASH_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT @S_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT @T_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT @V_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT @W_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT @X_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT @Y_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT @Z_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT_ALT @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT_ALT @C_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT_ALT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT_ALT @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT_ALT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT_ALT @OSLASH_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT_ALT @S_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT_ALT @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT_ALT @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT_ALT @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT_ALT @X_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT_ALT @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT_ALT @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @C_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @OSLASH_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @S_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @X_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @C_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @OSLASH_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @S_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @X_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @C_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @OSLASH_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @S_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @X_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT @A_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT @C_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT @D_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT @E_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT @I_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT @J_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT @O_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT @Q_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT @T_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT @U_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT @V_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT @W_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT @X_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT @Y_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT @Z_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT @C_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT @D_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT @I_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT @J_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT @Q_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT @U_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT @X_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @C_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @D_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @I_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @J_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @Q_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @U_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @X_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @C_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @D_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @I_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @J_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @Q_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @U_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @X_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @C_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @D_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @I_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @J_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @Q_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @U_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @X_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_TITLING @V_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_TITLING @W_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; pos @E_UC_LEFT_TITLING @Y_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; subtable; pos @F_LC_LEFT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT @A_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT @C_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT @G_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT @O_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT @OSLASH_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT @S_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT @T_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT @V_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT @W_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT @Y_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT @Z_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT_ALT @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT_ALT @C_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT_ALT @G_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT_ALT @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT_ALT @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT_ALT @OSLASH_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT_ALT @S_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT_ALT @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT_ALT @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT_ALT @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT_ALT @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT_ALT @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @C_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @G_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @OSLASH_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @S_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @C_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @G_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @OSLASH_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @S_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @C_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @G_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @OSLASH_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @S_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT @A_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT @AE_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT @C_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT @DASH_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT @G_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT @HYPHEN_UC <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT @O_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT @Q_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT @S_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT @T_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT @W_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT @Y_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT @Z_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT @A_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT @AE_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT @C_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT @DASH_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT @DASH_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT @G_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT @GUILRIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT @HYPHEN_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT @HYPHEN_UC <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT @O_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT @Q_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTE_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTELEFT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTERIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT @S_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT @W_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT @Y_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT @Z_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @A_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @AE_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @C_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @DASH_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @DASH_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @G_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILRIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @HYPHEN_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @HYPHEN_UC <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @O_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @Q_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTE_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTELEFT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @S_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @W_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @Y_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @Z_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @A_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @AE_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @C_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @DASH_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @DASH_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @G_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @GUILRIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @HYPHEN_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @HYPHEN_UC <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @O_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @Q_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTE_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTELEFT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @S_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @W_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @Y_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @Z_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @A_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @AE_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @C_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @DASH_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @DASH_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @G_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @GUILRIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @HYPHEN_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @HYPHEN_UC <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @O_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @Q_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTE_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTELEFT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTERIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @S_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @W_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @Y_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @Z_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_TITLING @A_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_TITLING @C_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_TITLING @G_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_TITLING @O_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_TITLING @Q_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_TITLING @S_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_TITLING @T_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_TITLING @W_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_TITLING @Y_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; pos @F_UC_LEFT_TITLING @Z_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; subtable; pos @G_LC_LEFT @A_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT @B_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT @C_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT @D_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT @E_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT @F_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT @G_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT @H_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT @J_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT @K_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT @L_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT @O_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT @P_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT @Q_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT @S_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT @T_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT @T_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT @V_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT @V_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT @W_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT @W_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT @Y_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT @Y_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT @Z_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT @B_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT @C_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT @D_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT @DASH_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT @F_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT @GUILRIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT @H_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT @HYPHEN_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT @J_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT @K_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT @L_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT @P_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT @Q_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTELEFT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTERIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT @S_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT @T_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT @V_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT @W_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT @Y_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT @Z_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @B_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @C_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @D_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @DASH_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @F_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILRIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @H_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @HYPHEN_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @J_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @K_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @L_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @P_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @Q_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTELEFT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @S_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @T_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @V_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @W_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @Y_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @Z_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @B_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @C_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @D_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @DASH_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @F_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @GUILRIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @H_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @HYPHEN_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @J_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @K_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @L_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @P_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @Q_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTELEFT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @S_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @T_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @V_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @W_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @Y_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @Z_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @B_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @C_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @D_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @DASH_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @F_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @GUILRIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @H_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @HYPHEN_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @J_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @K_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @L_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @P_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @Q_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTELEFT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTERIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @S_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @T_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @V_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @W_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @Y_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @Z_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT @A_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT @C_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT @G_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT @O_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT @S_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT @T_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT @V_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT @W_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT @Y_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT @Z_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT @C_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT @G_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT @S_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @C_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @G_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @S_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @C_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @G_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @S_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @C_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @G_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @S_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT @A_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT @O_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT @W_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT @X_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT @Y_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT_ALT @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT_ALT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT_ALT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT_ALT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT_ALT @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT_ALT @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT_ALT @X_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT_ALT @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @X_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @X_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @X_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @G_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; subtable; pos @GUILLEFT @A_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT @B_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT @F_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT @H_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT @K_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT @L_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT @T_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT @V_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT @W_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT @X_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT @Y_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT @Z_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT @B_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT @F_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT @H_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT @K_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT @L_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT @X_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT @Z_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT2 @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT2 @B_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT2 @F_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT2 @H_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT2 @K_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT2 @L_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT2 @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT2 @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT2 @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT2 @X_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT2 @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT2 @Z_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT3 @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT3 @B_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT3 @F_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT3 @H_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT3 @K_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT3 @L_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT3 @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT3 @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT3 @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT3 @X_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT3 @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT3 @Z_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT4 @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT4 @B_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT4 @F_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT4 @H_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT4 @K_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT4 @L_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT4 @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT4 @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT4 @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT4 @X_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT4 @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILLEFT_ALT4 @Z_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT @B_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT @T_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT @V_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT @W_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT @Y_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT @B_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT @V_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT @W_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT @Y_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT2 @B_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT2 @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT2 @V_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT2 @W_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT2 @Y_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT3 @B_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT3 @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT3 @V_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT3 @W_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT3 @Y_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT4 @B_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT4 @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT4 @V_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT4 @W_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @GUILRIGHT_ALT4 @Y_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; subtable; pos @H_LC_LEFT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT @T_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT @V_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT @V_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT @W_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT @W_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT @Y_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT @Y_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT @DASH_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT @GUILRIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT @HYPHEN_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTELEFT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTERIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT @V_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT @W_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT @Y_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @DASH_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILRIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @HYPHEN_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTELEFT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @V_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @W_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @Y_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @DASH_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @GUILRIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @HYPHEN_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTELEFT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @V_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @W_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @Y_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @DASH_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @GUILRIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @HYPHEN_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTELEFT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTERIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @V_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @W_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @Y_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_SC_LEFT @A_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_SC_LEFT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_SC_LEFT @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_SC_LEFT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_SC_LEFT @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_SC_LEFT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_SC_LEFT @T_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_SC_LEFT @Y_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_SC_LEFT_ALT @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_SC_LEFT_ALT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_SC_LEFT_ALT @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_SC_LEFT_ALT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_SC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_SC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_SC_LEFT_ALT @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_SC_LEFT_ALT @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; 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pos @H_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @I_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @U_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @H_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; subtable; pos @HYPHEN @A_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN @A_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN @AE_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN @C_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN @D_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN @E_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN @F_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN @G_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN @J_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN @O_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN @Q_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN @S_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN @T_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN @T_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN @V_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN @V_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN @W_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN @W_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN @X_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN @X_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN @Y_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN @Y_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN @Z_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN @Z_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT @AE_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT @C_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT @D_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT @F_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT @J_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT @Q_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT @S_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT @T_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT @X_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT @X_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT @Z_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT2 @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT2 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT2 @AE_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT2 @C_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT2 @D_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT2 @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT2 @F_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT2 @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT2 @J_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT2 @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT2 @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT2 @Q_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT2 @S_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT2 @T_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT2 @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT2 @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT2 @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT2 @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT2 @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT2 @X_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT2 @X_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT2 @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT2 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT2 @Z_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT2 @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT3 @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT3 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT3 @AE_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT3 @C_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT3 @D_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT3 @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT3 @F_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT3 @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT3 @J_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT3 @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT3 @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT3 @Q_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT3 @S_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT3 @T_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT3 @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT3 @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT3 @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT3 @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT3 @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT3 @X_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT3 @X_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT3 @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT3 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT3 @Z_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT3 @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT4 @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT4 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT4 @AE_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT4 @C_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT4 @D_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT4 @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT4 @F_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT4 @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT4 @J_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT4 @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT4 @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT4 @Q_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT4 @S_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT4 @T_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT4 @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT4 @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT4 @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT4 @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT4 @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT4 @X_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT4 @X_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT4 @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT4 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT4 @Z_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @HYPHEN_ALT4 @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; subtable; pos @I_LC_LEFT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT @G_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT @J_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT @T_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT @V_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT @V_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT @W_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT @W_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT @Y_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT @Y_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT @Z_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT_ALT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT_ALT @DASH_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT_ALT @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT_ALT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT_ALT @GUILRIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT_ALT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT_ALT @HYPHEN_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT_ALT @J_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTELEFT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTERIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT_ALT @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT_ALT @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT_ALT @V_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT_ALT @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT_ALT @W_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT_ALT @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT_ALT @Y_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT_ALT @Z_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @DASH_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILRIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @HYPHEN_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @J_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTELEFT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @V_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @W_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; 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pos @I_SC_LEFT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_SC_LEFT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_SC_LEFT @T_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_SC_LEFT @V_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_SC_LEFT @W_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_SC_LEFT @Z_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_SC_LEFT_ALT @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_SC_LEFT_ALT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_SC_LEFT_ALT @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_SC_LEFT_ALT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_SC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_SC_LEFT_ALT @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_SC_LEFT_ALT @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_SC_LEFT_ALT @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_SC_LEFT_ALT @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; 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pos @I_UC_LEFT_ALT @T_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_UC_LEFT_ALT @X_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_UC_LEFT_ALT @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @C_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @D_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @P_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @Q_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @S_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @T_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @X_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @I_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; 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pos @J_SC_LEFT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_SC_LEFT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_SC_LEFT @Y_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_SC_LEFT_ALT @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_SC_LEFT_ALT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_SC_LEFT_ALT @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_SC_LEFT_ALT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_SC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_SC_LEFT_ALT @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT @A_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT @A_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT @E_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT @I_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT @K_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT @O_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT @R_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT @U_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT @Y_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT @I_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT @K_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT @R_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT @U_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @I_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @K_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @R_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @U_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @I_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @K_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @R_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @U_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @I_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @K_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @R_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @U_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @J_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; subtable; pos @K_LC_LEFT @A_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT @B_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT @C_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT @D_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT @E_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT @F_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT @G_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT @H_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT @I_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT @J_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT @K_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT @L_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT @M_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT @N_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT @O_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT @P_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT @Q_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT @R_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT @S_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT @T_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT @T_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT @U_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT @V_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT @V_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT @W_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT @W_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT @X_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT @Y_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT @Y_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT @Z_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT @B_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT @C_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT @D_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT @DASH_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT @F_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT @H_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT @HYPHEN_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT @I_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT @J_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT @K_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT @L_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT @M_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT @N_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT @P_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT @Q_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTELEFT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTERIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT @R_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT @S_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT @T_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT @U_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT @V_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT @W_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT @X_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT @Y_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT @Z_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @B_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @C_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @D_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @DASH_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @F_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @H_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @HYPHEN_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @I_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @J_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @K_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @L_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @M_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @N_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @P_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @Q_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTELEFT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @R_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @S_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @T_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @U_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @V_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @W_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @X_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @Y_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @Z_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @B_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @C_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @D_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @DASH_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @F_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @H_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @HYPHEN_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @I_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @J_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @K_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @L_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @M_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @N_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @P_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @Q_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTELEFT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @R_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @S_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @T_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @U_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @V_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @W_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @X_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @Y_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @Z_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @B_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @C_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @D_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @DASH_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @F_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @H_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @HYPHEN_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @I_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @J_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @K_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @L_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @M_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @N_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @P_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @Q_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTELEFT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTERIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @R_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @S_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @T_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @U_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @V_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @W_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @X_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @Y_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @Z_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT @A_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT @C_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT @G_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT @O_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT @OSLASH_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT @S_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT @T_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT @U_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT @V_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT @W_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT @X_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT @Y_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT @Z_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT @C_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT @G_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT @OSLASH_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT @S_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT @U_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT @X_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @C_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @G_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @OSLASH_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @S_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @U_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @X_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @C_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @G_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @OSLASH_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @S_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @U_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @X_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @C_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @G_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @OSLASH_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @S_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @U_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @X_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT @A_LC_RIGHT<0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT @A_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT @A_SC_RIGHT<0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT @C_LC_RIGHT<0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT @D_LC_RIGHT<0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT @E_LC_RIGHT<0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT @G_LC_RIGHT<0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT @O_LC_RIGHT<0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT @O_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT @O_SC_RIGHT<0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT @Q_LC_RIGHT<0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT @Q_SC_RIGHT<0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT @V_LC_RIGHT<0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT @W_LC_RIGHT<0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT @W_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT @W_SC_RIGHT<0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT @Y_LC_RIGHT<0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT @Y_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT @Y_SC_RIGHT<0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT @C_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT @D_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT @Q_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @C_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @D_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @Q_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @C_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @D_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @Q_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @C_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @D_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @Q_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_TITLING @C_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_TITLING @G_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_TITLING @O_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; pos @K_UC_LEFT_TITLING @Q_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; subtable; pos @L_LC_LEFT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT @G_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT @V_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT @W_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT @Y_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT @Z_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT_ALT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT_ALT @DASH_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT_ALT @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT_ALT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT_ALT @GUILRIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT_ALT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT_ALT @HYPHEN_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTERIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT_ALT @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT_ALT @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT_ALT @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT_ALT @Z_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @DASH_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILRIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @HYPHEN_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @Z_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @DASH_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @GUILRIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @HYPHEN_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @Z_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @DASH_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @GUILRIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @HYPHEN_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTERIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @Z_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT @C_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT @G_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT @O_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT @OSLASH_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT @Q_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT @V_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT @W_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT @Y_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT @Z_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT @C_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT @G_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT @OSLASH_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT @Q_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @C_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @G_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @OSLASH_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @Q_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @C_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @G_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @OSLASH_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @Q_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @C_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @G_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @OSLASH_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @Q_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT @A_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT @A_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT @C_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT @E_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT @I_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT @M_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT @O_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT @O_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT @Q_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT @S_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT @T_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT @U_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT @Y_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT @C_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT @I_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT @M_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT @Q_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT @S_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT @U_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @C_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @I_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @M_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @Q_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @S_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @U_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @C_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @I_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @M_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @Q_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @S_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @U_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @C_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @I_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @M_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @Q_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @S_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @U_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_TITLING @A_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_TITLING @C_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_TITLING @G_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_TITLING @O_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_TITLING @Q_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_TITLING @QUOTELEFT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_TITLING @T_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_TITLING @U_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_TITLING @V_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_TITLING @W_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; pos @L_UC_LEFT_TITLING @Y_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; subtable; pos @M_LC_LEFT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT @G_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT @T_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT @V_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT @V_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT @W_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT @W_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT @Y_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT @Y_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT @Z_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT @DASH_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT @GUILRIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT @HYPHEN_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTELEFT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTERIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT @V_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT @W_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT @Y_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT @Z_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @DASH_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILRIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @HYPHEN_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTELEFT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @V_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @W_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @Y_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @Z_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @DASH_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @GUILRIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @HYPHEN_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTELEFT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @V_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @W_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @Y_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @Z_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @DASH_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @GUILRIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @HYPHEN_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTELEFT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTERIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @V_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @W_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @Y_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @Z_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_SC_LEFT @A_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_SC_LEFT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_SC_LEFT @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_SC_LEFT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_SC_LEFT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_SC_LEFT @T_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_SC_LEFT @V_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_SC_LEFT @W_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_SC_LEFT @Y_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_SC_LEFT @Z_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_SC_LEFT_ALT @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_SC_LEFT_ALT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_SC_LEFT_ALT @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_SC_LEFT_ALT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_SC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_SC_LEFT_ALT @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_SC_LEFT_ALT @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_SC_LEFT_ALT @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_SC_LEFT_ALT @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_SC_LEFT_ALT @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT @A_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT @A_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT @C_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT @D_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT @E_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT @J_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT @J_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT @N_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT @O_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT @T_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT @U_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT @Y_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT @C_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT @D_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT @J_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT @J_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT @N_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT @T_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT @U_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @C_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @D_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @J_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @J_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @N_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @T_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @U_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @C_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @D_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @J_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @J_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @N_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @T_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @U_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @C_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @D_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @J_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @J_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @N_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @T_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @U_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @M_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; subtable; pos @N_LC_LEFT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_LC_LEFT @G_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_LC_LEFT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_LC_LEFT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_LC_LEFT @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_LC_LEFT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_LC_LEFT @T_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_LC_LEFT @V_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_LC_LEFT @V_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_LC_LEFT @W_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_LC_LEFT @W_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_LC_LEFT @Y_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_LC_LEFT @Y_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_LC_LEFT @Z_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_LC_LEFT_ALT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_LC_LEFT_ALT @DASH_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_LC_LEFT_ALT @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @N_LC_LEFT_ALT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; 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pos @P_LC_LEFT @Q_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT @S_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT @V_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT @W_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT @X_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT @Y_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT @Z_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT @A_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT @B_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT @B_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT @C_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT @C_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT @D_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT @D_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT @E_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT @G_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT @GUILRIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT @O_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; 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pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTELEFT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @S_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @S_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @V_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @W_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @X_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @X_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @Y_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @Z_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @Z_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @A_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @B_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @B_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @C_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @C_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @D_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @D_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @E_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @G_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @GUILRIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @O_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @Q_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @Q_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTE_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTELEFT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @S_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @S_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @V_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @W_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @X_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @X_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @Y_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @Z_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @Z_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @A_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @B_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @B_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @C_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @C_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @D_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @D_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @E_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @G_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @GUILRIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @O_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @Q_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @Q_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTE_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTELEFT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTERIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @S_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @S_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @V_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @W_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @X_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @X_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @Y_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @Z_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @Z_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT @H_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT @W_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT_ALT @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT_ALT @C_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT_ALT @G_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT_ALT @GUILRIGHT_SC_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT_ALT @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT_ALT @OSLASH_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT_ALT @S_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT_ALT @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT_ALT @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT_ALT @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT_ALT @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT_ALT @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @C_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @G_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILRIGHT_SC_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @OSLASH_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @S_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @C_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @G_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @GUILRIGHT_SC_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @OSLASH_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @S_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @C_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @G_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @GUILRIGHT_SC_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @OSLASH_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @S_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT @A_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT @AE_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT @C_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT @DASH_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT @G_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT @HYPHEN_UC <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT @O_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT @Q_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT @S_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT @T_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT @W_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT @Y_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT @Z_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT @A_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT @AE_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT @C_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT @DASH_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT @DASH_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT @G_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT @GUILRIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT @HYPHEN_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT @HYPHEN_UC <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT @O_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT @Q_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTE_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTELEFT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTERIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT @S_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT @W_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT @Y_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT @Z_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @A_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @AE_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @C_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @DASH_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @DASH_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @G_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILRIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @HYPHEN_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @HYPHEN_UC <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @O_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @Q_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTE_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTELEFT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @S_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @W_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @Y_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @Z_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @A_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @AE_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @C_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @DASH_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @DASH_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @G_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @GUILRIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @HYPHEN_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @HYPHEN_UC <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @O_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @Q_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTE_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTELEFT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @S_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @W_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @Y_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @Z_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @A_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @AE_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @C_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @DASH_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @DASH_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @G_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @GUILRIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @HYPHEN_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @HYPHEN_UC <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @O_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @Q_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTE_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTELEFT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTERIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @S_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @W_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @Y_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @Z_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_TITLING @A_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_TITLING @C_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_TITLING @G_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_TITLING @O_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_TITLING @Q_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_TITLING @S_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_TITLING @T_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_TITLING @W_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_TITLING @Y_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; pos @P_UC_LEFT_TITLING @Z_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; subtable; pos @Q_LC_LEFT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT @GUILLEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT @T_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT @V_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT @V_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT @V_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT @W_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT @W_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT @W_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT @Y_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT @Y_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT @DASH_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT @GUILLEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT @GUILLEFT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT @GUILRIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT @HYPHEN_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTELEFT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTERIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT @V_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT @W_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT @Y_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @DASH_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILLEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILLEFT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILRIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @HYPHEN_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTELEFT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @V_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @W_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @Y_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @DASH_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @GUILLEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @GUILLEFT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @GUILRIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @HYPHEN_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTELEFT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Q_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @V_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; 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pos @QUOTE @D_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE @E_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE @E_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE @F_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE @F_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE @G_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE @G_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE @H_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE @H_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE @I_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE @I_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE @J_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE @J_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE @K_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE @K_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE @L_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE @L_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE @M_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE @M_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE @O_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE @O_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE @P_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE @P_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE @Q_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE @Q_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE @R_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE @R_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE @S_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE @S_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE @T_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE @T_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE @U_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE @U_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE @V_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE @V_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE @W_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE @W_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE @X_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE @X_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE @Y_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE @Y_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE @Z_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE @Z_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT @A_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT @B_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT @B_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT @C_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT @C_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT @D_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT @D_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT @E_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT @F_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT @F_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT @G_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT @H_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT @H_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT @I_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT @I_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT @J_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT @J_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT @K_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT @K_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT @L_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT @L_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT @M_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT @M_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT @O_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT @P_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT @P_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT @Q_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT @Q_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT @R_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT @R_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT @S_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT @S_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT @T_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT @U_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT @U_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT @V_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT @W_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT @X_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT @X_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT @Y_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT @Z_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT @Z_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT2 @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT2 @A_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT2 @B_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT2 @B_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT2 @C_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT2 @C_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT2 @D_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT2 @D_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT2 @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT2 @E_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT2 @F_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT2 @F_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT2 @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT2 @G_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT2 @H_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT2 @H_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT2 @I_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT2 @I_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT2 @J_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT2 @J_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT2 @K_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT2 @K_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT2 @L_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT2 @L_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT2 @M_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT2 @M_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT2 @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT2 @O_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT2 @P_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT2 @P_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT2 @Q_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT2 @Q_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT2 @R_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT2 @R_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT2 @S_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT2 @S_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT2 @T_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT2 @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT2 @U_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT2 @U_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT2 @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT2 @V_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT2 @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT2 @W_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT2 @X_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT2 @X_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT2 @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT2 @Y_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT2 @Z_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT2 @Z_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT3 @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT3 @A_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT3 @B_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT3 @B_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT3 @C_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT3 @C_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT3 @D_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT3 @D_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT3 @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT3 @E_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT3 @F_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT3 @F_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT3 @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT3 @G_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT3 @H_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT3 @H_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT3 @I_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT3 @I_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT3 @J_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT3 @J_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT3 @K_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT3 @K_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT3 @L_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT3 @L_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT3 @M_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT3 @M_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT3 @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT3 @O_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT3 @P_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT3 @P_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT3 @Q_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT3 @Q_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT3 @R_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT3 @R_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT3 @S_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT3 @S_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT3 @T_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT3 @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT3 @U_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT3 @U_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT3 @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT3 @V_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT3 @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT3 @W_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT3 @X_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT3 @X_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT3 @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT3 @Y_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT3 @Z_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT3 @Z_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT4 @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT4 @A_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT4 @B_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT4 @B_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT4 @C_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT4 @C_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT4 @D_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT4 @D_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT4 @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT4 @E_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT4 @F_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT4 @F_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT4 @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT4 @G_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT4 @H_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT4 @H_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT4 @I_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT4 @I_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT4 @J_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT4 @J_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT4 @K_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT4 @K_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT4 @L_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT4 @L_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT4 @M_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT4 @M_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT4 @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT4 @O_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT4 @P_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT4 @P_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT4 @Q_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT4 @Q_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT4 @R_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT4 @R_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT4 @S_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT4 @S_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT4 @T_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT4 @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT4 @U_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT4 @U_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT4 @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT4 @V_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT4 @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT4 @W_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT4 @X_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT4 @X_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT4 @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT4 @Y_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT4 @Z_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_ALT4 @Z_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; 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pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT2 @X_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT2 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT2 @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT3 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT3 @B_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT3 @C_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT3 @D_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT3 @E_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT3 @F_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT3 @G_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT3 @H_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT3 @I_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT3 @J_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT3 @K_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT3 @L_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT3 @M_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT3 @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT3 @P_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT3 @Q_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT3 @R_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT3 @S_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT3 @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT3 @U_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT3 @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT3 @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT3 @X_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT3 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT3 @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT4 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT4 @B_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT4 @C_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT4 @D_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT4 @E_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT4 @F_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT4 @G_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT4 @H_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT4 @I_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT4 @J_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT4 @K_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT4 @L_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT4 @M_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT4 @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT4 @P_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT4 @Q_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT4 @R_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT4 @S_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT4 @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT4 @U_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT4 @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT4 @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT4 @X_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT4 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTE_SC_ALT4 @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; subtable; pos @QUOTELEFT @A_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT @C_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT @D_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT @E_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT @F_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT @G_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT @M_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT @M_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT @N_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT @O_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT @P_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT @Q_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT @R_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT @S_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT @T_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT @U_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT @V_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT @V_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT @W_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT @X_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT @Y_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT @Z_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT @C_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT @D_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT @F_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT @M_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT @M_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT @N_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT @P_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT @Q_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT @R_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT @S_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT @T_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT @U_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT @W_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT @X_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT @Y_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT @Z_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT2 @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT2 @C_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT2 @D_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT2 @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT2 @F_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT2 @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT2 @M_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT2 @M_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT2 @N_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT2 @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT2 @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT2 @P_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT2 @Q_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT2 @R_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT2 @S_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT2 @T_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT2 @U_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT2 @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT2 @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT2 @W_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT2 @X_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT2 @Y_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT2 @Z_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT3 @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT3 @C_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT3 @D_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT3 @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT3 @F_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT3 @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT3 @M_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT3 @M_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT3 @N_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT3 @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT3 @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT3 @P_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT3 @Q_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT3 @R_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT3 @S_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT3 @T_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT3 @U_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT3 @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT3 @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT3 @W_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT3 @X_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT3 @Y_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT3 @Z_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT4 @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT4 @C_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT4 @D_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT4 @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT4 @F_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT4 @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT4 @M_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT4 @M_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT4 @N_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT4 @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT4 @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT4 @P_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT4 @Q_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT4 @R_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT4 @S_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT4 @T_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT4 @U_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT4 @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT4 @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT4 @W_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT4 @X_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT4 @Y_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTELEFT_ALT4 @Z_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; subtable; pos @QUOTERIGHT @A_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT @A_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT @C_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT @D_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT @E_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT @F_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT @F_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT @G_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT @M_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT @M_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT @N_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT @O_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT @P_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT @P_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT @Q_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT @Q_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT @R_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT @S_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT @T_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT @T_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT @V_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT @V_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT @W_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT @W_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT @X_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT @X_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT @Y_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT @Y_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT @Z_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT @Z_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT @C_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT @D_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT @F_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT @F_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT @M_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT @M_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT @N_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT @P_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT @P_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT @Q_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT @Q_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT @R_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT @S_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT @T_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT @X_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT @X_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT @Z_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 @C_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 @D_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 @F_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 @F_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 @M_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 @M_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 @N_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 @P_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 @P_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 @Q_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 @Q_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; 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pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 @M_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 @M_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 @N_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 @P_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 @P_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 @Q_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 @Q_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 @R_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 @S_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 @T_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 @X_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 @X_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; 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pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @L_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @L_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @M_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @M_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @M_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @N_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @N_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @N_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @O_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @O_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @O_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @OSLASH_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @OSLASH_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @P_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @P_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @P_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @Q_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @Q_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @Q_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @R_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @R_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @R_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @S_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @S_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @S_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @T_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @T_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @T_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @U_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @U_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @U_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @U_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @V_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @V_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @V_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @W_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @W_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @W_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @X_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @X_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @X_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @Y_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @Y_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @Y_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @Z_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @Z_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @Z_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_TITLING @C_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_TITLING @G_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_TITLING @O_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_TITLING @Q_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_TITLING @T_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_TITLING @V_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_TITLING @W_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; pos @R_UC_LEFT_TITLING @Y_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; subtable; pos @S_LC_LEFT @A_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT @F_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT @G_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT @S_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT @T_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT @T_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT @V_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT @V_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT @W_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT @W_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT @Y_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT @Y_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT @Z_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT @DASH_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT @F_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT @GUILRIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT @HYPHEN_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTELEFT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTERIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT @S_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT @T_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT @V_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT @W_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT @Y_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT @Z_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @DASH_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @F_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILRIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @HYPHEN_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTELEFT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @S_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @T_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @V_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @W_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @Y_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @Z_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @DASH_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @F_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @GUILRIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @HYPHEN_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTELEFT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTERIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @S_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @T_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @V_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @W_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @Y_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @Z_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @DASH_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @F_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @GUILRIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @HYPHEN_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTELEFT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTERIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @S_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @T_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @V_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @W_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @Y_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @Z_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT @A_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT @S_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT @T_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT @V_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT @W_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT @Y_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT @Z_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT_ALT @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT_ALT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT_ALT @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT_ALT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT_ALT @S_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT_ALT @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT_ALT @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT_ALT @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT_ALT @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT_ALT @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @S_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @S_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @S_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT @A_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT @C_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT @C_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT @E_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT @E_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT @H_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT @H_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT @I_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT @I_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT @J_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT @J_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT @L_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT @L_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT @O_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT @O_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT @Q_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT @Q_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT @T_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT @U_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT @V_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT @W_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT @Y_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT @C_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT @C_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT @E_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT @H_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT @H_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT @I_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT @I_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT @J_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT @J_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT @L_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT @L_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT @Q_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT @Q_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT @U_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @C_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @C_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @E_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @H_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @H_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @I_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @I_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @J_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @J_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @L_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @L_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @Q_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @Q_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @U_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @C_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @C_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @E_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @H_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @H_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @I_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @I_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @J_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @J_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @L_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @L_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @Q_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @Q_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @U_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @C_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @C_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @E_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @H_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @H_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @I_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @I_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @J_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @J_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @L_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @L_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @Q_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @Q_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @U_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @S_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; subtable; pos @T_LC_LEFT @A_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT @B_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT @C_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT @D_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT @E_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT @F_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT @G_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT @O_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT @Q_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT @S_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT @V_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT @W_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT @X_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT @Y_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT @Z_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_SC_LEFT @A_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_SC_LEFT @C_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_SC_LEFT @G_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_SC_LEFT @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_SC_LEFT @O_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_SC_LEFT @OSLASH_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_SC_LEFT @S_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_SC_LEFT @T_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_SC_LEFT @V_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_SC_LEFT @W_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_SC_LEFT @Y_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_SC_LEFT @Z_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_SC_LEFT_ALT @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_SC_LEFT_ALT @C_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_SC_LEFT_ALT @G_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_SC_LEFT_ALT @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_SC_LEFT_ALT @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_SC_LEFT_ALT @OSLASH_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_SC_LEFT_ALT @S_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_SC_LEFT_ALT @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_SC_LEFT_ALT @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_SC_LEFT_ALT @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_SC_LEFT_ALT @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_SC_LEFT_ALT @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @C_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @G_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @OSLASH_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @S_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @C_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @G_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; 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pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @S_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @W_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @Y_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @Z_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_TITLING @A_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_TITLING @C_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_TITLING @G_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_TITLING @O_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_TITLING @Q_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_TITLING @S_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_TITLING @T_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_TITLING @W_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_TITLING @Y_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; pos @T_UC_LEFT_TITLING @Z_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; subtable; pos @U_LC_LEFT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT @G_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT @T_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT @V_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT @V_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT @W_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT @W_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT @X_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT @Y_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT @Y_UC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT @Z_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT @DASH_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT @GUILRIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT @HYPHEN_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTELEFT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTERIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT @V_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT @W_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT @X_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT @Y_UC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT @Z_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @DASH_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILRIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @HYPHEN_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTELEFT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTERIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @V_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @W_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @X_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @Y_UC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; 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pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @GUILRIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @HYPHEN_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTELEFT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTERIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @V_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @V_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @W_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @X_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @Y_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @Z_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_SC_LEFT @A_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_SC_LEFT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_SC_LEFT @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_SC_LEFT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_SC_LEFT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_SC_LEFT @T_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_SC_LEFT @V_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_SC_LEFT @W_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_SC_LEFT @X_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_SC_LEFT @Y_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_SC_LEFT @Z_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_SC_LEFT_ALT @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_SC_LEFT_ALT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_SC_LEFT_ALT @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_SC_LEFT_ALT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_SC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_SC_LEFT_ALT @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_SC_LEFT_ALT @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_SC_LEFT_ALT @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_SC_LEFT_ALT @X_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_SC_LEFT_ALT @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_SC_LEFT_ALT @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @X_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @X_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @T_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @V_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @X_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT @A_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT @C_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT @C_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT @D_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT @G_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT @I_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT @M_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT @N_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT @O_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT @P_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT @R_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT @S_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT @S_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT @V_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT @W_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT @X_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT @Y_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; 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pos @U_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @X_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @U_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @Z_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; subtable; pos @V_LC_LEFT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @V_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; 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pos @X_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @E_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @G_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @U_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @W_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_UC_LEFT_TITLING @C_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_UC_LEFT_TITLING @G_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_UC_LEFT_TITLING @O_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_UC_LEFT_TITLING @Q_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; pos @X_UC_LEFT_TITLING @QUOTELEFT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; subtable; pos @Y_LC_LEFT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Y_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; 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pos @Z_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @U_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @V_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @W_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @Y_UC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_LC_LEFT_ALT3 @Z_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @A_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @B_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @C_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @D_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @DASH_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @E_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @G_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @GUILRIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @HYPHEN_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @I_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @O_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @OSLASH_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @Q_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTELEFT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTERIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @S_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @T_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @U_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @V_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @W_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @Y_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @Y_UC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_LC_LEFT_ALT4 @Z_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_SC_LEFT @A_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_SC_LEFT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_SC_LEFT @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_SC_LEFT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_SC_LEFT @O_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_SC_LEFT @OSLASH_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_SC_LEFT @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_SC_LEFT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_SC_LEFT @Y_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_SC_LEFT_ALT @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_SC_LEFT_ALT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_SC_LEFT_ALT @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_SC_LEFT_ALT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_SC_LEFT_ALT @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_SC_LEFT_ALT @OSLASH_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_SC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_SC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_SC_LEFT_ALT @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @OSLASH_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_SC_LEFT_ALT2 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @OSLASH_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_SC_LEFT_ALT3 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @GUILRIGHT_SC <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @OSLASH_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_SC_LEFT_ALT4 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT @A_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT @E_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT @I_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT @O_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT @U_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT @W_LC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT @W_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT @Y_SC_RIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT @E_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT @I_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT @U_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @E_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @I_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @U_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT2 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT2 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @E_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @I_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @U_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT3 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT3 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @A_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @DASH <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @E_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @GUILRIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @HYPHEN <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @I_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @O_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTE <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTELEFT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @QUOTERIGHT <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @U_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @W_LC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @W_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_ALT4 @Y_SC_RIGHT_ALT4 <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_TITLING @A_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_TITLING @C_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_TITLING @G_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_TITLING @O_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; pos @Z_UC_LEFT_TITLING @Q_UC_RIGHT_TITLING <0 0 0 0>; } feature_kern_run0; feature kern { lookup feature_kern_run0; } kern;;