### begin class file "Z:\Users\frankeblokland\Desktop\Test_17042016\23-04-2016\DTL.cla" # Kern classes # version 1.2 # Last update: 26 April 2016 # © Dutch Type Library # Currently supports: Latin # f-based ligatures: ff f_f_f fi ffi fl ffl f_b f_f_b f_h f_f_h f_j f_f_j f_k f_f_k f_r f_t f_f_t f_adieresis f_f_adieresis f_odieresis f_f_odieresis f_udieresis f_f_udieresis # longs-based ligatures: longs_b longs_f longs_h longs_i longs_longs_i longs_f_i longs_j longs_f_j longs_k longs_l longs_f_l longs_longs_l longs_t longs_longs longs_adieresis longs_odieresis longs_udieresis # discretionary ligatures: a_s e_s i_s u_s g_g g_y c_h c_h.alt c_k c_k.alt c_t s_l s_h s_k s_p s_t t_h t_t c_l # Note: 'LEFT' means left side of the letter (so, it will be placed at the right side of the preceding one) and hence 'RIGHT' the right side # Note: to prevent complex enumerating for precomposed characters with diacritics, the RIGHT classes for F, P, T, V, W, and X are disabled # Note: of every base letter there are LEFT and RIGHT classes: these can be identical # Note: no classes (yet) for similar stems and curves, because that requires a uniform design approach in all fonts Ğirrespective of being roman or italic # Note: the 'Convert plain kern file to class kern' Applescript can be used to convert plain kerning files into class kerning # -------------------------- #A @A_LC_LEFT = [a a_s aacute acircumflex adieresis agrave aring atilde abreve amacron aogonek adotbelow ahook acircumflexacute acircumflexgrave acircumflexhook acircumflextilde acircumflexdotbelow abreveacute abrevegrave abrevehook abrevetilde abrevedotbelow aringacute]; @A_LC_RIGHT = [a f_adieresis f_f_adieresis longs_adieresis aacute acircumflex adieresis agrave aring atilde abreve amacron aogonek adotbelow ahook acircumflexacute acircumflexgrave acircumflexhook acircumflextilde acircumflexdotbelow abreveacute abrevegrave abrevehook abrevetilde abrevedotbelow aringacute]; @A_SC_LEFT = [a.sc aeacute.sc Aeacute.sc abreve.sc Abreve.sc amacron.sc Amacron.sc aogonek.sc Aogonek.sc A.sc agrave.sc Agrave.sc aacute.sc Aacute.sc acircumflex.sc Acircumflex.sc atilde.sc Atilde.sc adieresis.sc Adieresis.sc aring.sc Aring.sc adotbelow.sc ahook.sc acircumflexacute.sc acircumflexgrave.sc acircumflexhook.sc acircumflextilde.sc acircumflexdotbelow.sc abreveacute.sc abrevegrave.sc abrevehook.sc abrevetilde.sc abrevedotbelow.sc Adotbelow.sc Ahook.sc Acircumflexacute.sc Acircumflexgrave.sc Acircumflexhook.sc Acircumflextilde.sc Acircumflexdotbelow.sc Abreveacute.sc Abrevegrave.sc Abrevehook.sc Abrevedotbelow.sc Abrevetilde.sc aringacute.sc Aringacute.sc]; @A_SC_RIGHT = [a.sc abreve.sc Abreve.sc amacron.sc Amacron.sc aogonek.sc Aogonek.sc A.sc agrave.sc Agrave.sc aacute.sc Aacute.sc acircumflex.sc Acircumflex.sc atilde.sc Atilde.sc adieresis.sc Adieresis.sc aring.sc Aring.sc adotbelow.sc ahook.sc acircumflexacute.sc acircumflexgrave.sc acircumflexhook.sc acircumflextilde.sc acircumflexdotbelow.sc abreveacute.sc abrevegrave.sc abrevehook.sc abrevetilde.sc abrevedotbelow.sc Adotbelow.sc Ahook.sc Acircumflexacute.sc Acircumflexgrave.sc Acircumflexhook.sc Acircumflextilde.sc Acircumflexdotbelow.sc Abreveacute.sc Abrevegrave.sc Abrevehook.sc Abrevedotbelow.sc Abrevetilde.sc aringacute.sc Aringacute.sc]; @A_UC_LEFT = [A Aacute Acircumflex Adieresis Agrave Aring Atilde Abreve Amacron Aogonek Adotbelow Ahook Acircumflexacute Acircumflexgrave Acircumflexhook Acircumflextilde Acircumflexdotbelow Abreveacute Abrevegrave Abrevehook Abrevetilde Abrevedotbelow Aringacute]; @A_UC_RIGHT = [A Aacute Acircumflex Adieresis Agrave Aring Atilde Abreve Amacron Aogonek Adotbelow Ahook Acircumflexacute Acircumflexgrave Acircumflexhook Acircumflextilde Acircumflexdotbelow Abreveacute Abrevegrave Abrevehook Abrevetilde Abrevedotbelow Aringacute]; #B @B_LC_LEFT = [b]; @B_LC_RIGHT = [b f_b f_f_b longs_b]; @B_SC_LEFT = [b.sc B.sc]; @B_SC_RIGHT = [b.sc B.sc]; @B_UC_LEFT = [B]; @B_UC_RIGHT = [B]; #C @C_LC_LEFT = [c c_h c_h.alt c_k c_k.alt c_t ccedilla cacute ccaron ccircumflex cdotaccent]; @C_LC_RIGHT = [c ccedilla cacute ccaron ccircumflex cdotaccent]; @C_SC_LEFT = [c.sc cacute.sc Cacute.sc ccaron.sc Ccaron.sc ccircumflex.sc Ccircumflex.sc cdotaccent.sc Cdotaccent.sc C.sc ccedilla.sc Ccedilla.sc]; @C_SC_RIGHT = [c.sc cacute.sc Cacute.sc ccaron.sc Ccaron.sc ccircumflex.sc Ccircumflex.sc cdotaccent.sc Cdotaccent.sc C.sc ccedilla.sc Ccedilla.sc]; @C_UC_LEFT = [C Ccedilla Cacute Ccaron Ccircumflex Cdotaccent]; @C_UC_RIGHT = [C Ccedilla Cacute Ccaron Ccircumflex Cdotaccent]; #D @D_LC_LEFT = [d dcaron dcroat]; @D_LC_RIGHT = [d]; @D_SC_LEFT = [d.sc dcaron.sc D.sc Dcaron.sc]; @D_SC_RIGHT = [d.sc dcaron.sc dcroat.sc D.sc Dcaron.sc Dcroat.sc eth.sc Eth.sc]; @D_UC_LEFT = [D Dcaron]; @D_UC_RIGHT = [D Dcaron Dcroat Eth]; #E @E_LC_LEFT = [e e_s eacute ecircumflex edieresis egrave ebreve ecaron edotaccent emacron eogonek edotbelow ehook etilde ecircumflexacute ecircumflexgrave ecircumflexhook ecircumflextilde ecircumflexdotbelow]; @E_LC_RIGHT = [e oe eacute ecircumflex edieresis egrave ebreve ecaron edotaccent emacron eogonek edotbelow ehook etilde ecircumflexacute ecircumflexgrave ecircumflexhook ecircumflextilde ecircumflexdotbelow]; @E_SC_LEFT = [e.sc ebreve.sc Ebreve.sc ecaron.sc Ecaron.sc edotaccent.sc Edotaccent.sc emacron.sc Emacron.sc eogonek.sc Eogonek.sc E.sc egrave.sc Egrave.sc eacute.sc Eacute.sc ecircumflex.sc Ecircumflex.sc edieresis.sc Edieresis.sc edotbelow.sc ehook.sc etilde.sc ecircumflexacute.sc ecircumflexgrave.sc ecircumflexhook.sc ecircumflextilde.sc ecircumflexdotbelow.sc Edotbelow.sc Ehook.sc Etilde.sc Ecircumflexacute.sc Ecircumflexgrave.sc Ecircumflexhook.sc Ecircumflextilde.sc Ecircumflexdotbelow.sc]; @E_SC_RIGHT = [e.sc ae.sc AE.sc OE.sc Oe.sc aeacute.sc Aeacute.sc ebreve.sc Ebreve.sc ecaron.sc Ecaron.sc edotaccent.sc Edotaccent.sc emacron.sc Emacron.sc eogonek.sc Eogonek.sc E.sc egrave.sc Egrave.sc eacute.sc Eacute.sc ecircumflex.sc Ecircumflex.sc edieresis.sc Edieresis.sc edotbelow.sc ehook.sc etilde.sc ecircumflexacute.sc ecircumflexgrave.sc ecircumflexhook.sc ecircumflextilde.sc ecircumflexdotbelow.sc Edotbelow.sc Ehook.sc Etilde.sc Ecircumflexacute.sc Ecircumflexgrave.sc Ecircumflexhook.sc Ecircumflextilde.sc Ecircumflexdotbelow.sc]; @E_UC_LEFT = [E Eacute Ecircumflex Edieresis Egrave Ebreve Ecaron Edotaccent Emacron Eogonek Edotbelow Ehook Etilde Ecircumflexacute Ecircumflexgrave Ecircumflexhook Ecircumflextilde Ecircumflexdotbelow]; @E_UC_RIGHT = [E OE AE AEacute Eacute Ecircumflex Edieresis Egrave Ebreve Ecaron Edotaccent Emacron Eogonek Edotbelow Ehook Etilde Ecircumflexacute Ecircumflexgrave Ecircumflexhook Ecircumflextilde Ecircumflexdotbelow]; #F @F_LC_LEFT = [f ff f_f_f fi ffi fl ffl f_b f_f_b f_h f_f_h f_j f_f_j f_k f_f_k f_r f_t f_f_t f_adieresis f_f_adieresis f_odieresis f_f_odieresis f_udieresis f_f_udieresis fdotaccent]; @F_LC_RIGHT = [f ff f_f_f fdotaccent]; @F_SC_LEFT = [f.sc F.sc Fdotaccent.sc fdotaccent.sc]; @F_SC_RIGHT = [f.sc F.sc Fdotaccent.sc fdotaccent.sc]; @F_UC_LEFT = [F Fdotaccent]; # @F_UC_RIGHT = [F Fdotaccent]; #g @G_LC_LEFT = [g g_g g_y gbreve gcircumflex gcommaaccent gdotaccent gtilde]; @G_LC_RIGHT = [g g_g gbreve gcircumflex gcommaaccent gdotaccent gtilde]; @G_SC_LEFT = [g.sc gbreve.sc Gbreve.sc gcircumflex.sc Gcircumflex.sc gcommaaccent.sc Gcommaaccent.sc gdotaccent.sc Gdotaccent.sc G.sc gtilde.sc Gtilde.sc]; @G_SC_RIGHT = [g.sc gbreve.sc Gbreve.sc gcircumflex.sc Gcircumflex.sc gcommaaccent.sc Gcommaaccent.sc gdotaccent.sc Gdotaccent.sc G.sc gtilde.sc Gtilde.sc]; @G_UC_LEFT = [G Gbreve Gcircumflex Gcommaaccent Gdotaccent Gtilde]; @G_UC_RIGHT = [G Gbreve Gcircumflex Gcommaaccent Gdotaccent Gtilde]; #H @H_LC_LEFT = [h hcircumflex]; @H_LC_RIGHT = [h longs_h f_h f_f_h c_h c_h.alt s_h t_h hcircumflex]; @H_SC_LEFT = [h.sc H.sc hcircumflex.sc Hcircumflex.sc]; @H_SC_RIGHT = [h.sc H.sc hcircumflex.sc Hcircumflex.sc]; @H_UC_LEFT = [H Hcircumflex]; @H_UC_RIGHT = [H Hcircumflex]; #I @I_LC_LEFT = [i i_s dotlessi iacute icircumflex idieresis igrave ibreve imacron iogonek itilde ihook idotbelow]; @I_LC_RIGHT = [i fi ffi longs_i longs_longs_i dotlessi iacute icircumflex idieresis igrave ibreve imacron iogonek itilde ihook idotbelow]; @I_SC_LEFT = [i.sc I.sc ibreve.sc Ibreve.sc idotaccent.sc Idotaccent.sc imacron.sc Imacron.sc iogonek.sc Iogonek.sc itilde.sc Itilde.sc igrave.sc Igrave.sc iacute.sc Iacute.sc icircumflex.sc Icircumflex.sc idieresis.sc Idieresis.sc dotlessi.sc ihook.sc idotbelow.sc Ihook.sc Idotbelow.sc]; @I_SC_RIGHT = [i.sc I.sc ibreve.sc Ibreve.sc idotaccent.sc Idotaccent.sc imacron.sc Imacron.sc iogonek.sc Iogonek.sc itilde.sc Itilde.sc igrave.sc Igrave.sc iacute.sc Iacute.sc icircumflex.sc Icircumflex.sc idieresis.sc Idieresis.sc dotlessi.sc ihook.sc idotbelow.sc Ihook.sc Idotbelow.sc]; @I_UC_LEFT = [I Iacute Icircumflex Idieresis Igrave Ibreve Imacron Iogonek Itilde Idotaccent Ihook Idotbelow]; @I_UC_RIGHT = [I Iacute Icircumflex Idieresis Igrave Ibreve Imacron Iogonek Itilde Idotaccent Ihook Idotbelow]; #J @J_LC_LEFT = [j jcircumflex]; @J_LC_RIGHT = [j f_j f_f_j longs_j longs_f_j jcircumflex]; @J_SC_LEFT = [j.sc J.sc jcircumflex.sc Jcircumflex.sc]; @J_SC_RIGHT = [j.sc J.sc jcircumflex.sc Jcircumflex.sc]; @J_UC_LEFT = [J Jcircumflex]; @J_UC_RIGHT = [J Jcircumflex]; #K @K_LC_LEFT = [k kcommaaccent]; @K_LC_RIGHT = [k f_k f_f_k longs_k c_k c_k.alt kcommaaccent]; @K_SC_LEFT = [k.sc kcommaaccent.sc Kcommaaccent.sc K.sc]; @K_SC_RIGHT = [k.sc kcommaaccent.sc Kcommaaccent.sc K.sc]; @K_UC_LEFT = [K Kcommaaccent]; @K_UC_RIGHT = [K Kcommaaccent]; #L @L_LC_LEFT = [l lacute lcaron lcommaaccent ldot]; @L_LC_RIGHT = [l fl ffl longs_l longs_f_l longs_longs_l c_l s_l lacute lcaron ldot]; @L_SC_LEFT = [l.sc lacute.sc Lacute.sc lcaron.sc Lcaron.sc lcommaaccent.sc Lcommaaccent.sc ldot.sc Ldot.sc L.sc]; @L_SC_RIGHT = [l.sc lacute.sc Lacute.sc lcaron.sc Lcaron.sc lcommaaccent.sc Lcommaaccent.sc ldot.sc Ldot.sc L.sc]; @L_UC_LEFT = [L Lacute Lcaron Lcommaaccent Ldot]; @L_UC_RIGHT = [L Lacute Lcaron Lcommaaccent Ldot]; #M @M_LC_LEFT = [m mcircumflex]; @M_LC_RIGHT = [m mcircumflex]; @M_SC_LEFT = [m.sc M.sc mcircumflex.sc Mcircumflex.sc]; @M_SC_RIGHT = [m.sc M.sc mcircumflex.sc Mcircumflex.sc]; @M_UC_LEFT = [M Mcircumflex]; @M_UC_RIGHT = [M Mcircumflex]; #N @N_LC_LEFT = [n ntilde nacute ncaron ncommaaccent ncircumflex]; @N_LC_RIGHT = [n ntilde nacute ncaron ncommaaccent ncircumflex]; @N_SC_LEFT = [n.sc nacute.sc Nacute.sc ncaron.sc Ncaron.sc ncommaaccent.sc Ncommaaccent.sc N.sc ntilde.sc Ntilde.sc ncircumflex.sc Ncircumflex.sc]; @N_SC_RIGHT = [n.sc nacute.sc Nacute.sc ncaron.sc Ncaron.sc ncommaaccent.sc Ncommaaccent.sc N.sc ntilde.sc Ntilde.sc ncircumflex.sc Ncircumflex.sc]; @N_UC_LEFT = [N Ntilde Nacute Ncaron Ncommaaccent Ncircumflex]; @N_UC_RIGHT = [N Ntilde Nacute Ncaron Ncommaaccent Ncircumflex]; #O @O_LC_LEFT = [o oe ohorn ohornacute ohorngrave ohornhook ohorntilde ohorndotbelow oslash oslashacute oacute ocircumflex odieresis ograve otilde obreve ohungarumlaut omacron odotbelow ohook ocircumflexacute ocircumflexgrave ocircumflexhook ocircumflextilde ocircumflexdotbelow]; @O_LC_RIGHT = [o oslash oslashacute oacute ocircumflex odieresis ograve otilde obreve ohungarumlaut omacron odotbelow ohook ocircumflexacute ocircumflexgrave ocircumflexhook ocircumflextilde ocircumflexdotbelow]; @O_SC_LEFT = [o.sc oe.sc obreve.sc Obreve.sc ohungarumlaut.sc Ohungarumlaut.sc omacron.sc Omacron.sc oslashacute.sc Oslashacute.sc O.sc ograve.sc Ograve.sc oacute.sc Oacute.sc ocircumflex.sc Ocircumflex.sc otilde.sc Otilde.sc odieresis.sc Odieresis.sc oslash.sc Oslash.sc odotbelow.sc ohook.sc ocircumflexacute.sc ocircumflexgrave.sc ocircumflexhook.sc ocircumflextilde.sc ocircumflexdotbelow.sc Odotbelow.sc Ohook.sc Ocircumflexacute.sc Ocircumflexgrave.sc Ocircumflexhook.sc Ocircumflextilde.sc Ocircumflexdotbelow.sc]; @O_SC_RIGHT = [o.sc obreve.sc Obreve.sc ohungarumlaut.sc Ohungarumlaut.sc omacron.sc Omacron.sc oslashacute.sc Oslashacute.sc O.sc ograve.sc Ograve.sc oacute.sc Oacute.sc ocircumflex.sc Ocircumflex.sc otilde.sc Otilde.sc odieresis.sc Odieresis.sc oslash.sc Oslash.sc odotbelow.sc ohook.sc ocircumflexacute.sc ocircumflexgrave.sc ocircumflexhook.sc ocircumflextilde.sc ocircumflexdotbelow.sc Odotbelow.sc Ohook.sc Ocircumflexacute.sc Ocircumflexgrave.sc Ocircumflexhook.sc Ocircumflextilde.sc Ocircumflexdotbelow.sc]; @O_UC_LEFT = [O OE Ohorn Ohornacute Ohorngrave Ohornhook Ohorntilde Ohorndotbelow Oslash Oacute Ocircumflex Odieresis Ograve Otilde Obreve Ohungarumlaut Omacron Oslashacute Odotbelow Ohook Ocircumflexacute Ocircumflexgrave Ocircumflexhook Ocircumflextilde Ocircumflexdotbelow]; @O_UC_RIGHT = [O Oslash Oacute Ocircumflex Odieresis Ograve Otilde Obreve Ohungarumlaut Omacron Oslashacute Odotbelow Ohook Ocircumflexacute Ocircumflexgrave Ocircumflexhook Ocircumflextilde Ocircumflexdotbelow]; #OHorn: Right side @OHORN_LC_RIGHT = [ohorn ohornacute ohorngrave ohornhook ohorntilde ohorndotbelow]; @OHORN_SC_RIGHT = [ohorn.sc ohornacute.sc ohorngrave.sc ohornhook.sc ohorntilde.sc ohorndotbelow.sc Ohorn.sc Ohornacute.sc Ohorngrave.sc Ohornhook.sc Ohorntilde.sc Ohorndotbelow.sc]; @OHORN_UC_RIGHT = [Ohorn Ohornacute Ohorngrave Ohornhook Ohorntilde Ohorndotbelow]; #P @P_LC_LEFT = [p]; @P_LC_RIGHT = [p s_p]; @P_SC_LEFT = [p.sc P.sc]; @P_SC_RIGHT = [p.sc P.sc]; @P_UC_LEFT = [P]; # @P_UC_RIGHT = [P]; #Q: both sides because of differences in some italics (otherwise the left side would be in the capital O group) @Q_LC_LEFT = [q]; @Q_LC_RIGHT = [q]; @Q_SC_LEFT = [q.sc Q.sc]; @Q_SC_RIGHT = [q.sc Q.sc]; @Q_UC_LEFT = [Q]; @Q_UC_RIGHT = [Q]; #R @R_LC_LEFT = [r racute rcaron rcommaaccent]; @R_LC_RIGHT = [r f_r racute rcaron rcommaaccent]; @R_SC_LEFT = [r.sc racute.sc Racute.sc rcaron.sc Rcaron.sc rcommaaccent.sc Rcommaaccent.sc R.sc]; @R_SC_RIGHT = [r.sc racute.sc Racute.sc rcaron.sc Rcaron.sc rcommaaccent.sc Rcommaaccent.sc R.sc]; @R_UC_LEFT = [R R.alt Racute Rcaron Rcommaaccent]; @R_UC_RIGHT = [R R.alt Racute Rcaron Rcommaaccent]; #S @S_LC_LEFT = [s s_l s_h s_k s_p s_t scaron sacute scedilla scommaaccent scircumflex]; @S_LC_RIGHT = [s a_s e_s i_s u_s scaron sacute scedilla scommaaccent scircumflex]; @S_SC_LEFT = [s.sc S.sc sacute.sc Sacute.sc scedilla.sc Scedilla.sc scommaaccent.sc Scommaaccent.sc scaron.sc Scaron.sc scircumflex.sc Scircumflex.sc germandbls.sc]; @S_SC_RIGHT = [s.sc S.sc sacute.sc Sacute.sc scedilla.sc Scedilla.sc scommaaccent.sc Scommaaccent.sc scaron.sc Scaron.sc scircumflex.sc Scircumflex.sc germandbls.sc]; @S_UC_LEFT = [S Scaron Sacute Scedilla Scommaaccent Scircumflex Scedilla.dup]; @S_UC_RIGHT = [S Scaron Sacute Scedilla Scommaaccent Scircumflex Scedilla.dup]; #longs: (left side can differ from left side f, hence not in that class) @LONGS_LC_LEFT = [longs longs_b longs_f longs_h longs_i longs_f_i longs_j longs_f_j longs_longs_i longs_k longs_l longs_f_l longs_longs_l longs_t longs_longs longs_adieresis longs_odieresis longs_udieresis]; @LONGS_LC_RIGHT = [longs longs_longs]; #T @T_LC_LEFT = [t t_h t_t tcaron tcommaaccent uni021B]; @T_LC_RIGHT = [t f_t f_f_t c_t s_t t_t tcaron tcommaaccent uni021B]; @T_SC_LEFT = [t.sc T.sc tcaron.sc Tcaron.sc tcommaaccent.sc Tcommaaccent.sc]; @T_SC_RIGHT = [t.sc T.sc tcaron.sc Tcaron.sc tcommaaccent.sc Tcommaaccent.sc]; @T_UC_LEFT = [T Tcaron Tcommaaccent uni021A]; # @T_UC_RIGHT = [T Tcaron Tcommaaccent uni021A]; #U @U_LC_LEFT = [u u_s uhorn uhornacute uhorngrave uhornhook uhorntilde uhorndotbelow uacute ucircumflex udieresis ugrave ubreve uhungarumlaut umacron uogonek uring utilde udotbelow uhook]; @U_LC_RIGHT = [u f_udieresis longs_udieresis uacute ucircumflex udieresis ugrave ubreve uhungarumlaut umacron uogonek uring utilde udotbelow uhook]; @U_SC_LEFT = [u.sc U.sc ubreve.sc Ubreve.sc uhungarumlaut.sc Uhungarumlaut.sc umacron.sc Umacron.sc uogonek.sc Uogonek.sc uring.sc Uring.sc utilde.sc Utilde.sc ugrave.sc Ugrave.sc uacute.sc Uacute.sc ucircumflex.sc Ucircumflex.sc udieresis.sc Udieresis.sc udotbelow.sc uhook.sc Udotbelow.sc Uhook.sc]; @U_SC_RIGHT = [u.sc U.sc ubreve.sc Ubreve.sc uhungarumlaut.sc Uhungarumlaut.sc umacron.sc Umacron.sc uogonek.sc Uogonek.sc uring.sc Uring.sc utilde.sc Utilde.sc ugrave.sc Ugrave.sc uacute.sc Uacute.sc ucircumflex.sc Ucircumflex.sc udieresis.sc Udieresis.sc udotbelow.sc uhook.sc Udotbelow.sc Uhook.sc]; @U_UC_LEFT = [U Uacute Ucircumflex Udieresis Ugrave Ubreve Uhungarumlaut Umacron Uogonek Uring Utilde Udotbelow Uhook]; @U_UC_RIGHT = [U Uacute Ucircumflex Udieresis Ugrave Ubreve Uhungarumlaut Umacron Uogonek Uring Utilde Udotbelow Uhook]; #Uhorn: Right side @UHORN_LC_RIGHT = [uhorn uhornacute uhorngrave uhornhook uhorntilde uhorndotbelow]; @UHORN_SC_RIGHT = [uhorn.sc uhornacute.sc uhorngrave.sc uhornhook.sc uhorntilde.sc uhorndotbelow.sc Uhorn.sc Uhornacute.sc Uhorngrave.sc Uhornhook.sc Uhorntilde.sc Uhorndotbelow.sc]; @UHORN_UC_RIGHT = [Uhorn Uhornacute Uhorngrave Uhornhook Uhorntilde Uhorndotbelow]; #V @V_LC_LEFT = [v]; @V_LC_RIGHT = [v]; @V_SC_LEFT = [v.sc V.sc]; @V_SC_RIGHT = [v.sc V.sc]; @V_UC_LEFT = [V]; # @V_UC_RIGHT = [V]; #W @W_LC_LEFT = [w wacute wcircumflex wdieresis wgrave]; @W_LC_RIGHT = [w wacute wcircumflex wdieresis wgrave]; @W_SC_LEFT = [w.sc W.sc wacute.sc Wacute.sc wcircumflex.sc Wcircumflex.sc wdieresis.sc Wdieresis.sc wgrave.sc Wgrave.sc]; @W_SC_RIGHT = [w.sc W.sc wacute.sc Wacute.sc wcircumflex.sc Wcircumflex.sc wdieresis.sc Wdieresis.sc wgrave.sc Wgrave.sc]; @W_UC_LEFT = [W Wacute Wcircumflex Wdieresis Wgrave]; # @W_UC_RIGHT = [W Wacute Wcircumflex Wdieresis Wgrave]; #X @X_LC_LEFT = [x]; @X_LC_RIGHT = [x]; @X_SC_LEFT = [x.sc X.sc]; @X_SC_RIGHT = [x.sc X.sc]; @X_UC_LEFT = [X]; @X_UC_RIGHT= [X]; #Y @Y_LC_LEFT = [y yacute ydieresis ygrave ycircumflex ydotbelow yhook ytilde ymacron]; @Y_LC_RIGHT = [y g_y yacute ydieresis ygrave ycircumflex ydotbelow yhook ytilde ymacron]; @Y_SC_LEFT = [y.sc Y.sc ygrave.sc Ygrave.sc yacute.sc Yacute.sc ydieresis.sc Ydieresis.sc ycircumflex.sc Ycircumflex.sc ydotbelow.sc yhook.sc ytilde.sc Ydotbelow.sc Yhook.sc Ytilde.sc ymacron.sc Ymacron.sc]; @Y_SC_RIGHT = [y.sc Y.sc ygrave.sc Ygrave.sc yacute.sc Yacute.sc ydieresis.sc Ydieresis.sc ycircumflex.sc Ycircumflex.sc ydotbelow.sc yhook.sc ytilde.sc Ydotbelow.sc Yhook.sc Ytilde.sc ymacron.sc Ymacron.sc]; @Y_UC_LEFT = [Y Yacute Ydieresis Ygrave Ycircumflex Ydotbelow Yhook Ytilde Ymacron]; # @Y_UC_RIGHT = [Y Yacute Ydieresis Ygrave Ycircumflex Ydotbelow Yhook Ytilde Ymacron]; #Z @Z_LC_LEFT = [z zcaron zacute zdotaccent]; @Z_LC_RIGHT = [z zcaron zacute zdotaccent]; @Z_SC_LEFT = [z.sc Z.sc zacute.sc Zacute.sc zdotaccent.sc Zdotaccent.sc zcaron.sc Zcaron.sc]; @Z_SC_RIGHT = [z.sc Z.sc zacute.sc Zacute.sc zdotaccent.sc Zdotaccent.sc zcaron.sc Zcaron.sc]; @Z_UC_LEFT = [Z Zcaron Zacute Zdotaccent]; @Z_UC_RIGHT = [Z Zcaron Zacute Zdotaccent]; @HYPHEN = [hyphen sfthyphen]; @DASH = [endash emdash threequartersemdash figuredash]; @DASH_SC = [emdash.sc endash.sc threequartersemdash.sc figuredash.sc]; @GUILLEFT = [guilsinglleft guillemotleft]; @GUILLEFT_SC = [guilsinglleft.sc guillemotleft.sc]; @GUILRIGHT = [guilsinglright guillemotright]; @GUILRIGHT_SC = [guilsinglright.sc guillemotright.sc]; @PERCENT = [percent perthousand]; @QUOTE = [quotesingle quotedbl]; @QUOTE_SC = [quotesingle.sc quotedbl.sc]; @QUOTEBASE = [quotesinglbase quotedblbase]; @QUOTEBASE.sc = [quotesinglbase.sc quotedblbase.sc]; @QUOTELEFT = [quoteleft quotedblleft]; @QUOTELEFT.sc = [quoteleft.sc quotedblleft.sc]; @QUOTERIGHT = [quoteright quotedblright]; @QUOTERIGHT.sc = [quoteright.sc quotedblright.sc]; ### end class file "Z:\Users\frankeblokland\Desktop\Test_17042016\23-04-2016\DTL.cla" feature kern { pos @A_UC_RIGHT @A_LC_LEFT 2; pos @A_UC_RIGHT @A_UC_LEFT 38; pos @A_UC_RIGHT @A_SC_LEFT 38; pos @A_UC_RIGHT @B_UC_LEFT 3; pos @A_UC_RIGHT braceright -26; pos @A_UC_RIGHT bracketright -25; pos @A_UC_RIGHT @C_LC_LEFT -9; pos @A_UC_RIGHT @C_UC_LEFT -21; pos @A_LC_RIGHT comma -4; pos @A_UC_RIGHT comma 20; pos @A_UC_RIGHT @D_LC_LEFT -9; pos @A_UC_RIGHT @E_LC_LEFT -5; pos @A_LC_RIGHT @G_LC_LEFT -3; pos @A_UC_RIGHT @G_LC_LEFT -5; pos @A_UC_RIGHT @G_UC_LEFT -21; pos @A_UC_RIGHT gamma -17; pos @A_LC_RIGHT germandbls -6; pos @A_UC_RIGHT @HYPHEN 30; pos @A_UC_RIGHT nu -18; pos @A_UC_RIGHT @O_LC_LEFT -9; pos @A_UC_RIGHT @O_UC_LEFT -22; pos @A_UC_RIGHT Omicron -22; pos @A_UC_RIGHT parenright -27; pos @A_LC_RIGHT period -3; pos @A_UC_RIGHT period 20; pos @A_UC_RIGHT phi -8; pos @A_UC_RIGHT Phi -42; pos @A_UC_RIGHT Psi -30; pos @A_UC_RIGHT @Q_LC_LEFT -9; pos @A_UC_RIGHT @Q_UC_LEFT -21; pos @A_UC_RIGHT @QUOTE -44; pos @A_LC_RIGHT @S_LC_LEFT -15; pos @A_UC_RIGHT @S_LC_LEFT 17; pos @A_UC_RIGHT @S_UC_LEFT 15; pos @A_UC_RIGHT @S_SC_LEFT 22; pos @A_UC_RIGHT sigma -9; pos @A_UC_RIGHT sigma1 -8; pos @A_LC_RIGHT @T_LC_LEFT -9; pos @A_UC_RIGHT @T_LC_LEFT -12; pos @A_UC_RIGHT @T_UC_LEFT -67; pos @A_UC_RIGHT @T_SC_LEFT -32; pos @A_UC_RIGHT Tau -67; pos @A_UC_RIGHT Theta -22; pos @A_UC_RIGHT @U_LC_LEFT -7; pos @A_UC_RIGHT upsilon -10; pos @A_UC_RIGHT Upsilon -67; pos @A_UC_RIGHT upsilontonos -10; pos @A_LC_RIGHT @V_LC_LEFT -13; pos @A_UC_RIGHT @V_LC_LEFT -18; pos @A_UC_RIGHT @V_UC_LEFT -49; pos @A_UC_RIGHT @V_SC_LEFT -14; pos @A_LC_RIGHT @W_LC_LEFT -9; pos @A_UC_RIGHT @W_LC_LEFT -14; pos @A_UC_RIGHT @W_UC_LEFT -37; pos @A_UC_RIGHT @W_SC_LEFT -6; pos @A_LC_RIGHT @X_LC_LEFT 5; pos @A_UC_RIGHT @X_UC_LEFT 39; pos @A_UC_RIGHT @X_SC_LEFT 39; pos @A_LC_RIGHT @Y_LC_LEFT -14; pos @A_UC_RIGHT @Y_LC_LEFT -22; pos @A_UC_RIGHT @Y_UC_LEFT -67; pos @A_UC_RIGHT @Y_SC_LEFT -31; pos @A_LC_RIGHT @Z_LC_LEFT -6; pos @A_UC_RIGHT @Z_LC_LEFT 27; pos @A_UC_RIGHT @Z_UC_LEFT 27; pos @A_UC_RIGHT @Z_SC_LEFT 26; pos @A_SC_RIGHT @A_SC_LEFT 37; pos @A_SC_RIGHT ampersand 22; pos @A_SC_RIGHT asterisk -92; pos @A_SC_RIGHT @C_SC_LEFT -8; pos @A_SC_RIGHT colon 1; pos @A_SC_RIGHT comma 17; pos @A_SC_RIGHT exclam -1; pos @A_SC_RIGHT @G_SC_LEFT -8; pos @A_SC_RIGHT @HYPHEN 19; pos @A_SC_RIGHT @O_SC_LEFT -9; pos @A_SC_RIGHT period 15; pos @A_SC_RIGHT @Q_SC_LEFT -9; pos @A_SC_RIGHT question -20; pos @A_SC_RIGHT @QUOTE -47; pos @A_SC_RIGHT @S_SC_LEFT 21; pos @A_SC_RIGHT semicolon 1; pos @A_SC_RIGHT @T_SC_LEFT -39; pos @A_SC_RIGHT trademark -22; pos @A_SC_RIGHT @V_SC_LEFT -25; pos @A_SC_RIGHT @W_SC_LEFT -17; pos @A_SC_RIGHT @X_SC_LEFT 38; pos @A_SC_RIGHT @Y_SC_LEFT -42; pos @A_SC_RIGHT @Z_SC_LEFT 25; pos @A_SC_RIGHT zdotaccent.sc 25; pos alpha colon 12; pos alpha comma 4; pos Alpha comma 19; pos alpha delta -8; pos alpha epsilon 3; pos alpha exclam -9; pos alpha gamma 17; pos Alpha gamma -17; pos Alpha nu -18; pos alpha @O_LC_LEFT -5; pos Alpha @O_UC_LEFT -23; pos alpha omicron -5; pos Alpha Omicron -23; pos alpha omicrontonos -5; pos alpha period 4; pos Alpha period 19; pos alpha phi -4; pos Alpha phi -8; pos Alpha Phi -42; pos alpha pi 16; pos Alpha Psi -30; pos alpha semicolon 9; pos alpha sigma -5; pos Alpha sigma -9; pos alpha sigma1 -7; pos Alpha sigma1 -9; pos Alpha @T_UC_LEFT -67; pos alpha tau 15; pos Alpha Tau -67; pos Alpha Theta -22; pos Alpha upsilon -10; pos Alpha Upsilon -67; pos alpha upsilontonos -5; pos Alpha upsilontonos -10; pos alpha xi -10; pos Alpha @Y_UC_LEFT -67; pos alpha zeta -4; pos alphatonos colon 12; pos alphatonos comma 4; pos alphatonos delta -8; pos alphatonos epsilon 3; pos alphatonos gamma 17; pos Alphatonos gamma -15; pos Alphatonos nu -16; pos alphatonos @O_LC_LEFT -5; pos alphatonos omega 4; pos alphatonos omicron -5; pos alphatonos period 4; pos Alphatonos phi -6; pos alphatonos semicolon 9; pos alphatonos sigma -5; pos Alphatonos sigma -7; pos alphatonos sigma1 -7; pos alphatonos xi -10; pos alphatonos zeta -4; pos ampersand @A_SC_LEFT 32; pos ampersand @T_SC_LEFT 5; pos asterisk period -79; pos @B_UC_RIGHT @A_UC_LEFT -8; pos @B_UC_RIGHT @A_SC_LEFT -8; pos @B_UC_RIGHT AE 8; pos @B_LC_RIGHT asterisk -55; pos @B_UC_RIGHT @B_SC_LEFT 1; pos @B_UC_RIGHT @C_UC_LEFT -2; pos @B_LC_RIGHT colon 1; pos @B_LC_RIGHT comma -23; pos @B_UC_RIGHT comma 4; pos @B_LC_RIGHT @G_LC_LEFT -1; pos @B_UC_RIGHT @H_SC_LEFT 1; pos @B_UC_RIGHT @HYPHEN 47; pos @B_UC_RIGHT lambda -9; pos @B_UC_RIGHT lslash 12; pos @B_LC_RIGHT period -23; pos @B_UC_RIGHT period 4; pos @B_LC_RIGHT @S_LC_LEFT -9; pos @B_UC_RIGHT @S_UC_LEFT -14; pos @B_LC_RIGHT semicolon -1; pos @B_UC_RIGHT @T_UC_LEFT -11; pos @B_LC_RIGHT @V_LC_LEFT -14; pos @B_UC_RIGHT @V_UC_LEFT -16; pos @B_LC_RIGHT @W_LC_LEFT -11; pos @B_UC_RIGHT @W_UC_LEFT -11; pos @B_LC_RIGHT @Y_LC_LEFT -15; pos @B_UC_RIGHT @Y_LC_LEFT 3; pos @B_UC_RIGHT @Y_UC_LEFT -21; pos @B_UC_RIGHT @Y_SC_LEFT 8; pos @B_LC_RIGHT @Z_LC_LEFT -25; pos @B_UC_RIGHT @Z_UC_LEFT -11; pos @B_SC_RIGHT @A_SC_LEFT 5; pos @B_SC_RIGHT comma 6; pos @B_SC_RIGHT oslash.sc 8; pos @B_SC_RIGHT period 7; pos @B_SC_RIGHT @S_SC_LEFT 2; pos @B_SC_RIGHT @V_SC_LEFT 1; pos @B_SC_RIGHT @W_SC_LEFT 3; pos @B_SC_RIGHT @Y_SC_LEFT -4; pos @B_SC_RIGHT @Z_SC_LEFT 3; pos backslash @A_UC_LEFT 1; pos backslash @A_SC_LEFT 1; pos backslash @B_UC_LEFT 5; pos backslash @C_UC_LEFT -2; pos backslash @D_LC_LEFT 3; pos backslash @D_UC_LEFT 4; pos backslash @F_LC_LEFT 3; pos backslash @G_LC_LEFT 7; pos backslash @G_UC_LEFT -2; pos backslash @H_UC_LEFT 4; pos backslash @I_LC_LEFT 8; pos backslash @I_UC_LEFT 5; pos backslash @J_LC_LEFT 41; pos backslash @J_UC_LEFT 39; pos backslash @K_UC_LEFT 4; pos backslash @L_LC_LEFT 6; pos backslash @L_UC_LEFT 4; pos backslash @M_UC_LEFT 5; pos backslash @N_UC_LEFT 5; pos backslash @O_UC_LEFT -2; pos backslash @P_UC_LEFT 5; pos backslash @Q_UC_LEFT -2; pos backslash @R_UC_LEFT 4; pos backslash @S_UC_LEFT -18; pos backslash @T_UC_LEFT -55; pos backslash @U_UC_LEFT 5; pos backslash @V_UC_LEFT -22; pos backslash @W_UC_LEFT -10; pos backslash @X_UC_LEFT 2; pos backslash @Y_UC_LEFT -38; pos backslash @Z_UC_LEFT -10; pos Beta @A_UC_LEFT -9; pos Beta Alpha -9; pos beta gamma -6; pos beta lambda -11; pos Beta lambda -10; pos braceleft @A_UC_LEFT -28; pos braceleft AE -15; pos braceleft @B_LC_LEFT -10; pos braceleft @F_LC_LEFT -15; pos braceleft @G_LC_LEFT -15; pos braceleft @H_LC_LEFT -10; pos braceleft @I_LC_LEFT -9; pos braceleft @J_LC_LEFT 31; pos braceleft @J_UC_LEFT 29; pos braceleft @K_LC_LEFT -10; pos braceleft @L_LC_LEFT -10; pos braceleft nine.oldstyle -19; pos braceleft @P_LC_LEFT -10; pos braceleft seven.oldstyle -32; pos braceleft @T_UC_LEFT -34; pos braceleft three.oldstyle 12; pos braceleft @V_UC_LEFT -28; pos braceleft @W_UC_LEFT -18; pos braceleft @X_UC_LEFT -26; pos braceleft @Y_LC_LEFT -14; pos braceleft @Y_UC_LEFT -31; pos braceleft @Z_UC_LEFT -44; pos bracketleft @A_UC_LEFT -30; pos bracketleft AE -17; pos bracketleft @B_LC_LEFT -10; pos bracketleft @F_LC_LEFT -14; pos bracketleft @G_LC_LEFT -13; pos bracketleft @H_LC_LEFT -10; pos bracketleft @I_LC_LEFT -8; pos bracketleft @J_LC_LEFT 28; pos bracketleft @J_UC_LEFT 26; pos bracketleft @K_LC_LEFT -10; pos bracketleft @L_LC_LEFT -10; pos bracketleft nine.oldstyle -18; pos bracketleft @P_LC_LEFT -10; pos bracketleft seven.oldstyle -34; pos bracketleft @T_UC_LEFT -42; pos bracketleft three.oldstyle 10; pos bracketleft @V_UC_LEFT -31; pos bracketleft @W_UC_LEFT -20; pos bracketleft @X_UC_LEFT -29; pos bracketleft @Y_LC_LEFT -16; pos bracketleft @Y_UC_LEFT -39; pos bracketleft @Z_UC_LEFT -47; pos @C_UC_RIGHT @A_LC_LEFT 5; pos @C_UC_RIGHT @A_UC_LEFT 25; pos @C_UC_RIGHT @A_SC_LEFT 25; pos @C_UC_RIGHT AE 45; pos @C_LC_RIGHT asterisk -46; pos @C_LC_RIGHT @C_LC_LEFT -14; pos @C_UC_RIGHT @C_UC_LEFT -28; pos @C_LC_RIGHT colon -7; pos @C_LC_RIGHT comma -7; pos @C_UC_RIGHT comma -4; pos @C_UC_RIGHT @D_UC_LEFT -8; pos @C_LC_RIGHT @E_LC_LEFT -13; pos @C_UC_RIGHT @E_LC_LEFT -7; pos @C_LC_RIGHT exclam -11; pos @C_UC_RIGHT @G_UC_LEFT -27; pos @C_LC_RIGHT @H_LC_LEFT -10; pos @C_LC_RIGHT @HYPHEN -91; pos @C_UC_RIGHT @HYPHEN -95; pos @C_LC_RIGHT @K_LC_LEFT -10; pos @C_LC_RIGHT @L_LC_LEFT -10; pos @C_LC_RIGHT @O_LC_LEFT -16; pos @C_UC_RIGHT @O_LC_LEFT -9; pos @C_UC_RIGHT @O_UC_LEFT -28; pos @C_UC_RIGHT @O_SC_LEFT -8; pos @C_LC_RIGHT period -7; pos @C_UC_RIGHT period -4; pos @C_LC_RIGHT question -30; pos @C_UC_RIGHT @QUOTE 7; pos @C_LC_RIGHT @S_LC_LEFT 5; pos @C_UC_RIGHT @S_LC_LEFT 8; pos @C_UC_RIGHT @S_UC_LEFT 8; pos @C_LC_RIGHT semicolon -7; pos @C_LC_RIGHT @T_LC_LEFT 17; pos @C_UC_RIGHT @T_UC_LEFT 24; pos @C_LC_RIGHT @U_LC_LEFT -8; pos @C_UC_RIGHT @U_LC_LEFT -9; pos @C_UC_RIGHT @V_UC_LEFT 23; pos @C_UC_RIGHT @W_UC_LEFT 21; pos @C_LC_RIGHT @Y_LC_LEFT 20; pos @C_UC_RIGHT @Y_LC_LEFT -54; pos @C_UC_RIGHT @Y_UC_LEFT 24; pos @C_UC_RIGHT @Y_SC_LEFT -62; pos @C_SC_RIGHT @A_SC_LEFT 24; pos @C_SC_RIGHT @C_SC_LEFT -10; pos @C_SC_RIGHT colon -5; pos @C_SC_RIGHT comma -5; pos @C_SC_RIGHT @HYPHEN -94; pos @C_SC_RIGHT @O_SC_LEFT -12; pos @C_SC_RIGHT oslash.sc -12; pos @C_SC_RIGHT period -5; pos @C_SC_RIGHT @S_SC_LEFT 11; pos @C_SC_RIGHT semicolon -5; pos @C_SC_RIGHT @T_SC_LEFT 28; pos @C_SC_RIGHT @Y_SC_LEFT 26; pos cent eight.oldstyle -27; pos cent four.oldstyle -27; pos cent nine.oldstyle -35; pos cent one.oldstyle -57; pos cent seven.oldstyle -52; pos cent six.oldstyle -38; pos cent three.oldstyle -51; pos cent two.oldstyle -58; pos cent zero.oldstyle -35; pos chi alpha -25; pos Chi alpha -21; pos chi alphatonos -25; pos Chi alphatonos -21; pos chi epsilon -8; pos chi epsilontonos -9; pos Chi epsilontonos -3; pos chi @O_LC_LEFT -28; pos Chi @O_LC_LEFT -25; pos Chi @O_UC_LEFT -31; pos chi omega -17; pos Chi omega -12; pos chi omegatonos -18; pos chi omicron -28; pos Chi omicron -25; pos Chi Omicron -31; pos chi omicrontonos -28; pos Chi omicrontonos -25; pos Chi tau -31; pos chi theta 7; pos Chi Theta -31; pos chi upsilontonos -2; pos comma four.oldstyle 12; pos comma @HYPHEN 15; pos comma seven.oldstyle -56; pos comma two.oldstyle 6; pos @D_LC_RIGHT @A_LC_LEFT -11; pos @D_UC_RIGHT @A_LC_LEFT -14; pos @D_UC_RIGHT @A_UC_LEFT -28; pos @D_UC_RIGHT @A_SC_LEFT -12; pos @D_UC_RIGHT AE -15; pos @D_LC_RIGHT braceright -10; pos @D_LC_RIGHT bracketright -10; pos @D_LC_RIGHT comma -5; pos @D_UC_RIGHT comma -21; pos @D_UC_RIGHT @E_LC_LEFT 2; pos @D_UC_RIGHT @E_UC_LEFT 1; pos @D_LC_RIGHT @G_LC_LEFT -3; pos @D_UC_RIGHT @HYPHEN 52; pos @D_UC_RIGHT @O_SC_LEFT 9; pos @D_LC_RIGHT parenright -15; pos @D_LC_RIGHT period -4; pos @D_UC_RIGHT period -18; pos @D_UC_RIGHT @T_UC_LEFT -35; pos @D_UC_RIGHT @U_LC_LEFT 3; pos @D_LC_RIGHT @V_LC_LEFT 1; pos @D_UC_RIGHT @V_UC_LEFT -26; pos @D_UC_RIGHT @W_UC_LEFT -16; pos @D_LC_RIGHT @Y_LC_LEFT 1; pos @D_UC_RIGHT @Y_LC_LEFT 7; pos @D_UC_RIGHT @Y_UC_LEFT -39; pos @D_UC_RIGHT @Y_SC_LEFT 6; pos @D_LC_RIGHT @Z_LC_LEFT -8; pos @D_UC_RIGHT @Z_UC_LEFT -42; pos delta nu -16; pos dollar eight.oldstyle -24; pos dollar four.oldstyle -21; pos dollar nine.oldstyle -27; pos dollar one.oldstyle -35; pos dollar seven.oldstyle -59; pos dollar six.oldstyle -32; pos dollar three.oldstyle -66; pos dollar two.oldstyle -34; pos dollar zero.oldstyle -30; pos @E_LC_RIGHT @A_LC_LEFT -19; pos @E_UC_RIGHT @A_LC_LEFT 2; pos @E_UC_RIGHT @A_UC_LEFT 27; pos @E_UC_RIGHT @A_SC_LEFT 28; pos @E_LC_RIGHT asterisk -52; pos @E_LC_RIGHT @B_LC_LEFT -17; pos @E_UC_RIGHT @B_LC_LEFT -7; pos @E_UC_RIGHT @C_LC_LEFT -14; pos @E_LC_RIGHT colon -17; pos @E_LC_RIGHT comma -25; pos @E_UC_RIGHT comma -3; pos @E_UC_RIGHT @D_LC_LEFT -13; pos @E_UC_RIGHT delta -13; pos @E_UC_RIGHT @E_LC_LEFT -13; pos @E_LC_RIGHT exclam -29; pos @E_LC_RIGHT @F_LC_LEFT -11; pos @E_UC_RIGHT @F_UC_LEFT -8; pos @E_LC_RIGHT @G_LC_LEFT -1; pos @E_UC_RIGHT @G_LC_LEFT -14; pos @E_UC_RIGHT gamma -28; pos @E_LC_RIGHT germandbls -17; pos @E_LC_RIGHT @H_LC_LEFT -17; pos @E_UC_RIGHT @H_LC_LEFT -7; pos @E_LC_RIGHT @HYPHEN 25; pos @E_UC_RIGHT @HYPHEN 3; pos @E_UC_RIGHT @I_LC_LEFT -6; pos @E_UC_RIGHT @J_LC_LEFT -10; pos @E_LC_RIGHT @K_LC_LEFT -17; pos @E_UC_RIGHT @K_LC_LEFT -7; pos @E_LC_RIGHT @L_LC_LEFT -17; pos @E_UC_RIGHT @L_LC_LEFT -7; pos @E_UC_RIGHT nu -28; pos @E_UC_RIGHT @O_LC_LEFT -15; pos @E_UC_RIGHT Omicron -27; pos @E_LC_RIGHT period -25; pos @E_UC_RIGHT period -3; pos @E_UC_RIGHT Phi -40; pos @E_UC_RIGHT @Q_LC_LEFT -14; pos @E_LC_RIGHT question -48; pos @E_LC_RIGHT @S_LC_LEFT -8; pos @E_UC_RIGHT @S_LC_LEFT 8; pos @E_UC_RIGHT @S_UC_LEFT 8; pos @E_LC_RIGHT semicolon -17; pos @E_LC_RIGHT @T_LC_LEFT -10; pos @E_UC_RIGHT @T_LC_LEFT -18; pos @E_UC_RIGHT @T_UC_LEFT 16; pos @E_UC_RIGHT @T_SC_LEFT -38; pos @E_UC_RIGHT tau -34; pos @E_UC_RIGHT Theta -27; pos @E_UC_RIGHT @U_LC_LEFT -12; pos @E_LC_RIGHT @V_LC_LEFT -11; pos @E_UC_RIGHT @V_LC_LEFT -28; pos @E_UC_RIGHT @V_UC_LEFT 17; pos @E_UC_RIGHT @V_SC_LEFT -29; pos @E_LC_RIGHT @W_LC_LEFT -9; pos @E_UC_RIGHT @W_LC_LEFT -27; pos @E_UC_RIGHT @W_UC_LEFT 15; pos @E_UC_RIGHT @W_SC_LEFT -24; pos @E_LC_RIGHT @X_LC_LEFT 3; pos @E_UC_RIGHT @X_UC_LEFT 28; pos @E_UC_RIGHT @X_SC_LEFT 29; pos @E_LC_RIGHT @Y_LC_LEFT -12; pos @E_UC_RIGHT @Y_LC_LEFT -30; pos @E_UC_RIGHT @Y_UC_LEFT 19; pos @E_UC_RIGHT @Y_SC_LEFT -42; pos @E_LC_RIGHT @Z_LC_LEFT -4; pos @E_UC_RIGHT @Z_LC_LEFT 17; pos @E_UC_RIGHT @Z_UC_LEFT 16; pos @E_UC_RIGHT @Z_SC_LEFT 16; pos @E_SC_RIGHT @A_SC_LEFT 28; pos @E_SC_RIGHT @C_SC_LEFT -9; pos @E_SC_RIGHT cdotaccent.sc -9; pos @E_SC_RIGHT oslash.sc -10; pos @E_SC_RIGHT @S_SC_LEFT 13; pos @E_SC_RIGHT @T_SC_LEFT 24; pos @E_SC_RIGHT @V_SC_LEFT 23; pos @E_SC_RIGHT @W_SC_LEFT 23; pos @E_SC_RIGHT @X_SC_LEFT 29; pos @E_SC_RIGHT @Y_SC_LEFT 24; pos @E_SC_RIGHT @Z_SC_LEFT 16; pos edotaccent.sc @C_SC_LEFT -7; pos edotaccent.sc cdotaccent.sc -9; pos edotaccent.sc oslash.sc -7; pos edotaccent.sc @X_SC_LEFT 29; pos edotaccent.sc @Z_SC_LEFT 16; pos edotaccent.sc zdotaccent.sc 16; pos eight.oldstyle braceright -14; pos eight.oldstyle bracketright -13; pos eight.oldstyle four.oldstyle 2; pos eight.oldstyle parenright -13; pos eight.oldstyle seven.oldstyle 2; pos eight.oldstyle two.oldstyle -10; pos epsilon alpha -10; pos epsilon alphatonos -10; pos epsilon chi 16; pos epsilon delta -12; pos Epsilon delta -13; pos epsilon epsilon 7; pos epsilon epsilontonos 6; pos Epsilon gamma -28; pos epsilon lambda 23; pos Epsilon nu -28; pos epsilon @O_LC_LEFT -14; pos Epsilon @O_UC_LEFT -27; pos epsilon omega -2; pos epsilon omegatonos -3; pos epsilon omicron -14; pos Epsilon Omicron -27; pos epsilon omicrontonos -14; pos epsilon phi -14; pos Epsilon Phi -40; pos epsilon sigma -14; pos epsilon sigma1 -15; pos epsilon tau 21; pos Epsilon tau -34; pos epsilon theta 4; pos Epsilon Theta -27; pos epsilon upsilon -8; pos epsilon upsilontonos -8; pos epsilon xi -14; pos epsilon zeta -14; pos epsilontonos alpha -10; pos epsilontonos delta -11; pos epsilontonos lambda 23; pos Epsilontonos nu -28; pos epsilontonos @O_LC_LEFT -14; pos epsilontonos omega -2; pos epsilontonos omicron -13; pos epsilontonos phi -14; pos epsilontonos semicolon -5; pos epsilontonos sigma1 -14; pos epsilontonos tau 22; pos epsilontonos theta 5; pos epsilontonos zeta -13; pos Euro eight.oldstyle 11; pos Euro four.oldstyle 36; pos Euro nine.oldstyle -23; pos Euro one.oldstyle -10; pos Euro seven.oldstyle -12; pos Euro six.oldstyle -9; pos Euro three.oldstyle -27; pos Euro two.oldstyle 23; pos Euro zero.oldstyle -6; pos @F_LC_RIGHT @A_LC_LEFT -7; pos @F_LC_RIGHT asterisk -11; pos @F_LC_RIGHT braceright 27; pos @F_LC_RIGHT bracketright 24; pos @F_LC_RIGHT @C_LC_LEFT -18; pos @F_LC_RIGHT colon 3; pos @F_LC_RIGHT comma -30; pos @F_LC_RIGHT @D_LC_LEFT -22; pos @F_LC_RIGHT @E_LC_LEFT -15; pos @F_LC_RIGHT exclam -8; pos @F_LC_RIGHT @G_LC_LEFT -22; pos @F_LC_RIGHT @HYPHEN 4; pos @F_LC_RIGHT @O_LC_LEFT -15; pos @F_LC_RIGHT ordmasculine 24; pos @F_LC_RIGHT parenright 30; pos @F_LC_RIGHT period -30; pos @F_LC_RIGHT question 37; pos @F_LC_RIGHT @QUOTE 10; pos @F_LC_RIGHT @S_LC_LEFT 3; pos @F_LC_RIGHT semicolon 1; pos @F_LC_RIGHT trademark 29; pos @F_LC_RIGHT @W_LC_LEFT 32; pos @F_LC_RIGHT @Y_LC_LEFT 33; pos @F_LC_RIGHT @Z_LC_LEFT 16; pos @F_SC_RIGHT @A_SC_LEFT -29; pos @F_SC_RIGHT braceright -21; pos @F_SC_RIGHT bracketright -24; pos @F_SC_RIGHT colon -2; pos @F_SC_RIGHT comma -65; pos @F_SC_RIGHT @HYPHEN 35; pos @F_SC_RIGHT ordmasculine 20; pos @F_SC_RIGHT oslash.sc -1; pos @F_SC_RIGHT period -58; pos @F_SC_RIGHT @S_SC_LEFT 6; pos @F_SC_RIGHT semicolon -4; pos @F_SC_RIGHT @T_SC_LEFT 33; pos @F_SC_RIGHT @V_SC_LEFT 33; pos @F_SC_RIGHT @W_SC_LEFT 33; pos @F_SC_RIGHT @Y_SC_LEFT 33; pos @F_SC_RIGHT @Z_SC_LEFT 11; pos four.oldstyle four.oldstyle 18; pos four.oldstyle nine.oldstyle -40; pos four.oldstyle one.oldstyle -14; pos four.oldstyle ordfeminine -8; pos four.oldstyle ordmasculine -8; pos four.oldstyle period 6; pos four.oldstyle seven.oldstyle -16; pos four.oldstyle three.oldstyle -17; pos four.oldstyle two.oldstyle 6; pos @G_LC_RIGHT @A_LC_LEFT -11; pos @G_UC_RIGHT @A_LC_LEFT -10; pos @G_UC_RIGHT @A_UC_LEFT 6; pos @G_UC_RIGHT @A_SC_LEFT 7; pos @G_UC_RIGHT AE 27; pos @G_LC_RIGHT asterisk -47; pos @G_LC_RIGHT braceright -10; pos @G_LC_RIGHT bracketright -10; pos @G_LC_RIGHT colon 10; pos @G_LC_RIGHT comma -5; pos @G_UC_RIGHT comma 8; pos @G_LC_RIGHT @D_LC_LEFT -3; pos @G_LC_RIGHT @E_LC_LEFT -1; pos @G_UC_RIGHT @E_LC_LEFT -2; pos @G_LC_RIGHT exclam -10; pos @G_LC_RIGHT @F_LC_LEFT -5; pos @G_LC_RIGHT @G_LC_LEFT -3; pos @G_LC_RIGHT @H_LC_LEFT -5; pos @G_UC_RIGHT @H_UC_LEFT -4; pos @G_LC_RIGHT @HYPHEN 31; pos @G_UC_RIGHT @HYPHEN 46; pos @G_LC_RIGHT @J_LC_LEFT 7; pos @G_LC_RIGHT @K_LC_LEFT -5; pos @G_LC_RIGHT @L_LC_LEFT -5; pos @G_LC_RIGHT @O_LC_LEFT -1; pos @G_UC_RIGHT @O_LC_LEFT -2; pos @G_UC_RIGHT @O_SC_LEFT 5; pos @G_LC_RIGHT @P_LC_LEFT -5; pos @G_LC_RIGHT parenright -15; pos @G_LC_RIGHT period -4; pos @G_UC_RIGHT period 8; pos @G_LC_RIGHT question -49; pos @G_UC_RIGHT @QUOTE -14; pos @G_LC_RIGHT @S_LC_LEFT -16; pos @G_UC_RIGHT @S_UC_LEFT -10; pos @G_LC_RIGHT semicolon 8; pos @G_LC_RIGHT @T_LC_LEFT -4; pos @G_UC_RIGHT @T_UC_LEFT 2; pos @G_LC_RIGHT @V_LC_LEFT 1; pos @G_UC_RIGHT @V_UC_LEFT 1; pos @G_UC_RIGHT @W_LC_LEFT -15; pos @G_UC_RIGHT @W_SC_LEFT -6; pos @G_UC_RIGHT @X_UC_LEFT 6; pos @G_LC_RIGHT @Y_LC_LEFT 1; pos @G_UC_RIGHT @Y_LC_LEFT -24; pos @G_UC_RIGHT @Y_UC_LEFT 2; pos @G_UC_RIGHT @Y_SC_LEFT -35; pos @G_LC_RIGHT @Z_LC_LEFT -8; pos @G_UC_RIGHT @Z_UC_LEFT -2; pos @G_SC_RIGHT @A_SC_LEFT 18; pos @G_SC_RIGHT @C_SC_LEFT 5; pos @G_SC_RIGHT colon 9; pos @G_SC_RIGHT comma 11; pos @G_SC_RIGHT @G_SC_LEFT 5; pos @G_SC_RIGHT @HYPHEN 37; pos @G_SC_RIGHT @O_SC_LEFT 5; pos @G_SC_RIGHT period 11; pos @G_SC_RIGHT @S_SC_LEFT 5; pos @G_SC_RIGHT semicolon 9; pos @G_SC_RIGHT @T_SC_LEFT 18; pos @G_SC_RIGHT @V_SC_LEFT 16; pos @G_SC_RIGHT @W_SC_LEFT 16; pos @G_SC_RIGHT @Y_SC_LEFT 16; pos @G_SC_RIGHT @Z_SC_LEFT 8; pos Gamma @A_UC_LEFT -77; pos gamma alpha -16; pos Gamma alpha -100; pos Gamma Alpha -77; pos gamma alphatonos -16; pos Gamma alphatonos -84; pos Gamma comma -97; pos gamma delta -19; pos gamma epsilon 1; pos Gamma epsilon -94; pos Gamma epsilontonos -60; pos Gamma kappa -99; pos gamma lambda -32; pos Gamma Lambda -77; pos Gamma nu -100; pos gamma @O_LC_LEFT -15; pos Gamma @O_LC_LEFT -100; pos Gamma @O_UC_LEFT -26; pos gamma omega -7; pos gamma omegatonos -8; pos gamma omicron -15; pos Gamma omicron -99; pos Gamma Omicron -26; pos gamma omicrontonos -15; pos Gamma period -97; pos gamma rho -20; pos Gamma rho -101; pos Gamma upsilon -103; pos gamma upsilontonos 3; pos Gamma upsilontonos -49; pos gamma xi -11; pos Gamma @Y_UC_LEFT 37; pos germandbls @K_LC_LEFT -13; pos germandbls @T_LC_LEFT -22; pos germandbls @W_LC_LEFT -26; pos @H_UC_RIGHT @A_LC_LEFT -7; pos @H_UC_RIGHT @A_UC_LEFT 2; pos @H_UC_RIGHT @A_SC_LEFT 2; pos @H_UC_RIGHT AE 23; pos @H_LC_RIGHT asterisk -56; pos @H_UC_RIGHT comma 1; pos @H_UC_RIGHT @HYPHEN 41; pos @H_UC_RIGHT @I_UC_LEFT 3; pos @H_UC_RIGHT period 2; pos @H_UC_RIGHT @T_UC_LEFT -1; pos @H_LC_RIGHT @Y_LC_LEFT -16; pos @H_UC_RIGHT @Y_UC_LEFT 2; pos @H_UC_RIGHT @Y_SC_LEFT 4; pos @H_SC_RIGHT @T_SC_LEFT 2; pos @H_SC_RIGHT @Y_SC_LEFT 2; pos hbar.sc @T_SC_LEFT 18; pos hbar.sc @Y_SC_LEFT 3; pos @HYPHEN @A_LC_LEFT 19; pos @HYPHEN @A_UC_LEFT 26; pos @HYPHEN @A_SC_LEFT 17; pos @HYPHEN @C_UC_LEFT 54; pos @HYPHEN @F_LC_LEFT 23; pos @HYPHEN @G_LC_LEFT 45; pos @HYPHEN @G_UC_LEFT 54; pos @HYPHEN @J_UC_LEFT 35; pos @HYPHEN @O_UC_LEFT 54; pos @HYPHEN @Q_UC_LEFT 54; pos @HYPHEN @S_LC_LEFT 14; pos @HYPHEN @S_UC_LEFT -29; pos @HYPHEN @T_LC_LEFT 24; pos @HYPHEN @T_UC_LEFT -26; pos @HYPHEN @T_SC_LEFT -10; pos @HYPHEN @V_LC_LEFT 22; pos @HYPHEN @V_UC_LEFT 1; pos @HYPHEN @V_SC_LEFT 21; pos @HYPHEN @W_LC_LEFT 27; pos @HYPHEN @W_UC_LEFT 13; pos @HYPHEN @W_SC_LEFT 33; pos @HYPHEN @X_LC_LEFT -6; pos @HYPHEN @X_UC_LEFT -8; pos @HYPHEN @X_SC_LEFT -10; pos @HYPHEN @Y_LC_LEFT 19; pos @HYPHEN @Y_UC_LEFT -34; pos @HYPHEN @Y_SC_LEFT -1; pos @HYPHEN @Z_LC_LEFT -15; pos @HYPHEN @Z_UC_LEFT -2; pos @HYPHEN @Z_SC_LEFT -16; pos @I_UC_RIGHT @A_UC_LEFT 1; pos @I_UC_RIGHT @A_SC_LEFT 2; pos @I_UC_RIGHT AE 23; pos @I_LC_RIGHT asterisk -46; pos @I_LC_RIGHT braceright -10; pos @I_LC_RIGHT bracketright -9; pos @I_UC_RIGHT comma 1; pos @I_LC_RIGHT @G_LC_LEFT -4; pos @I_UC_RIGHT @HYPHEN 40; pos @I_LC_RIGHT parenright -16; pos @I_UC_RIGHT period 2; pos @I_UC_RIGHT @T_UC_LEFT -1; pos @I_UC_RIGHT @W_UC_LEFT -2; pos @I_UC_RIGHT @X_UC_LEFT 2; pos @I_UC_RIGHT @Y_UC_LEFT 1; pos @I_UC_RIGHT @Y_SC_LEFT 4; pos @I_LC_RIGHT @Z_LC_LEFT -8; pos @I_UC_RIGHT @Z_UC_LEFT -9; pos @I_SC_RIGHT @T_SC_LEFT 1; pos @I_SC_RIGHT @V_SC_LEFT 1; pos @I_SC_RIGHT @W_SC_LEFT 1; pos @I_SC_RIGHT @Z_SC_LEFT -12; pos iotatonos delta -4; pos @J_UC_RIGHT @A_UC_LEFT 1; pos @J_UC_RIGHT @A_SC_LEFT 2; pos @J_UC_RIGHT AE 23; pos @J_LC_RIGHT asterisk -46; pos @J_LC_RIGHT braceright -10; pos @J_LC_RIGHT bracketright -9; pos @J_UC_RIGHT comma 1; pos @J_UC_RIGHT @HYPHEN 40; pos @J_UC_RIGHT @K_UC_LEFT 2; pos @J_LC_RIGHT parenright -16; pos @J_UC_RIGHT period 2; pos @J_UC_RIGHT @Y_UC_LEFT 1; pos @J_UC_RIGHT @Y_SC_LEFT 4; pos @J_SC_RIGHT @Y_SC_LEFT 1; pos @K_LC_RIGHT @A_LC_LEFT -10; pos @K_UC_RIGHT @A_LC_LEFT -9; pos @K_UC_RIGHT @A_UC_LEFT 37; pos @K_UC_RIGHT @A_SC_LEFT 37; pos @K_UC_RIGHT AE 58; pos @K_UC_RIGHT alphatonos -24; pos @K_LC_RIGHT asterisk -33; pos @K_LC_RIGHT @B_LC_LEFT 1; pos @K_UC_RIGHT @B_UC_LEFT 2; pos @K_UC_RIGHT braceright -32; pos @K_UC_RIGHT bracketright -39; pos @K_LC_RIGHT @C_LC_LEFT -28; pos @K_UC_RIGHT @C_UC_LEFT -40; pos @K_LC_RIGHT colon -2; pos @K_UC_RIGHT comma 3; pos @K_LC_RIGHT @D_LC_LEFT -28; pos @K_UC_RIGHT @D_UC_LEFT 1; pos @K_LC_RIGHT @E_LC_LEFT -24; pos @K_UC_RIGHT @E_LC_LEFT -26; pos @K_UC_RIGHT @E_UC_LEFT 1; pos @K_UC_RIGHT epsilontonos -6; pos @K_LC_RIGHT exclam -4; pos @K_LC_RIGHT @F_LC_LEFT 28; pos @K_UC_RIGHT @F_UC_LEFT 1; pos @K_LC_RIGHT @G_LC_LEFT -28; pos @K_UC_RIGHT @G_UC_LEFT -40; pos @K_LC_RIGHT @H_LC_LEFT 1; pos @K_UC_RIGHT @H_LC_LEFT 2; pos @K_UC_RIGHT @H_UC_LEFT 1; pos @K_LC_RIGHT @HYPHEN -22; pos @K_UC_RIGHT @HYPHEN -22; pos @K_LC_RIGHT @I_LC_LEFT 1; pos @K_UC_RIGHT @I_LC_LEFT 5; pos @K_UC_RIGHT @I_UC_LEFT 2; pos @K_LC_RIGHT @J_LC_LEFT -2; pos @K_UC_RIGHT @J_LC_LEFT 1; pos @K_UC_RIGHT @J_UC_LEFT -4; pos @K_LC_RIGHT @K_LC_LEFT 1; pos @K_LC_RIGHT @L_LC_LEFT 1; pos @K_UC_RIGHT @L_LC_LEFT 2; pos @K_UC_RIGHT @L_UC_LEFT 1; pos @K_LC_RIGHT @M_LC_LEFT 1; pos @K_UC_RIGHT @M_UC_LEFT 2; pos @K_LC_RIGHT @N_LC_LEFT 1; pos @K_UC_RIGHT @N_UC_LEFT 2; pos @K_LC_RIGHT @O_LC_LEFT -24; pos @K_UC_RIGHT @O_LC_LEFT -29; pos @K_UC_RIGHT @O_UC_LEFT -36; pos @K_UC_RIGHT @O_SC_LEFT -28; pos @K_UC_RIGHT omega -14; pos @K_UC_RIGHT omicron -28; pos @K_UC_RIGHT Omicron -36; pos @K_UC_RIGHT omicrontonos -28; pos @K_LC_RIGHT @P_LC_LEFT 1; pos @K_UC_RIGHT @P_UC_LEFT 2; pos @K_UC_RIGHT period 2; pos @K_UC_RIGHT Phi -66; pos @K_LC_RIGHT @Q_LC_LEFT -28; pos @K_UC_RIGHT @Q_UC_LEFT -36; pos @K_LC_RIGHT question -17; pos @K_UC_RIGHT @QUOTE 15; pos @K_LC_RIGHT @R_LC_LEFT 1; pos @K_UC_RIGHT @R_UC_LEFT 1; pos @K_LC_RIGHT @S_LC_LEFT 11; pos @K_UC_RIGHT @S_UC_LEFT 10; pos @K_LC_RIGHT semicolon -3; pos @K_LC_RIGHT @T_LC_LEFT 29; pos @K_UC_RIGHT @T_UC_LEFT 32; pos @K_LC_RIGHT @U_LC_LEFT 3; pos @K_UC_RIGHT @U_LC_LEFT -22; pos @K_UC_RIGHT @U_UC_LEFT 6; pos @K_UC_RIGHT upsilon -29; pos @K_UC_RIGHT upsilontonos -29; pos @K_LC_RIGHT @V_LC_LEFT 34; pos @K_UC_RIGHT @V_UC_LEFT 33; pos @K_LC_RIGHT @W_LC_LEFT 33; pos @K_UC_RIGHT @W_LC_LEFT -43; pos @K_UC_RIGHT @W_UC_LEFT 31; pos @K_UC_RIGHT @W_SC_LEFT -32; pos @K_LC_RIGHT @X_LC_LEFT 35; pos @K_UC_RIGHT @X_UC_LEFT 38; pos @K_LC_RIGHT @Y_LC_LEFT 34; pos @K_UC_RIGHT @Y_LC_LEFT -55; pos @K_UC_RIGHT @Y_UC_LEFT 35; pos @K_UC_RIGHT @Y_SC_LEFT -38; pos @K_LC_RIGHT @Z_LC_LEFT 23; pos @K_UC_RIGHT @Z_UC_LEFT 26; pos @K_SC_RIGHT @A_SC_LEFT 39; pos @K_SC_RIGHT @C_SC_LEFT -19; pos @K_SC_RIGHT colon 3; pos @K_SC_RIGHT comma 7; pos @K_SC_RIGHT @G_SC_LEFT -19; pos @K_SC_RIGHT @O_SC_LEFT -19; pos @K_SC_RIGHT period 4; pos @K_SC_RIGHT @QUOTE 21; pos @K_SC_RIGHT @S_SC_LEFT 21; pos @K_SC_RIGHT semicolon 2; pos @K_SC_RIGHT @T_SC_LEFT 40; pos @K_SC_RIGHT @U_SC_LEFT 4; pos @K_SC_RIGHT @V_SC_LEFT 39; pos @K_SC_RIGHT @W_SC_LEFT 39; pos @K_SC_RIGHT @X_SC_LEFT 40; pos @K_SC_RIGHT @Y_SC_LEFT 40; pos @K_SC_RIGHT @Z_SC_LEFT 27; pos kappa alpha -24; pos kappa alphatonos -24; pos Kappa alphatonos -24; pos Kappa colon 1; pos Kappa comma 3; pos kappa delta -27; pos kappa epsilon -7; pos kappa epsilontonos -8; pos Kappa epsilontonos -6; pos kappa @O_LC_LEFT -24; pos Kappa @O_LC_LEFT -29; pos Kappa @O_UC_LEFT -36; pos kappa omega -17; pos Kappa omega -14; pos kappa omegatonos -18; pos kappa omicron -23; pos Kappa omicron -28; pos Kappa Omicron -36; pos kappa omicrontonos -23; pos Kappa omicrontonos -28; pos Kappa period 2; pos kappa phi -26; pos Kappa Phi -66; pos kappa sigma -27; pos kappa theta 13; pos Kappa upsilon -29; pos kappa upsilontonos 3; pos Kappa upsilontonos -29; pos @L_UC_RIGHT @A_LC_LEFT 8; pos @L_UC_RIGHT @A_UC_LEFT 34; pos @L_UC_RIGHT @A_SC_LEFT 34; pos @L_UC_RIGHT AE 55; pos @L_UC_RIGHT braceright -39; pos @L_UC_RIGHT bracketright -42; pos @L_UC_RIGHT @C_UC_LEFT -29; pos @L_LC_RIGHT comma -5; pos @L_UC_RIGHT comma 3; pos @L_UC_RIGHT @E_LC_LEFT -6; pos @L_LC_RIGHT @G_LC_LEFT -3; pos @L_UC_RIGHT @G_UC_LEFT -29; pos @L_UC_RIGHT @HYPHEN -55; pos @L_UC_RIGHT @M_UC_LEFT -1; pos @L_UC_RIGHT @O_LC_LEFT -9; pos @L_UC_RIGHT @O_UC_LEFT -29; pos @L_UC_RIGHT @O_SC_LEFT -8; pos @L_UC_RIGHT parenright -34; pos @L_LC_RIGHT period -4; pos @L_UC_RIGHT period 3; pos @L_UC_RIGHT @QUOTE -78; pos @L_UC_RIGHT @S_UC_LEFT 15; pos @L_UC_RIGHT @T_UC_LEFT -71; pos @L_UC_RIGHT @U_LC_LEFT -5; pos @L_UC_RIGHT @U_UC_LEFT -17; pos @L_LC_RIGHT @V_LC_LEFT 1; pos @L_UC_RIGHT @V_UC_LEFT -78; pos @L_UC_RIGHT @W_UC_LEFT -55; pos @L_LC_RIGHT @Y_LC_LEFT 1; pos @L_UC_RIGHT @Y_LC_LEFT -51; pos @L_UC_RIGHT @Y_UC_LEFT -82; pos @L_UC_RIGHT @Y_SC_LEFT -55; pos @L_LC_RIGHT @Z_LC_LEFT -8; pos @L_UC_RIGHT @Z_UC_LEFT 23; pos @L_SC_RIGHT asterisk -108; pos @L_SC_RIGHT colon 9; pos @L_SC_RIGHT comma 9; pos @L_SC_RIGHT @HYPHEN -30; pos @L_SC_RIGHT @O_SC_LEFT -2; pos @L_SC_RIGHT oslash.sc 1; pos @L_SC_RIGHT period 9; pos @L_SC_RIGHT @Q_SC_LEFT -1; pos @L_SC_RIGHT @QUOTE -62; pos @L_SC_RIGHT semicolon 9; pos @L_SC_RIGHT trademark -53; pos @L_SC_RIGHT @V_SC_LEFT -38; pos @L_SC_RIGHT @W_SC_LEFT -20; pos @L_SC_RIGHT @Y_SC_LEFT -49; pos @L_SC_RIGHT @Z_SC_LEFT 28; pos lambda alphatonos -12; pos Lambda alphatonos -6; pos lambda comma 14; pos Lambda comma 19; pos lambda epsilon 5; pos Lambda epsilon 7; pos lambda epsilontonos 4; pos Lambda epsilontonos 6; pos lambda gamma -32; pos lambda nu -29; pos lambda @O_LC_LEFT -14; pos Lambda @O_LC_LEFT -9; pos Lambda @O_UC_LEFT -23; pos lambda omega -5; pos lambda omegatonos -6; pos lambda omicron -13; pos Lambda omicron -9; pos Lambda Omicron -23; pos lambda omicrontonos -13; pos Lambda omicrontonos -9; pos lambda period 14; pos Lambda period 19; pos lambda phi -14; pos lambda sigma -15; pos lambda sigma1 -13; pos Lambda @T_UC_LEFT -67; pos lambda tau -32; pos Lambda Tau -67; pos Lambda Theta -22; pos lambda upsilon -18; pos Lambda upsilon -10; pos Lambda Upsilon -67; pos lambda upsilontonos -18; pos lambda xi -11; pos Lambda @Y_UC_LEFT -67; pos ldot.sc cdotaccent.sc 8; pos ldot.sc oslash.sc 7; pos Lslash colon 3; pos Lslash comma 3; pos Lslash @O_UC_LEFT -29; pos Lslash period 3; pos Lslash semicolon 3; pos Lslash @T_UC_LEFT -71; pos Lslash @V_LC_LEFT -26; pos Lslash @V_UC_LEFT -53; pos Lslash @W_LC_LEFT -26; pos Lslash @W_UC_LEFT -49; pos Lslash @Y_UC_LEFT -67; pos lslash.sc colon 9; pos lslash.sc comma 9; pos lslash.sc @O_SC_LEFT -2; pos lslash.sc oslash.sc 1; pos lslash.sc period 9; pos lslash.sc semicolon 9; pos lslash.sc @T_SC_LEFT -33; pos lslash.sc @V_SC_LEFT -30; pos lslash.sc @W_SC_LEFT -20; pos lslash.sc @Y_SC_LEFT -41; pos @M_UC_RIGHT @A_UC_LEFT 1; pos @M_UC_RIGHT @A_SC_LEFT 2; pos @M_UC_RIGHT AE 23; pos @M_UC_RIGHT comma 1; pos @M_UC_RIGHT epsilon 8; pos @M_LC_RIGHT @G_LC_LEFT -3; pos @M_UC_RIGHT @HYPHEN 40; pos @M_UC_RIGHT @J_LC_LEFT -3; pos @M_UC_RIGHT @J_SC_LEFT 2; pos @M_UC_RIGHT @N_UC_LEFT 3; pos @M_UC_RIGHT period 2; pos @M_UC_RIGHT @T_UC_LEFT -1; pos @M_LC_RIGHT @V_LC_LEFT -14; pos @M_LC_RIGHT @W_LC_LEFT -12; pos @M_UC_RIGHT @W_UC_LEFT -2; pos @M_LC_RIGHT @Y_LC_LEFT -16; pos @M_UC_RIGHT @Y_UC_LEFT 1; pos @M_UC_RIGHT @Y_SC_LEFT 4; pos @M_LC_RIGHT @Z_LC_LEFT -6; pos @M_UC_RIGHT @Z_UC_LEFT -9; pos @M_SC_RIGHT @A_SC_LEFT -1; pos @M_SC_RIGHT @T_SC_LEFT 1; pos @M_SC_RIGHT @Y_SC_LEFT 1; pos @M_SC_RIGHT @Z_SC_LEFT -13; pos Mu epsilon 7; pos @N_UC_RIGHT @A_UC_LEFT 1; pos @N_UC_RIGHT @A_SC_LEFT 1; pos @N_UC_RIGHT AE 22; pos @N_UC_RIGHT Alpha 1; pos @N_UC_RIGHT epsilon 7; pos @N_UC_RIGHT epsilontonos 6; pos @N_LC_RIGHT @G_LC_LEFT -3; pos @N_UC_RIGHT @HYPHEN 40; pos @N_UC_RIGHT @O_UC_LEFT 3; pos @N_UC_RIGHT omega 10; pos @N_UC_RIGHT period 1; pos @N_UC_RIGHT @T_UC_LEFT -2; pos @N_LC_RIGHT @V_LC_LEFT -14; pos @N_LC_RIGHT @W_LC_LEFT -12; pos @N_UC_RIGHT @W_UC_LEFT -3; pos @N_LC_RIGHT @Y_LC_LEFT -16; pos @N_UC_RIGHT @Y_UC_LEFT 1; pos @N_UC_RIGHT @Y_SC_LEFT 3; pos @N_LC_RIGHT @Z_LC_LEFT -6; pos @N_UC_RIGHT @Z_UC_LEFT -10; pos @N_SC_RIGHT @A_SC_LEFT -1; pos @N_SC_RIGHT @T_SC_LEFT 1; pos @N_SC_RIGHT @Y_SC_LEFT 1; pos @N_SC_RIGHT @Z_SC_LEFT -13; pos nine.numerator fraction -9; pos nine.oldstyle four.oldstyle 4; pos nine.oldstyle nine.oldstyle -16; pos nine.oldstyle ordfeminine 2; pos nine.oldstyle ordmasculine 2; pos nine.oldstyle seven.oldstyle -10; pos nine.oldstyle three.oldstyle -25; pos nine.oldstyle two.oldstyle -8; pos Nu @A_UC_LEFT 1; pos nu alpha -16; pos Nu Alpha 1; pos nu alphatonos -16; pos nu colon -2; pos nu comma -51; pos nu delta -19; pos Nu epsilon 7; pos Nu epsilontonos 6; pos nu lambda -29; pos nu @O_LC_LEFT -16; pos nu omega -5; pos Nu omega 10; pos nu omegatonos -6; pos nu omicron -15; pos nu omicrontonos -15; pos nu period -47; pos nu phi -14; pos nu semicolon -4; pos nu sigma -16; pos nu sigma1 -17; pos nu upsilontonos 4; pos @O_UC_RIGHT @A_UC_LEFT -24; pos @O_UC_RIGHT @A_SC_LEFT -8; pos @O_UC_RIGHT AE -13; pos @O_UC_RIGHT Alpha -24; pos @O_LC_RIGHT asterisk -57; pos @O_LC_RIGHT chi -25; pos @O_UC_RIGHT Chi -27; pos @O_LC_RIGHT colon 1; pos @O_LC_RIGHT comma -14; pos @O_UC_RIGHT comma -15; pos @O_LC_RIGHT gamma -13; pos @O_UC_RIGHT @HYPHEN 52; pos @O_UC_RIGHT @J_UC_LEFT -6; pos @O_LC_RIGHT lambda -16; pos @O_UC_RIGHT lambda -14; pos @O_UC_RIGHT Lambda -24; pos @O_LC_RIGHT nu -14; pos @O_UC_RIGHT @P_UC_LEFT 3; pos @O_LC_RIGHT period -14; pos @O_UC_RIGHT period -15; pos @O_LC_RIGHT pi -2; pos @O_UC_RIGHT Psi 3; pos @O_UC_RIGHT @S_UC_LEFT -14; pos @O_LC_RIGHT semicolon 1; pos @O_UC_RIGHT @T_UC_LEFT -30; pos @O_UC_RIGHT @T_SC_LEFT 16; pos @O_LC_RIGHT tau -13; pos @O_UC_RIGHT Tau -30; pos @O_LC_RIGHT upsilon -3; pos @O_UC_RIGHT Upsilon -36; pos @O_LC_RIGHT @V_LC_LEFT -14; pos @O_UC_RIGHT @V_LC_LEFT 8; pos @O_UC_RIGHT @V_UC_LEFT -24; pos @O_UC_RIGHT @V_SC_LEFT 7; pos @O_LC_RIGHT @W_LC_LEFT -10; pos @O_UC_RIGHT @W_LC_LEFT 8; pos @O_UC_RIGHT @W_UC_LEFT -16; pos @O_UC_RIGHT @W_SC_LEFT 12; pos @O_LC_RIGHT @X_LC_LEFT -17; pos @O_UC_RIGHT @X_LC_LEFT -2; pos @O_UC_RIGHT @X_SC_LEFT -3; pos @O_LC_RIGHT @Y_LC_LEFT -15; pos @O_UC_RIGHT @Y_LC_LEFT 8; pos @O_UC_RIGHT @Y_UC_LEFT -36; pos @O_UC_RIGHT @Y_SC_LEFT 7; pos @O_LC_RIGHT @Z_LC_LEFT -18; pos @O_UC_RIGHT @Z_LC_LEFT -2; pos @O_UC_RIGHT @Z_UC_LEFT -37; pos @O_UC_RIGHT @Z_SC_LEFT -6; pos @O_UC_RIGHT Zeta -37; pos @O_SC_RIGHT @A_SC_LEFT -13; pos @O_SC_RIGHT @T_SC_LEFT -4; pos @O_SC_RIGHT @V_SC_LEFT -7; pos @O_SC_RIGHT @X_SC_LEFT -16; pos @O_SC_RIGHT @Y_SC_LEFT -18; pos @O_SC_RIGHT @Z_SC_LEFT -19; pos omega chi -18; pos omega gamma -4; 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pos @S_UC_RIGHT @A_UC_LEFT -8; pos @S_UC_RIGHT @A_SC_LEFT -7; pos @S_UC_RIGHT AE 9; pos @S_UC_RIGHT @C_LC_LEFT -1; pos @S_UC_RIGHT @C_UC_LEFT -6; pos @S_UC_RIGHT @C_SC_LEFT 3; pos @S_LC_RIGHT colon -1; pos @S_LC_RIGHT comma -1; pos @S_UC_RIGHT comma 3; pos @S_UC_RIGHT @E_LC_LEFT -1; pos @S_UC_RIGHT @E_SC_LEFT -9; pos @S_LC_RIGHT exclam -19; pos @S_LC_RIGHT @F_LC_LEFT -1; pos @S_LC_RIGHT @G_LC_LEFT -4; pos @S_UC_RIGHT @G_UC_LEFT -6; pos @S_UC_RIGHT @H_LC_LEFT -8; pos @S_UC_RIGHT @H_SC_LEFT -9; pos @S_LC_RIGHT @HYPHEN 19; pos @S_UC_RIGHT @HYPHEN 48; pos @S_UC_RIGHT @I_LC_LEFT -10; pos @S_UC_RIGHT @I_SC_LEFT -9; pos @S_UC_RIGHT @J_LC_LEFT -17; pos @S_UC_RIGHT @J_SC_LEFT -15; pos @S_UC_RIGHT @L_LC_LEFT -8; pos @S_UC_RIGHT @L_SC_LEFT -9; pos @S_UC_RIGHT @O_LC_LEFT -1; pos @S_UC_RIGHT @O_UC_LEFT -6; pos @S_UC_RIGHT @O_SC_LEFT 3; pos @S_UC_RIGHT period 5; pos @S_UC_RIGHT @Q_LC_LEFT -1; pos @S_UC_RIGHT @Q_SC_LEFT 3; pos @S_LC_RIGHT question -43; pos @S_LC_RIGHT @S_LC_LEFT -7; pos @S_UC_RIGHT @S_UC_LEFT -13; 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pos Upsilon @A_UC_LEFT -67; pos Upsilon Alpha -67; pos upsilon chi -1; pos Upsilon comma -73; pos upsilon gamma 3; pos upsilon lambda -17; pos Upsilon @O_UC_LEFT -37; pos Upsilon Omicron -37; pos Upsilon omicrontonos -65; pos Upsilon period -73; pos Upsilon Phi -63; pos Upsilon pi -17; pos Upsilon @T_UC_LEFT 38; pos upsilon tau 1; pos Upsilon Tau 38; pos Upsilon Theta -38; pos upsilontonos chi -1; pos upsilontonos gamma 3; pos upsilontonos lambda -18; pos upsilontonos nu 2; pos upsilontonos pi 5; pos Upsilontonos sigma -65; pos upsilontonos tau 1; pos @V_LC_RIGHT @A_LC_LEFT -7; pos @V_LC_RIGHT asterisk -28; pos @V_LC_RIGHT colon -2; pos @V_LC_RIGHT comma -51; pos @V_LC_RIGHT @E_LC_LEFT -16; pos @V_LC_RIGHT @HYPHEN 22; pos @V_LC_RIGHT @I_LC_LEFT 2; pos @V_LC_RIGHT @O_LC_LEFT -16; pos @V_LC_RIGHT period -47; pos @V_LC_RIGHT @Q_LC_LEFT -19; pos @V_LC_RIGHT @R_LC_LEFT 2; pos @V_LC_RIGHT @S_LC_LEFT -4; pos @V_LC_RIGHT semicolon -4; pos @V_LC_RIGHT @U_LC_LEFT 4; pos @V_LC_RIGHT @Y_LC_LEFT 35; 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pos @W_LC_RIGHT @T_LC_LEFT 29; pos @W_LC_RIGHT @U_LC_LEFT 3; pos @W_LC_RIGHT @Y_LC_LEFT 34; pos @W_LC_RIGHT @Z_LC_LEFT 18; pos @W_SC_RIGHT @A_SC_LEFT -17; pos @W_SC_RIGHT asterisk -13; pos @W_SC_RIGHT @C_SC_LEFT -3; pos @W_SC_RIGHT colon 6; pos @W_SC_RIGHT comma -30; pos @W_SC_RIGHT exclam -4; pos @W_SC_RIGHT @HYPHEN 32; pos @W_SC_RIGHT period -30; pos @W_SC_RIGHT question -48; pos @W_SC_RIGHT @QUOTE 33; pos @W_SC_RIGHT @S_SC_LEFT 6; pos @W_SC_RIGHT semicolon 3; pos @W_SC_RIGHT @T_SC_LEFT 40; pos @W_SC_RIGHT trademark 33; pos @W_SC_RIGHT @Y_SC_LEFT 40; pos @X_LC_RIGHT @A_LC_LEFT -6; pos @X_UC_RIGHT @A_LC_LEFT -6; pos @X_UC_RIGHT @A_UC_LEFT 38; pos @X_UC_RIGHT @A_SC_LEFT 38; pos @X_UC_RIGHT AE 59; pos @X_UC_RIGHT alpha -20; pos @X_UC_RIGHT alphatonos -20; pos @X_LC_RIGHT asterisk -43; pos @X_UC_RIGHT braceright -31; pos @X_UC_RIGHT bracketright -29; pos @X_UC_RIGHT @C_UC_LEFT -30; pos @X_LC_RIGHT colon 2; pos @X_LC_RIGHT comma 6; pos @X_UC_RIGHT comma 5; pos @X_LC_RIGHT @E_LC_LEFT -17; pos @X_UC_RIGHT @E_LC_LEFT -22; pos @X_UC_RIGHT epsilontonos -3; pos @X_LC_RIGHT @HYPHEN -6; pos @X_UC_RIGHT @HYPHEN -8; pos @X_UC_RIGHT @O_UC_LEFT -30; pos @X_UC_RIGHT omega -11; pos @X_UC_RIGHT omicron -24; pos @X_UC_RIGHT omicrontonos -24; pos @X_UC_RIGHT parenright -11; pos @X_LC_RIGHT period 6; pos @X_UC_RIGHT period 5; pos @X_LC_RIGHT @Q_LC_LEFT -21; pos @X_UC_RIGHT @Q_UC_LEFT -30; pos @X_LC_RIGHT question -19; pos @X_UC_RIGHT @QUOTE 4; pos @X_LC_RIGHT semicolon 1; pos @X_UC_RIGHT @T_UC_LEFT 20; pos @X_UC_RIGHT tau -30; pos @X_LC_RIGHT @V_LC_LEFT 24; pos @X_UC_RIGHT @W_UC_LEFT 19; pos @X_LC_RIGHT @Y_LC_LEFT 24; pos @X_UC_RIGHT @Y_LC_LEFT -43; pos @X_UC_RIGHT @Y_UC_LEFT 23; pos @X_UC_RIGHT @Y_SC_LEFT -30; pos @X_SC_RIGHT @A_SC_LEFT 38; pos @X_SC_RIGHT asterisk -31; pos @X_SC_RIGHT colon 1; pos @X_SC_RIGHT comma 8; pos @X_SC_RIGHT exclam -1; pos @X_SC_RIGHT @HYPHEN -11; pos @X_SC_RIGHT @O_SC_LEFT -17; pos @X_SC_RIGHT oslash.sc -1; pos @X_SC_RIGHT period 5; pos @X_SC_RIGHT question -20; pos @X_SC_RIGHT @QUOTE 15; pos @X_SC_RIGHT trademark 15; pos @X_SC_RIGHT @Y_SC_LEFT 31; pos xi alpha -36; pos Xi alpha -17; pos xi alphatonos -36; pos Xi alphatonos -17; pos xi epsilon -27; pos xi epsilontonos -28; pos xi @O_LC_LEFT -35; pos xi omegatonos -28; pos xi omicron -35; pos xi omicrontonos -35; pos xi upsilontonos -40; pos Xi upsilontonos -22; pos @Y_LC_RIGHT @A_LC_LEFT -7; pos @Y_LC_RIGHT asterisk -27; pos @Y_LC_RIGHT colon -1; pos @Y_LC_RIGHT comma -51; pos @Y_LC_RIGHT @E_LC_LEFT -15; pos @Y_LC_RIGHT exclam -6; pos @Y_LC_RIGHT @HYPHEN 22; pos @Y_LC_RIGHT @O_LC_LEFT -15; pos @Y_LC_RIGHT period -51; pos @Y_LC_RIGHT question -64; pos @Y_LC_RIGHT @QUOTE 18; pos @Y_LC_RIGHT semicolon -4; pos @Y_SC_RIGHT @A_SC_LEFT -43; pos @Y_SC_RIGHT asterisk -18; pos @Y_SC_RIGHT @C_SC_LEFT -24; pos @Y_SC_RIGHT colon -9; pos @Y_SC_RIGHT comma -57; pos @Y_SC_RIGHT exclam -4; pos @Y_SC_RIGHT @G_SC_LEFT -24; pos @Y_SC_RIGHT @HYPHEN -2; pos @Y_SC_RIGHT @O_SC_LEFT -22; pos @Y_SC_RIGHT oslash.sc -22; pos @Y_SC_RIGHT period -57; pos @Y_SC_RIGHT question -67; pos @Y_SC_RIGHT @QUOTE 28; pos @Y_SC_RIGHT semicolon -12; pos @Y_SC_RIGHT trademark 25; pos yen eight.oldstyle -8; pos yen four.oldstyle -44; pos yen nine.oldstyle -7; pos yen one.oldstyle 26; pos yen seven.oldstyle 25; pos yen six.oldstyle -6; pos yen three.oldstyle 9; pos yen two.oldstyle 2; pos yen zero.oldstyle -10; pos @Z_LC_RIGHT @A_LC_LEFT -1; pos @Z_UC_RIGHT @A_LC_LEFT 1; pos @Z_UC_RIGHT @A_UC_LEFT 26; pos @Z_UC_RIGHT @A_SC_LEFT 27; pos @Z_UC_RIGHT AE 48; pos @Z_LC_RIGHT asterisk -37; pos @Z_UC_RIGHT braceright -46; pos @Z_UC_RIGHT bracketright -46; pos @Z_LC_RIGHT colon -4; pos @Z_LC_RIGHT comma -4; pos @Z_UC_RIGHT comma -4; pos @Z_LC_RIGHT @E_LC_LEFT -17; pos @Z_UC_RIGHT @E_LC_LEFT -14; pos @Z_UC_RIGHT @E_UC_LEFT -9; pos @Z_UC_RIGHT @E_SC_LEFT -11; pos @Z_UC_RIGHT epsilon 6; pos @Z_LC_RIGHT exclam -8; pos @Z_LC_RIGHT @HYPHEN -11; pos @Z_UC_RIGHT @HYPHEN -63; pos @Z_LC_RIGHT @I_LC_LEFT -7; pos @Z_UC_RIGHT @I_LC_LEFT -6; pos @Z_UC_RIGHT @I_UC_LEFT -8; pos @Z_UC_RIGHT @I_SC_LEFT -11; pos @Z_LC_RIGHT @O_LC_LEFT -20; pos @Z_UC_RIGHT @O_LC_LEFT -16; pos @Z_UC_RIGHT @O_UC_LEFT -37; pos @Z_UC_RIGHT @O_SC_LEFT -15; pos @Z_UC_RIGHT omicron -16; pos @Z_UC_RIGHT parenright -14; pos @Z_LC_RIGHT period -4; pos @Z_UC_RIGHT period -4; pos @Z_UC_RIGHT @QUOTE 15; pos @Z_LC_RIGHT semicolon -4; pos @Z_LC_RIGHT @U_LC_LEFT -11; pos @Z_UC_RIGHT @U_UC_LEFT -7; pos @Z_UC_RIGHT @U_SC_LEFT -18; pos @Z_UC_RIGHT @W_LC_LEFT -26; pos @Z_UC_RIGHT @W_UC_LEFT 17; pos @Z_UC_RIGHT @W_SC_LEFT -12; pos @Z_LC_RIGHT @Y_LC_LEFT 19; pos @Z_UC_RIGHT @Y_LC_LEFT -26; pos @Z_UC_RIGHT @Y_UC_LEFT 21; pos @Z_UC_RIGHT @Y_SC_LEFT -11; pos @Z_UC_RIGHT @Z_UC_LEFT 15; pos @Z_SC_RIGHT @A_SC_LEFT 30; pos @Z_SC_RIGHT asterisk -21; pos @Z_SC_RIGHT colon -1; pos @Z_SC_RIGHT comma -1; pos @Z_SC_RIGHT exclam -5; pos @Z_SC_RIGHT @HYPHEN -15; pos @Z_SC_RIGHT @O_SC_LEFT -12; pos @Z_SC_RIGHT oslash.sc -9; pos @Z_SC_RIGHT period -1; pos @Z_SC_RIGHT question -24; pos @Z_SC_RIGHT semicolon -1; pos @Z_SC_RIGHT trademark 15; pos @Z_SC_RIGHT @Y_SC_LEFT 28; pos zdotaccent @C_LC_LEFT -24; pos zdotaccent colon -9; pos zdotaccent comma -9; pos zdotaccent @E_LC_LEFT -22; pos zdotaccent semicolon -9; pos zdotaccent.sc @A_SC_LEFT 30; pos zdotaccent.sc oslash.sc -9; pos zero.oldstyle four.oldstyle -15; pos zero.oldstyle ordfeminine 7; pos zero.oldstyle ordmasculine 3; pos zero.oldstyle seven.oldstyle -5; pos zero.oldstyle three.oldstyle -21; pos zero.oldstyle two.oldstyle -28; pos zeta alpha -48; pos zeta alphatonos -48; pos zeta epsilon -30; pos Zeta epsilon 6; pos zeta epsilontonos -31; pos zeta @O_LC_LEFT -56; pos Zeta @O_LC_LEFT -16; pos Zeta @O_UC_LEFT -37; pos zeta omega -35; pos zeta omegatonos -36; pos zeta omicron -55; pos Zeta omicron -16; pos Zeta Omicron -37; pos zeta omicrontonos -55; pos zeta upsilon -56; pos zeta upsilontonos -56; pos F a -50; pos F A -55; pos F a.sc -54; pos F aacute -50; pos F Aacute -55; pos F Abreve -55; pos F Acircumflex -55; pos F Adieresis -55; pos F adieresis.sc -17; pos F ae -50; pos F AE -46; pos F ae.sc -63; pos F Aogonek -55; pos F aring.sc -46; pos F C -14; pos F comma -81; pos F e -18; pos F eacute -18; pos F G -14; pos F h -2; pos F hyphen 15; pos F i 5; pos F icircumflex 10; pos F idieresis 44; pos F igrave 31; pos F l -2; pos F o -18; pos F O -14; pos F o.sc -12; pos F oacute -18; pos F Odieresis -14; pos F odieresis.sc -12; pos F oe -18; pos F OE -14; pos F oe.sc -12; pos F ohungarumlaut -17; pos F period -81; pos F quotedblright 1; pos F quoteright 1; pos F quotesingle 13; pos F S -7; pos F T 29; pos F u -28; pos F uacute -28; pos F uring -26; pos F W 28; pos F y -16; pos F Y 32; pos F y.sc -29; pos F Z 9; pos P a -10; pos P A -50; pos P a.sc -46; pos P Aacute -50; pos P Abreve -50; pos P Acircumflex -50; pos P acircumflex.sc -22; pos P Adieresis -50; pos P adieresis.sc -38; pos P ae -10; pos P AE -45; pos P ae.sc -60; pos P alpha -12; pos P Alpha -50; pos P Aogonek -50; pos P aring.sc -46; pos P B -4; pos P C 4; pos P comma -98; pos P D -4; pos P e -12; pos P E -4; pos P e.sc -7; pos P eacute.sc -7; pos P epsilon 5; pos P epsilontonos 4; pos P f 23; pos P F -4; pos P f.sc -7; pos P fi 25; pos P G 5; pos P h -3; pos P H -4; pos P h.sc -7; pos P hyphen 10; pos P i -3; pos P I -4; pos P i.sc -7; pos P j -7; pos P J -10; pos P j.sc -7; pos P K -4; pos P l -3; pos P L -4; pos P l.sc -7; pos P M -4; pos P N -4; pos P o -12; pos P O 6; pos P o.sc -4; pos P oe -13; pos P OE 6; pos P oe.sc -4; pos P omegatonos -4; pos P omicron -12; pos P Omicron 6; pos P omicrontonos -12; pos P P -4; pos P period -98; pos P Q 6; pos P quotedblright 22; pos P quoteright 22; pos P quotesingle 34; pos P R -4; pos P S 7; pos P t 24; pos P T 6; pos P t.sc 33; pos P u -1; pos P U 2; pos P u.sc -2; pos P V 4; pos P w 29; pos P W 7; pos P w.sc 32; pos P X -17; pos P y 29; pos P Y -3; pos P y.sc 32; pos P Z -14; pos T a -83; pos T A -68; pos T a.sc -67; pos T aacute -62; pos T Aacute -68; pos T abreve -7; pos T Abreve -68; pos T abreve.sc -12; pos T acircumflex -14; pos T Acircumflex -68; pos T adieresis -15; pos T Adieresis -68; pos T adieresis.sc -15; pos T ae -83; pos T AE -46; pos T ae.sc -66; pos T agrave -34; pos T agrave.sc -37; pos T alpha -68; pos T Alpha -68; pos T alphatonos -68; pos T amacron -19; pos T amacron.sc -19; pos T aogonek -76; pos T Aogonek -68; pos T aring -43; pos T aring.sc -45; pos T B -1; pos T braceright -33; pos T bracketright -42; pos T C -43; pos T cacute -59; pos T ccedilla -72; pos T comma -65; pos T D -1; pos T e -72; pos T E -1; pos T e.sc -68; pos T eacute -66; pos T eacute.sc -49; pos T ecaron -32; pos T ecaron.sc -27; pos T ecircumflex -21; pos T edieresis -18; pos T edieresis.sc -10; pos T egrave -36; pos T egrave.sc -34; pos T emacron -23; pos T emacron.sc -16; pos T eogonek -61; pos T epsilon -61; pos T epsilontonos -62; pos T F -1; pos T G -42; pos T H -1; pos T h.sc -68; pos T hyphen -26; pos T i 7; pos T I -1; pos T i.sc -68; pos T iacute 4; pos T icircumflex 11; pos T icircumflex.sc 47; pos T idieresis 45; pos T idieresis.sc 41; pos T igrave 33; pos T igrave.sc 28; pos T imacron 44; pos T imacron.sc 42; pos T iogonek 11; pos T j 3; pos T J -7; pos T j.sc -68; pos T K -1; pos T L -1; pos T Lambda -68; pos T M -1; pos T N -1; pos T o -72; pos T O -34; pos T o.sc -63; pos T oacute -73; pos T Oacute -34; pos T ocircumflex -30; pos T odieresis -30; pos T Odieresis -34; pos T odieresis.sc -35; pos T oe -73; pos T OE -36; pos T oe.sc -63; pos T ograve -49; pos T ohungarumlaut -58; pos T Ohungarumlaut -34; pos T omegatonos -61; pos T omicron -72; pos T Omicron -34; pos T omicrontonos -72; pos T otilde -16; pos T P -1; pos T parenright -1; pos T period -65; pos T Phi -76; pos T Q -34; pos T quotedblright 3; pos T quoteright 3; pos T quotesingle 14; pos T r -69; pos T R -1; pos T racute -25; pos T rcaron.sc -34; pos T rho -74; pos T s -87; pos T S -5; pos T sacute -35; pos T scaron -5; pos T scaron.sc -13; pos T scedilla -67; pos T sigma -72; pos T T 31; pos T Tau 31; pos T u -72; pos T U 5; pos T u.sc -67; pos T uacute -57; pos T ucircumflex -28; pos T udieresis -29; pos T ugrave -47; pos T uhungarumlaut -55; pos T uogonek -61; pos T upsilon -72; pos T Upsilon 34; pos T upsilontonos -57; pos T uring -55; pos T V 32; pos T w -70; pos T W 30; pos T w.sc -61; pos T X 22; pos T y -69; pos T Y 34; pos T y.sc -65; pos T yacute -26; pos T ydieresis -14; pos T Z 10; pos T zcaron -20; pos T zeta -45; pos V a -42; pos V A -54; pos V a.sc -53; pos V aacute -42; pos V Aacute -54; pos V abreve -3; pos V Abreve -54; pos V abreve.sc -8; pos V acircumflex -16; pos V Acircumflex -54; pos V acircumflex.sc -18; pos V adieresis -12; pos V Adieresis -54; pos V adieresis.sc -12; pos V ae -42; pos V AE -43; pos V ae.sc -63; pos V agrave -29; pos V agrave.sc -32; pos V amacron.sc -15; pos V aogonek -40; pos V Aogonek -54; pos V aring -39; pos V aring.sc -40; pos V atilde.sc -6; pos V braceright -29; pos V bracketright -29; pos V colon -31; pos V comma -70; pos V dcaron -47; pos V e -44; pos V E 3; pos V e.sc -31; pos V eacute -44; pos V eacute.sc -29; pos V ecaron -27; pos V ecircumflex -22; pos V edieresis -15; pos V egrave -32; pos V eogonek -38; pos V h 4; pos V H 3; pos V hyphen -1; pos V i 9; pos V I 3; pos V i.sc -31; pos V iacute 2; pos V icircumflex 7; pos V icircumflex.sc 44; pos V idieresis 48; pos V idieresis.sc 45; pos V igrave 37; pos V igrave.sc 33; pos V imacron.sc 47; pos V iogonek 13; pos V j 5; pos V j.sc -31; pos V l 4; pos V L 3; pos V l.sc -31; pos V o -44; pos V O -26; pos V o.sc -35; pos V oacute -45; pos V Oacute -26; pos V ocircumflex -31; pos V Ocircumflex -26; pos V odieresis -27; pos V Odieresis -26; pos V odieresis.sc -31; pos V oe -45; pos V OE -27; pos V oe.sc -35; pos V ograve -45; pos V ohungarumlaut -38; pos V Ohungarumlaut -26; pos V parenright 3; pos V period -70; pos V Q -27; pos V quoteright 15; pos V r -31; pos V R 3; pos V r.sc -31; pos V racute -26; pos V sacute -37; pos V semicolon -31; pos V u -31; pos V U 10; pos V u.sc -26; pos V uacute -29; pos V ucircumflex -29; pos V udieresis -26; pos V ugrave -29; pos V uhungarumlaut -28; pos V uring -28; pos V Y 38; pos V y.sc 9; pos V yacute 1; pos V ydieresis 1; pos W a -36; pos W A -38; pos W a.sc -38; pos W aacute -36; pos W Aacute -38; pos W abreve -7; pos W Abreve -38; pos W abreve.sc -12; pos W acircumflex -16; pos W Acircumflex -38; pos W adieresis -16; pos W Adieresis -38; pos W adieresis.sc -16; pos W ae -36; pos W AE -32; pos W ae.sc -46; pos W agrave -33; pos W agrave.sc -36; pos W aogonek -34; pos W Aogonek -38; pos W aring -36; pos W braceright -17; pos W bracketright -20; pos W C -15; pos W colon -13; pos W comma -47; pos W D -1; pos W dcaron -33; pos W e -28; pos W E -1; pos W e.sc -24; pos W eacute -28; pos W eacute.sc -21; pos W ecaron -25; pos W ecircumflex -22; pos W ecircumflex.sc -13; pos W edieresis -19; pos W egrave -28; pos W eogonek -21; pos W F -1; pos W G -15; pos W H -1; pos W hyphen 13; pos W i 5; pos W i.sc -24; pos W iacute 2; pos W icircumflex 7; pos W icircumflex.sc 44; pos W idieresis 44; pos W idieresis.sc 41; pos W igrave 33; pos W igrave.sc 29; pos W imacron.sc 43; pos W iogonek 9; pos W j 1; pos W J -7; pos W j.sc -23; pos W K -1; pos W L -1; pos W l.sc -24; pos W m -25; pos W m.sc -24; pos W o -28; pos W O -15; pos W o.sc -18; pos W oacute -28; pos W Oacute -15; pos W ocircumflex -28; pos W Ocircumflex -15; pos W odieresis -28; pos W Odieresis -15; pos W odieresis.sc -18; pos W oe -28; pos W OE -15; pos W oe.sc -18; pos W ograve -28; pos W ohungarumlaut -26; pos W Ohungarumlaut -15; pos W period -43; pos W Q -15; pos W quoteright 18; pos W r -25; pos W R -1; pos W r.sc -24; pos W racute -16; pos W S -8; pos W sacute -26; pos W semicolon -13; pos W T 31; pos W u -25; pos W U 6; pos W u.sc -22; pos W uacute -24; pos W ucircumflex -24; pos W udieresis -24; pos W ugrave -24; pos W uhungarumlaut -17; pos W uring -17; pos W V 32; pos W W 30; pos W y 5; pos W Y 34; pos W y.sc 13; pos W yacute 7; pos W ydieresis 7; pos W Z 11; pos Y a -58; pos Y A -67; pos Y a.sc -66; pos Y aacute -58; pos Y Aacute -67; pos Y Abreve -67; pos Y Acircumflex -67; pos Y Adieresis -67; pos Y AE -53; pos Y agrave -27; pos Y agrave.sc -30; pos Y Alpha -67; pos Y aogonek -56; pos Y Aogonek -67; pos Y braceright -26; pos Y bracketright -35; pos Y C -41; pos Y comma -73; pos Y e -60; pos Y e.sc -43; pos Y eacute -60; pos Y eacute.sc -41; pos Y ecaron -25; pos Y edieresis -13; pos Y egrave -29; pos Y eogonek -54; pos Y G -41; pos Y hyphen -29; pos Y i 11; pos Y i.sc -43; pos Y iacute -2; pos Y icircumflex.sc 40; pos Y idieresis.sc 47; pos Y igrave.sc 35; pos Y imacron.sc 49; pos Y o -65; pos Y O -37; pos Y o.sc -51; pos Y oacute -66; pos Y Odieresis -37; pos Y odieresis.sc -29; pos Y OE -38; pos Y ohungarumlaut -54; pos Y Omicron -37; pos Y omicrontonos -65; pos Y p -45; pos Y p.sc -43; pos Y parenright 6; pos Y period -73; pos Y Phi -63; pos Y pi -17; pos Y Q -37; pos Y quotedblright 7; pos Y quoteright 7; pos Y quotesingle 22; pos Y racute -32; pos Y S -14; pos Y s.sc -47; pos Y T 38; pos Y Tau 38; pos Y Theta -38; pos Y u -46; pos Y u.sc -38; pos Y uacute -43; pos Y uhungarumlaut -42; pos Y V 39; pos Y W 37; pos Y X 29; pos Y Z 17; } kern;